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  제  목 :  ¡Querida hija! ¡Predica al mundo que el infierno realmente existe! 사랑하는 딸아! 지옥이 있다고 전하라! 조회수 : 534
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2021-02-16

사랑하는 딸아! 지옥이 있다고 전하라!

 ¡Querida hija! ¡Predica al mundo que el infierno realmente existe!

Dear daughter! Spread to the world that Hell really exists!


 사랑하는 딸아! 너는 이 지옥을 전하라! 내가 천국에서 눈물이 마를 날이 없구나! 내가 그렇게 기회를 주었건만 다들 영원히 기회를 잃어버리고 지옥에 떨어지는 영혼들을 보라! 지옥에 떨어지는 영혼들도 영혼이니라.

내가 너를 사랑하노라! 내가 너희 마음을 아프게 하려고 그러는게 아니니라! 너의 아픔이 나의 아픔이니라! 너의 아픔이 이 정도라면 나의 아픔은 오죽하겠느냐! 사랑하는 딸아. 너는 보라, 너는 보라!


¡Querida hija! Debes predicar la realidad de este infierno. En el cielo, no hay día para que se sequen mis lágrimas, mi llanto no cesa porque mi gente se vaya al infierno. Les doy tantas oportunidades, Sin embargo, la mayoría de mi gente ha perdido para siempre sus posibilidades de salvarse y está cayendo en el infierno. ¡Vea innumerables almas caer al infierno! Las almas que caen al infierno son mis almas. Querida hija, te amo. No digo esto con la intención de romper tu corazón. El dolor en tu corazón es mi dolor. Si tu dolor fuera tanto, ¿cuánto peor sería mi dolor? Querida hija. ¡Mira la miseria del infierno, mira la realidad del infierno!


Dear daughter! You must preach the reality of this hell. In heaven, there is no day for my tears to dry, my crying does not stop because my people go to hell. I give them so many opportunities, However, most of my people have lost their chances of being saved forever and are falling into hell. See countless souls falling into hell!

The souls that fall into hell are my souls. Dear daughter, I love you. I am not saying this with the intention of breaking your heart. The pain in your heart is my pain. If your pain was this much, how much more would my pain be? Dear daughter. See the misery of hell, see the reality of hell!


아버지~ 아버지~ 아버지

왜 이렇게 다들 회개치 못해서 지옥에 떨어지는줄 모르겠어요! 지옥을 볼때마다 겁이 나서 못보겠어요! 이제 지옥을 볼때마다 마음이 너무 아파서 볼 수가 없어요! 왜 이렇게 회개치 못해가지고 많은 사람들이 지옥에 떨어지는지 모르겠어요! 이제 지옥보는게 무서워요. 너무 마음이 아파서 못살겠어요!


Padre ~ Padre ~ Padre ~ ¿Por qué tanta gente va al infierno sin arrepentirse de sus pecados? Siempre que veo esta escena del infierno, tengo tanto miedo que no puedo soportarlo. ¡No sé por qué tantos miembros de la iglesia se van al infierno! Así que cada vez que veo este infierno, tengo mucho miedo. ¡Cada vez que veo el infierno, me duele tanto el corazón que no puedo ver este lugar! ¿Por qué tantos no se arrepienten de sus pecados? ¿Por qué tantos caen al infierno? Es un momento muy aterrador para ver el infierno. Me duele tanto el corazón que no puedo soportarlo.


Father~ Father~ Father~ Why do so many people go to hell without repenting of their sins? Whenever I see this hell scene, I am so afraid that I can't stand it. I don't know why so many church members go to hell! So every time I see this hell, I am very afraid. Every time I see hell, my heart hurts so much that I can't see this place! Why do so many not repent of their sins? Why do so many fall into hell? It is a very scary time to see hell. My heart hurts so much that I can't stand it.


사랑하는 딸아! 너는 보라! 이 지옥에 이렇게 엄청난 현실이니라! 이 지옥을 보고 다 전하라! 천국도 중요하다! 그러나 지옥의 경각심을 가져야 많은 사람들이 회개하고 죄에 참여치 않느니라!


¡Querida hija! ¡Mira el infierno! La enorme aparición de este infierno es una clara realidad. Vea la realidad de este infierno y predique la realidad del infierno a la gente. ¡También es importante ver la realidad del cielo y dar a conocer la realidad del cielo a la gente! Pero a medida que ve la realidad del infierno y la predica, la gente está más alerta y elimina los pecados.


Dear daughter! See hell! The enormous appearance of this hell is a clear reality. See the reality of this hell, and preach the reality of hell to people. It is also important to see the reality of heaven and make the reality of heaven known to people! But as you see the reality of Hell and preach it, people are more alert and cut off sins.


 아버지~ 아버지~ 아버지~

 지옥을 보는것 자체가 이제 너무 너무 싫어요! 이제 지옥을 보는것 자체가 너무 싫어요!

 나의 영이 지옥에 내려와서 보고 있는데도 많은 사람들이 수없이 깔대기를 통해서 불구덩이에 쏟아져요! 우르르로 한무더기 사람들이 쏟아지는데 천주교사람들이에요!


Padre ~ Padre ~ Padre ~ Ahora, es muy doloroso para mí ver el infierno. Ahora, ser testigo de la realidad del infierno es algo que odio ver. Mi espíritu visitó el infierno por un tiempo, e incluso en este momento, veo una escena en la que innumerables almas se dirigen al infierno. A través de los embudos del infierno, muchos se vierten en el pozo de fuego del infierno. Entre estos, se ve a personas de la Iglesia Católica cayendo al infierno como grupo.


Father~ Father~ Father~ Now, it's very painful for me to see Hell. Now, witnessing the reality of Hell is something I hate to see. My spirit visited hell for a while, and even at this moment, I see a scene where countless souls are pouring into hell. Through hell's funnels, many are poured into hell's fire pit. Among these, people of the Catholic Church are seen falling into hell as a group.

내가 지옥길을 걸어가는데 한 사람정도 갈 수 있는 지그재그 길인데 왼쪽에는 구더기가 한 무더기로 들판, 산을 이루듯이 쌓여져 있구요, 또 한 쪽에는 여러 종류의 뱀들이 들판, 산을 이루듯이 쌓여 있어요!

