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  제  목 : El grito del Rey Saúl en el Infierno (Arrepiéntete de tu orgullo)지옥에서 사울왕의 외침(교만함을 회개하세요) 조회수 : 459
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2021-09-22

지옥에서 사울왕의 외침(교만함을 회개하세요)

El grito del Rey Saúl en el Infierno (Arrepiéntete de tu orgullo)

The cry of King Saul in Hell (Repent of your arrogance)

(천국의 빛이 나에게 쫙 임해요! 임하는데 그 천국의 빛속에서 예수님의 음성이 들립니다! 예수님께서 보좌에 앉아계시고 저는 지금 기도중에 영안이 열렸습니다! 하나님의 음성이 들렸습니다!)

(La luz del cielo me ilumina. La voz de Jesús se escucha a la luz del cielo. Jesús está sentado en el trono en el cielo, y mientras yo oraba en la iglesia, mis ojos espirituales se abrieron y ahora escucho la voz de Dios).

(The light of heaven is shining on me. The voice of Jesus is being heard in the light of heaven. Jesus is sitting on the throne in heaven, and while I was praying in the church, my spiritual eyes were opened, and I am now listening to God's voice.)

(예수님) 사랑하는 딸아, 너는 사울을 보라! 그가 얼마나 교만하였는지, 교만은 패망의 선봉이요 넘어짐의 앞잡이라고 말하지 않았더냐? 얼마나 사울이 교만하였는지 너는 사울을 보라! 지옥에 있는 사울을 보라! 사울을 보라!

(그렇게 저에게 주님의 음성이 떨어졌습니다!)

(예수님) 나는 너의 영안을 열어 지옥을 보여 줄 것이니라!

(Jesús) Mi amada hija, tú, mira a Saulo en el infierno. ¡Qué orgulloso y arrogante era! La arrogancia es un atajo a la destrucción. Así está escrito en la Biblia. Verás lo orgulloso que estaba Saúl. ¡Mira a Saulo! ¡Ve a Saúl en el infierno! He aquí, Saulo en el infierno. (¡Puedo escuchar la voz del Señor así!)

(Jesús) He abierto tus ojos espirituales. Y ahora les mostraré escenas del infierno.

(Jesus) My beloved daughter, you, behold Saul in Hell. How proud and arrogant he was! Arrogance is a shortcut to destruction.

It is so written in the bible. You will see how proud Saul was.

Look at Saul! See Saul in Hell! Behold, Saul in Hell.

(I can hear the voice of the Lord like this!)

(Jesus) I have opened your spiritual eyes. And now, I will show you scenes of hell.

(이렇게 예수님께서 말씀하셨습니다! 천국의 빛이 기도하는 이 자리에 쫙 임해요! 예수님께서 보좌에 앉아계시는데 보좌에서 예수님의 음성이 들립니다!)

(예수님) 사랑하는 딸아, 너는 사울을 보라! 사울을 보라! 그가 얼마나 귀신에게 쓰임받았는지, 시기 질투 미움과 교만과, 거만이 얼마나 무서운지 하나님의 나라의 하나님의 의를 이룰 수 없다는 것을 사랑하는 딸아 너는 보라! 사랑하는 딸아 너는 보라!

(¡Esto es lo que dijo Jesús! Me ha llegado la luz del cielo y puedo oír la voz de Jesús.)

(Jesús) Mi querida hija, ¡mira a Saulo! ¡Mira a Saulo en el infierno! Fue utilizado mal por los espíritus malignos. Estaba celoso, odiado y arrogante. Estos son pecados tan grandes y terribles. Tales malhechores nunca podrán alcanzar el reino de Dios y la justicia de Dios. ¡Hija mía amada, he aquí el impío! Mi querida hija, debes ver al malvado Saúl.

(This is what Jesus said! The light of heaven has come to me, and I can hear the voice of Jesus.)

(Jesus) My dear daughter, look at Saul! Look at Saul in Hell! He was used badly by evil spirits. He was jealous, hated, and arrogant. These are so great and terrifying sins. Such evil doers can never achieve the kingdom of God and the righteousness of God. My beloved daughter, behold the wicked! My dear daughter, you must see the evil Saul.

덕정사랑교인들이여, 전세계인들이여! 너희들은 교만을 버리라, 교만을 버리라! 얼마나 교만이 무서운지 아느냐? 교만을 버리지 않고서는 순종할 수 없고, 교만한 자는 불순종하는 자니라! 교만을 버리라! 교만을 가지고는 결단코 천국갈 수 없느니라! 교만가지고는 결단코 천국갈 수 없느니라! 교만은 패망의 선봉이요 넘어짐의 앞잡이니라! 교만을 버리라! 결단코 교만을 버리지 않고서는, 교만한 몸과 마음을 회개치 않고서는 그 누구도 천국에 올 자가 없느니라!

¡Miembros de la Iglesia Deokjeong Sarang! ¡Pueblo de Dios en todo el mundo! Abandona el orgullo y la arrogancia. ¿Sabes lo terrible que es el pecado del orgullo? Aquellos que no abandonan su propio orgullo nunca podrán obedecer la palabra del Señor. Los que tienen orgullo son desobedientes al Señor. Deja ir la arrogancia. Nadie orgulloso y arrogante puede entrar en el reino de los cielos. Deja ir la arrogancia. Aquellos con una mente orgullosa nunca vendrán al cielo. El orgullo es el atajo a la destrucción. El orgullo hace caer a la gente. ¡Abandona tu orgullo! Una persona orgullosa nunca irá al cielo. Arrepiéntete de tu corazón y tus acciones orgullosos. Cualquiera que no se arrepienta de este pecado no vendrá al cielo.

Deokjeong Sarang Church members! People of God all over the world! Forsake pride and arrogance. Do you know how terrible the sin of pride is? Those who do not forsake their own pride will never be able to obey the word of the Lord. Those who have pride are disobedient to the Lord. Let go of arrogance. No one who is proud and arrogant can enter the kingdom of heaven. Let go of arrogance. Those with a proud mind will never come to heaven. Pride is a shortcut to failure. Pride makes people fall. Abandon your pride! A proud person will never go to heaven. Repent of your proud heart and actions. Anyone who does not repent of this sin will not come to heaven.

(그렇게 예수님의 음성이 들렸습니다! 나의 영이 지옥의 땅 길을 걸어가고 있습니다! 논두렁같은 길인데, 천국의 길은 너무너무나 반짝반짝하고 유리와 같은 정금바닥인데, 지옥은 너무너무 시커멓고 어두컴컴하고 안개가 자~~욱해요! 빛 하나 없어요! 빛 하나도 찾아볼 수가 없어요!

(Jesus' voice sounded like this! My spirit is walking the path of hell. This road is narrow, like the boundary line between rice fields. The paths in heaven are pure gold so sparkling, shining, clear as glass. But the roads in Hell are too dark and very foggy. no light at all It is a dark hell without light.

(¡La voz de Jesús sonaba así! Mi espíritu camina por el camino del infierno. Este camino es estrecho, como la línea divisoria entre los campos de arroz. Los senderos en el cielo son de oro puro tan reluciente, brillante, claro como el cristal. Pero las carreteras del infierno son demasiado oscuras y con mucha niebla. sin luz en absoluto Es un infierno oscuro sin luz.

저는 세마포옷을 입었구요! 제가 지옥 길을 가는데 계속해서 천국에서 빛이 저에게 계속 쏟아지고 있습니다!

양옆에는 뱀무더기가 있습니다! 쉽게 말하면 담벼락을 생각하면 되요! 뱀이 우글우글우글거리고, 뱀이 혓바닥을 낼름낼름거리고, 뱀이 샥샥 지나가는 소리가 다 들려요!

En el infierno, estoy vestido de lino. Y aunque estoy caminando por el camino del infierno, la luz del cielo sigue brillando sobre mí. A ambos lados de la carretera hay innumerables serpientes, montones de serpientes. En pocas palabras, muchas serpientes se apilan como una colina. Innumerables serpientes se mueven. Las lenguas de las serpientes están saliendo y temblando. El sonido de las serpientes que pasan es como el sonido del viento.

In Hell, I am clothed in linen. And even though I'm walking down the road in hell, the light of heaven keeps shining on me. On both sides of the road, there are countless snakes, heaps of snakes. To put it simply, many snakes are stacked like a hill. Countless snakes are moving. The tongues of snakes are coming out and shaking. The sound of snakes passing by is like the sound of the wind.

그리고 또 맞은편에, 우리가 담을 생각하면 되요! 양옆에 벽이 세워져 있는데 지옥으로 들어가는 입구까지 벽이 세워져 있어요. 구더기가 바글바글거리고 전갈이 바글바글거리는데, 그 담벼락위에는 가시넝쿨같은, 철가시넝쿨, 38선 못넘어가게 경계선에 철가시같은 것을 이렇게 둥글둥글 올려놓잖아요? 그런것처럼 담벼락위에 철가시들이 이렇게 올려져 있어요!

Hay muros a ambos lados del camino, y se instalan muros a lo largo del camino hacia la entrada al infierno. Innumerables gusanos se mueven de forma repugnante. Sin embargo, hay alambres de púas como enredaderas de espinas instaladas en la pared de la pared. Su apariencia es como un alambre de púas instalado en la frontera entre Corea del Norte y Corea del Sur. La forma del alambre de púas se enrolla en un círculo. En la pared, a lo largo de la pared, se instalan alambres de púas.

There are walls on both sides of the road, and walls are installed along the road to the entrance to hell. Countless maggots are moving disgustingly. However, there are barbed wire like thorn vines installed on the wall of the wall. Its appearance is like barbed wire installed on the border of the land between North and South Korea. The shape of the barbed wire is rolled up into a circle. On the wall, along the wall, barbed wires are installed.

제가 어느새 지옥의 문앞에 있는데 지옥의 문이 어떠냐하면 불로 다 타버린 형태의 문이라고 생각하면 되요! 새까만 문이에요! 양옆에는 지옥의 사자들, 귀신들이 삼지창 두 개를 들고 양옆에 서 있는데, 날개가 박쥐모양인데 날개쭉지가 한쪽으로 꺾여져 있어요! 날개에 구멍이 뻥뻥뻥 뚫려있어요! 머리에는 도깨비뿔 같은게 있구요, 외눈박이 귀신이에요! 드라큐라같은 이빨이 나와있구요, 그 잇몸에서 피가 줄줄줄 흘러내리는데, 제가 지옥에 들어가는 입구의 오른쪽에 있는 외눈박이 도깨비 귀신이 나보고 깔깔깔 거리면서 웃으면서 말은 하지 않고 마음으로 나에게 얘기하는데 제가 그 생각을 읽을 수 있다는거에요!

Fuera del infierno, hay un camino al infierno. Caminé por ese camino y ahora llegué a las puertas del infierno. Parece que las puertas del infierno han sido quemadas. Las puertas del infierno estaban ennegrecidas. Y frente a las puertas del infierno, dos demonios custodian las puertas del infierno. Esos espíritus malignos montan guardia con sus tridentes. Sus alas son como alas de murciélago, y esas alas tienen muchos agujeros. Hay un ojo en su rostro. Sus alas están rotas. Tienen cuernos en la cabeza, un ojo y los dientes de Drácula. La sangre fluye de sus encías. Un espíritu maligno parado a la entrada del infierno se está riendo de mí. Sus bocas no hablan, pero puedo leer lo que piensan.

