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  제  목 : No te dejes engañar por los que malinterpretan el 666, 육백육십육에 그만 속으라, 회개치 못하고 죽으면 지옥이다 조회수 : 389
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2021-08-14

육백육십육에 그만 속으라회개치 못하고 죽으면 지옥이다

No te dejes engañar por los que malinterpretan el 666, todos los que no se arrepienten de estos pecados van al infierno

Do not be deceived by those who misinterpret 666, all who do not repent of these sins go to hell

(Columna de fe escrita por el pastor Yang-Hwan Kim)

(Column of Faith written by Pastor Yang-Hwan Kim)

육백육십육은 에덴동산에서 아담과 하와를 미혹한 간교한 짐승 사단의 정체에 대하여 기록된 것이다 사단은 세상 끝나는 날까지 성도들을 미혹하여 지옥으로 이끌어 갈 것이다 믿는다고 하는 자들이여 나는 지금 사단에게 미혹당하고 있지는 않는지 나는 사단에게 쓰임 받고 있지는 않은지 자기를 점검해야 할 것이다 나는 적그리스도에게 속고 있지는 않는지 항상 점검해야 할 것이다

예수님의 피를 부정하는 자들이 예수께서 육체오신 것을 부인하는 적그리스도 들이다

El número 666 registrado en la Biblia significa el espíritu de Satanás. Satanás es una bestia astuta que engañó a Adán y Eva en el Jardín del Edén. La verdadera naturaleza de la bestia es Satanás. Lo que Satanás quiere es engañar a los santos hasta el fin del mundo y llevarlos al infierno. Aquellos de ustedes que afirman creer en Dios, deben examinarse a sí mismos. Tendrán que comprobar si están siendo engañados por Satanás y si están siendo usados ​​por Satanás, y apartarse del pecado de herejía. Siempre debe verificar si ahora pertenece al Anticristo o a Cristo. Aquellos que niegan que solo la sangre de Jesús puede lavar los pecados humanos son anticristos, y aquellos que niegan que Jesús es el mismo Dios que vino a esta tierra en carne humana también son anticristos.

The number 666 recorded in the Bible means the spirit of Satan. Satan is a crafty beast that deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The true nature of the beast is Satan. What Satan wants is to deceive the saints until the end of the world and lead them to hell. Those of you who claim to believe in God, you need to check yourselves. You will have to check whether yourselves are being deceived by Satan and being used by Satan, and turn away from the sin of heresy. You should always pre-examine whether you now belong to the Antichrist or to Christ. Those who deny that only the blood of Jesus can wash away human sins are antichrists, and those who deny that Jesus is God Himself who came to this earth in human flesh are also antichrists.

베리칩이나 백신 맞으면 회개해도 지옥 간다고 가르치고 외치는 자들도 적그리스도에 모두 포함되는 것이다 예수님의 피로써 용서받지 못 할 죄는 이 세상 어디에도 없는 것이다 예수님의 피를 부정하는 자들이 결국은 어떻게 되겠는가더 이상 거짓 복음에 미혹 당하지 말라

Los que predican y enseñan verichips mienten así. "Aunque el pueblo de Dios se arrepienta de sus pecados y sea lavado en la sangre de Jesús, si recibe un verichip, irá al infierno". No solo esto, sino que ahora afirman que la vacuna corona es 666. Se oponen y obstruyen la voluntad de Dios, como anticristos. Cuando alguien se arrepiente de su pecado, la sangre de Jesús lo limpia y lo lleva al cielo. No hay pecado que no pueda ser perdonado por la sangre de Jesús. Aquellos que niegan el pleno poder salvador de la sangre de Jesús son anticristos. ¿Qué pasará con estas personas al final? Nadie debe dejarse engañar por estas falsas doctrinas humanas.

Those who preach and teach verichips lie like this. "Even if God's people repent of their sins and be washed in the blood of Jesus, if he gets a verichip, he will go to hell." Not only this, but now, they claim that the corona vaccine is 666. They are opposing and obstructing the will of God, as antichrists. When anyone repents of his sin, the blood of Jesus cleanses him and leads him to heaven. There is no sin that cannot be forgiven by the blood of Jesus. Those who deny the full saving power of the blood of Jesus are antichrists. What will happen to these people in the end? No one should ever be deceived by these false human doctrines.

[요한2 1:7-8] 미혹하는 자가 많이 세상에 나왔나니 이는 예수 그리스도께서 육체로 임하심을 부인하는 자라 이것이 미혹하는 자요 적그리스도니 너희는 너희를 삼가 우리의 일한 것을 잃지 말고 오직 온전한 상을 얻으라

Porque muchos engañadores han salido por el mundo, que no confiesan que Jesucristo ha venido en carne. Quien esto hace es el engañador y el anticristo. Mirad por vosotros mismos, para que no perdáis el fruto de vuestro trabajo, sino que recibáis galardón completo.

2 Juan 1:7-8

For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward.

2 John 1:7-8

[요한1 2:18] 아이들아 이것이 마지막 때라 적그리스도가 이르겠다 함을 너희가 들은 것과 같이 지금도 많은 적그리스도가 일어났으니 이러므로 우리가 마지막 때인 줄 아노라

Hijitos, ya es el último tiempo; y según vosotros oísteis que el anticristo viene, así ahora han surgido muchos anticristos; por esto conocemos que es el último tiempo.

1 Juan 2:18

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

1 John 2:18

[요한1 4:3] 예수를 시인하지 아니하는 영마다 하나님께 속한 것이 아니니 이것이 곧 적그리스도의 영이니라 오리라 한 말을 너희가 들었거니와 이제 벌써 세상에 있느니라

y todo espíritu que no confiesa que Jesucristo ha venido en carne, no es de Dios; y este es el espíritu del anticristo, el cual vosotros habéis oído que viene, y que ahora ya está en el mundo.

1 Juan 4:3

And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

1 John 4:3

믿는 자들은 오직 예수 외에 다른 구원자 없다고 외쳐야한다 다른 것 석어서 전하면 안 된다 그것은 혼합된 복음이며 생명이 없는 죽은 복음이 되는 것이다

하나님을 떠나 죽은 자나 산자나 피조물들을 신격화시켜 경배하고 따르는 자들은 누구를 막론하고 육백육십육 짐승의영 사망아래 놓여있는 것이다 그 짐승이 바로 옛 뱀이며 용이며 사단이며 마귀이며 바로 타락한 천사 귀신들의 왕이다 그러나 예수님을 나의구주로 믿고 회개할 때 예수님께서 흘리신 피로 우상숭배 했던 죄도 깨끗하게 용서받는 것이다

Aquellos que creen en Dios deben predicar sólo esto: "Sólo Jesús es el salvador, no hay absolutamente ningún otro salvador". Los pensamientos humanos no deben mezclarse con este verdadero evangelio. Cuando el verdadero evangelio y la doctrina humana se mezclan, es un evangelio mixto, un evangelio muerto sin vida. Muchos del pueblo de Dios se están alejando de Dios. Mucha gente deifica a los muertos, a los vivos oa otras criaturas y les sirve como Dios. Todas estas personas han recibido el 666, el espíritu de Satanás, y están bajo el poder de la muerte. Satanás es la bestia, y la bestia es la serpiente antigua, el dragón, el diablo y el rey de los ángeles caídos. Pero cuando cualquier pecador cree en Jesús como su Salvador y se arrepiente de su pecado, es lavado con la sangre de Jesús. Si incluso una persona que adoraba a los ídolos se arrepiente de sus pecados, la sangre de Jesús en la cruz los limpia de los pecados de la idolatría, los perdona y los salva.

Those who believe in God must preach this only, "Only Jesus is the savior, there is absolutely no other savior." Human thoughts must not be mixed with this true gospel. When the true gospel and human doctrine are mixed, it is a mixed gospel, a dead gospel without life. Many of God's people are turning away from God. Many people deify the dead or the living or other creatures and serve them as God. All of these people have received 666, the spirit of Satan, and are placed under the power of death. Satan is the beast, and the beast is the serpent of old, the dragon, the devil, and the king of fallen angels. But when any sinner believes in Jesus as his Savior and repents of his sins, he is washed with the blood of Jesus. If even a person who worshiped idols repents of their sins, the blood of Jesus on the cross cleanses them from the sins of idolatry, forgives them, and saves them.