 Estoy caminando en el infierno, el tamaño de este camino es lo suficientemente ancho para que una persona camine y es en zigzag. Hay un campo lleno de gusanos en el lado izquierdo del camino, con gusanos apilados como una montaña. Al otro lado, es un campo lleno de varios tipos de serpientes, y las serpientes se amontonan como montañas.

I am walking in hell, the size of this road is wide enough for one person to walk, and it is zigzag. There is a field full of maggots on the left side of the road, with maggots piled up like a mountain. On the other side, it is a field full of various kinds of snakes, and snakes are piled up like mountains.

오늘 예수님이 그 지옥 지그재그 길을 가게 하는데, 길 양옆에는 용암불이 막 올라와요! 어쩜 이렇게 천국하고 비슷한지! 지옥문에는 귀신 둘이 지키고 서 있어요. 날개가 구멍이 나 있어요. 귀신들의 얼굴이 사자, 표범, 독수리를 섞어 놨어요. 모습은 사람형태인데 얼굴은 짐승이에요. 왜 지옥도 이렇게 천국과 똑같이 흡사하게 만들어 졌는지 몰라요.

 Hoy Jesús me hace caminar por el camino zigzagueante del infierno. Los fuegos de lava se elevan a ambos lados de mí. Los fantasmas malvados vigilan la entrada al infierno. Tener un guardia en la puerta del infierno es el mismo sistema que tener un guardia en la puerta del cielo. Dos espíritus malignos se encuentran a las puertas del infierno, sus alas están sucias y tienen agujeros. Los rostros de estos espíritus malignos tienen una mezcla de leones, leopardos y águilas. Los cuerpos de estos demonios malvados son formas humanas y sus rostros son imágenes de animales. No sé por qué el sistema de guardia del infierno sigue el sistema del cielo.

Today Jesus makes me walk the zigzag path of hell. Lava fires are rising from both sides of me. Evil ghosts are guarding at the entrance to Hell. Having a guard at the gate of hell is the same system as having a guard at the gate of heaven. Two evil spirits stand at the gates of hell, their wings are dirty and have holes. The faces of these evil spirits have a mixture of lions, leopards and eagles. The bodies of these evil demons are human forms, and their faces are images of animals. I don't know why Hell's guard system follows Heaven's system.

천국은 빛만 있고 들어가는 순간 너무 기쁘고 감사가 넘쳐서 눈물이 흐르는데, 이 지옥은 보는 것만으로 내 마음이 너무 고통스럽고 기쁨이라고는 찾아볼 수 없는 곳이에요.

 El cielo está lleno de hermosa luz, mi corazón está tan feliz desde el momento en que entro al cielo. Mi corazón está tan agradecido y emocionado que espontáneamente brotan lágrimas de gratitud de mis ojos. Pero cuando llego a este infierno, mi corazón está tan dolorido. No hay alegría en el infierno, porque en cambio, está lleno de tristeza y dolor.

Heaven is full of beautiful light, my heart is so happy from the moment I enter Heaven. My heart is so grateful and thrilled that tears of gratitude spontaneously come out of my eyes. But when I come to this hell, my heart is so painful. There is no joy in hell, because instead, it is full of sorrow and pain.

이 지옥 문을 통과해서 내가 들어가는데도 어떠한 제재도 취하지 않고 가게 내버려둬요.

지옥문에 딱 들어섰는데 바로 불구덩이가 있어요. 세상으로 통하는 깔대기가 있는데 죽으면 바로 거기 불구덩이로 떨어져요. 거기로 다 떨어져요.

 Ahora estoy entrando al infierno por las puertas del infierno. Sin embargo, los espíritus malignos, guardias de las puertas del infierno, no pueden detenerme. Cuando entro por las puertas del infierno, puedo encontrar un pozo de fuego de inmediato. Aquí hay un embudo que conduce al mundo. Cuando la gente muere en el mundo, todos los que vienen al infierno son obligados, primero, a caer al pozo de fuego aquí.

I am now entering hell through the gates of hell. However, the evil spirits, guards of the gates of hell, cannot stop me. When I enter the gates of hell, I can find a fire pit right away. There is a funnel here that leads to the world. When people die in the world, all those who come to hell are made, first, to fall into the fire pit here.


다들 알몸이고 온 몸이 피투성이에요. 내가 지나가는데 '살려달라'고 비명소리 들리는데 이런 소프라노 비명소리는 어디에서도 들어본 적이 없어요. 나도 지옥갈까봐 너무 무서워요. 나도 천국지옥보다 회개치 못해서 지옥갈까봐 너무 무서워요!

 Todos están desnudos y tienen todo el cuerpo ensangrentado. Al pasar junto a ellos, escucho su grito: "Sálvame, sálvame". Sus gritos suenan tan desesperados, más altos que los de la soprano. Nunca había escuchado un grito tan agudo en el mundo. Tengo demasiado miedo de llegar a un infierno tan terrible. Si no puedo arrepentirme de mis pecados, vendré a este infierno, todos aquellos que no se arrepientan de sus pecados deben ir al infierno. Tengo tanto miedo de ser así.

Everyone is naked, and their whole body is bloody. As I pass them, I hear their scream, "Save me, save me." Their screams sound so desperate, higher than the soprano. I've never heard such a high-pitched scream in the world. I am too afraid of coming to such a terrible hell. If I cannot repent of my sins, I will come to this hell. All those who do not repent of sins must come to hell. I feel so afraid that in case I will be like that.

지옥을 이렇게 걸어가는데 지옥길이 돌담길을 해 놓은 것처럼 생겼어요. 위에는 화염불, 유황불이 이글이글거려요. 벽자체도 불로 이뤄져 있어요. 고속도로 터널같이 생겼어요. 천장, 벽들이 불로 이글이글 거려요. 지옥의 영혼들이 이런 고통을 당한다는거에요.

 Estoy caminando por un camino en el infierno, este camino es como un muro de piedra. Las llamas se elevan sobre las paredes del infierno, que son fuegos de azufre. El muro en sí también está hecho de fuego. Ahora este lugar parece un túnel en una carretera. El techo y las paredes del túnel están llenos de llamas y desbordes. En el infierno, innumerables almas están sometidas para siempre a estos severos castigos y torturas.