Outside of Hell, there is a way to Hell. I have walked that road, and now I have arrived at the gates of hell. The gates of hell look like they have been burned. Hell's gates were blackened. And in front of the gates of hell, two demons are guarding the gates of hell. Those evil spirits stand guard with their tridents. Their wings are like bat wings, and those wings have many holes. There is one eye on his face. Their wings are broken. They have horns on their heads, and they have one eye and Dracula's teeth. Blood flows from their gums. An evil spirit standing at the entrance to hell is laughing at me. Their mouths do not speak, but I can read what they are thinking.

저 년 진짜 맛있게 생겼다! 저 년 피맛 진짜 좋겠다! 저 신선한 피를 한번만 먹어봤으면, 이 드라큐라같이 생긴 이빨로 저 목의 피를 한번만 빨아먹어봤으면!”

“Sus mentes piensan de esta manera. Esa mujer es como nuestra deliciosa comida. La sangre de esa mujer es tan fresca que parece que va a tener buen sabor. Ojalá pudiera beber un poco de la sangre fresca de esa mujer. ¡Qué sangre tan fresca! ¡Ojalá pudiera beber esa sangre fresca solo una vez! Ojalá pudiera morderla por el cuello con mis dientes de Drácula y chuparle la sangre una sola vez ".

“Their minds are thinking this way. That woman is like our delicious food. That woman's blood is so fresh, it looks like it's going to taste good. I wish I could drink some of that woman's fresh blood. Such fresh blood! I wish I could drink that fresh blood just once! I wish I could bite her by the neck with my Dracula-like teeth and suck her blood just once.”

(외눈박이 도깨비귀신이 그러는거에요! 우리가 세상에서 드라큐라나오는 영화있잖아요? 피빨이 먹는거요! 지옥에서 귀신들이 그런 짓을 다 해요! 이것을 영감을 받아서 사람들이 영화로 내놓고 그런다는 것입니다! 이런 드라큐라 그런 것도 다 지옥에서는 귀신들이 다 그런다는 것입니다!)

(Un fantasma con un solo ojo en la cara tiene la forma de un duende. Este fantasma malvado como Drácula es muy similar al fantasma de la película. ¡Fantasmas que chupan sangre humana! En el infierno, las escenas de la película en realidad están sucediendo en el infierno. Los espíritus malignos están haciendo eso. Las personas se inspiran en los espíritus malignos y están haciendo esas películas. Los espíritus malignos en el infierno están haciendo cosas extremadamente malvadas, como una escena de una película de terror).

(A ghost with only one eye on its face has the shape of a goblin. This evil ghost like Dracula is very similar to the ghost in the movie.

Ghosts that suck human blood! In Hell, the scenes in the movie are actually happening in Hell. Evil spirits are doing that. People are inspired by evil spirits, and they are making those movies. Evil spirits in Hell are doing extremely evil things, like a scene from a horror movie.)


지옥의 계단으로 제가 내려갑니다! 갑자기 내려가는 순간 양옆에서 칼날들이 올라와버리는데, 그 칼날들이 선풍기 날개 돌듯이 막 회전을 해요! 회전하는 중에 칼날들이 사방으로 날아다니는데 날아가서 꽂히는데, 도르레 같은 것에 도르레 줄로 사람들을 다 거꾸로 매달아놓고, 어떤 사람은 양손을 묶어서 위로 매달아 놓고, 팔 하나만 묶어서 매달아 놓고, 거기에 칼날들이 다 꽂혀버리는데, 꽂히는 순간 피가 줄줄줄 흘러내리는데, 어떤 사람은 배에 꽂히고, 어떤 사람은 얼굴전면에 칼날들이 꽂혀버려요! 그 천장에서 형벌받는 사람들이 막 소리를 질러요! 나를 보고 소리를 질러요! 나는 계단을 내려가다가 중간에서 그 사람들을 보고 있어요! 그 사람들이 나에게 소리를 쳐요!

Ahora, mientras bajo las escaleras del infierno, De repente, las aspas se elevan a ambos lados de la carretera y las aspas giran, como las aspas de un ventilador. Y las cuchillas giratorias vuelan en todas direcciones, perforando los cuerpos de estas personas. Algunos se cuelgan boca abajo, atados con cuerdas, algunos se cuelgan del techo con las manos atadas y otros se cuelgan con un brazo atado. Sus afiladas hojas perforan sus cuerpos. Hay mucha sangre fluyendo de sus cuerpos. Algunos tienen las espadas clavadas en el estómago y otros las tienen en la cara. La gente que cuelga del techo me mira y grita. Me paro en medio de las escaleras y miro estas horrendas escenas. Me miran y gritan.

Now, as I walk down the stairs of hell, Suddenly, blades rise from both sides of the road, and the blades rotate, like the blades of a fan. And the spinning blades fly in all directions, piercing these people's bodies. Some are hung upside down, tied with ropes, some are hung from the ceiling with their hands tied, and some are hung with one arm tied up. Sharp blades pierce their bodies. There is a lot of blood flowing from their bodies. Blades are pierced into people's abdomens, and in some cases, blades are lodged in people's faces. People hanging from the ceiling look at me and scream. I stand in the middle of the stairs and watch these horrendous scenes. They look at me and scream.

사람살려요~~~! 사람살려요! 사람살려요~~~~!"

이렇게 얘기하는데 순간 어떤 여자집사님인데 순식간에 천장에 있던 사람 몸통보다 조금 더 넓은 뱀이 말하는 여자집사님을 뱀 몸으로 쳐버리니까 사람몸이 수박이 위에다 떨어지면 산산조각나듯이 사람 몸이 산산조각나서 밑으로 뚝뚝뚝 떨어지는데, 거기서 또 사람이 재생이 돼요! 뼈가붙고 살이 입혀지고 핏줄 그런게 다 붙어요!

“Sálvame, sálvame. por favor rescatame " Cuando una diácono de cierta iglesia gritaba así, Una serpiente más grande que un cuerpo humano golpeó a la mujer. La diácono de la iglesia cae del techo al suelo. Su cuerpo estaba completamente destrozado, como cuando una sandía cayó sobre una piedra. Y su cuerpo destrozado está siendo regenerado. Se forman huesos, se forma carne, se forman vasos sanguíneos y cada parte del cuerpo está perfectamente formada. El cuerpo de esta mujer volvió a su forma original.

“Save me, save me. please rescue me" When a female deacon of a certain church was screaming like this, A snake thicker than a human body struck this woman. The female deacon of the church falls from the ceiling to the floor. Her body was completely shattered, like when a watermelon fell on a stone. And her shattered body is being regenerated. Bones are made, bones are put on flesh, blood vessels are formed, and her body is restored to its original shape.