[창세기 3:1] 여호와 하나님의 지으신 들짐승 중에 뱀이 가장 간교하더라 뱀이 여자에게 물어 가로되 하나님이 참으로 너희더러 동산 모든 나무의 실과를 먹지 말라 하시더냐

Pero la serpiente era astuta, más que todos los animales del campo que Jehová Dios había hecho; la cual dijo a la mujer: ¿Conque Dios os ha dicho: No comáis de todo árbol del huerto?

Génesis 3:1

Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

Genesis 3:1

[요한계시록 20:2] 용을 잡으니 곧 옛 뱀이요 마귀요 사단이라 잡아 일천 년 동안 결박하여

Y prendió al dragón, la serpiente antigua, que es el diablo y Satanás, y lo ató por mil años;

Apocalipsis 20:2

And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

Revelation 20:2

[요한계시록 13:1] 내가 보니 바다에서 한 짐승이 나오는데 뿔이 열이요 머리가 일곱이라 그 뿔에는 열 면류관이 있고 그 머리들에는 참람된 이름들이 있더라

Me paré sobre la arena del mar, y vi subir del mar una bestia que tenía siete cabezas y diez cuernos; y en sus cuernos diez diademas; y sobre sus cabezas, un nombre blasfemo.

Apocalipsis 13:1

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Revelation 13:1

[요한계시록 16:13-14] 또 내가 보매 개구리 같은 세 더러운 영이 용의 입과 짐승의 입과 거짓 선지자의 입에서 나오니 저희는 귀신의 영이라 이적을 행하여 온 천하 임금들에게 가서 하나님 곧 전능하신 이의 큰 날에 전쟁을 위하여 그들을 모으더라

Y vi salir de la boca del dragón, y de la boca de la bestia, y de la boca del falso profeta, tres espíritus inmundos a manera de ranas; pues son espíritus de demonios, que hacen señales, y van a los reyes de la tierra en todo el mundo, para reunirlos a la batalla de aquel gran día del Dios Todopoderoso.

Apocalipsis 16:13-14

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

Revelation 16:13-14

[요한계시록 20:10] 또 저희를 미혹하는 마귀가 불과 유황 못에 던지우니 거기는 그 짐승과 거짓 선지자도 있어 세세토록 밤낮 괴로움을 받으리라

Y el diablo que los engañaba fue lanzado en el lago de fuego y azufre, donde estaban la bestia y el falso profeta; y serán atormentados día y noche por los siglos de los siglos.

Apocalipsis 20:10

And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Revelation 20:10

속는 것도 어느 정도 속으라컴퓨터부터 시작하여 바코드 베리칩 큐알코드 지금은 백신이 육백육십육이 라고 속이는 극단적인 종말론 자들에게 언제까지 속을 것인가 백신을 맞으면 회개해도 지옥 간다는 거짓말에 그만 속으라이들은 예수그리스도의 피를 부정하는 적그리스도들이며 거짓선지자들이며 미혹하는 자들이다 예수님께서 십자가에서 흘리신 피는 예수님을 구주로 믿고 회개하는 자들의 모든 죄를 용서하시는 것이다 그런대 컴퓨터가 무엇이기에 바코드가 무엇이기에 베리칩이 무엇이기에 백신이 무엇이기에 이런 과학자들의 개발품을 가지고 이런 것을 받거나 맞으면 회개해도 지옥 간다고 황당한 거짓말로 속이는 것인가 그러면 예수님의 피 값은 무엇인가 예수님께서 재림하신다고 오실날짜를 말하여 얼마나 믿음 약한 자들을 미혹했는가?

¿No hay un límite para ser engañado? En un momento, los herejes afirmaron que la computadora era la marca 666, y que el código de barras era 666, luego verichip, código QR, etc. Y ahora afirman que la inyección de la vacuna es la marca del 666. ¿Hasta cuándo tanta gente será engañada por estos falsos y extremos escatólogos? No se deje engañar por sus mentiras. Afirman que incluso si el pueblo de Dios se arrepiente de sus pecados y es perdonado, irá al infierno cuando sea vacunado. Estos son los anticristos que niegan el poder de la sangre de Jesucristo, los falsos profetas y los que engañan al pueblo de Dios. La sangre que Jesús derramó en la cruz tiene un poder salvador infinito. Aquellos que creen en Jesús como su salvador y se arrepientan de sus pecados serán perdonados de sus pecados e irán al cielo. que es una computadora ¿Qué es un código de barras? ¿Qué es VeriChip? ¿Qué es una vacuna? ¿Qué significan los productos fabricados por científicos? ¿Qué tienen que ver estas cosas con la salvación de las almas humanas? Aquellos que dicen que aquellos que se arrepienten de sus pecados irán al infierno si reciben tales cosas son muy mentirosos. ¿Por qué tanta gente se engaña con estas mentiras absurdas? Si los productos elaborados por los científicos determinan la salvación del hombre, ¿qué papel juega la sangre de Jesús? Profetizan falsamente la fecha del regreso de Jesús. Muchas personas con fe débil están siendo engañadas por esta mentira herética.

Isn't there a limit to being deceived? At one time, heretics claimed that the computer was the mark of 666, and that the barcode was 666, then verichip, QR code, etc. And now they claim the vaccine injection is the mark of 666. How long will so many people be deceived by these false and extreme eschatologists? Don't be fooled by their lies. They claim that even if God's people repent of their sins and are forgiven, they will go to hell when vaccinated. These are the antichrists who deny the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, false prophets, and those who deceive God's people. The blood that Jesus shed on the cross has infinite saving power. Those who believe in Jesus as their savior and repent of their sins are to be forgiven of their sins and go to heaven. what is a computer What is a barcode? What is VeriChip? What is a vaccine? What do the products made by scientists mean? What have these things to do with the salvation of human souls? Those who say that those who repent of their sins will go to hell if they receive such things are very liars. Why are so many people deceived by these absurd lies? If the products made by scientists determine man's salvation, what role does the blood of Jesus play? They falsely prophesy the date of Jesus' return. Many people with weak faith are being deceived by this heretical lie.

 그때마다 매번 틀렸고 거짓으로 드러났던 것이 한두 번이 아니었다지금도 왜 속는가그렇게도 성경말씀을 깨닫지 못하겠는가거짓말의애비 마귀에게 언제까지 속아 지옥으로 끌려갈 것인가 예수님의 피를 부정하는 미혹하는 이단들에게 그만 속으라사람들의 모든 죄는 예수님을 나의구원주로 믿고 회개할 때 예수님께서 십자가에서 흘리신 피 값으로 용서받는 것이다 그런대 백신 맞으면 회개해도 지옥간고 외치는 자들은 누구에게 속해있는 자들인가 이들은 예수님의 피를 부정하는 귀신의 종들이며 사단의 백성들이다

거짓귀신의영으로 속이는 거짓선지자들에게 계속 속아 지옥에 떨어질 것인가 구원은 예수그리스도를 믿느냐 믿지 않느냐에 달려있다

A medida que pasa el tiempo, los herejes están cambiando "666" por otra cosa. Ahora, todas las marcas de "666" que han estado reclamando han resultado ser falsas, y se ha demostrado que son falsas. Incluso si ha sido engañado una o dos veces, no debe seguir siendo engañado por sus mentiras. ¿Por qué el pueblo de Dios no comprende las palabras de la Biblia? ¿Hasta cuándo los miembros de la iglesia serán engañados por el diablo, el padre de la mentira? ¿Por qué el pueblo de Dios quiere ir al infierno? Nadie debe ser engañado por los herejes que niegan el poder de la sangre de Jesús. Todos los pecados humanos se salvan cuando creen en Jesús como su salvador y se arrepienten de sus pecados. Todos los pecados son lavados y perdonados solo por la sangre de Jesús en la cruz. Aquellos que dicen que si se vacunan irán al infierno incluso si se arrepienten de sus pecados son siervos de Satanás. Estos mentirosos pertenecen a Satanás. Aquellos que niegan el poder de la sangre de Jesús son los siervos del diablo y el pueblo de Satanás. ¿Continuarás siendo engañado por falsos profetas y caerás en el infierno? La salvación del hombre llega solo cuando cree en Jesucristo y se arrepiente de sus pecados.