I am walking a path in hell, this path is like a stone wall. Flames rise above the walls of hell, which are sulfur fires. The wall itself is also made of fire. Now this place looks like a tunnel on a highway. The ceiling and walls of the tunnel are filled with flames and overflow. In Hell, innumerable souls are forever subjected to these severe punishments and torture.

우리가 지금 날씨가 덥다고 그러잖아요? 그런 것하고는 비교할 수 없어요. 내가 지나 가기만하는데도 열기가 느껴져요. 지옥영혼들이 당하는 열기는 제가 느끼지는 않아요. 그런데 간접적으로 오는거에요. 그 열기는 내가 당한다면 녹아 버릴거에요. 지옥이 이런곳이구나!

Cuando hace calor en verano, la gente dice que es difícil soportar el calor. Sin embargo, el calor del infierno no se puede comparar con el clima cálido del mundo. Estoy muy lejos del fuego del infierno, pero siento que el calor del fuego es muy caliente. Estoy en una situación en la que experimento solo una parte del calor del infierno. Experimento indirectamente el calor del infierno, si experimento directamente el calor del infierno, mi cuerpo se derretirá inmediatamente. El castigo del infierno es tan grande.

When the summer weather is hot, people say it is difficult to withstand the heat. However, the heat of hell cannot be compared to the hot weather of the world. I am a lot away from hell fire, but I feel the heat of fire is very hot. I am in a situation where I experience only part of the heat of hell. I indirectly experience the heat of hell, if I directly experience the heat of hell, my body will melt immediately. Hell's punishment is so great.

지나가는데 사람들마다 저를 막 부러워해요.

 “저 사람은 좋겠다! 저 사람은 좋겠다! 우리와 같은 고문은 당하지 않으니까 저 사람은 좋겠다! 나는 저 사람이 너무 부럽다!”

 계속 걸어가고 있어요. 걸어가는 터널에는 형벌주는 귀신은 없어요. 그런데 걸어가는 길이 뱀이에요. 바닥자체가 뱀으로 깔아놨어요. 한 발 한 발 내디딜때마다 뱀이 감아버려요. 감다가 놔 버려요.

 Cuando paso, todos me llaman para envidiarme. “¡Oh, esa mujer sería realmente buena! ¡Esa persona es tan buena! Esa mujer no está torturada como la nuestra. ¡Esa persona es tan buena! ¡La envidio tanto! " Sigo caminando. En el túnel por donde camino no hay fantasmas malvados que torturan a la gente. Sin embargo, hay muchas serpientes en el camino. El suelo en sí está lleno de serpientes. Paso a paso, cada vez que avanzan mis pasos, las serpientes intentan envolver mis tobillos, pero las serpientes no envuelven completamente mis pies y de inmediato me dejan ir.

When I'm passing by, everyone calls me to envy me. “Oh, that woman would be really good! That person is so good! That woman is not tortured like ours. That person is so good! I envy her so much!” I keep walking. In the tunnel where I walk, there are no evil spirits torture people. However, there are many snakes along the way. The floor itself is filled with snakes. Every time my footsteps go forward, step by step, the snakes try to wrap my ankles, but the snakes do not completely wrap my feet, and they immediately let me go.

뱀이 얼마나 겹겹이 쌓였는지 차곡차곡 쌓였어요. 그 뱀들로 길을 만들어놨어요. 뱀비린내가 나요. 뱀 진액이 찐득찐득해요. 발을 내디딜때마다 거미줄이 늘어나는 것처럼 뱀진액이 진뜩하게 발에 붙어요. 지옥이 이런 곳이구나! 지옥이 이런 곳이구나!

 Innumerables serpientes se apilan en capas. El camino está hecho de serpientes. La serpiente huele mal y el fluido corporal de la serpiente es muy pegajoso. Cada vez que muevo mis pasos, el fluido corporal pegajoso de una serpiente se pega a mis zapatos como una telaraña. Esta es la realidad del infierno. El infierno es este lugar.

Countless snakes are stacked in layers. The road is made of snakes. The snake smells badly, and the snake's body fluid is very sticky. Every time I move my footsteps, the sticky body fluid of a snake sticks to my shoes like a spider web. This is the reality of Hell. Hell is this place.

사람들을 이렇게 벽에다가 양손에 족쇄를 채워서 묶어 놨어요. 다 알몸이에요. 한 사람당 귀신들이 붙어가지고 채찍으로 때려요 때리는 순간 살이 다 벌어져 버려요. 귀신이 그 사람들을 막 조롱해요

우리 말 잘 듣더니 너희들 잘왔다! 우리가 본때를 보여줄 것이다!”

 Las manos de las personas están atadas con grilletes y fijadas a la pared. En el infierno, todos estaban desnudos. Un fantasma maligno se adjunta a cada persona y golpea a la gente con un látigo. La carne de la gente es desgarrada y rajada por el látigo. Esos espíritus malignos se burlan de la gente. “¡Ustedes fueron bien engañados por nosotros y finalmente vinieron al infierno! Te daremos una gran tortura y castigo

".People's hands are tied in shackles and fixed to the wall. In Hell, everyone was naked. One evil ghost is attached to each person and beats people with a whip. People's flesh is torn and cracked by being whipped. Those evil spirits mock people badly. “You guys were well deceived by us and eventually came to hell! We will give you great torture and punishment.”

채찍으로 집중적으로 등을 때리는데 하도 등을 때려가지고 살은 안보이고 뼈가 보여요! 엉덩이까지 때리는데 뼈가 보이기 시작해요. 정육점가면 살발라 내듯이 그렇게 등에 뼈가 보여버려요. 그걸로 모자라서 구더기가 톱니로 갉아먹기 시작해요. 왜 이런 지옥이 있는줄 모르겠어요.

El látigo golpea intensamente la espalda, Continúan los azotes. Toda la carne de la espalda se ha caído y solo quedan los huesos de la espalda. Y los espíritus malignos les dan una palmada en el culo. Empiezan a aparecer los huesos de sus caderas. En una carnicería, hay momentos en que solo cuelgan huesos descarnados. Como esa escena, se exponen los huesos de los torturados. Luego, los gusanos surgen y comen el resto de la carne con sus dientes en forma de sierra. No sé por qué existe un infierno tan terrible.