젊은 여자집사님인데 머리는 쇠골뼈까지 오는데, 가슴 위쪽까지 길렀는데 굉장히 이쁜얼굴, 아름다운 얼굴이에요! 그 집사님이 얘기를 해요, 알몸이에요!

~~~ ~~~! 나 좀 꺼내줘요! 나 좀 꺼내줘요~~~! 교만이 이렇게 무서울 수가! 교만이 이렇게 무서울 수가~~~! 교만이 회개를 막고 있어요! 교만한 마음이 회개를 막고 있어요! 교만한 마음이 회개를 막고 있어요! 교만한 자는 회개치 않아요! 교만한 사람들은 회개치 않아요! 교만한 자는 내 생각과 뜻이, 내 생각이 맞다고 생각합니다!

Esta joven era diácono de la iglesia. El cabello es largo hasta el cuello. Esta mujer tiene un rostro y unas facciones muy hermosas. Esta mujer no tiene ropa, está llorando desnuda. “Ah, ah, por favor sácame de aquí. por favor salvame No sabía que el pecado de mi orgullo era tan terrible. No sabía que las consecuencias del pecado del orgullo son tan terribles. El orgullo humano previene el arrepentimiento del pecado. Un corazón orgulloso no puede arrepentirse de los pecados. Los pensamientos arrogantes de los hombres impiden el arrepentimiento del pecado. Los orgullosos nunca se arrepienten de sus pecados. Un corazón orgulloso no puede arrepentirse de los pecados. Los orgullosos piensan que solo sus propios pensamientos y voluntad son justos. Estas personas insisten en que solo sus propios pensamientos siempre tienen razón.

This young woman was the deacon of the church. Her hair is long down to her neck. This woman has a very beautiful face and features. She is crying out in her naked state, this woman is not dressed. “Ah, ah, please get me out of here. please save me I did not know that the sin of my pride was so terrible. I did not know that the consequences of the sin of pride are so terrible. Human pride prevents repentance of sin. A proud heart cannot repent of sin. The arrogant thoughts of men prevent repentance of sin. The proud never repent of their sins. A proud heart cannot repent of sin. The proud think that only their own thoughts and will are just. These people insist that only their own thoughts are always right.

교만한 사람은 엄청난 사단에게 둘러쌓여 있습니다! 나도 교만한 마음을 회개치 못했기 때문에 이 지옥에 왔어요! 나도 교만한 마음을 회개치 못했기 때문에 이 지옥에 왔어요!

Las personas orgullosas están completamente rodeadas por las fuerzas de Satanás. La razón por la que no tuve más remedio que venir al infierno fue porque no me arrepentí de mis arrogantes pecados. Debido a que no me arrepentí de los pecados de mi orgullo, el resultado fue que vine al infierno.

Prideful people are completely surrounded by Satan's forces. The reason I had no choice but to come to Hell was because I did not repent of my arrogant sins. Because I did not repent of the sins of my pride, the result was that I came to Hell.

나는 너무나 알아주는 순복음교회를 다녔어요! 사람들이 알아주고 이 나라가 알아주는 순복음교회를 다녔습니다! 나는 그렇게 우리 목사님, 우리 목사님, 우리 목사님이 최고야! 순복음교회가 최고지! 그렇게 교만하고 자긍했습니다! 그러나 내 마음에는 예수님이 없었습니다! 예수님이 없었습니다! 예수님을 좇아가고 예수님의 말씀을 준행하고 그 명령을 따라가고 순종하고 복종하고 따라가는 것이 아니라 어느새 나의 우상은 순복음교회였습니다! 어느새 나의 우상은 조용기목사님이었습니다!

Asistí a la famosa Iglesia del Evangelio Completo, que es ampliamente conocida por todos. La iglesia que se hizo muy famosa en nuestro país fue la Iglesia del Evangelio Completo. Estaba tan orgulloso de mi pastor. “Nuestro pastor, nuestro pastor, nuestro pastor es el mejor del mundo, ¡Nuestra Iglesia del Evangelio Completo es la mejor! " Estaba tan orgulloso y orgulloso. Pero Jesús no estaba en mi corazón. ¡Jesús no podía morar en mi corazón! Mi vida no siguió a Jesús, no seguí las palabras de Jesús, no seguí los mandamientos de Jesús, no obedecí la voluntad del Señor. Poco a poco, mi ídolo se convirtió en la Iglesia del Evangelio Completo de Yoido. El pastor Yong-Ki Cho se ha convertido en mi ídolo.

I attended the famous Full Gospel Church, which is widely known to everyone. The church that became very famous in our country was the Full Gospel Church. I was so proud of my pastor. “Our pastor, our pastor, our pastor is the best in the world, Our Full Gospel Church is the best! " I was so proud and proud. But Jesus was not in my heart. Jesus couldn't dwell in my heart! My life did not follow Jesus, I did not follow Jesus' words, I did not follow Jesus' commands, I did not obey the Lord's will. Gradually, my idol became the Yoido Full Gospel Church. Pastor Yong-Ki Cho has become my idol.

회개하세요, 교만함을 회개하세요~! 교만한 사람들은 충고도 어떠한 책망도 듣기 싫어합니다! 사단이 귀와 마음을 막아놨습니다! 듣지 못하게 깨닫지 못하게 마음의 문을 철문으로 꽝꽝꽝 닫아서 자물쇠로 잠궈버렸으니 어떻게 깨닫겠습니까? 어떻게 깨닫겠습니까?”

“Arrepiéntete del pecado del orgullo, arrepiéntete del orgullo. La gente arrogante no sigue los consejos de los demás, No quieren escuchar la reprimenda del pecado. La razón es que Satanás ha cerrado los oídos y los corazones de los orgullosos. Sus corazones están cerrados como puertas de hierro y con llave, para que nadie pueda abrirlos. ¿Cómo puede un corazón tan orgulloso entender la palabra del Señor? ¿Cómo se darán cuenta de su propio pecado? "

“Repent of the sin of pride, repent of pride. Prideful people do not take the advice of others, They do not want to hear the rebuke of sin. The reason is that Satan has closed the ears and hearts of the proud. Their hearts are closed like iron gates and locked, so no one can open them. How can such a proud heart understand the word of the Lord? How will they realize their own sin?”

(여자 집사님 상체에 그 도르레줄을 꽁꽁꽁 묶어놨는데 그 줄에 갑자기 전기가 통해버리는거에요! 전기가 통해버리는데~~ 이 여자 온몸에 전류가 흘러요! 전기가 팍팍팍 소리가 나면서 흐르니까 몸을 바들바들 떨어요! 알몸인데 몸에서 연기가 나요! 점점점 몸이 까맣게 그을려저요!)

(Los cables eléctricos están atados a la parte superior del cuerpo. Y una corriente de alto voltaje fluye a través de los cables eléctricos. Una corriente eléctrica fluye a través del cuerpo de esta mujer, chispas y sonidos. Todo el cuerpo de esta mujer está temblando. El humo sale del cuerpo desnudo, el cuerpo se vuelve negro gradualmente).

( Electric wires are tied to the upper part of the body. And a high-voltage current flows through the electric wires. An electric current flows through this woman's body, sparks and sounds. This woman's whole body is trembling. Smoke rises from her naked body, and her body gradually turns black.)

회개하세요 회개하세요! 이 지옥은 이렇게 참혹한 곳이에요, 이 지옥은 이렇게 참혹한 곳이에요~~! 목사님 회개하세요! 목사님 회개하세요~! 조용기목사님 회개하세요, 조용기목사님 교만함을 회개하세요~~~! 조용기목사님 교만한 마음을 회개하세요~~~! 목사님의 형벌장소가 준비되어 있습니다! 목사님 회개하세요! 왜 예수님의 보좌에 앉아서 왜 이렇게 하나님의 영광을 다 받아버리시는거에요! 목사님, 첫사랑을 회복하시고 교만함을 회개하세요! 교만함을 회개하세요! 교만함을 회개하세요~~~!

“Arrepiéntete de tus pecados, arrepiéntete de tus pecados. El infierno es un lugar tan cruel. El infierno es un lugar de tortura más allá de la imaginación humana. Pastor Yong-Ki Cho, arrepiéntete de tus pecados, arrepiéntete de tus pecados. Arrepiéntete de tus pecados. Pastor Yong-Ki Cho, arrepiéntete rápidamente de tus arrogantes pecados. Pastor Yong-Ki Cho, arrepiéntase de su orgullo. El lugar donde el pastor será castigado está preparado en el infierno. Pastor, arrepiéntete pronto. ¿Por qué un pastor humano está sentado en el trono de Jesús y está robando la gloria de Dios? Arrepiéntete de los pecados del pastor Cho. Pastor Cho, restaure su primer amor con el Señor. Arrepiéntete de tu arrogancia. Arrepiéntete de tu pecado de orgullo. Arrepentirse del orgullo

“Repent of your sins, repent of your sins. Hell is such a cruel place.

Hell is a place of torture beyond human imagination. Pastor Yong-Ki Cho, repent of your sins, repent of your sins. Repent of your sins. Pastor Yong-Ki Cho, repent of your arrogant sins quickly. Pastor Yong-Ki Cho, repent of your pride. The place where the pastor will be punished is prepared in Hell. Pastor, repent quickly. Why is a human pastor sitting on the throne of Jesus and stealing the glory of God? Repent of Pastor Cho's sins. Pastor Cho, restore your first love with the Lord. Repent of your arrogance. Repent of your sin of pride. Repent of pride

교만한 사람들은 첫사랑을 잃어버렸기 때문에, 처음사랑을 읽어버렸기 때문에 회개치 못해요! 회개하세요, 목사님 회개하세요, 조용기목사님 회개하세요! 목사님 마음에 어찌하여 그렇게 물질이 예수님이 됐단 말입니까? 조용기목사님 마음에 예수님은 온데 간데 없고 어찌하여 그 마음에 물질이 예수님이 됐단 말입니까? 목사님 교만한 마음을 회개하세요, 목사님 교만함을 회개하세요, 교만한 마음을 회개하세요! 여기 순복음교회 교인들이 얼마나 많이 떨어지는줄 아세요? 여기 순복음교회 교인들이 얼마나 많이 떨어지는줄 아세요?

Todos los orgullosos han perdido el primer amor del Señor. Aquellos que han abandonado el primer amor del Señor nunca podrán arrepentirse de sus propios pecados. Pastor Cho, arrepiéntete de tus pecados. Pastor Cho, arrepiéntete de tu arrogante pecado. ¿Por qué puso su corazón dinero en el lugar de Jesús? El dinero del mundo es más precioso que Jesús, en tu corazón. Jesús no habita en el corazón del pastor Yong-Ki Cho. ¿Por qué sirves al dinero como Señor en lugar de a Jesús? Pastor Cho, arrepiéntase de su corazón corrupto y orgulloso. Arrepiéntase rápidamente de la arrogancia del pastor. Arrepiéntete de tu arrogancia. El número de miembros de la Iglesia del Evangelio Completo está cayendo tremendamente al infierno. Innumerables miembros de la Iglesia del Evangelio Completo están cayendo al infierno.

All of the proud have lost the Lord's first love. Those who have forsaken the Lord's first love can never repent of their own sins. Pastor Cho, repent of your sins. Pastor Cho, repent of your arrogant sin. Why did your heart put money in Jesus' place? The world's money is more precious than Jesus, in your heart. Jesus does not dwell in the heart of Pastor Yong-Ki Cho. Why do you serve money as Lord instead of Jesus? Pastor Cho, repent of your corrupt and proud heart. Quickly repent of the pastor's arrogance. Repent of your arrogance. The number of members of the Full Gospel Church is falling tremendously to hell. Countless Full Gospel Church members are falling into hell.


이 시대를 사는 목사님들, 교회 크게 짓지 말아요! 교인수가 많아지고, 성도수가 많아진다고 자부심도 어떤 기쁨도 느끼지 말아요! 하나님은 숫자에 관심이 없고 한영혼에 관심이 있습니다! 한영혼이 지옥갈것이냐 천국 갈 것이냐에 관심이 있습니다!

Pastores que viven en esta era, no traten de expandir el edificio de su iglesia. Cuando su iglesia aumente en número, no se sienta orgulloso ni feliz. Dios no está interesado en el gran edificio de la iglesia ni en la gran cantidad de miembros. Toda la preocupación del Señor es que el alma se salve. El Señor se complace en que cada alma sea salva. Ya sea que un alma vaya al infierno o al cielo, la atención del Señor se centra en este tema.