As time goes by, heretics are changing "666" to something else. Now, all the marks of "666" that they have been claiming have turned out to be false, and have been proven to be false. Even if you have been deceived once or twice, do not continue to be deceived by their lies. Why do God's people not understand the words of the Bible? How long will the members of the church be deceived by the devil, the father of lies? Why do God's people want to go to Hell? No one should be deceived by the heretics who deny the power of the blood of Jesus. All human sins are saved when they believe in Jesus as their savior and repent of their sins. All sins are washed away and forgiven only by the blood of Jesus on the cross. Those who say that if they get vaccinated they will go to hell even if they repent of their sins are servants of Satan. These liars belong to Satan. Those who deny the power of the blood of Jesus are the servants of the devil and the people of Satan. Will you continue to be deceived by false prophets and fall into hell? Man's salvation comes only when he believes in Jesus Christ and repents of his sins.

[요한복음 16:8-9] 그가 와서 죄에 대하여의에 대하여심판에 대하여 세상을 책망하시리라 죄에 대하여라 함은 저희가 나를 믿지 아니함이요

Y cuando él venga, convencerá al mundo de pecado, de justicia y de juicio. De pecado, por cuanto no creen en mí;

Juan 16:8-9

And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me;

John 16:8-9

예수님을 나의구원주로 믿지 않는 자들은 모두가 어두움에 즉 사망에 속해있는 자들이며 우상숭배자들이다 또한 예수그리스도를 믿는다 하면서 우상을 따르는 자들도 사단의 영역에 속해 있는 것이다 이것이 짐승의 이름 육백육십육이다 육백육십육은 짐승의 이름은 사단 루시퍼를 말하는 것이다 그래서 짐승의 이름을 받은 자들은 잔인하여져서 한분하나님이신예수님을 믿는 자들을 잔인하게 잡아 죽인 것이다 즉 한분하나님이신 예수님을 믿는 자들을 잔인하게 죽인 개인이나 왕들이나 황제들에 대하여 기록된 것이다 구약 때 가인부터 시작하여 황제시대까지 또한 현제에도 예수그리스도를 한분하나님으로 믿는 자들을 잔인하게 죽이는 사단의영에게 사로잡힌 독재자들이다 즉 육백육십육이란 짐승의 이름 루시퍼이다 성령은 예수님의 이름이시다 왜 예수님께서 미혹을 조심하라고 말씀하셨는가?

Aquellos que no creen en Jesús como su propio Salvador están todos bajo el poder de las tinieblas y la muerte. Estas personas son idólatras. Y yendo a la iglesia, diciendo que creo en Jesucristo, Los que siguen a los ídolos también pertenecen al reino de Satanás. Estos son todos los que han recibido el nombre de la bestia ", 666. "666" es el nombre de la bestia, que significa Satanás y Lucifer. Por eso los que reciben el nombre de la bestia son muy crueles. Tales personas matan brutalmente a los que creen en el único Dios, Jesús. Hay registros de personas, reyes o emperadores en la Biblia que asesinaron brutalmente a los que creían en un solo Dios, Jesús. En el Antiguo Testamento, comenzando con Caín, sucedió así en los días de los emperadores. Incluso ahora, hay quienes matan brutalmente a los que creen en Jesucristo como un solo Dios. Estos son dictadores poseídos por el espíritu de Satanás. Estos son "666", el nombre de la bestia, los sirvientes de Lucifer. El Espíritu Santo es el nombre de Jesús. ¿Por qué Jesús le diría a la gente que se cuide de los engaños de Satanás?

Those who do not believe in Jesus as their own Savior are all placed under the power of darkness and death. These people are idolaters. And going to church, saying I believe in Jesus Christ, Those who follow idols also belong to Satan's realm. These are all those who have received the name of the beast, "666. "666" is the name of the beast, which means Satan and Lucifer. That is why those who receive the name of the beast are very cruel. Such people brutally kill those who believe in the one God, Jesus. There are recorded in the Bible of individuals, kings, or emperors who brutally killed those who believed in one God, Jesus. In the Old Testament, starting with Cain, it was so in the days of the emperors. Even now, there are those who brutally kill those who believe in Jesus Christ as one God. These are dictators possessed by the spirit of Satan. These are "666", the name of the beast, the servants of Lucifer. The Holy Spirit is the name of Jesus. Why would Jesus tell people to beware of Satan's delusions?


[마태복음 24:24] 거짓 그리스도들과 거짓 선지자들이 일어나 큰 표적과 기사를 보이어 할 수만 있으면 택하신 자들도 미혹하게 하리라

Porque se levantarán falsos Cristos, y falsos profetas, y harán grandes señales y prodigios, de tal manera que engañarán, si fuere posible, aun a los escogidos.

Mateo 24:24

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Matthew 24:24

[고린도후서 11:3] 뱀이 그 간계로 이와를 미혹케 한 것같이 너희 마음이 그리스도를 향하는 진실함과 깨끗함에서 떠나 부패할까 두려워하노라

Pero temo que como la serpiente con su astucia engañó a Eva, vuestros sentidos sean de alguna manera extraviados de la sincera fidelidad a Cristo.

2 Corintios 11:3

But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

2 Corinthians 11:3

미혹은 그럴싸한 것이다 가짜를 진짜처럼 헷갈리게 하는 것이다

그만미혹당하라 베리칩이 매매의표라고 얼마나 속았는가이제는 백신이 매매의표인가 왜 자꾸 거짓말로 속이는가여기에 속는 자들은 또 무엇인가 홀로한분하나님이신 예수님에 대하여 모르기 때문에 거짓 것에 속는 것이다 사단은 거짓선지자들을 사용하여 거짓말로 택하신 자들도 미혹한다는 것을 깨달아야할 것이다 거짓을 전하는 사단의 앞잡이들이여 육백육십육은 짐승 사단의영을 말하는 것이다

Los que engañan parecen buenos por fuera. Pero dicen lo falso como si fuera real, confundiendo a los oyentes. No se deje engañar por ellos. Dicen que los verichips son una señal de permiso para comprar y vender, muchos están siendo engañados por sus mentiras. Ahora dicen que las vacunas son incluso una señal de que se les permite comprar y vender. ¿Por qué engañan a la gente con tantas mentiras? ¿Qué pasa con los miembros de la iglesia que son engañados por falsos profetas? Debido a que aquellos que son engañados por mentiras no conocen las palabras de la Biblia, no saben que Jesús es un solo Dios, y no saben que Jesús es Dios mismo, el pueblo de Dios es engañado por falsos profetas. Satanás usa falsos profetas para engañar a los elegidos de Dios con mentiras. Todos deberían darse cuenta de esto. Siervos de Satanás que difunden mentiras, Date cuenta, "666 es el nombre de la bestia y el espíritu de Satanás.

Those who deceive seem good on the outside. But they tell the fake as if it were real, confusing the listeners. Don't be deceived by them.

They say that verichips are a sign of permission to buy and sell, many are being deceived by their lies. Now they say that vaccinations are even a sign that they're allowed to buy and sell. Why do they deceive people with so many lies? What about the members of the church being deceived by false prophets? Because those who are deceived by lies do not know the words of the Bible, do not know that Jesus is one God, and do not know that Jesus is God Himself, God's people are deceived by false prophets. Satan uses false prophets, he is deceiving God's elect with lies. Everyone should realize about this. Servants of Satan who spread lies, Realize, "666 is the name of the beast and the spirit of Satan.