The whip intensively strikes the back, The whipping continues. All the back flesh has fallen off, and only the back bones remain. And evil spirits slap their ass. The bones of their hips begin to appear. In a butcher shop, there are times when only fleshless bones hang. Like that scene, the bones of those who are being tortured are exposed. Then, maggots come up and eat the rest of the flesh with their saw-like teeth. I don't know why such terrible hell exists.

내가 지옥 계단을 내려가는데, 벽에 사람머리를 잘라가지고 양옆으로 조명달아 놓은 것처럼 머리를 진열을 해 놨어요. 얼굴에 구더기들이 바글바글 붙어 있어요. 그 사람들이 나보고 살려달라고 얘기하는데 입에서 구더기들이 파편 튀듯이 나와요. 머리에 구더기들이 가득차서 입으로 나오는거에요. 어떤남자가 얘기해요

사람살려요! 사람살려요! 사람살려요! 사람살려요!”

 Ahora estoy bajando las escaleras del infierno, Las cabezas de las personas fueron cortadas y colgadas a ambos lados de la pared, que parece que los accesorios de iluminación están colgados en la pared.

De esta manera, muchas cabezas de personas cuelgan de la pared. Hay innumerables gusanos en sus caras. Me dicen: "Por favor, sálvame". En este momento, los gusanos sobresalen de sus bocas como escombros. Las cabezas están llenas de gusanos, los gusanos salen de sus bocas mientras hablan. Un hombre grita. "¡Por favor salvame! ¡Sálvame! ¡Sálvame! ¡Sálvame!"

I am now down the stairs of hell, People's heads were cut off and hung on both sides of the wall, which looks like lighting fixtures hanging on the wall. In this way, a lot of people's heads are hanging on the wall. There are countless maggots on their faces. They say to me, "Please save me." At this time, maggots protrude out of their mouths like debris. The heads are full of maggots, the maggots coming out of their mouths as they speak. A man cries out. “Please save me! Save me! Save me! Save me!”


이 남자는 형식적으로 신앙생활한 사람이에요. 주일인데도 주일을 범하고 가족끼리 놀러가요. 어떤 날은 7시 예배를 드리는데 그 목적이 놀러가는거에요. 예배,설교에는 관심도 없어요. 머리에 들어오지 않아요. 오로지 놀러갈 생각에 잡혀 있어요.

이 사람 머리에 뱀을 감아놨어요. 뱀머리가 머리중앙에 있고 뱀 혓바닥 두 개가 날름거려요.

 Este hombre tenía una vida religiosa en formalismo. No adoró al Señor en el Día del Señor y fue a jugar. Un domingo, tuvo un servicio a las 7 de la mañana y se fue a las montañas y al campo. En ese momento, todos sus intereses solo tenían planes de jugar y disfrutar. Al adorar al Señor y escuchar los sermones, no tenía interés. Mientras adoraba en la iglesia, sus pensamientos solo eran para disfrutar en el parque de diversiones. Una gran serpiente envuelve la cabeza de este hombre. La cabeza de la serpiente está ubicada en el centro de la cabeza de este hombre y la lengua de la serpiente está revoloteando.

This man had a religious life in formalism. He did not worship the Lord on the Lord's Day and went to play. On one Sunday, he had a service at 7 in the morning, and he went to the mountains and fields. At that time, all of his interests had only plans to play and enjoy. Worshiping the Lord and listening to sermons, he had no interest. While he was worshiping in the church, his thoughts were only to enjoy in the amusement park. This man has a large snake wrapped around his head. The snake's head is located in the center of this man's head, and the snake's tongue is fluttering.

주일 날이 최고로 즐겁고 기쁘고 복된 날이고 예수님을 위해 시간을 투자해야 되는데, 이 사람은 7시예배도 마지못해서 드려요. 이 남자는 성령도 받고 예수님의 은혜로 아는 사람이에요. 그런데 세상의 즐거움과 쾌락을 놓지 못하니까 주일을 계속 범하기 시작해요. 회개도 모르고 살아가는거에요.

 El día del Señor es el momento más agradable, alegre y bendecido para el pueblo de Dios. Así que debemos ser capaces de ofrecer nuestro tiempo como voluntarios para darle a Jesús. Sin embargo, este hombre pensó que incluso asistir a un servicio a las 7 a.m. del domingo era difícil. Este hombre fue el que recibió el Espíritu Santo y experimentó la gracia de Jesús. Sin embargo, no podía dejar de lado las alegrías y los placeres del mundo. Finalmente, incluso en el culto del domingo, comenzó a ausentarse. Vivió sin arrepentirse de sus pecados.

The Lord's Day is the most enjoyable, joyful, and blessed time for God's people. So we must be able to volunteer our time to give to Jesus. However, this man thought that even attending a service at 7 a.m. on Sunday was difficult. This man was the one who received the Holy Spirit and experienced the grace of Jesus. Nevertheless, he could not let go of the joys and pleasures of the world. Eventually, even on Sunday's worship, he began to absent. He lived without repenting of his sins.

이 사람은 공사장에서 공사를 지시하는 간부에요. 그 건물 책임자에요. 그런데 갑자기 돌이 떨어져서 거기에 깔려 죽어버려요. 영은 바로 지옥으로 떨어져요.

El trabajo de este hombre era supervisar la construcción en el sitio de construcción y era un ejecutivo. Fue el director general de la construcción del edificio. Cuando estaba en el sitio de la construcción, una piedra cayó desde lo alto del edificio y lo golpeó. Murió inmediatamente y su espíritu cayó al infierno.

This man's job was to supervise the construction at the construction site and was an executive. He was the general manager of the building's construction. When he was at the construction site, a stone fell from the height of the building and struck him. He died immediately, and his spirit fell to Hell.

다시 평길이 나왔는데 길에 소주병을 반 정도 깨가지고 땅에 빽빽하게 박아놨어요. 100M정도에요. 사람들이 저 멀리 형벌을 받으려고 줄을 서 있어요. 모두 알몸이에요. 세 사람을 줄을 세워 가지고 그 길을 걷게 해요. 걸을때마다 발등으로 유리조각이 다 나와 버려요.