Pastors living in this age, do not try to expand the building of your church. When your church grows in number, don't feel proud or happy. God is not interested in the large building of the church or the large number of members. All of the Lord's concern is for the soul to be saved. The Lord is pleased that each soul is saved. Whether a soul will go to Hell or Heaven, the Lord's attention is focused on this issue.

많은 사람들이 많은 목사님들이 그렇게 함정에 빠져요! 교회가 커지면 커질수록, 교회세가 커지면 커질수록, 성도가 많아지면 많아질수록 목사님들은 더욱더 무릎꿇고 회개해야 할 것입니다! 저 영혼들이 지옥가면 어쩔것인가? 나의 교만함 때문에 저 영혼들이 지옥가면 어쩐단 말입니까? 교인수에 관여치 마세요, 성도수에 관여치 마세요! 목사님들은 더욱 무릎꿇고 기도하시고 나에게 교만함이 있는지 없는지 날마다 나를 살피고, 궁구(깊게 연구하고 생각하여)하여서 회개하시길 바랍니다!

Sin embargo, muchos pastores se equivocan y caen en esta trampa. A medida que la iglesia crece y el número de miembros aumenta, el pastor debe arrodillarse más y arrepentirse de sus pecados con más diligencia y orar así. Señor, ayúdanos a no dejar que las almas de nuestra iglesia se vayan al infierno. Señor, por mi orgullo, las almas no deben ir al infierno. Señor, lleva al pastor y a los santos al cielo. Los pastores siempre deben orar así. La atención del pastor no debe centrarse en el aumento del número de miembros de la iglesia. Los pastores deben arrodillarse y orar más. Los ministros siempre deben comprobar si hay orgullo en sus propios corazones, Tienes que mirar atrás y examinar tu propia vida todos los días. Siempre debes arrepentirte de tus pecados.

However, many pastors are mistaken, falling into this delusion and trap. As the church grows and the number of members increases, the pastor should kneel down more, repent of his sins more diligently, and pray like this. Lord, help us not to let the souls of our church go to hell. Lord, because of my pride, souls must not go to hell. Lord, lead the pastor and the saints all to heaven. Pastors should always pray like this. The pastor's attention should not be focused on the increase in the number of members of the church. Pastors should get on their knees and pray more. Pastors should always be on the lookout and check for pride in their own hearts. Day by day, the pastor should look back and examine his own life. Pastors should always repent of their sins.

김민선강도사님! 당신이 김민선강도사님이시지요? 저기 사울왕을 보세요! 저기 형벌받고 있는 사울을 보세요! 사울이 얼마나 교만하여서 지옥에 떨어졌는지 보세요! 사울이 순종만 하였다면 지옥만큼은 피할 수 있었을거에요! 불순종의 댓가가 지옥입니다! 사울은 교만했기 때문에 회개하지 않는 자였어요, 사울은 교만한자였기에 회개하지 않았어요! 교만한 사람들은 회개가 쉽지 않습니다! 교만한 사람들은 회개가 쉽지 않습니다!

Pastor Min-Sun Kim, sé quién es usted. ¡Mira al rey Saúl allá! Mire a Saúl siendo castigado allí. El orgulloso Saulo cayó al infierno y está siendo castigado. Si Saulo se hubiera arrepentido de sus pecados en obediencia al Señor, nunca habría venido al infierno. El precio de la desobediencia es el infierno. Debido a que el corazón de Saúl estaba tan orgulloso, no pudo arrepentirse de sus pecados. Saúl estaba muy orgulloso. Así que no se dio cuenta de su pecado y no se arrepintió de él. Nunca es fácil para las personas orgullosas arrepentirse de sus pecados. Los orgullosos no admiten sus propios pecados, ni se arrepienten de sus pecados.

I know you are Pastor Min-Sun Kim. Look at King Saul over there! Look at Saul being punished over there. The arrogant Saul fell to hell and is being punished. If Saul had repented of his sins in obedience to the Lord, he would never have come to Hell. The price of disobedience is hell. Because Saul's heart was so proud, he could not repent of his sins. Saul was very proud. So he did not realize his sin and did not repent of his sin. It is never easy for proud people to repent of their sins. The proud do not admit their own sins, nor do they repent of their sins.

교만한 사람들은 마음이 너무나 완고합니다! 너무나 고집스럽습니다! 너무나 교만합니다! 너무나 마음이 높아져 있습니다! 자기 뜻과 자기 생각이 다 맞다고 생각합니다! 그것이 사단의 생각인줄도 모르고. 교만한 자들은 자존심이 얼마나 강한지 몰라요! 얼마나 고집이 센 줄 몰라요! 그러나 이 모든 것이 교만함에서 나온 것인 줄 모르고 사람들이 깨닫지 못하고 그렇게 지옥으로 달려가고 있어요! 자존심이 높고, 고집이 세고, 완고하고, 강포하고, 이 모든 것들이 교만에서 나온 것인 줄 모르고 이것을 깨닫지 못하고, 자기 자신을 바라보지 못하기 때문에 많은 사람들이 기회를 잃어버리고 저처럼 지옥에 떨어집니다! “저기 사울왕을 보세요, 저기 사울왕을 보세요!”

Los corazones de las personas orgullosas están tan endurecidos y obstinados, enaltece el corazón de uno. Los orgullosos piensan que tanto su propia voluntad como sus pensamientos son rectos. Tales pensamientos son los pensamientos de Satanás. Pero los orgullosos no lo saben. Los orgullosos tienen una autoestima muy fuerte, su terquedad es demasiado fuerte. Pero los orgullosos no se dan cuenta de esto en absoluto, no se arrepienten de sus pecados y corren por el camino del infierno. La persona orgullosa tiene una alta autoestima, es obstinada, terca y feroz. Estos rasgos malvados provienen del orgullo. Pero ellos no se dan cuenta de esto. Debido a que los orgullosos no se dan cuenta de sus propios pecados, no se arrepienten de sus pecados y pierden la oportunidad de ser salvos. Muchos están perdiendo la oportunidad de salvación. También perdí la oportunidad de ser salvo y vine al infierno. "Mira al rey Saúl allá, mira al rey Saúl".

The hearts of proud people are so hardened and stubborn, makes one's own heart very high. The proud always think that their own will and thoughts are righteous. Such thoughts are Satan's thoughts. Satan gave them such an idea. But the proud do not know this. The proud have very strong self-esteem, their stubbornness is too strong. But the proud do not realize this at all, do not repent of their sins, and are running down the road to hell. The proud person has high self-esteem, is strong-willed, stubborn, and ferocious. These evil traits come from pride. But they don't realize this. Because the proud do not realize their own sins, they do not repent of their sins and lose the opportunity to be saved. Many are losing their chance of salvation. I also lost my chance of salvation and came to hell. “Look at King Saul over there, look at King Saul.”

(사울왕이 보이는데 세상에 있는 목욕탕같은 곳인데, 그곳에서 사울 혼자 들어가서 형벌을 받는데, 그 안이 용암이에요 용암, 유황불있쟎아요, 유황불이에요! 사울이 거기서 발버둥을 치고, 위로 내려갔다 아래로 내려갔다 빠져나오고 싶어서 바둥바둥대요!)

(사울) 사람살려요, 사람살려요, 사람살려요~~~~!

(사울이 옷을 입었는데 귀족들이 입는 예복같은 것 있쟎아요, 제사장복같은걸 입고 형벌을 받고 있어요!)

(사울) 나 사울을 꺼내주시옵소서!

(Veo al Rey Saúl castigado. Hay un lugar que parece una casa de baños pública en el mundo. Él está siendo castigado allí. Allí, el rey Saúl está solo. En un estanque lleno de lava líquida, él está ahí. La lava es un fuego de azufre. En el fuego de azufre, Saúl está luchando. Para escapar del fuego azufrado, lo intenta.)

(Saúl) Sálvame, sálvame, sálvame.

(Saúl vestía ropa. Su ropa es como la ropa de un noble. Saúl vestido con ropa sacerdotal es castigado)

(Saul) ¡Oh, sácame!

(I see King Saul punished. There is a place that looks like a public bathhouse in the world. He is being punished there. There, King Saul is alone. In a pond full of lava liquid, he is there. Lava is a fire of sulfur. In the brimstone fire, Saul is struggling. To escape from the brimstone fire, he tries.)

(Saul) Save me, save me, save me.

(Saul wore clothes. His clothes are like that of nobles. Saul wearing priestly clothes is punished.)

(Saul) Oh, take me out!

(사울이 용암불에서 올라 오면은 용암불이 강처럼 생겼는데 귀신 5명이 뺑둘러 서 있는데, 사울이 불이 뜨거워서 올라올려고 할때마다 삼지창으로 막 찍어버려요! 사울이 뜨거워서 또 올라오려고 그러면 삼지창으로 어깨를 찍어 눌러서 내려 앉혀요! 어떤 때는 머리 정중앙을 찍어서 내려버려요!

사울이 또 얘기를 해요. 제사장 겉옷은 타지 않았는데 그 안에는 살이 돼지 삶아지듯이 온 몸이 다 삶아졌어요! 얼굴에는 물집이 다 잡혔어요! 눈알은 없어요! 혀도 뽑아버려서 없어요! 양쪽 귀도 잘라져 있어요! 그런데도 사울이 얘기를 해요!)

(Cuando Saúl está a punto de escapar del fuego de lava, cinco espíritus malignos le impiden salir. Esos espíritus malignos lo rodean. Cuando Saúl está a punto de salir del fuego, el tridente de los espíritus malignos lo apuñala y lo presiona. Cuando Saúl asciende un poco, los espíritus malignos lo traspasan con un tridente y lo presionan hacia abajo. A veces, la cabeza de Saúl es apuñalada y presionada. El manto de Saúl no fue quemado con azufre, pero el cuerpo de Saúl fue quemado y hervido. Todo su cuerpo se hierve como se hierve un cerdo. Tenía ampollas en la cara. Sus ojos habían desaparecido y le habían arrancado la lengua. Le cortaron las dos orejas. Incluso en tal estado, Saúl habla.)

(As Saul is about to escape from the lava fire, five evil spirits are preventing him from coming out. Those evil spirits surround it. As Saul is about to come out of the fire, the trident of evil spirits stabs him and presses him down. As Saul rises a little, evil spirits pierce his shoulder with a trident and push him down. Sometimes Saul's head is stabbed and pressed down. Saul's robe was not burned with brimstone, but Saul's body was burned and boiled. His whole body is boiled as if a pig is being boiled. He had blisters on his face. His eyeballs were gone, and his tongue was plucked out. Both of his ears were cut off. Even in that state, Saul speaks.)

사울) 교만함을 회개하세요! 교만함을 회개하세요~~! 교만함을 회개하세요! 나 사울은 작게 여길 때가 있었습니다! 그런데 어떻게 사울이 이렇게 교만하여졌답니까? 어찌하여 사단에게 속아서 이렇게 교만하여 졌답니까? 귀신은 자꾸 자꾸 교만하게 만듭니다! 귀신은 우리들의 마음을 교만하게 합니다! 교만은 패망의 선봉이요 넘어짐의 앞잡이라고, 귀신은 우리를 교만을 통해서 넘어지게 하고 패망하게 합니다! 그들의 최종목표는 지옥입니다! 교만함을 회개하세요~~~!

Saulo) Pueblo, arrepiéntete del pecado del orgullo. Abandona el orgullo y arrepiéntete de tus pecados. Arrepiéntete del pecado del orgullo. Hubo momentos en que yo, Saulo, me consideraba muy humilde. Pero, ¿por qué yo, Saúl, me convertí en una persona tan orgullosa? ¿Cómo pude haber sido engañado por Satanás? ¿Por qué me he convertido en una persona orgullosa? El espíritu maligno siguió enorgulleciéndome. Los espíritus malignos siempre enorgullecen a los corazones humanos. El orgullo es un atajo a la destrucción, corrompe a la gente. Los espíritus malignos los hacen caer y perecer a causa del orgullo humano. El objetivo final de los demonios es enviar a todos al infierno. Todos los hombres, arrepiéntanse de sus orgullosos pecados.