666은 사단이 우상을 따르는 자들 개인이나 집단이나 왕들이나 황제들이나 독재자들 속에 들어가 하나님을 믿는 자들을 핍박하고 잔인하게 잡아 죽인 자들에 대하여 기록된 것이다 구약부터 현제까지 총명이 있는 자들은 구약부터 지금까지 우상을 버리고 한분하나님을 믿는 자들을 잔인하게 죽였던 사람들의 수를 한번 세어보아라 가인부터 시작하여 현제까지 말이다 요한계시록 시대는 황제시대였다 황제를 신으로 인정할 수 없다고 경배하지 않는 예수그리스도를 믿는 자들을 잡아 목 베어 죽인 실제사건이다 안디바도 그때 죽임을 당하면서 믿음을 지킨 것이다 그 황제들이 바로 짐승 사단의영을 받아 한분하나님이신 예수그리스도를 믿는 자들을 잡아다가 목베어 죽인 것이다

"666" se refiere al espíritu de Satanás. El espíritu de Satanás entra en los idólatras y los hace perseguir al pueblo de Dios. El espíritu de Satanás entra en individuos o grupos, entra en reyes o emperadores y entra en tiranos. Aquellos que reciben el espíritu de Satanás persiguen y matan brutalmente al pueblo de Dios. Esto está registrado en la Biblia. Desde el Antiguo Testamento hasta el presente, Satanás ha estado haciendo esto. La Biblia dice: Aquellos que tienen entendimiento nos dicen que contemos el número de estas personas semejantes a bestias desde el Antiguo Testamento hasta el presente. Los adoradores de ídolos mataron brutalmente a los que creían en Dios. Puedes contar el número de esos asesinos. ¿Cuántas de estas personas estuvieron allí desde Caín hasta el día de hoy? El tiempo en que se escribió el libro de Apocalipsis fue el tiempo del emperador. Aquellos que no reconocieron al emperador como un dios y se negaron a adorarlo fueron condenados a muerte. Aquellos que creían solo en Jesucristo fueron decapitados y brutalmente asesinados por ellos. Antipas fue asesinado por ellos, pero mantuvo su fe hasta el final, está registrado en la Biblia. Aquellos emperadores recibieron el espíritu de la bestia, el espíritu de Satanás, "666", y mataron gente. Los asesinados por ellos eran los que creían que Jesús era un solo Dios.

"666" refers to the spirit of Satan. The spirit of Satan enters the idolaters and causes them to persecute God's people. The spirit of Satan enters individuals or groups, enters kings or emperors, and enters tyrants. Those who receive Satan's spirit persecute and brutally kill God's people. This is recorded in the Bible. From the Old Testament to the present, Satan has been doing this. The Bible says: Those with understanding are told to count the number of these beast-like people from the Old Testament to the present. Idol worshipers brutally killed those who believed in God. You can count the number of such murderers. How many of these people were there from Cain to the present day? The time when the book of Revelation was written was the time of the emperor. Those who did not recognize the emperor as a god and refused to worship him were put to death. Those who believed only in Jesus Christ were beheaded and brutally killed by them. Antipas was killed by them, but he kept his faith to the end, it is recorded in the Bible. Those emperors received the spirit of the beast, the spirit of Satan, "666", and they killed people. Those killed by them were those who believed that Jesus was one God.

[요한계시록 2:13] 네가 어디 사는 것을 내가 아노니 거기는 사단의 위가 있는 데라 네가 내 이름을 굳게 잡아서 내 충성된 증인 안디바가 너희 가운데 곧 사단의 거하는 곳에서 죽임을 당할 때에도 나를 믿는 믿음을 저버리지 아니하였도다

Yo conozco tus obras, y dónde moras, donde está el trono de Satanás; pero retienes mi nombre, y no has negado mi fe, ni aun en los días en que Antipas mi testigo fiel fue muerto entre vosotros, donde mora Satanás.

Apocalipsis 2:13

I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.

Revelation 2:13

[요한계시록 13:18] 지혜가 여기 있으니 총명 있는 자는 그 짐승의 수를 세어 보라 그 수는 사람의 수니 육백 육십 륙이니라

Aquí hay sabiduría. El que tiene entendimiento, cuente el número de la bestia, pues es número de hombre. Y su número es seiscientos sesenta y seis.

Apocalipsis 13:18

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:18

[요한1 3:12] 가인같이 하지 말라 저는 악한 자에게 속하여 그 아우를 죽였으니 어찐 연고로 죽였느뇨 자기의 행위는 악하고 그 아우의 행위는 의로움이니라

No como Caín, que era del maligno y mató a su hermano. ¿Y por qué causa le mató? Porque sus obras eran malas, y las de su hermano justas.

1 Juan 3:12

Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous.

1 John 3:12

가인이 왜 그렇게 짐승처럼 돌변했는가사단의영으로 그리된 것이 아니던가사단이 짐승 중에 제일 간교한 짐승이 아니었던가?

육백육십육을 외치는 자들이여 베리칩 받으면 회개해도 지옥 간다는데 백신 맞으면 회개해도 지옥 간 다는데 말해보라 성경말씀을 부인하고 예수님께서 모든 인류를 위해 십자가에서 흘리신 생명의피를 부정하는 자들이여 너희는 철저히 회개치 아니하면 절대로 생명나무에 나아 갈수 없을 것이다 미혹하는 자들이여

¿Por qué Caín cambió como una bestia? Debido al espíritu de Satanás, su corazón se volvió como una bestia. Satanás fue la serpiente de la antigüedad, la más astuta de todas las bestias. Tú que cambias el significado de "666" y difundes mentiras, No difunda mentiras. Los que dicen ir al infierno si reciben un verichip aunque se hayan arrepentido por completo de sus pecados, o los que dicen que si se vacunan irán al infierno; Ustedes son los que niegan y rechazan la Biblia. Jesús murió en la cruz por toda la humanidad. Así que la sangre de Jesús perdona todos los pecados de los que se arrepienten y le permite entrar en el reino de los cielos. Tú que niegas la sangre de la vida, arrepiéntete inmediatamente de tus malvados pecados. A menos que se arrepienta de sus mentiras, nunca se acercará al árbol de la vida en el cielo. De ahora en adelante, no engañes al pueblo de Dios con mentiras.

Why did Cain change like a beast? Because of Satan's spirit, his heart became like a beast. Satan was the serpent of old, the most cunning of all beasts. You who change the meaning of "666" and spread lies, Don't spread lies. Those who claim to go to hell if they receive a verichip even if they have completely repented of their sins, or those who say that if they get vaccinated they will go to hell; You are those who deny and reject the Bible. Jesus died on the cross for all mankind. So the blood of Jesus forgives all the sins of those who repent, and allows him to enter the kingdom of heaven. You who deny the blood of life, immediately repent of your evil sins. Unless you repent of your lies, you will never approach the tree of life in heaven. From now on, do not deceive God's people with lies.

[예수그리스도의 피 값으로 회개해도 용서받지 못할 죄가 있는가말해보라 무슨 죄인지 말이다 회개해도 지옥 간다는 말도 안 되는 거짓으로 미혹하는 자들이여 빨리 회개하고 올바른 길 천국길을 가라 지옥은 정말 참혹한곳이다 다 가드라도 지옥만큼은 절대가면 안 되는 곳이다

Cuando alguien se arrepiente de sus pecados, la sangre de Jesucristo quita ese pecado por completo, lavándolo limpio. No puede haber pecado que no pueda ser perdonado por la sangre de Jesús. Dime, si hay un pecado que no puede ser perdonado, aunque uno se arrepienta de él, Ustedes herejes que engañan al pueblo de Dios, Arrepiéntete de tus pecados engañosos. Arrepiéntete rápidamente de estos pecados y vuélvete al Señor. Debes ir por el camino correcto, el camino al cielo. El infierno es un lugar tan cruel. Nunca debes ir al infierno. Nadie debería ir al infierno.

When anyone repents of his sins, the blood of Jesus Christ takes away that sin completely, washing him clean. There can be no sin that cannot be forgiven by the blood of Jesus. Tell me, if there is a sin that cannot be forgiven, even if one repents of it, You heretics who deceive God's people, Repent of your deceitful sins. Quickly repent of these sins and turn to the Lord. You must go the right way, the way to heaven. Hell is such a cruel place. You must never go to hell. No one should ever go to Hell.

[히브리서 9:22] 율법을 좇아 거의 모든 물건이 피로써 정결케 되나니 피 흘림이 없은즉 사함이 없느니라

Y casi todo es purificado, según la ley, con sangre; y sin derramamiento de sangre no se hace remisión.