Pasé por un lugar de castigo parecido a un túnel, y ahora camino por un camino diferente. Aquí, las botellas de vidrio se parten por la mitad y se insertan al revés, y los trozos de vidrio rotos llenan el camino sin huecos. El camino hecho de piezas de vidrio parece tener unos 100 metros de largo. La gente espera en la fila para recibir el castigo, sus cuerpos están desnudos. Tres personas a la vez se ven obligadas a caminar por el camino de los fragmentos de vidrio. Mientras caminan, trozos de vidrio afilados perforan sus pies y los trozos de vidrio se elevan por encima de sus empeines.

Passed through a tunnel-like place of punishment, and now I am walking on a different road. Here, glass bottles are broken in half, and they are placed upside down, and broken glass pieces fill the road without gaps. The road made of pieces of glass seems to be about 100 meters long. People wait in line for punishment, their bodies are naked. Three people at a time are forced to walk the path of the glass shards. As they walk, sharp pieces of glass stab their feet, and the pieces of glass are rising above their insteps.

너무나 이쁜 아가씨, 젊은 아가씨에요. 이 여자는 절을 믿었어요. 불교신자에요. 막 유리조각 위를 걸어면서 이야기해요.

 En este camino, una chica muy bonita está siendo castigada. En el mundo, esta dama asistía a un templo budista y era budista. Mientras camina sobre los pedazos de vidrio, la dama gime y habla.

On this road, a very pretty girl is being punished. In the world, this lady attended a Buddhist temple and was a Buddhist. As he walks over the pieces of glass, the lady moans and talks.

진짜 극락이 있는줄 알았는데 극락이 아니라 지옥이구나! 극락이 지옥이었구나! 나 좀 꺼내줘요! 나 좀 꺼내줘요, 나 좀 꺼내줘요! 부처를 믿었더니 내가 지옥을 왔나봐요! 내 가족은 어떡하면 좋아요! 우리 엄마 아빠는 어떡하면 좋아요! 지옥이 있네!

 “Cuando estaba en el mundo, realmente pensaba que había un paraíso budista. Pero no estaba ahí. Entonces vine al infierno ahora. Oh, el paraíso del budismo significa infierno. Por favor sácame, por favor sálvame. Por favor sácame, creí en Buda y vine al infierno. Mi familia que permanece en el mundo son budistas, ¿cómo puedo hacer que se den cuenta? ¿Cómo puedo ayudar a mi mamá y a mi papá? Ellos también vienen al infierno.

“When I was in the world, I really thought there was " pure land of Amitabha". But it wasn't there. So I came to hell now. Oh, the paradise of Buddhism means hell. Please take me out, please save me. Please take me out, I believed in Buddha and I came to Hell. My family remaining in the world are Buddhists, how can I get them to realize? How Can I Help My Mom and Dad! They too are coming to hell.

석가모니는 신이 아니네. 이 지옥에 와서 내가 알았어요! 이 지옥에 오니 모든 것을 깨달아요. 석가모니를 루시퍼가 써요. 루시퍼를 사람들이 인정하지 않기 때문에 루시퍼가 기세등등하고 더 힘을 받는거에요. 전해주세요! 석가모니는 신이 아니라고 전해주세요!”

 Buda no es de ninguna manera un dios. Cuando vine a este infierno, me di cuenta de esto. Cuando vengo al infierno, lo sé todo. El Buda es usado por Lucifer. Pero la gente no admite la existencia de Lucifer. Es por eso que Lucifer rebosa confianza y muestra más poder. ¡Hágale saber a la gente sobre esto! Buda no es de ninguna manera un dios. "

Buddha is by no means a god. When I came to this hell, I realized this. When I come to hell, I know everything. The Buddha is used by Lucifer. But people don't admit Lucifer's existence. So Lucifer is overflowing with confidence, and he is exerting greater power. Let people know about this! Buddha is by no means a god. ”

저쪽에서 걸어오는 사람이 또 얘기해요

이리와봐요, 이리와봐요! 이런 지옥에서 나갈 수 있게 이리와봐요!”

 이 사람이 걸어가는데 막 후회를 해요.

 Otra persona que camina hacia allí comienza a hablarme. “¡Ven aquí, ven aquí! Ayúdame a salir de este infierno. ¡Ven aquí!" Mientras este hombre camina, se arrepiente enormemente.

Another person walking over there starts talking to me. “Come here, come here! Help me to get out of this hell. Come here!” As this man walks, he regrets tremendously.

내가 왜그랬을까! 내가 왜그랬을까! 사랑 따위는 아무 필요도 없는데, 내가 그런 사랑 때문에 내가 자살을 했단 말인가? 이 지옥에 와보니 사랑, 감정따위는 아무 필요도 없는데 내가 왜 그랬을까? 이 지옥에는 감정 따위는 느낄시간도 없이 매일 매일 형벌을 당하는데 내가 왜 그랬을까?”

 “¡Por ​​qué actué así! ¡Por qué viví así! El amor humano no era nada.

Me suicidé por el amor de un hombre y una mujer así. ¿Por que hice eso? Cuando vine a este infierno, el amor racional humano, las emociones, etc. no tienen valor. Pero, ¿por qué hice eso? En el infierno, no hay tiempo para sentir las emociones humanas. Todos los días tengo que enfrentar un castigo extremo. ¿Por que hice eso?"

“Why did I act like that! Why did I live like that! Human love was nothing. I committed suicide because of the love of such a man and woman. Why did I do that? When I came to this hell, human rational love, emotions, etc. are of no value. But why did I do that? In Hell, there is no time to feel human emotions. Every day I have to face extreme punishment. Why did I do that?”

이 여자가 목사님을 보고 얘기해요!

 “내가 왜 그랬을까요? 목사님. 목사님이 기도 좀 해 주세요! 내가 여기서 나갈 수 있게요! 여기서 탈출 할수 있게 얘기 좀 해 주세요. 예수님한테. 내가 무서워서 못살겠어요! 너무 너무 고통스럽고 힘들어서 못살겠어요!

 Esta mujer está hablando mientras ve al pastor Yang-Hwan Kim que vive en la Tierra. "¿Por que hice eso? Pastor Kim. Pastor, por favor ore por mí, para que pueda salir de aquí. Le pido al pastor Kim que hable con Jesús para poder escapar de aquí. Este lugar da tanto miedo que no puedo soportarlo. Este es un lugar muy doloroso. Ya no puedo quedarme aquí.