Saul) People, repent of the sin of pride. Forsake pride and repent of your sins. Repent of the sin of pride. There were times when I, Saul, considered myself very lowly. But, why did I, Saul, turn into such a proud person? How could I have been deceived by Satan? Why have I turned into a proud person? The evil spirit kept making me proud. Evil spirits always make human hearts proud. Pride is a shortcut to destruction, it corrupts people. Evil spirits make them fall and perish through human pride. The ultimate goal of the demons is to send everyone to Hell. All men, repent of your prideful sins.

(사울이 계속 유황불에서 형벌을 받으면서 얘기하는데 저는 사울 형벌받는, 귀신들이 둘러싼 조금 뒤에서 보고 있어요! 저 위에서 천국의 빛이 임하는데 사울이 형벌받는 장소까지 천국의 빛이 쫙 임하는데, 보좌에 예수님이 보이시는데 피눈물을 뚝뚝뚝 흘리세요!)

(Saúl continúa hablando en medio del azufre, con un dolor insoportable. Detrás de los espíritus malignos que rodean a Saúl, veo este trágico espectáculo. La luz del cielo está brillando sobre mí. Incluso en el lugar del castigo de Saúl, brilla la luz del cielo. Jesús, sentado en el trono del cielo, ve esta trágica escena. Lágrimas de sangre brotan de los ojos de Jesús.)

(Saul continues speaking in the midst of brimstone, in excruciating pain. Behind the evil spirits that surround Saul, I watch this tragic sight. Heaven's light is shining on me. Even to the place of Saul's punishment, the light of heaven is shining. Jesus, seated on the throne of heaven, sees this tragic scene. Tears of blood flow from Jesus' eyes.)


예수님) 사랑하는 사울아, 나의 아들아! 어찌하여 교만하여 이렇게 지옥에 떨어졌는고? 어찌하여 이렇게 지옥에 떨어졌는고~~~! 어찌하여 사단의 충동질에 속았는고! 사단이 너의 마음을 교만케하기 위해서 충동질하였는데 어찌하여 너는 사람의 영광을 위해 달려갔지 나 하나님의 영광을위해 달려가지 못하였느냐? 회개만 하였다면, 사랑하는 아들아, 회개만 하였다면 이 지옥만큼은 피할 수 있었을텐데! 너는 회개의 기회를 놓친 자니라! 회개할 기회가 있었느니라! 사무엘을 통하여 내가 너에게 회개를 촉구하였건만 니가 취한 행동이 무었이었느냐? 너는 사람앞에 너를 더욱더 높이길 원하지 않았느냐? 사람을 통해 니가 영광받기를 원하지 않았더냐? 회개만 했다면 이 지옥만큼은 피할 수 있었을텐데!

Jesús) Querido Saulo, hijo mío, porque viniste al infierno ¿Por qué viviste con arrogancia? Como resultado de tu pecado arrogante, viniste a este infierno. ¿Por qué caíste, incapaz de vencer los impulsos de Satanás? Satanás ha provocado tu corazón para enorgullecerte. ¿Cómo caíste en el engaño de Satanás? Corriste por la gloria del hombre. No corriste por la gloria de Dios. Y si te hubieras arrepentido de tus pecados, no hubieras venido al infierno. Mi querido hijo, todos los que se arrepienten de sus pecados no vienen al infierno. Ahora ha perdido para siempre la oportunidad de arrepentirse de sus pecados. En el mundo, les he dado muchas oportunidades para que se arrepientan. Pero no me escuchaste. A través del profeta Samuel, les he instado muchas veces a que se arrepientan de sus pecados. Pero, ¿qué acción ha tomado? Buscaste tu propia gloria ante los hombres y quisiste exaltarte más. A través del hombre, querías ser glorificado. Si te hubieras arrepentido de tus pecados, nunca hubieras venido a este infierno.

Jesus) Dear Saul, my son, why did you come to hell Why did you live arrogantly? As a result of your arrogant sin, you came to this hell. Why did you fall, unable to overcome Satan's impulses? Satan has provoked your heart to make you proud. How did you fall for Satan's delusion? You ran for the glory of man. You did not run for the glory of God. And if you had repented of your sins, you would not have come to Hell. My dear son, all who repent of their sins do not come to Hell. Now you have lost forever the opportunity to repent of your sins. In the world, I have given you many opportunities to repent. But you didn't listen to me. Through the prophet Samuel, I have urged you many times to repent of your sins. But what action have you taken? You sought your own glory before men, and you wanted to exalt yourself more. Through man, you wanted yourself to be glorified. If you had repented of your sins, you could have avoided coming to this hell.

(천국의 빛이 임하니까 사울이 손을 쭉 올리는데 귀신들이 올리지도 못하게 삼지창으로 쇠골뼈를 찍어서 내려버려요! 천국의 빛이 닫혀버려요! 우리가 방문을 닫아버리면 캄캄해지듯이, 불을 꼈다가 불을 꺼면 캄캄해지듯이 순식간에 사울이 형벌받는 장소가 캄캄해져요!)

(Como la luz del cielo está aquí, Saúl levanta la mano hacia arriba. Los espíritus malignos bloquean sus acciones, perforando el pecho de Saul con un tridente y presionando hacia abajo. Ahora la luz del cielo se ha cerrado y este infierno se ha oscurecido. Cuando la puerta se cierra y las luces se apagan, la habitación parece oscurecerse. En un instante, el lugar donde se castigó a Saúl se oscureció).

(As the light of heaven is here, Saul raises his hand upward. Evil spirits block his actions, piercing Saul's chest with a trident, and pressing down. Now the light of heaven has closed, and this hell is darkened. When the door closes and the lights go out, the room seems to darken. In an instant, the place where Saul was punished became dark.)

사울) 내가 속았습니다, 내가 속았습니다, 내가 사단에게 속았습니다~~! 많은 사람들이 속고 있습니다! 하나님 믿는 백성들이 어찌하여 무당을 찾아간단 말입니까? 나 사울왕처럼 하나님을 믿는 백성들이 어찌하여 점쟁이를 찾아가고 무당을 좇아가서 그들에게 묻는단 말입니까? 그들 속에 들어가서 알려주는 자가 누군 줄 아십니까? 귀신입니다! 귀신들이 사람몸속에 들어가서 무당들을 쓰고 무당들을 다 치리하는데, 그들의 왕이 누군지 아십니까? 우리들의 왕은 예수님이 되시지만, 무당과 점쟁이들의 왕이 누군지 아십니까? 무당과 점쟁이들의 왕은 귀신입니다! 루시퍼에게 조종받는 자들은 어찌하여 그렇게 쓰임받는단 말입니까?

Saulo) Fui engañado por Satanás, fui engañado por un espíritu maligno, fui engañado por el espíritu de Satanás. Incluso hoy, Satanás engaña a muchas personas. ¿Cómo pueden las personas que creen en Dios acudir al chamán? Yo, el Rey Saúl, soy gente que cree en Dios, pero fui a ver a un adivino. Seguí al chamán y les hice una pregunta. ¿Quién me habla a través del chamán? Esto es lo que me dijo el espíritu maligno, Satanás. Los espíritus malignos entraron en el cuerpo humano. Satanás usa a los chamanes y los gobierna. ¿Quién es su rey? Su rey es Satanás. Solo Jesús es el Rey del pueblo de Dios. ¿Por qué yo, el pueblo de Dios, abandoné a mi rey y fui al chamán? El rey de todos los chamanes y adivinos es Lucifer. ¿Cómo podría yo, como pueblo de Dios, ser manipulado por Lucifer?

Saul) I have been deceived by Satan, I have been deceived by an evil spirit, and I have been deceived by the spirit of Satan. Many people are still being deceived by Satan. How can the people who believe in God go to the shaman? I, King Saul, are people who believe in God, but I went to a fortune teller. I followed the shaman and asked them a question. Who is speaking to me through the shaman? That's what the evil spirit, Satan, told me. Evil spirits entered the human body. Satan uses shamans and rules them. Who is their king? Their king is Satan. Only Jesus is the King of God's people. Why did I, the people of God, abandon my king and go to the shaman? The king of all shamans and fortune tellers is Lucifer. How was God's people controlled by Lucifer?

(사울이 형벌받는 동굴벽에, 엔돌의 신접한 그 여인을 목부터 덩굴줄인데, 뱀줄이에요, 그걸로 싹 감아놨어요! 목부터 다 감아놔서 얼굴만 보여요! 뱀이 조이니까 피가 줄줄줄줄 떨어져요!)

사울) 내가 속았습니다, 내가 속았습니다! 하나님의 음성이 더 이상 들리지 않았어요! 여호와의 음성이 더 이상 들리지 않았어요! 하나님의 영광이 나에게서 떠나버렸습니다! 나 사울이 교만한 연고로, 망령되이 행했던 행동들, 그런 행위들을 회개치 못했기 때문에 하나님이 나를 버리셨나이다!

(En la cueva donde Saúl está siendo castigado, el chamán que conoció con Saúl en ese momento, el chamán de la región de Endor está siendo castigado en el mismo lugar que Saúl. El chamán está atado a una cuerda de serpiente y cuelga de la pared de la cueva. Las serpientes están envueltas alrededor de su cuerpo, solo su rostro es visible. A medida que la serpiente aprieta el cuerpo del chamán, la sangre fluye.)

(In the cave where Saul is being punished, the shaman he met with Saul at that time, the shaman from the Endor region is being punished in the same place as Saul. The shaman is tied to a snake's rope and hangs from the wall of the cave. Snakes are wrapped around her body, only her face is visible. As the snake tightens the shaman's body, blood flows.)

더 이상 하나님의 음성이 들리지 않았어요! 선지자를 통하여 아무리 물어도 주님은 나에게 무응답이었습니다! 그래서 엔돌의 접신, 신접한 여인을 찾아갔습니다! 너무나 답답한 마음에 그들을 찾아갔습니다! 내가 그들을 다 쫓아냈는데, 박수와 술객들을 이스라엘땅에서 쫓아냈는데, 내가 너무나 마음이 곤고했습니다! 하나님은 나에게 꿈으로도, 음성으로도 선지자를 통해서도 나에게 아무런 응답도 하지 않았으니 나 사울의 마음이 얼마나 답답하고 군급하였겠습니까? 그래서 엔돌의 신접한 여인을 찾아갔습니다!

En ese momento, no podía escuchar la voz de Dios en absoluto, por lo que mi corazón estaba muy apesadumbrado. No importa cuántas preguntas le hice al Señor, el Señor no me respondió. Así que fui al chamán de la región de Endor. Fui al siervo del espíritu maligno. Debido a que mi corazón estaba tan frustrado, fui al chamán. Antes de ese momento, había expulsado de mi país a los payasos, chamanes y hechiceros de la tierra de Israel. Los expulsé de la tierra de Israel, Pero debido a que mi corazón estaba tan turbado y frustrado, No tuve más remedio que buscar su ayuda, así que fui a ver a un chamán. Dios nunca me habló de ninguna manera, ni a través de un sueño, ni a través de una voz, ni a través de un profeta de Dios, ni de ninguna manera Dios no me había encontrado. En ese momento, mi corazón, el de Saúl, estaba muy congestionado. Así que fui al chamán que vivía en la región de Endor.

At that time, I could not hear God's voice at all, so my heart was very stuffy. No matter how many questions I asked the Lord, the Lord did not answer me. So I went to the shaman in the Endor region. I went to the servant of the evil spirit. Because my heart was so frustrated, I went to the shaman. Before that, I had expelled the clowns, shamans and sorcerers from the land of Israel out of my country. I drove them out of the land of Israel, But because my heart was so troubled and frustrated, I had no choice but to seek their help, so I went to see a shaman. God had not spoken to me in any way, not through a dream, by a voice, or through a prophet of God, or by any means God had not met me. At that time, my heart, Saul's, was very stuffy. So I went to the shaman who lived in the Endor region.

(사울이 머리를 가리는 옷을 입었어요! 옷으로 머리까지 가리고 들어왔는데, 엔돌이 신접한 여인 안에 귀신이 있는데 다 알려주는거에요! 그 여자가 의자에 앉았는데 사울이 오자마자 여자 안에서 뱀이 낼름거리면서 다 알려주는거에요! 저 사람은 변장하고 왔는데 사울왕이라고 신접한 여인 입술에서 그 말이 나오는데, 뱀 혓바닥 두 개가 낼름낼름 나오는데, 그 귀신이 다 알려주는거에요!

(Cuando Saúl fue a ver a la bruja, Saúl se cubrió la cabeza con un paño para ocultar su identidad. Sin embargo, el chamán de Endor descubre inmediatamente que es el rey Saúl. Porque el espíritu maligno informa inmediatamente al chamán al respecto. Mientras la bruja estaba sentada en la silla, Saúl entró en la casa. La serpiente dentro del chamán le habló al chamán mientras le sacaba la lengua. “Este hombre vino aquí disfrazado, es el rey Saúl. Esas palabras salen de la boca de la bruja. La serpiente tiene dos lenguas y ese espíritu maligno le dice todo al chamán.