Hebreos 9:22

And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.

Hebrews 9:22

한분하나님이신 예수님의 피로 모든 것들이 정결케 되는데 백신 맞으면 회개해도 지옥 간 다고 미혹하고 있으니 또 여기에 속는 자들은 누구인가한분하나님이 누구이신지 확실 모르기 때문에 바람에 나는 겨와 같이 이리저리 방황하고 헤 메이다 불속에 들어가는 것이다

어찌 컴퓨터가 666이라고 시작하여 바코드 베리칩이나 큐알코드 현제는 백신 맞으면 회개해도 지옥 간다고 거짓으로 미혹하는가천국에가서 예수님한테 들었는가그것은 사단의 영으로 가짜예수 한 테 들은 것이다 예수님께서 성경에서 말씀하신 것처럼 회개를 강조 하신다 죽어 지옥으로 떨어지는 영혼들을 보시고 피눈물을 흘리신다,

Un Dios, Jesús, derramó Su sangre. Los humanos deben arrepentirse de todos sus pecados y ser perdonados por la sangre de Jesús. Sin embargo, muchas personas del pueblo de Dios son engañadas por las mentiras de Satanás y no se arrepienten de sus pecados. Se les engaña pensando que si no se vacunan irán al cielo.

O, incluso si se arrepienten de sus pecados, piensan que irán al infierno si reciben vacunas o verichips. ¿Por qué los miembros de la iglesia son engañados por estas mentiras? Aquellos que son engañados por Satanás no saben que Jesús es Dios mismo. Los que son engañados por Satanás no son trigo, sino paja arrastrada por el viento y van al infierno. Los falsos profetas primero dijeron que la computadora es ": 666", y desde entonces han reclamado "666" para códigos de barras, verichips, códigos QR, vacunas, etc. Aquellos que afirman que los vacunados irán al infierno aunque se arrepientan de sus pecados son falsos profetas, engañan al pueblo de Dios. Afirman que fueron al cielo y recibieron este mensaje de Jesús. Pero debes darte cuenta de que has escuchado tales cosas del falso Jesús, el espíritu de Satanás. Las palabras de Jesús nos enseñan a arrepentirnos siempre de nuestros pecados, al igual que las palabras de la Biblia. Jesús siempre enfatiza el arrepentimiento de los pecados. Los ojos de Jesús derraman lágrimas de sangre cuando ve a las almas caer en el infierno.

One God, Jesus, shed His blood. Humans must repent of all their sins and be forgiven by the blood of Jesus. However, many of God's people are deceived by Satan's lies and do not repent of their sins. They are deceived into thinking that if they don't get vaccinated they will go to heaven. Or, even if they repent of their sins, they think they will go to hell if they receive vaccinations or verichips. Why are church members deceived by these lies? Because those who are deceived by Satan do not know that Jesus is one God and that He is God Himself. Those who are deceived by Satan are not wheat, but chaff blown away by the wind, and are going to hell. The false prophets first said that the computer is ":666", and since then they have claimed to be "666" for barcodes, verichips, QR codes, vaccines, etc. Those who claim that those vaccinated will go to hell even if they repent of their sins are false prophets, deceives God's people. They claim that they went to heaven and received this message from Jesus. But you must realize that you have heard such things from the fake Jesus, the spirit of Satan. The words of Jesus teach us to always repent of our sins, just like the words of the Bible. Jesus always emphasizes the repentance of sins. Jesus' eyes shed bloody tears as he sees souls falling into hell.

예수그리스도의 피를 부정하는 거짓선지자들이여 너희가 거짓 영 귀신의 영으로 거짓 것을 외치는 바로 짐승의영을 받고 택하신 자들을 미혹하는 이단들인 것이다 천하에 구원 얻을 다른 이름이 없는데 어찌 과학자들이 인류의 건강을과 생활의 편리함을 위해 연구하여 만들어낸 물건들을 666이라고 속이고 있으니 말이다 속는 자들은 누구인가 한분하나님을 모르고 인간들의 교리를 쫓고 사단의 역사를 통해 나타나는 거짓은사와 거짓천국 거짓지옥을 본 것을 믿고 따르는 자들이 아니던가성령충만 받고 하나님의 말씀이신 성경을 깨달으라성경말씀 속에 구원을 얻을 지혜가 있는 것이다 왜 다른 것을 따라가는 것인가 왜 거짓 것을 믿고 따르며 거짓 것을 전하는 것인가 오직 인류의 구 원주 이신 예수그리스도를 믿고 증거하라 복음이신 예수그리스도 외에 다른 거짓 것 절대 석어서 전하지 말라 이런 한 자들은 진실로 회개치 못하고 죽으면 끝은 지옥이다

Falsos profetas que niegan el poder de la sangre de Jesucristo, Has sido engañado por los espíritus de los demonios, los espíritus de la mentira. Has recibido el espíritu de la bestia y estás engañando a los elegidos de Dios. ustedes son herejes En todo el mundo, solo hay un nombre que puede salvar a los hombres, Jesucristo, Nunca hay otro salvador. Los científicos fabrican varios productos para ayudar a la salud humana y a una vida cómoda. ¿Cómo pueden los productos que los científicos investigan y fabrican convertirse en "666"? ¿Por qué inventa teorías falsas y engaña al pueblo de Dios con ellas? Aquellos que son engañados por ellos también son muy necios. El único Dios es Jesús. Debido a que no conocen verdaderamente a Dios, muchos siguen las doctrinas de los hombres. Después de ver los poderes o señales de Satanás, son engañados por las mentiras de Satanás. Tú que has visto dones falsos y cielos falsos y infiernos falsos, no engañes al pueblo de Dios. Sea lleno del Espíritu Santo. Entender la Biblia, la Palabra de Dios. Solo en las palabras de la Biblia se encuentra la sabiduría de Dios para salvar a la humanidad. ¿Por qué el pueblo de Dios sigue falsas doctrinas humanas? ¿Por qué estás predicando falsas doctrinas al mundo? Cree y testifica solo en Jesucristo, el Salvador de la humanidad. No hay absolutamente ninguna otra forma de salvación excepto Jesucristo, quien es el verdadero evangelio. Nunca mezcle mentiras con la verdad de Dios. Estos deben arrepentirse inmediatamente de sus pecados, Aquellos que no se arrepienten de sus pecados caen al infierno inmediatamente después de la muerte.

False prophets who deny the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, You have been deceived by the spirits of demons, spirits of lies. You have received the spirit of the beast, and you are deceiving God's elect. you are heretics In the whole world, there is only one name that can save men, Jesus Christ, There is never any other savior. Scientists make a variety of products to help human health and convenient life. How can the products that scientists research and make become "666"? Why do you make up fake theories and deceive God's people with them? Those who are deceived by them are also very foolish. The one God is Jesus. Because they do not truly know God, many follow the doctrines of men. After seeing Satan's powers or signs, they are deceived by Satan's lies. You who have seen false gifts and false heavens and false hells, do not deceive the people of God. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Understand the Bible, the Word of God. Only in the words of the Bible is God's wisdom to save mankind. Why do God's people follow false human doctrines? Why are you preaching false doctrines into the world? Believe and testify only in Jesus Christ, the Savior of mankind. There is absolutely no other way of salvation except Jesus Christ, who is the true gospel. Never mix lies with the truth of God. These should immediately repent of their sins, Those who do not repent of their sins fall into Hell immediately upon death.


[데살로니가후서 2:9-12] 악한 자의 임함은 사단의 역사를 따라 모든 능력과 표적과 거짓 기적과 불의의 모든 속임으로 멸망하는 자들에게 임하리니 이는 저희가 진리의 사랑을 받지 아니하여 구원함을 얻지 못함이니라 이러므로 하나님이 유혹을 저의 가운데 역사하게 하사 거짓 것을 믿게 하심은 진리를 믿지 않고 불의를 좋아하는 모든 자로 심판을 받게 하려 하심이니라

inicuo cuyo advenimiento es por obra de Satanás, con gran poder y señales y prodigios mentirosos, y con todo engaño de iniquidad para los que se pierden, por cuanto no recibieron el amor de la verdad para ser salvos. Por esto Dios les envía un poder engañoso, para que crean la mentira, a fin de que sean condenados todos los que no creyeron a la verdad, sino que se complacieron en la injusticia.