This woman is talking while watching Pastor Yang-Hwan Kim living on Earth. “Why did I do that? Pastor Kim. Pastor, please pray for me, so I can get out of here. I ask Pastor Kim to speak to Jesus so that I can escape from here. This place is so scary that I can't stand it. This is a very painful place. I can't stay here anymore.


이런 지옥이 있다는 것을 단 한번이라도 내가 들었다면 내가 자살하지 않았을텐데! 이런 무시무시한 지옥이 있다는 것을 목사님한테 한번만 들었어도 내가 다시 생각해 보고 돌이킬 수 있었을텐데! 왜 우리 목사님은 말해주지 않은거야? 100% 자살하면 지옥이라고!

 Si alguna vez hubiera oído hablar de la existencia del infierno, no me habría suicidado. Si hubiera escuchado del pastor que existe un infierno tan terrible, habría renunciado a mis planes de suicidarme. ¿Por qué nuestro pastor no nos predicó sobre la realidad del infierno? Los pastores deben enseñar que el 100% de los que se suicidan van al infierno.

If I had ever heard of the existence of Hell, I would not have committed suicide. Had I heard from the pastor that there is such a terrible hell, I would have given up my plans to commit suicide. Why didn't our pastor preach to us about the reality of hell? Pastors must teach that 100% of those who commit suicide go to hell.

나는 그 주옥같은 설교 속에서 우리 목사님한테 천국지옥 소리 한번 들어보지 않았어요! 내가 귀를 막은건지, 내가 못들은건지, 사단이 내 귀를 막은건지 모르겠어요. 내가 알 수가 없어요! 많은 젊은 사람들이 나같이 자살하면 안될텐데!“

 He escuchado innumerables sermones, pero nunca escuché un sermón claro sobre el cielo y el infierno de nuestro pastor. ¿Me bloqueé los oídos? ¿O estaba Satanás bloqueando mis oídos? No puedo saberlo. Muchos jóvenes se suicidan, ¡nadie debería suicidarse como yo! ”

I have heard countless sermons, but I have never heard a sermon clearly about Heaven and Hell from our pastor. Did I block my ears? Or was Satan blocking my ears? I can't know about it. Many young people commit suicide, no one should commit suicide like me!”

이 사람이 대형교회 다녔어요. 이름만 대면 알아주는 대형교회를 다녔어요. 그 목사님은 오로지 이 땅에서 잘먹고 잘사는 설교, 복설교만 하시는 분이에요!

 왜 이렇게 천국과 지옥이 틀린지! 천국은 정금길만 봐도 기쁨, 감사가 넘쳐서 눈물이 흐르는데 이 지옥은 너무나 틀리다는거에요. 극과 극이에요. 천국과 지옥이 극과 극이에요.

 Este hombre había asistido a una iglesia famosa. Su iglesia era una iglesia muy grande y famosa. Los sermones de su pastor solo predican sobre cómo comer y vivir bien en este mundo. El pastor de esa iglesia es un pastor que predica solo acerca de las bendiciones. ¿Por qué el cielo y el infierno son tan diferentes? En cuanto a la aparición del cielo, incluso si solo veo el camino de oro puro, mi alegría se desborda, mi gratitud se desborda y las lágrimas de felicidad fluyen naturalmente de mis ojos.

Sin embargo, la apariencia del infierno difiere de la apariencia del cielo y entre el polo y el polo.This man had attended a famous church. His church was a very large and famous church. His pastor's sermons only preach on how to eat and live well in this world. The pastor of that church is a pastor who preaches only about blessings. Why are Heaven and Hell so different? As for the appearance of heaven, even if I only see the pure gold path, my joy overflows, my gratitude overflows, and tears of happiness naturally flow from my eyes. However, the appearance of hell differs from the appearance of heaven and between the pole and the pole.

아까 그 여자분이 얘기해요! 집사님이에요

아무도 천국과 지옥을 믿지 않아요. 좋은 교회 다닌다고, 사람 많은 교회다닌다고, 엘리트 좋은 목사님밑에 있다고, 우리 목사님 무슨 학위땄어! 그런다고 생명은 거기에 있는게 아니야!

 La mujer que vi hace un tiempo dice esto nuevamente, ella es la diácono de la iglesia. “Los miembros de la iglesia ahora no creen en la realidad del cielo y el infierno. Muchos miembros de la iglesia se jactan de los edificios de su iglesia, O se jactan de que su pastor es el mejor pastor de élite ". Hay muchos que se jactan de estas cosas: "El pastor de mi iglesia tiene una gran cantidad de títulos de doctorado". Sin embargo, tales elementos formales no tienen el poder de salvar el alma.

The woman I saw a while ago says this again, she is the deacon of the church. “The members of the church now do not believe in the reality of heaven and hell. Many church members boast of their church buildings, Or they boast of their pastor as the best elite pastor." There are many who boast of these things, "The pastor of my church has a large number of doctoral degrees." However, such formal elements do not have the power to save the soul.

회개하세요! 회개하세요! 회개만이 살길이에요! 자살하고 싶은 마음이 있을때 열심히 회개하세요! 그러면 자살하고픈 마음이 떠나가요. 자살 생각은 사단이 주는 것이라는걸 지옥에 와서 뒤늦게 깨달았어요. 회개할 때 귀신이 떠나가고 자살생각에서 놓임받을 수 있어요!“

 Todos, arrepiéntanse de sus pecados. Arrepiéntete de tus pecados. Arrepentirse del pecado es la única forma de vivir para siempre. Cuando tengas la idea de suicidarte, arrepiéntete de tus pecados. El impulso de suicidarse desaparece de quienes se arrepienten de sus pecados. La idea de suicidarse es lo que Satanás le da a la gente. Vine al infierno y me di cuenta, me di cuenta demasiado tarde. Cuando te arrepientes de tus pecados, los espíritus malignos te abandonan, Estás libre de pensamientos suicidas ".

All, repent of your sins. Repent of your sins. Repenting of sin is the only way to live forever. When you have the thought of committing suicide, repent of your sins. The urge to commit suicide disappears from those who repent of their sins. The thought of committing suicide is what Satan gives to people. I came to hell and realized it, I realized it too late. When you repent of your sins, evil spirits leave you, You are free from thoughts of suicide.”