(When Saul went to the witch woman, Saul covered his head with a cloth to hide his identity. However, the shaman of Endor immediately finds out that he is King Saul. Because the evil spirit immediately informs the shaman about it. While the witch woman was sitting on her chair, Saul entered the house. The snake inside the shaman spoke to the shaman while sticking out the snake's tongue. “This man came here in disguise. He is King Saul. Those words come out of the witch's mouth. The snake has two tongues, and that evil spirit tells the shaman everything.

그렇게 신접한 여인의 몸속에 들어가 있는데, 진짜 실제적의 모습을 보여주시는데, 그 엔돌의 신접한 여자의 모습을 보여주시는데 몸은 완전 알록달록한 구렁이구요, 머리는 코브라같은 모양이예요. 뱀이 굉장히 큰데 혀를 낼름낼름거리는거에요! 그 뱀이 신접한 여인의 몸속에 들어가서 사울왕과 대화하는데, 사울왕이 말하는거예요. 사무엘을 불러 올려달라고~! 그렇게 얘기하는데, 바닥에서 노인같은 사람이 샥 올라오는데 그것 또한 귀신이에요! 서로 귀신끼리 짜고 하는거에요!

Los espíritus malignos están dentro del cuerpo del chamán y Dios me muestra la realidad de los espíritus malignos. El espíritu maligno es una gran serpiente colorida. La cabeza de la serpiente tiene forma de cobra. La serpiente es muy grande y la lengua de la serpiente se mueve. La serpiente entra en el cuerpo de la bruja y la serpiente conversa con el rey Saúl. El rey Saúl le dijo a la mujer. Quiero conocer al profeta Samuel. Por favor, tráeme al profeta. En ese momento, un anciano apareció del suelo. El anciano también es un espíritu maligno, pero el espíritu maligno se transformó temporalmente en la forma de Samuel. Los espíritus malignos están trabajando juntos para engañar a Saúl.

Evil spirits are inside the shaman's body, and God shows me the reality of evil spirits. The evil spirit is a large colorful snake. The snake's head is shaped like a cobra. The snake is very large, and the snake's tongue wiggles. The serpent enters the witch's body, and the serpent converses with King Saul. King Saul said to the woman. I want to meet the prophet Samuel. Please bring me the prophet. At that moment, an old man appeared from the ground. The old man is also an evil spirit, but the evil spirit temporarily transformed into Samuel's form. Evil spirits are working together to deceive Saul.


(‘영안을 방해해요’ - “영안을 방해하는 귀신아! 떠나 떠나 떠나”)

땅에서 어떻게 올라오냐면 양손이 어깨위로 올려져 있네요! 결국은 이 사람도 사무엘의 모습을 가장해서 왔는데, 겉은 사무엘의 모습인데, 안에는 뱀이에요! 뱀이 변장을 한거에요! 뱀들은 사람모양으로도 변장을 할 수 있어요! 본모습은 뱀인데, 껍데기만 사무엘의 모양을 하고 있다는 거예요.

(En este momento, Satanás interrumpe los ojos espirituales del pastor Min-Sun Kim. El pastor Yang-Hwan Kim inmediatamente ordena al espíritu maligno en el nombre de Jesús, y lo expulsa diciendo: “Espíritus malignos que nos perturban, salgan de aquí, Sal. Sal. ”El espíritu maligno me abandona. Y yo, el Pastor Min-Sun Kim, sigo observando su situación.)

El falso Samuel subió a la superficie de la tierra desde el infierno debajo de la tierra. Sus manos se colocan sobre sus hombros. Un demonio maligno se disfrazó de Samuel. Su apariencia exterior es la de Samuel. Pero dentro de él hay una serpiente. La serpiente se disfrazó de humana. La forma original de un demonio maligno es una serpiente, pero ahora Satanás se ha disfrazado de humano. Un espíritu maligno se disfrazó de Samuel y apareció ante Saúl.

(At this time, Satan interrupts Pastor Min-Sun Kim’s spiritual eyes. Pastor Yang-Hwan Kim immediately commands the evil spirit in the name of Jesus and casts it out, saying, “Evil spirits who disturb us, get out of here, get out, Go out.” / The evil spirit leaves me. And I, Pastor Min-Sun Kim, continue to see the situation at that time. )

The fake Samuel came up to the surface of the earth from hell in the earth. His hands are placed on his shoulders. An evil demon disguised himself as Samuel. His outward appearance is that of Samuel. But inside him is a snake. The snake disguised itself as a human. The original form of an evil demon is a snake, but now Satan has disguised himself as a human. An evil spirit disguised itself as Samuel and appeared before Saul.

이 신접한 여인이 이것을 보고 사무엘이라는거예요. 근데 이 여인이 무당들이 왜 귀신에게 속냐하면 이 뇌세포 마디마디마다, 뇌혈관 마디마디마다 뱀들이 한줄 한줄마다, 뇌혈관이 얼마나 많아요? 뱀이 그 혈관을 하나도 빠짐없이 뱀이 다 감고 있어요! 생각을 다 잡고 있어요! 뱀이 얼마나 얇고 작은지 몰라요! 뇌혈관을 빠짐없이 다 잡아놨어요. 이렇게 무당을 귀신이 쓰는거에요!

Esta bruja le dice a Saúl: "Este es el profeta Samuel". La razón por la que los chamanes siempre son engañados por los espíritus malignos es que las células del cerebro del chamán y los vasos sanguíneos del cerebro están llenos de serpientes. Los vasos sanguíneos del cerebro son muy largos y numerosos, pero todos están completamente ocupados por serpientes. Innumerables serpientes envuelven completamente cada célula del cerebro. Todos los pensamientos del chamán fueron asumidos por la serpiente. La forma de estas serpientes es tan delgada y larga. Los vasos sanguíneos de su cerebro están completamente llenos de estas serpientes. Por eso los espíritus malignos explotan plenamente los pensamientos del chamán.

This witch woman says to Saul, "This is the prophet Samuel." The reason why shamans are always deceived by evil spirits is that the cells of the shaman's brain and blood vessels in the brain are full of snakes. The blood vessels in the brain are very long and numerous, but all of them are completely occupied by snakes. Countless snakes completely envelop every brain cell. All the thoughts of the shaman were taken over by the snake. The shape of these snakes is so slender and long. The blood vessels in her brain are completely filled with these snakes. That is why the shaman's thoughts are being fully exploited by evil spirits.

이 무당은 그냥 껍데기예요! 귀신들이 들어와서 무당을 쓰는 거예요. 귀신들이 사람 몸 속에 들어가서 사람들을 쓰는 거예요. 사람은 자기가 어떻게 쓰임받는지도 모르고 완전히 생각까지 잡혀서 무당이 사단에게 쓰임받는다는 것입니다. 이 무당, 신접한 엔돌의 여인이 할 수 있는건 눈으로 보는 것 밖에 없어요! 생각이고 뭐고 다 사단에게 쓰임받는다는거에요! 이 뇌로부터 모든 기능과 지시가 내려지기 때문에 손도 다 귀신에게 쓰임받는것입니다!

El cuerpo de este chamán es solo el caparazón de los espíritus malignos. Los espíritus malignos en este chamán mueven a este chamán, y los espíritus malignos siguen sus pensamientos y usan a este chamán. Cuando espíritus malignos como este entran en el cuerpo de algunas personas, solo se utilizan como herramientas de Satanás. Pero estas personas no tienen la sensación de que ellas mismas están siendo utilizadas por espíritus malignos. Los pensamientos del chamán están completamente en manos de Satanás. Los chamanes son las herramientas de Satanás utilizadas por Satanás. Todo lo que los chamanes pueden hacer es ver todas las situaciones con sus propios ojos. Satanás gobierna sus pensamientos y palabras. Esto se debe a que las instrucciones de Satanás se transmiten al cerebro del chamán. De modo que todas las funciones del cuerpo del chamán se han convertido en herramientas de Satanás, y los espíritus malignos controlan y utilizan las manos del chamán.

This shaman's body is only the shell of evil spirits. Evil spirits in this shaman are moving this shaman, and evil spirits follow their thoughts and use this shaman. When evil spirits like this enter the body of some people, they are only used as Satan's tools. But these people have no sense that they themselves are being used by evil spirits. The shaman's thoughts are completely in the hands of Satan.

Shamans are Satan's tools used by Satan. All shamans can do is see all the situations with their own eyes. Their thoughts and words are ruled by Satan. This is because Satan's instructions are transmitted to the shaman's brain. So all the functions of the shaman's body have become Satan's tools, and the shaman's hands are also controlled and used by evil spirits.

그렇게 귀신이 들어와서 사무엘도 아니예요. 껍데기만 사무엘로 입혀놨지 뱀이 나와가지고 그렇게 사무엘로 변장했다는 거예요! 근데 이 사울왕은 속는 거예요! 사무엘인지 알고~)

Entonces apareció el espíritu maligno en la forma del profeta Samuel. Su cuerpo tiene la forma de Samuel y su interior es una serpiente. El espíritu maligno se disfrazó de Samuel. Sin embargo, el rey Saúl cree que el falso Samuel es el verdadero Samuel).

So the evil spirit appeared in the form of the prophet Samuel. His body is the shape of Samuel, and his inside is a serpent. The evil spirit disguised itself as Samuel. However, King Saul believes that the fake Samuel is the real Samuel.)

다시 지옥에서 사울이 얘기합니다.

사울)속지 말아요. 속지 말아요. 속지 말아요. 속지 말아요! 귀신들이 얼마나 무당들을 쓰는 줄 아십니까? 물을 때가 없어서 무당한테 가서 묻는단 말입니까? 이방인은 그렇다치더라도 하나님의 믿는 백성들이 어찌 그렇게 무당에게 묻는단 말입니까? 무당들을 누가 쓰는지 아십니까? 무당들을 누가 쓰는지 아십니까? 귀신이 씁니다. 더 큰 무당일수록 더 큰 계급있는 귀신이 쓰고, 작은 무당일수록 더 계급이 낮은 귀신이 쓴다는 것을 왜 모른단 말입니까?

Estoy viendo la escena del infierno de nuevo. El Saúl torturado grita: Saulo) No se deje engañar por Satanás. No se deje engañar por las mentiras. No se deje engañar. No se deje engañar. Los espíritus malignos están utilizando a los chamanes como sirvientes. Muchas personas abandonan a Dios el Creador y le preguntan al chamán sobre su futuro. Los gentiles pueden hacerlo, pero el pueblo de Dios nunca debe hacerlo. El pueblo de Dios debe saber para quién se usan los chamanes. ¿Quién usa a los chamanes? Los espíritus malignos los están usando. Cuanto más grande es el chamán, los fantasmas de mayor rango los gobiernan. Cuanto más pequeño es el chamán, menor es el rango de demonios que los usa. ¿Por qué el pueblo de Dios no se da cuenta de que todos los chamanes son usados ​​por espíritus malignos?

I'm watching the scene of hell again. The tortured Saul cries out. Saul) Do not be deceived by Satan. Don't be fooled by lies. Don't be fooled. Don't be fooled. Evil spirits are using shamans as their servants. Many people forsake God the Creator and ask the shaman about their future. The Gentiles may do it, but God's people must never do it. God's people must know whom the shamans are used for. Who uses shamans? Evil spirits are using them. The larger the shaman, the higher-ranking ghosts rule them. The smaller the shaman, the lower the ranks of demons are using them. Why don't God's people realize that all shamans are used by evil spirits?