2 Tesalonicenses 2:9-12

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

[고린도후서 11:14-15] 이것이 이상한 일이 아니라 사단도 자기를 광명의 천사로 가장하나니 그러므로 사단의 일군들도 자기를 의의 일군으로 가장하는 것이 또한 큰 일이 아니라 저희의 결국은 그 행위대로 되리라

Y no es maravilla, porque el mismo Satanás se disfraza como ángel de luz. Así que, no es extraño si también sus ministros se disfrazan como ministros de justicia; cuyo fin será conforme a sus obras.

2 Corintios 11:14-15

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

2 Corinthians 11:14-15

[갈라디아서 1:6-] 그리스도의 은혜로 너희를 부르신 이를 이같이 속히 떠나 다른 복음 좇는 것을 내가 이상히 여기노라 다른 복음은 없나니 다만 어떤 사람들이 너희를 요란케 하여 그리스도의 복음을 변하려 함이라 그러나 우리나 혹 하늘로부터 온 천사라도 우리가 너희에게 전한 복음 외에 다른 복음을 전하면 저주를 받을찌어다 우리가 전에 말하였거니와 내가 지금 다시 말하노니 만일 누구든지 너희의 받은 것 외에 다른 복음을 전하면 저주를 받을찌어다

Estoy maravillado de que tan pronto os hayáis alejado del que os llamó por la gracia de Cristo, para seguir un evangelio diferente. No que haya otro, sino que hay algunos que os perturban y quieren pervertir el evangelio de Cristo. Mas si aun nosotros, o un ángel del cielo, os anunciare otro evangelio diferente del que os hemos anunciado, sea anatema. Como antes hemos dicho, también ahora lo repito: Si alguno os predica diferente evangelio del que habéis recibido, sea anatema.

Gálatas 1:6-9

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

Galatians 1:6-9

어찌 검퓨터가 666이 될 수 있는가?

어찌 바코드가 666이 될 수 있는가

어찌 베리칩이 666이 될 수 있는가

어찌 큐 알 코드가 666이 될 수 있는가

¿Cómo puede la computadora ser "666"?

¿Cómo puede ser el código de barras "666"?

¿Cómo puede un verichip ser "666"?

¿Cómo puede un código QR ser "666"?

How can the computer be "666"?

How can the barcode be "666"?

How can a verichip be "666"?

How can a QR code be "666"?

어찌 백신 맞으면 회개해도 지옥 간다고 속이는가컴퓨터나 바코드나 베리칩이나 큐알코드나 백신 등 성경말씀에 이런 것 받으면 지옥 간 다고 기록된 곳이 있는가?

성경을 가감하지 말라 성경에 더러 어려운 것을 억지로 풀지 말라 스스로 멸망에 이른다는 것을 명심하라

Afirman que la persona vacunada, incluso si se arrepiente de sus pecados, no puede ser perdonada y va al infierno. Estas palabras no están en la Biblia. En la Biblia no se menciona que cualquiera que reciba una computadora, un código de barras, un verichip, un código QR o una vacuna irá al infierno. Y, sin embargo, ¿por qué están difundiendo tales mentiras? En las palabras de la Biblia, los pensamientos humanos nunca deben sumarse ni restarse. Hay algunas partes de la Biblia que son difíciles de interpretar. Los seres humanos no deben interpretar enérgicamente las palabras que son difíciles de interpretar. La Biblia nos enseña que aquellos que desenreden con fuerza las palabras de la Biblia perecerán. Mantén esto en mente

They claim that a person vaccinated cannot be forgiven even if he repents of his sins, and he goes to hell. These words are not in the Bible. There is no mention in the Bible that anyone who receives a computer or barcode or verichip or QR code or vaccine will go to hell. And yet, why are they spreading such lies? In the words of the Bible, human thoughts must never be added or subtracted. There are some parts of the Bible that are difficult to interpret. Humans should not forcefully interpret words that are difficult to interpret. The Bible teaches us that those who forcefully unravel the words of the Bible will perish. keep this in mind

성경을 억지 풀어서 말도 안 되는 컴퓨터나 바코드 베리칩 큐알코드 백신등이 육백육십육이 라고 미혹한 것이 아니던가이런 것짓 것 들을 믿고 따르다 얼마나 많은 자들이 미혹당하여 두려워하다가 죽은 다음에 지옥에 떨어져서 살려달라고 비명을 지르는지 생각이나 해보았는가?

Los herejes interpretan la Biblia con fuerza sin saberlo. Predican sermones falsos. Afirman que las computadoras, los códigos de barras, los verichips, los códigos QR y las vacunas son "666". Este es el engaño de Satanás. Mucha gente se va al infierno después de creer estas mentiras. Aquellos que aceptan las palabras engañosas de Satanás tienen mucho miedo de las mentiras de Satanás. Mucha gente está cayendo en los engaños de Satanás y se van al infierno. En el infierno, esta gente sigue gritando: "Sálvame, he sido engañado por Satanás, estoy equivocado". No se dan cuenta de que existe tal infierno.

Heretics forcefully interpret the Bible without knowing it. They preach false sermons. They claim that computers, barcodes, verichips, QR codes, and vaccines are "666". This is Satan's delusion.

Many people go to hell after believing these lies. Those who accept Satan's deceptive words are very afraid of Satan's lies. Many people are falling into the delusions of Satan and are going to hell. In Hell these people keep screaming, "Save me, I have been deceived by Satan, I am mistaken." They do not realize that such a hell exists.

[베드로후서 3:16] 또 그 모든 편지에도 이런 일에 관하여 말하였으되 그 중에 알기 어려운 것이 더러 있으니 무식한 자들과 굳세지 못한 자들이 다른 성경과 같이 그것도 억지로 풀다가 스스로 멸망에 이르느니라

casi en todas sus epístolas, hablando en ellas de estas cosas; entre las cuales hay algunas difíciles de entender, las cuales los indoctos e inconstantes tuercen, como también las otras Escrituras, para su propia perdición.

2 Pedro 3:16

As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

2 Peter 3:16

이제 그만속이고 모든 만민의 구원자로 이 땅에 오시어 십자가에서 구원사역을 다 이루시고 죽으셨다가 삼일 만에 부활하시고 사십일 동안 이 땅에 계시다 오백명이 보는데서 하늘 본 보좌에 오르신 한분하나님이신 예수그리스도를 증거하라 그 예수님은 분명히 다시 오신다 그때는 아무도 모른다그래서 깨어있으라는 것이다

전 세계 모든 믿는 자들이 알 것은 예수그리스도외에 다른 복음을 전하면 저주받는다는 말씀을 알고 두려워해야 하는 것이다 하나님의 말씀이 두렵지 않은가 예수님께서 십자가에서 흘리신 피로 용서받지 못할 죄가 있는가답해보라

Los herejes, de ahora en adelante, no engañen a los miembros de la iglesia. Cree en Jesús como tu único salvador. Dios tomó carne humana y vino a esta tierra para salvar a todas las personas, murió en la cruz, resucitó de entre los muertos al tercer día y completó la obra de salvar a la humanidad. Después de la resurrección, el Señor estuvo en la tierra durante cuarenta días, En presencia de quinientas personas, ascendió al cielo y se sentó en el trono original de Dios. Jesús es Dios mismo y Dios es uno. Solo Jesucristo debe ser predicado en el mundo. Solo Jesús debe ser reconocido como salvador. Jesús seguramente vendrá de nuevo, cuando nadie lo sepa. Por eso, los creyentes debemos estar siempre despiertos. Todos los creyentes del mundo Si predicas cualquier otro evangelio que no sea Jesucristo, serás maldecido. Recuerda siempre estas palabras, teme a Dios. ¿No le tienes miedo a la palabra de Dios? No hay pecado que no pueda ser perdonado por la sangre de Jesús derramada en la cruz. Si no, por favor contéstame.