많은 사람들을 돌침대에 눕혀놨어요. 개구리 해부하듯이 목부터 갈아놔서 못으로 양옆으로 고정해놨어요. 살이 오므라 들지 않게 그렇게 못으로 고정해 놨어요

사람들 심장이 막 뛰어요. 쓸개고 간이고, 위고 장이고 다 보이는거에요. 귀신이 사람마다 붙어요. 손가락으로 닭 내장 빼듯이 사람 목부터 내장을 다 훑어서 통에 담아요. 그리고 뱀들을 배에다 쏟아버려요. 그리고 귀신이 살을 다 꿰매요.

Mucha gente fue tendida sobre un lecho de piedras. Así como el abdomen de una rana de laboratorio está agrietado, el abdomen de todos está completamente agrietado. Se divide desde el cuello hasta la parte inferior del abdomen, y las uñas grandes sostienen sus cuerpos en ambos lados para evitar que el cuerpo se contraiga. Los corazones de las personas están latiendo, la vesícula biliar, el hígado y el estómago de las personas se revelan y se ven. Los fantasmas malvados se adhieren a cada persona. Así como se separan y extraen los intestinos de un pollo, los espíritus malignos toman todos los intestinos de las personas y los colocan en un recipiente. Y numerosas serpientes llenaron el espacio donde se extrajeron los órganos. Y los abdómenes abiertos se volvieron a suturar.

Many people were laid on a bed of stones. Just as the abdomen of an experimental frog is cracked, everyone's abdomen is completely cracked. It is split from the neck to the lower abdomen, and large nails hold their bodies on both sides to prevent the body from contracting. People's hearts are beating, people's gallbladder, liver and stomach, etc. are revealed and visible. Evil ghosts are attached to each person. Just as a chicken's intestines are separated and removed, evil spirits take all of the people's intestines and put them in a container. And numerous snakes filled the space where the organs were removed. And the open abdomens were sutured again.

사람을 일으켜 세워서 벽에 붙혀 놔 가지고 십자가에 못 박듯이 벽에 다 박아 놔버려요. 손과 발등에 못을 박아요. 그러면서 그 뱀들이 꿈틀거리면서 속에 있는 살들을 아그작 아그작 먹어요. 뜯어 먹어요. 그렇게 고문을 줘요.

 왜 이렇게 형벌을 받고 있는지 모르겠어요. 이렇게 형벌받는 사람들이 너무 많아요.

 Sus cuerpos se levantaron y luego se pegaron a la pared. Fueron clavados a la pared como si estuvieran crucificados. Sus manos y pies fueron clavados y arreglados. Dentro de su abdomen, las serpientes se retuercen innumerables veces, comiendo su carne interior. Su tortura nunca cesa por un momento. No sé por qué los castigos del infierno son tan severos. Hay tanta gente en el infierno que es castigada así

Their bodies stood up, and then stuck to the wall. They were nailed to the wall like they were crucified. Their hands and feet were nailed and fixed. Inside their abdomens, the snakes wriggling countless times, eating their inner flesh. Their torture never ceases for a moment. I don't know why the punishments of hell are so severe. There are so many people in Hell who are punished like this.


지옥을 위에서 보여주는데 완전 동굴이에요. 어떤 곳은 불이고 어떤 곳은 구더기, 뱀이에요.

그리고 고깔모자처럼 생긴 곳이 몇 군데 있는데 그 안에 핀이 다 꽂아져 있어요. 거기에 사람을 넣어버려요.

 Estoy mirando todo el infierno desde arriba. Parece una cueva enorme. Algunos están llenos de fuego y otros están llenos de gusanos y serpientes. Y hay varios lugares que parecen un sombrero de cono. Hay muchos alfileres de hierro afilados incrustados en ellos, y la gente está siendo arrojada dentro de ellos.

I'm looking at the whole hell from above. It looks like a huge cave. Some are full of fire and some are full of maggots and snakes. And there are several places that look like a cone hat. There are plenty of sharp iron pins embedded in them, and people are being thrown inside them.

그 사람은 일제시대 순교현장에서 주님을 부인한 사람들이에요. 우상숭배한 사람들이에요. 온 몸에 침을 수억개가 꽂혀 있어요. 침 크기가 팔꿈치 만해요. 이구동성으로 애기해요

 Entre los torturados hay quienes negaron al Señor en el lugar del martirio durante el período de ocupación japonesa forzada. Son los que adoraron a los ídolos. Se apuñalan alfileres de hierro por todo el cuerpo. El tamaño del alfiler de hierro es la longitud desde la punta del dedo hasta el codo. Están haciendo la misma confesión.

Among those who are tortured there are those who denied the Lord at the site of martyrdom during the period of forced Japanese occupation. They are those who worshiped idols. Iron pins are stabbed all over their bodies. The size of the iron pin is the length from the fingertip to the elbow. They are making the same confession.

예수가 최고네! 예수님이 최고네, 예수가 최고네! 그 어떤 신도 아니야. 그 어떤 신도 아니야! 예수가 최고네! 우상숭배하지 말아요. 그건 죽음으로 가는 통로야. 불신자처럼 제사 지내는 것만으로 우상숭배가 아니라는거야! 추도,장례예배도 우상숭배야!”

 “Jesús es el más alto, Jesús es el más grande, Jesús es el Todopoderoso. Otros dioses son dioses falsos. Los dioses que no sean Jesús no son salvadores. Solo Jesús es salvación. No adore a los ídolos. Ese camino de idolatría es el camino a la muerte. No pienses que los únicos sacrificios ofrecidos por los incrédulos son la idolatría. Es la misma idolatría que el pueblo de Dios ofrece servicios conmemorativos y funerales por los muertos ".

“Jesus is the highest, Jesus is the greatest, Jesus is the Almighty. Other gods are fake gods. Gods other than Jesus are not saviors. Only Jesus is salvation. Don't worship idols. That idolatry path is the path to death. Do not think that the only sacrifices offered by unbelievers are idolatry. It is the same idolatry that God's people offer memorial services and funeral services for the dead.”

제사장이 차려졌어요. 사람들 영정사진이 있어요. 그릇에 음식이 담겨져 있는데 그릇이 뱀으로 만들어져 있고 사과도 배도 다 뱀이에요. 그걸 먹는데 뱀이 저절로 사람 몸속으로 들어가요. 주먹만한 까만 먹구름이 있는데 그게 사망권세에요. 제사음식 우상의 제물을 먹는데 그게 계속 들어가요.