(하나님이 이 세상을 보여주시는데, 교회십자가 탑이 보이는데 십자가 탑을 뱀들이 감고 있어요! 우리나라의 십자가 탑들을 보여주시는데 십자가 탑을 뱀들이 칭칭 감고 있어요! 이런 교회들은 귀신들이 접수해 버렸어요! 그러나 그 안에서도 몇 사람들이 세마포옷을 입고 기도하는 사람들이 있고, 그 세마포옷을 입은 교인들은 천국의 빛으로 싸고 있는데 이 사람들은 날마다 회개하는 삶을 사는거에요!

(Dios me muestra muchas iglesias en el mundo. Las estructuras en forma de cruz se instalan en los techos de las iglesias. Sin embargo, muchas serpientes rodean la estructura de la cruz. Hay muchas iglesias en nuestro país y las cruces de muchas iglesias están cubiertas por serpientes. La torre instalada en el techo de la iglesia estaba rodeada de serpientes. Estas iglesias se han convertido en propiedad de los espíritus malignos. En las iglesias que han sido tomadas por Satanás, muy pocas están vestidas de lino. Los miembros de la iglesia que visten lienzos están protegidos por la luz del cielo. Estas son personas que viven una vida de arrepentimiento diario de sus pecados.

(God shows me many churches in the world. Cross-shaped structures are installed on the roofs of churches. However, many snakes surround the structure of the cross. There are many churches in our country, and the crosses of many churches are covered by snakes. The tower installed on the roof of the church was surrounded by snakes. These churches have become the property of evil spirits. In the churches that have been taken over by Satan, very few are clothed in linen. Church members wearing linen cloths are protected by the light of heaven. These are people who live a life of daily repenting of their sins.

그런 사람들이 있는걸 보여주시는데, 세상에! 목사님들이 세미나로 이렇게 발들이 바빠요! 세미나로 가는 발걸음들이 다 뱀으로 감겨져 있는데, 또 한쪽에서는 목사님들이 어디를 급하게 다니느냐 하면 무당을 그렇게 많이 찾아가요! 어떤걸 그렇게 많이 묻느냐 하면 자기 자식들에 대한 비젼과 미래, 그리고 교회에 대한 부흥, 굉장히 그렇게 많이 물어요! 그리고 교회세를 넓히기 위해 목사님들이 성전건축을할 때 무당들한테 그렇게 많이 물어요! 그것을 보여주시네요!)

E innumerables pastores asisten con entusiasmo a seminarios que enseñan doctrina humana. Sus pasos hacia el lugar donde se lleva a cabo el seminario están muy ocupados. Sus pasos hacia el lugar donde se llevaban a cabo los seminarios humanos estaban rodeados de serpientes. ¿Y sabes adónde van muchos otros pastores? Muchos pastores acuden a los chamanes. Los pastores van a los chamanes y les hacen muchas preguntas. Los pastores preguntan a los chamanes sobre el futuro de sus hijos. Y algunos pastores preguntan al chamán sobre el avivamiento de sus iglesias. Cuando expanden y extienden el edificio de su iglesia, los pastores preguntan mucho a los chamanes al respecto. Cuando hacen algo importante, muchos pastores no le preguntan a Dios, sino a los chamanes. Dios revela las obras secretas de muchos pastores).

And countless pastors eagerly attend seminars that teach human doctrine. Their steps to where the seminar is held are very busy. Their steps to the seminar were surrounded by snakes. And do you know where many other pastors go? Many pastors go to shamans. Pastors go to the shamans and ask a lot of questions. Pastors are asking shamans about the future of their children. And some pastors ask the shaman about the revival of their churches. When they expand and expand their church building, pastors ask the shamans a lot about it. When doing something important, many pastors do not ask God about it, but ask the shamans. God reveals the secret deeds of many pastors.)

사울이 지옥에서 다시 말을 합니다.

사울) 목사님들은 회개해야 할 것입니다! 이 시대를 사는 목사님들은 회개해야 할 것입니다! 물을 사람이 없어서 나 사울처럼 그렇게 똑같은 죄를 범한단 말입니까? 나 사울왕이 하나님의 음성을 듣지 못하고 꿈으로도 어떤 선지자를 통해서도 하나님의 음성을 듣지 못해 답답하고 곤고하여서 신접한 엔돌의 여인을 찾아갔는데, 이 시대를 사는 목사님들이 그렇게 무당을 찾아갑니다! 그 원인이 무엇인줄 아십니까? 교만하기 때문에 그 목사님들을 버렸습니다! 교만한 걸 알고 하나님한테 범죄하고 악을 행했다고 회개하면 될 것을 기도하지 않았습니다!

Saulo vuelve a hablar desde el infierno. Saulo) los pastores deben arrepentirse de sus pecados. ¡Todos los pastores de esta época deben arrepentirse de sus pecados! Muchos pastores actúan hoy como Saulo. Muchos pastores están cometiendo el pecado de Saulo. Yo, el Rey Saúl, no podía escuchar la voz de Dios debido a mis pecados. Como no me había arrepentido de mis pecados, no pude recibir la Palabra de Dios, ni por medio de profetas, ni por sueños, ni por ningún medio. Como no escuché la voz de Dios, estaba muy frustrado y angustiado. Entonces fui al chamán. Muchos pastores de esta época visitan al chamán, por razones como yo. ¿Cuál crees que es la causa de que los pastores sean tan corruptos? Es por su arrogancia. Los pastores orgullosos son abandonados por Dios. Al darse cuenta del orgullo, los pastores deben arrepentirse de sus pecados. Debes confesar tus pecados ante Dios y apartarte del mal. Cuando los pastores se arrepientan ante el Señor, todos sus pecados serán perdonados y volverán a la vida. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los pastores no están orando al Señor.

Saul speaks again from hell. Saul) pastors must repent of their sins. All pastors of this age should repent of their sins! Many pastors today act like Saul. Many pastors are committing the sin of Saul. I, King Saul, could not hear the voice of God because of my sins. Because I had not repented of my sins, I could not receive the word of God, not through prophets, nor through dreams, nor by any means. Because I did not hear the voice of God, I was very frustrated and distressed. So I went to the shaman. A lot of pastors in this age visit the shaman, for reasons like me. What do you think is the cause of pastors being so corrupt? It is because of their arrogance. Prideful pastors are forsaken by God. Realizing pride, pastors must repent of their sins. You must confess your sins before God and turn away from evil. When pastors repent to the Lord, all their sins will be forgiven and they will go back to life. However, most pastors are not praying to the Lord.


나 사울왕처럼 기도하지 안했기 때문에 교만함을 회개치 못했습니다! 이 시대의 목사님들이 다들 그렇게 가고 있습니다! 회개하시길 바랍니다. 무릎꿇고 교만함을 지금부터 회개하시길 바랍니다! 나 사울왕처럼 하나님의 영광을 떠나가서, 하나님이 부르신 확신이 너무나 휘몰아쳤을때 내 마음이 얼마나 곤고하고 궁핍하였겠습니까? 하나님의 음성이 들리지 않고 주님이 나를 버렸을 때 얼마나 내 마음이 두려움과 공포로 싸였겠습니까? 내가 오죽하면 엔돌의 신접한 여인을 찾았겠습니까?

Debido a que yo, el rey Saúl, no oré, no pude arrepentirme de mi pecado de orgullo ante el Señor. La mayoría de los pastores que viven en la época actual viven como los míos. Pastores, arrepiéntanse de sus pecados. Ponte de rodillas ante el Señor y arrepiéntete de tus pecados. Cada uno debe arrodillarse y arrepentirse de su propio orgullo y arrogancia. Todos deben comenzar a arrepentirse de sus pecados a partir de ahora. No dejes al Dios de gloria como lo hice yo, el rey Saúl. Mi confianza en Dios se ha debilitado. Cuando soplaron los vientos de la tribulación, mi corazón estaba atribulado y desesperado. No pude escuchar la voz de Dios. Cuando el Señor me abandonó, mi corazón se llenó de mucho miedo y terror. Estaba tan frustrado y ansioso. No podía soportar mi frustración. Así que fui al chamán en el área de Endor e iba a encontrarme con Samuel.

Because I, King Saul, did not pray, I could not repent of my sin of arrogance to the Lord. Most of the pastors living in the present age are living like mine. Pastors, repent of your sins. Get on your knees before the Lord and repent of your sins. Each must get down on his knees and repent of his own pride and arrogance. Everyone must begin to repent of their sins from now on. Do not leave the God of glory as I, King Saul did. My confidence in God has weakened. When the winds of tribulation blew, my heart was troubled and desperate. I couldn't hear God's voice. When the Lord forsook me, my heart was filled with so much fear and terror. I was so frustrated and anxious. I couldn't stand my anxiety and frustration. So I went to the shaman in the Endor area, and I was going to meet Samuel.

회개하시기 바랍니다. 사무엘의 책망을 듣고 회개만 하였다면 하나님께서 나를 버리지 않았을텐데 나는 사무엘선지자의 책망을 듣고 회개치 않고 도리어 하나님의 백성들 앞에 나를 높혀주기를 원했습니다! 회개만 하였다면 이 지옥을 피할 수 있었을텐데 회개하시길 바랍니다! 교만함을 누구를 막론하고 다 회개하시길 바랍니다! 교만은 패망의 선봉이요. 넘어짐의 앞잡이이며, 교만은 회개를 막고 교만한 자는 순종하지 않을 것이며 불순종합니다! 모든 것이 교만함에서 나옵니다! 교만함을 회개하시길 바랍니다! 교만함을 회개하시길 바랍니다!

Espero que todos se arrepientan de sus pecados. Si me hubiera arrepentido de mis pecados cuando Samuel me reprendió, Dios no me habría abandonado. Cuando el profeta Samuel reprendió mis pecados, no me arrepiento de mis pecados, sino que más bien quería que me exaltara ante el pueblo de Dios. Oh, si me hubiera arrepentido de mis pecados entonces, no habría venido a este infierno. Todos los pastores del mundo, arrepiéntanse de sus arrogantes pecados. Todo el mundo es arrogante y arrogante. Todos deben arrepentirse. Quiero que todos se arrepientan de sus pecados y no vengan al infierno. Un corazón orgulloso y arrogante es un atajo a la destrucción. Un corazón orgulloso evita el arrepentimiento del pecado. Los orgullosos y arrogantes no obedecen a Dios y siempre lo desobedecen. Todos los pecados provienen de un corazón arrogante. Arrepiéntete de tus arrogantes pecados. Espero sinceramente que todos se arrepientan de sus arrogantes pecados.

I hope that all will repent of their sins. If I had repented of my sins when Samuel rebuked me, I would not have been abandoned by God. When the Prophet Samuel rebuked my sins, I did not repent of my sins, but rather wanted me to exalt myself before God's people. Oh, if I had repented of my sins then, I would not have come to this hell. All pastors in the world, repent of your arrogant sins. Everyone is arrogant and arrogant. Everyone must repent. I want everyone to repent of their sins and not come to Hell. A proud and arrogant heart is a shortcut to destruction. A proud heart prevents repentance of sin. The proud and arrogant do not obey God, and always disobey. All sins come from an arrogant heart. Repent of your arrogant sins. I earnestly hope that all will repent of their arrogant sins.

교만함을 회개할 때 이 시대를 사는 목사님들, 그리고 하나님의 백성들, 주님의 음성이 귀로도, 마음으로도 응답이 떨어질 것입니다! 나 사울처럼 무당을 찾아가지 마시길 바랍니다! 결국은 귀신에게 쓰임 받고 지옥으로 끌고 가는 귀신의 목적, 루시퍼의 목적이라는 것을 잊지 마시길 바랍니다!