Heretics, from now on, do not deceive the members of the church. Believe in Jesus as your only savior. God took on human flesh and came to this earth to save all people, died on the cross, rose from the dead on the third day, and completed the work of saving mankind. After his resurrection the Lord was on the earth forty days, In the sight of five hundred people, he ascended to heaven and sat down on the original throne of God. Jesus is God Himself, and God is one. Only Jesus Christ is to be preached in the world. Only Jesus must be acknowledged as the savior. Jesus will surely come again, when no one knows. So we believers must always be awake. All believers around the world, If you preach any gospel other than Jesus Christ, you will be cursed. Always remember these words, fear God. Aren't you afraid of the word of God? There is no sin that cannot be forgiven by the blood of Jesus shed on the cross. If not, please answer me.

베리칩받으면 회개해도 지옥이라고 외치는 거짓된 자들이여 이제 베리칩을 외치다 실증났는가이제는 백신 맞으면 지옥이라고 외치는 거짓이단들이여

예수그리스도의 증인이 되어야지 왜 육백육십육 짐승의 증인되어서 많은 자들을 미혹하고 있는가

믿는 자들이여 속지 말라 과학자들이 연구한 물건들을 가지고 666이 속이는데 이것은 새빨간 거짓말이다 미혹당하지 말라 귀신의 영으로 미혹하여 지옥으로 이끌어가는 사단의 앞잡이들이다

Su afirmación de que aquellos que reciben verichip deben ir al infierno incluso si se arrepienten de sus pecados es completamente falsa. falsos profetas, Ustedes continuaron difundiendo la palabra "666" para el verichip. Pero ustedes parecen estar cansados ​​de la doctrina de Verichip. Entonces hace una nueva afirmación, ahora afirma que la vacuna es "666". Eres un hereje tan falso. Todo el pueblo de Dios debe ser testigo de Jesucristo. ¿Por qué se convirtieron en testigos de la bestia "666" y de Satanás? ¿Por qué engañas al pueblo de Dios? Creyentes de Dios, no se dejen engañar por las mentiras. ¿Cómo pueden los productos fabricados por científicos convertirse en "666"? Es una mentira tan escandalosa. Nadie debe dejarse engañar por esta mentira. Reciben los espíritus de los demonios y engañan a otros y los conducen al infierno, como secuaces de Satanás.

Their claim that those who receive verichip must go to hell even if they repent of their sins are completely false. false prophets, You guys continued to spread the verichip as "666". But you guys seem to get tired of the doctrine of Verichip. So you make a new claim, now you claim that the vaccination is "666". You are such a false heretic. All of God's people are to be witnesses of Jesus Christ. Why did you become witnesses for the "666" beast and for Satan? Why do you deceive God's people? Believers of God, do not be deceived by lies. How can products made by scientists become "666"? It's such an outrageous lie. No one should be deceived by this lie. They receive the spirit of demons and deceive others and lead them to Hell, as Satan's minions.

다시한번 부탁한다면 절대 예수그리스도외에는 절대 다른 구원자 없는 것이다 그래서 한분 하나님이신예수그리스도외에 절대 다른 구원자 없다고 외치면 이단소리 듣고 핍박당하며 죽임까지 당하는 것이다 컴퓨터가 666이라고 외쳤을 때 핍박받고 죽임당한 자들이 있는가바코드가 666이라고 외쳤을 때 핍박받고 죽임당한 자들이 있는가베리칩666이라고 외쳤을 때 핍박받고 죽임 당한 자들이 있는가백신이 666이라고 외쳤을 때 핍박받고 죽임당한 자들이 있는가 말해보라 거짓선지들이여 너희들이 짐승의 이름 귀신의영을 받아 예수그리스도의 피를 부정하는 이단들이 아니더냐

Una vez más, enfatizo esto. No hay absolutamente ningún otro salvador que no sea Jesucristo. Satanás odia este evangelio y trabaja para detenerlo. Predicamos que hay un solo Dios, Jesucristo, el Salvador. Entonces Satanás trata a los que predican este evangelio como herejes, los calumnia, los persigue y trata de matarlos. Cuando dices que la computadora es el 666, nadie lo persigue ni lo mata. Los que predican que el verichip es "666", los que difunden que la vacuna es "666", estos falsos profetas no están siendo perseguidos. falsos profetas, Despierta de las mentiras Recibieron el nombre de la bestia, el espíritu de un demonio. Estos son herejes que niegan la sangre de Jesucristo.

Again, I emphasize this. There is absolutely no other savior other than Jesus Christ. Satan hates this gospel and works to stop it. We preach that there is only one God, Jesus Christ, the Savior. So Satan treats those who preach this gospel as heretics, slanders, persecutes, and tries to kill them. When you say the computer is 666, no one persecutes or kills him. Those who preach that the verichip is "666", those who spread that the vaccine is "666", these false prophets are not being persecuted. false prophets, Wake up from lies They received the name of the beast, the spirit of a demon. These are heretics who deny the blood of Jesus Christ.

그리고 인간의 교리에 빠진 자들이여 한번구원은 영원한 구원이라고 믿으면서 또 과거현제미래의죄까지 사함 받았다고 믿고 회개치도 않고 살면서 어찌 베리칩이나 백신 맞으면 회개해도 지옥 간 다고 믿고 두려워하는가예수그리스도의 피를 부정하는 자들이 바로 적그리스도가 아니더냐 너희는 두려워할 자를 두려워하라 그분이 바로 구원자이시며 심 판주이신 예수그리스도이시다

Y ustedes que caen en la doctrina de los hombres, ¿Por qué cree que una vez que la salvación es la salvación eterna? Piensas que los pecados pasados, presentes y futuros se han ido por completo cuando crees por primera vez. Entonces, aquellos que creen en la doctrina de los hombres viven sin arrepentirse de sus pecados. Aquellos que reciben verichip o vacunas afirman que incluso si se arrepienten de sus pecados, irán al infierno. Tienes más miedo de recibir Verichip y vacunas que la Palabra de Dios. Aquellos que niegan el poder de la sangre de Jesucristo son anticristos. Solo debes temer a Dios. Dios mismo es Jesús, solo Jesucristo es el único Salvador y Juez. Otras son teorías falsas.

And you who fall into the doctrine of men, Why do you believe that once salvation is eternal salvation? You think that past, present, and future sins are completely gone when you first believe. So those who believe in the doctrine of men live without repenting of their sins. Those who receive verichip or vaccines claim that even if they repent of their sins, they will go to hell. You are more afraid of receiving Verichip and vaccines than the Word of God. Those who deny the power of the blood of Jesus Christ are antichrists. You must only fear God. God Himself is Jesus, only Jesus Christ is the only Savior and Judge. Others are fake theories.

[마태복음 10:28] 몸은 죽여도 영혼은 능히 죽이지 못하는 자들을 두려워하지 말고 오직 몸과 영혼을 능히 지옥에 멸하시는 자를 두려워하라

Y no temáis a los que matan el cuerpo, mas el alma no pueden matar; temed más bien a aquel que puede destruir el alma y el cuerpo en el infierno.

Mateo 10:28

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Matthew 10:28

[누가복음 12:5] 마땅히 두려워할 자를 내가 너희에게 보이리니 곧 죽인 후에 또한 지옥에 던져넣는 권세 있는 그를 두려워하라 내가 참으로 너희에게 이르노니 그를 두려워하라

Pero os enseñaré a quién debéis temer: Temed a aquel que después de haber quitado la vida, tiene poder de echar en el infierno; sí, os digo, a éste temed.

Lucas 12:5

But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.

Luke 12:5

[히브리서 9:27-28] 한 번 죽는 것은 사람에게 정하신 것이요 그 후에는 심판이 있으리니 이와 같이 그리스도도 많은 사람의 죄를 담당하시려고 단번에 드리신 바 되셨고 구원에 이르게 하기 위하여 죄와 상관 없이 자기를 바라는 자들에게 두 번째 나타나시리라

Y de la manera que está establecido para los hombres que mueran una sola vez, y después de esto el juicio, así también Cristo fue ofrecido una sola vez para llevar los pecados de muchos; y aparecerá por segunda vez, sin relación con el pecado, para salvar a los que le esperan.