Cuando nos arrepentimos del pecado del orgullo, los pastores de esta época y el pueblo de Dios escucharán la voz del Señor. La respuesta del Señor llegará a aquellos que se arrepientan de sus pecados. No sigas mis malas acciones. Cuando reciba la disciplina de Dios, no vaya a un chamán. Tales acciones son finalmente engañadas por espíritus malignos y conducen al infierno. Si no nos arrepentimos de nuestros pecados de orgullo, seremos castigados por Dios. Los arrogantes enfrentan dificultades y sufrimientos. Pero en este caso, no vayas al chamán. Arrepiéntete de tus pecados. El acto de ir al chamán cumple aún más el propósito de Lucifer. No te olvides de esto.

When we repent of the sin of pride, the voice of the Lord will be heard by the pastors of this age and the people of God. The Lord's answer will come to those who repent of their sins. Do not follow my evil deeds. When receiving God's discipline, don't go to a shaman. Such actions are ultimately deceived by evil spirits and lead to hell. If we do not repent of our sins of pride, we will be punished by God. The arrogant face difficulties and sufferings. But in this case, do not go to the shaman. Repent of your sins. The act of going to the shaman further fulfills the purpose of Lucifer. Don't forget about this.

(루시퍼가 보좌에서 벌떡 일어났어요! 가운데 손가락에서 채찍이 나와서 채찍으로 바닥을 촥 쳐버리는데 지옥이 흔들흔들거려요! 이렇게 지옥의 능력과 권세가 대단해요! 루시퍼가 말을 해요! 루시퍼의 목소리는 흉내낼 수가 없어요! 얼마나 무섭고 지옥전체가 울려퍼지는 크고 우람한 목소리에요!)

(Lucifer se levanta repentinamente de su trono. Un látigo sale de su dedo medio. Y Lucifer golpeó el suelo del infierno con ese látigo. Por ese impacto, todo el infierno se estremeció. Por tanto, el poder y la autoridad de Lucifer es enorme. Lucifer habla. No puedo imitar la voz de Lucifer. Esa voz es tan fuerte y resonante. El rugido de su voz resuena en todo el infierno)

(Lucifer rises suddenly from his throne. A whip comes out of his middle finger. And Lucifer struck the floor of hell with the whip. By that shock, the whole of hell shook. Thus, the power and authority of Lucifer is enormous. lucifer speaks I can't imitate Lucifer's voice. That voice is so loud and resonant. The roar of his voice resounds throughout hell)

루시퍼) , 나의 졸개들아! 이제 사람들을 미혹하라! 특별히 목사대가리들을 더욱더 미혹하라! 그들이 하나님의 음성을 듣지 못하게 하라! 하나님 앞에 기도하지 못하고, 무릎을 꿇지 못하게 그들의 마음을 교만하게 하라, 더욱더 세미나로 바쁘게 만들라! 세상을 향해 걸어가는 발걸음이 바쁘게 하라! 그리고 하나님 앞에 묻는 것이 아니요, 더욱더 무당을 찾아가게 만들라! 그리하면 너희들의 상이 클 것이다! ~~ 루시퍼가 너희들에게 큰 상을 안겨줄 것이니라!

Lucifer) Ahora, yo mando a mis hombres. ¡Ahora, engaña a la gente!

En particular, engañar a los pastores y líderes del pueblo con más fuerza. Haga imposible que los pastores escuchen la voz de Dios. Ante Dios, imposibilite la oración de los pastores. No permita que se arrodillen ante Dios y oren. Haz que su corazón sea más orgulloso y soberbio. Cada vez se realizan más seminarios sobre doctrina humana, Haz que muchos pastores vayan allí. Deja que los pastores sigan el camino del mundo. Haga que los pastores estén más ocupados para asistir a seminarios de humanismo. Y hacer que los pastores vayan al chamán sin preguntarle a Dios. Cuando engañes a muchos pastores, te daré muchas recompensas. Yo, Lucifer, te daré un gran premio.Lucifer)

Now, I command my men. Now, deceive people! In particular, deceive the pastors and the leaders of the people more strongly. Make it impossible for pastors to hear God's voice. Before God, make it impossible for pastors to pray. Don't let them get down on their knees before God and pray. Make his heart more proud and arrogant. More and more seminars on human doctrine are held, Make a lot of pastors go there. Let the pastors go the way of the world. Let their footsteps go to the seminar. And make the pastors go to the shaman without asking before God. When you deceive many pastors, I will give you many rewards. I, Lucifer, will give you a big prize.

(그리고 루시퍼의 손가락에서 나왔던 채찍으로 바닥을 내리치니까 지옥전체가 흔들흔들 하는데, 루시퍼 졸개 귀신들이 깔대기를 통하여 세상으로 향하는데, 각 교회마다 막 파견을 나가는거에요! 교회마당 앞에 깔대기가 있는데, 두더지 같은 구멍이예요. 그곳을 통하여 교회마다 파병을 나가는데! 어떤 목사님이 단에서 기도를 하는데 그냥 성도들 눈치 때문에 단에 무릎 꿇고 기도하는 것 뿐이지 마음은 전혀 딴 생각이 있어요!

(Cuando el látigo del dedo de Lucifer golpeó el suelo, todo el infierno tembló, Y los espíritus malignos, que son los sirvientes de Lucifer, ascienden al mundo a través del embudo. Se envían a cada iglesia. En el patio de cada iglesia hay embudos que conducen al infierno. Parece un agujero de topo. A través del embudo, los soldados de Lucifer son enviados a todas las iglesias. Hay una escena en la que un pastor ora en el púlpito. Para mostrar a los miembros de la oración del pastor, el pastor está arrodillado en el púlpito y orando. El corazón y la mente del pastor están pensando en cosas mundanas, están poseídos por Satanás y no pueden comunicarse con Dios en absoluto. Sus oraciones no llegan al Señor.

(When the whip from Lucifer's finger struck the floor, the whole of Hell shook, And the evil spirits, who are Lucifer's servants, ascend into the world through the funnel. They are sent to each church. In the yard of each church there are funnels that lead to hell. It looks like a mole hole. Through the funnel, Lucifer's soldiers are sent to every church. There is a scene where a pastor prays on the pulpit. To show the saints, the pastor is kneeling on the pulpit and praying. The pastor's heart and mind are thinking of worldly things, are possessed by Satan, and cannot communicate with God at all. His prayers do not reach the Lord.

성도들이 뒤에서 기도를 하니까 어쩔 수 없이 단에서 무릎만 꿇고 있을 뿐이지 전혀 어떠한 기도도 하지 않아요! 그저 이 목사님은 빨리 끝나고 골프칠 생각, 여가를 즐길 생각, 그리고 가족, 따뜻한 가족과 함께 단란한 시간을 보낼 생각만 하고 있고 또 그리고 목사님들 총회다, 노회다, 모임을 찾아요. 거기서 하나님의 나라를 위해 그 분들이 회의와 토론을 하는게 아니라, 자기 자신을 높이기가 바빠요! 이런 것을 다 보여주시네요! 루시퍼의 음성이 지옥에서 울려퍼져요!)

Dado que los miembros están orando detrás del pastor, el pastor no tiene más remedio que adoptar una postura de oración en el púlpito. El corazón del pastor no está orando al Señor en absoluto. Los pensamientos del pastor son que el tiempo de oración pasa rápido, por lo que quiere ir rápido al campo de golf, disfrutar de su tiempo libre, disfrutarlo con su familia y participar en reuniones humanas. Cuando los pastores se reúnen, no se hablan entre ellos por amor al Señor. Su conversación no tiene la intención de difundir más el reino de Dios. Organizan reuniones sociales para divertirse y pastores para presumir de sí mismos. Su preocupación no es salvar almas y extender aún más el reino de Dios. Los pastores reunidos en la conferencia se jactan de sí mismos y se esfuerzan por elevarse por encima de los demás. El Señor me muestra la realidad de estos pastores. La voz de Lucifer resuena en todo el infierno).

Since the members are praying behind the pastor, the pastor has no choice but to take a prayer posture on the pulpit. The pastor's heart is not praying to the Lord at all. The pastor's thoughts are that his prayer time passes quickly, so he wants to go to the golf course quickly, enjoy his leisure time, enjoy it with his family, and participate in human gatherings. When pastors come together, they are not talking to each other for the sake of the Lord. Their conversation is not intended to further spread the kingdom of God. They hold social gatherings to have fun, and pastors to brag about themselves. Their concern is not in saving souls and in further spreading the kingdom of God. Pastors gathered at the conference boast of themselves and strive to elevate themselves above others. The Lord shows me the reality of these pastors. Lucifer's voice resounds throughout Hell.)

루시퍼)~~~!! 나의 졸개들아, 이제 행동을 개시하라! 많은 교회들에게서 예수님의 영광이 떠났노라! 이제 나의 졸개들아 접수하라! 사울왕이 지금 이년에게 말하지 않았더냐! 하나님의 음성을 듣지 못했기 때문에 무당을 찾아갔다고! 이제 많은 목사들을 그렇게 더욱더 미혹하라! 사울이 그러한 범죄를 했기 때문에 그 범죄의 기회를 타서 많은 목사대가리 새끼들이 그 길을 걸어가고 있노라! 교만은 나루시퍼의 상징이노라! 더욱 더 교만하고 거만하게 만들라! 다 루시퍼에게 끌고오라! 그리하면 너의 상이 클 것이니라! 그렇게 루시퍼가 얘기해요.

Lucifer) Mis soldados, cumplan mis órdenes. Ahora, inicie sus acciones. La gloria de Jesús se perdió en innumerables iglesias. Ahora, mis subordinados, tomen el control de todas las iglesias como si fueran nuestras. Como el rey Saúl le dijo a esta mujer ahora, esta es la condición de los pastores. Innumerables pastores visitan al chamán con frustración espiritual porque no pueden escuchar la voz de Dios. Engañen todos los pastores. Debido a que Saúl cometió tal crimen, vino al infierno. Ahora, innumerables pastores están caminando por el sendero de Saulo. El orgullo y la arrogancia pertenecen a Lucifer, y es un símbolo de Lucifer. Debemos hacer que todos los pastores sean más arrogantes y soberbios. Lleva a todos los pastores a Lucifer. Si lo hace, le daré una gran recompensa. Lucifer exclamó:

Lucifer) My soldiers, carry out my orders. Now, start your actions. The glory of Jesus was lost from countless churches. Now, my subordinates, take over all the churches as ours. As King Saul told this woman now, this is the condition of the pastors. Countless pastors are visiting the shaman with spiritual frustration because they cannot hear the voice of God. Be deceived, all pastors. Because Saul committed such a crime, he came to Hell. Now, countless pastors are walking the path of Saul. Pride and arrogance belong to Lucifer, it is a symbol of Lucifer. We must make all the pastors more arrogant and arrogant. Bring all the pastors to Lucifer. If you do, I will give you a great reward. Lucifer exclaimed:

(그렇게 하나님이 사울왕에 대해서 보여주셨습니다.

하나님 감사합니다. 오직 홀로 영광받아주시옵소서! 거룩하신 예수님의 이름으로 기도드렸나이다.아멘!)

(Hoy, Dios me mostró sobre el rey Saúl. Doy todas las gracias a Dios. ¡Que solo el Señor sea glorificado! Recé al Señor en el santo nombre de Jesús. ¡Amén!)

(Today, God showed me about King Saul. I give all thanks to God. May the Lord alone be glorified! I prayed to the Lord in the holy name of Jesus. Amen!)


  이전글 : (Lucifer) ¿Aprendes a amar en extrema traición?(루시퍼) 극한 배신속에서 사랑을 배우느냐?
  다음글 : Sobre el sonido del cielo y el infierno (스페인어 / 천국과 지옥 소리에 대하여)