Hebreos 9:27-28

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

Hebrews 9:27-28

[요한계시록 20:10] 또 저희를 미혹하는 마귀가 불과 유황 못에 던지우니 거기는 그 짐승과 거짓 선지자도 있어 세세토록 밤낮 괴로움을 받으리라

Y el diablo que los engañaba fue lanzado en el lago de fuego y azufre, donde estaban la bestia y el falso profeta; y serán atormentados día y noche por los siglos de los siglos.

Apocalipsis 20:10

And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Revelation 20:10

육백육십육을 외치는 자들에게 속지말라 그리고 이런 것 들을 두려워 말라 육백육십육은 사단의영이다 우상숭배 하는 자들에게 사단이 자기 영을 부어주는 사건이다

하나님께서 예수그리스도를 구원주로 믿고 회개하는 자들에게 성령을 부어주시는 것처럼 말이다

Nadie debe ser engañado por aquellos que interpretan y predican falsamente el significado de "666". No tienes que tener miedo de estas cosas en absoluto. "666" significa recibir el espíritu de Satanás. Este es el derramamiento de Satanás de su Espíritu sobre los idólatras. Dios derrama el Espíritu Santo sobre aquellos que creen en Jesucristo como su Salvador y se arrepienten de sus pecados, los cuales son principios similares.

No one should be deceived by those who falsely interpret and preach the meaning of "666". You don't have to be afraid of these things at all. "666" means to receive the spirit of Satan. This is Satan's pouring out of his Spirit upon idolaters. God pours out the Holy Spirit on those who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and repent of their sins, both of which are similar principles.

[사도행전 2:17-18] 하나님이 가라사대 말세에 내가 내 영으로 모든 육체에게 부어 주리니 너희의 자녀들은 예언할 것이요 너희의 젊은이들은 환상을 보고 너희의 늙은이들은 꿈을 꾸리라 그 때에 내가 내 영으로 내 남종과 여종들에게 부어 주리니 저희가 예언할 것이요

Y en los postreros días, dice Dios, Derramaré de mi Espíritu sobre toda carne, Y vuestros hijos y vuestras hijas profetizarán; Vuestros jóvenes verán visiones, Y vuestros ancianos soñarán sueños; Y de cierto sobre mis siervos y sobre mis siervas en aquellos días Derramaré de mi Espíritu, y profetizarán.

Hechos 2:17-18

And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:

Acts 2:17-18

[사도행전 10:44-46] 베드로가 이 말 할 때에 성령이 말씀 듣는 모든 사람에게 내려오시니 베드로와 함께 온 할례받은 신자들이 이방인들에게도 성령 부어 주심을 인하여 놀라니 이는 방언을 말하며 하나님 높임을 들음이러라

Mientras aún hablaba Pedro estas palabras, el Espíritu Santo cayó sobre todos los que oían el discurso. Y los fieles de la circuncisión que habían venido con Pedro se quedaron atónitos de que también sobre los gentiles se derramase el don del Espíritu Santo. Porque los oían que hablaban en lenguas, y que magnificaban a Dios.

Hechos 10:44-46

While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Then answered Peter,

Acts 10:44-46

[사도행전 19:2] 가로되 너희가 믿을 때에 성령을 받았느냐 가로되 아니라 우리는 성령이 있음도 듣지 못하였노라

les dijo: ¿Recibisteis el Espíritu Santo cuando creísteis? Y ellos le dijeron: Ni siquiera hemos oído si hay Espíritu Santo.

Hechos 19:2

He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.

Acts 19:2

하나님의영 성령을 받은 자들은 땅 끝까지 목숨을 걸고 예수그리스도의증인이 되어하는 것이 아니던가?

어찌 육백육십육의 종이 되어 많은 믿음 약한 자들을 미혹하는 것이던가?

Aquellos que han recibido el Espíritu Santo, el Espíritu de Dios, deben arriesgar sus propias vidas y convertirse en testigos de la predicación de Jesucristo hasta los confines de la tierra. ¿Por qué el siervo de Dios se convierte en siervo del "666" y, en cambio, engaña a los débiles de Dios y los lleva por el camino de la muerte?

Those who have received the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, must risk their own lives and become witnesses preaching Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. Why does God's servant become a servant of "666", but instead deceive God's people who are weak in faith and lead them into the path of death?

[사도행전 1:8] 오직 성령이 너희에게 임하시면 너희가 권능을 받고 예루살렘과 온 유대와 사마리아와 땅 끝까지 이르러 내 증인이 되리라 하시니라

pero recibiréis poder, cuando haya venido sobre vosotros el Espíritu Santo, y me seréis testigos en Jerusalén, en toda Judea, en Samaria, y hasta lo último de la tierra.

Hechos 1:8

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

Acts 1:8

하나님의영 성령 바로예수그리스도의 이름이시다 육백육십육은 짐승의 이름 바로 사단의영 루시퍼의 이름이다

믿는 자들은 우상숭배를 버리고 하나님께 순종하며 회개하는 삶을 살며 끝까지 믿음을 지킨 자들만이 천국에 갈 수 있는 것이다 그리고 두려워 말라 예수그리스도를 믿고 순종하며 회개하는 삶을 사는 자들은 주님께서 언제 오시든 상관이 없는 것이다 주님께서 도적같이 아무도 모르게 오시든 주님 안에서 죽든지 상관이 없는 것이다 믿음밖에 있는 자들이 회개치 못하고 순종치 못하는 자들이 위험한 것이다 그래서 깨어있으라고 말씀하신 것이다 거짓 종말론 자들에게 이제는 그만 속고 믿음을 지켜 믿음으로 세상을 이기는 자들이 돼야할 것이다

El Espíritu Santo, el Espíritu de Dios, es el nombre de Jesucristo. Y "666" es el nombre de la bestia y el nombre de Lucifer, el espíritu de Satanás. Entre los miembros de la iglesia, solo aquellos que abandonan la idolatría, obedecen a Dios y se arrepienten de sus pecados entran al reino de los cielos. Solo aquellos que mantienen esta fe hasta el final pueden ir al cielo. No debes temer a nada más que a Dios. A los que creen en Jesucristo, obedecen la Palabra y viven una vida de arrepentimiento, no les importa cuando venga el Señor. El que vive en la voluntad de Dios no tiene absolutamente nada que ver con si el Señor viene repentinamente mientras está en la tierra, o si se encuentra con el Señor cuando muere. Sus vidas siempre están en peligro, porque aquellos que viven fuera de la fe verdadera pueden morir sin arrepentirse de sus pecados. Aquellos que no obedecen la Palabra están en un estado peligroso. Entonces el Señor les dijo a todos: "Mantente siempre despierto". Ya no debemos dejarnos engañar por falsos escatólogos. De ahora en adelante, debe tener fe para seguir las palabras de la Biblia. Todos debemos superar todos los engaños del mundo con la palabra de Dios.

The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, is the name of Jesus Christ. And "666" is the name of the beast, and the name of Lucifer, the spirit of Satan. Among the members of the church, only those who abandon idolatry, obey God, and repent of their sins enter the kingdom of heaven. Only those who keep this faith to the end can go to heaven. You must not fear anything other than God. Those who believe in Jesus Christ, obey the Word, and live a life of repentance do not care when the Lord comes. The one who lives in the will of God has absolutely nothing to do with whether the Lord comes suddenly while he is on earth, or whether he meets the Lord when he dies. Their lives are always in peril, because those who live outside the true faith may die without repentance of their sins. Those who do not obey the Word are in a dangerous state. So the Lord said to everyone: "Always stay awake." We must no longer be deceived by false eschatologists. From now on, you must have faith to follow the words of the Bible. We must all overcome all delusions in the world with the Word of God.

하나님께 감사드립니다,

덕정사랑교회 김 양환 목사

Todo gracias a Dios por guiarme a escribir estas palabras,

Iglesia Deokjeong Sarang, pastor principal Yang-Hwan Kim

All thanks to God for leading me to write these words,

Deokjeong Sarang Church, Senior Pastor Yang-Hwan Kim


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