Ahora se ve la escena en la que se ofrece un servicio conmemorativo por los muertos. Sobre la mesa, se colocan fotografías de los muertos y se colocan diversos alimentos en muchos tazones. Los tazones de comida están envueltos en serpientes, y tanto las manzanas como las peras están envueltas en serpientes. Mientras la gente come la comida ofrecida a los muertos, las serpientes entran en el cuerpo de las personas con la comida. Las nubes negras del tamaño de un puño se mueven y las nubes son el poder de la muerte. Mientras comen la comida sacrificada por los muertos, las fuerzas de la muerte pueden verse entrando continuamente en la gente.

The scene where a memorial service is offered for the dead is shown. On the table, pictures of the dead are placed, and various foods are placed in many bowls. Bowls of food are wrapped in snakes, and both apples and pears are wrapped in snakes. While people eat the food offered to the dead, the snakes go into people's bodies with the food. The fist-sized black clouds are moving, and the clouds are the power of death. As they eat the food sacrificed for the dead, the forces of death can be seen continually entering into the people.

믿는 사람들도 음식을 제삿날 같이 차리는데 그 음식자체가 우상이에요. 죽은 자를 위해서 음식 만드는 것이기 때문이에요. 음식자체가 다 뱀이에요.

 Los que creen en Jesús ponen comida en la mesa el día de la muerte de sus padres y adoran al Señor. Ese es el acto de idolatría. Hacer comida para los muertos es en sí misma idolatría. Todos estos alimentos están envueltos en serpientes.

Those who believe in Jesus put food on their table on the day of their parents' death and worship the Lord. That is the act of idolatry. Making food for the dead is itself idolatry. All such foods are wrapped in snakes.

그 집사님이 그 날 제사음식을 하고 가는데 뱀이 허리를 감아버려요. 디스크가 좋지 않은 집사님인데 방에서 꼼짝을 못해요. 어떤 권사님이 권면을 해 주는데 "그곳에 가지도 참여치도 말라고, 이게 하나님의 징계라"고 권면을 해요. 그런데 권면을 할 때는 듣는데 권사님이 가니까 뱀이 머리를 감아버려요.

 Una diácono de la iglesia hizo un sacrificio por los muertos y regresó a su casa, con una serpiente envolviendo su cintura. El disco de esta mujer no está sano, no puede moverse en la habitación. En ese momento, un diácono mayor la visitó y le advirtió: "No vuelvas a ir a ese lugar, no vuelvas a participar en tales cosas. Arrepiéntete de tus pecados. Tu dolor es la disciplina de Dios". En ese momento, la mujer pareció entender un poco el consejo. Pero cuando el diácono mayor deja a la mujer, la serpiente envuelve su cuerpo nuevamente.

A female deacon of the church made a sacrifice for the dead and returned to her house, a snake wrapping her waist. This woman's disc is not healthy, she cannot move in her room. At this time, a senior deacon visited her, giving her counsel, "Do not go back to such a place, do not participate in such things again. Repent of your sins. Your suffering is God's discipline" At that time, the woman seemed to understand a little of the advice. But when the senior deacon leaves the woman, the snake wraps her body again.

그 집사님이 불신자 형제를 사랑하니까 그들도 건져야 하니까 그들 속에서 들어가서 복음전파를 해야 한다고 해요. 그런데 한마디도 전하지도 못하고 저주받고 병만 앓고 오는거에요. 믿는 백성들이 여기서 걸려 넘어지는거에요. 이렇게 하면서 복음 전파한다고 하는데, 아니오! 오히려 사단에게 공격받고 오는거에요!

 La mujer ama al hermano incrédulo. Entonces, para que sus hermanos creyeran en Jesús, ella participó en el acto de idolatría del hermano. Pensó que cuando ayudaba a sus hermanos de esa manera, podía predicarles el evangelio. Pero ella no les predicó el evangelio de Jesús, fue maldecida, se enfermó y regresó. Las personas que creen en Jesús cometen muchos de estos tipos de errores, Piensan en predicar el evangelio a otros ayudando a otros en su idolatría. Pero eso no sucede. Más bien, son atacados por Satanás.

The woman loves the unbeliever brother. So, in order to make her brothers believe in Jesus, she participated in the brother's act of idolatry. When she helps her brothers that way, she is what she thought she could preach her gospel to her brothers. But she failed to preach the gospel of Jesus to them, was cursed, got sick, and returned. People who believe in Jesus make a lot of these kinds of mistakes, They think to preach the gospel to others by helping others in their idolatry. But it doesn't happen. Rather, they are attacked by Satan.

하나님이 몇 번을 사인해 주셨는데 제사음식을 차리러 가는거에요. 이 집사님은 복음전파가 아니라 사람을 눈치를 본거에요. 하나님의 눈치가 아니라 사람의 비위를 맞추었던거에요. 나중에 허리디스크가 와서 수술을 했는데 유방암이와 버려요. 우상의 제물을 만지고 범죄했기 때문이에요.

 Dios le envió varias advertencias. Pero ella ignoró el consejo del Señor y siguió yendo a la casa del hermano para hacer comida para los ídolos. Esta mujer diácono no era para predicar el evangelio, Emparejar el temperamento del hermano era más importante que guardar la voluntad de Dios. Más tarde, la hernia de disco se enfermó gravemente y se sometió a una cirugía. Incluso en tales circunstancias, ella no abandonó su participación en la idolatría. Finalmente, tuvo cáncer de mama. Es porque los hijos de Dios continuaron haciendo sacrificios de ídolos. Porque su crimen continuó.

God sent her several warnings. But she ignored the Lord's advice, and she continued to go to her brother's house to make food for idols. This woman deacon was not for preaching the gospel, She considered matching the temper of her brother more important than keeping the will of God. Later, her herniated disc became very ill, and she underwent surgery. Even under such circumstances, she did not abandon her participation in idolatry. Eventually she had breast cancer. It is because the children of God continued to make sacrifices of idols. Because her crime continued.

하나님 백성들이 이렇게 가정예배를 뺑 둘러 앉아서 예배를 드려요. 추도예배에요. 어떤 가정은 영정사진을 교회상에다 올려놨어요. 어떤 가정은 예배만 드리는데도 있고, 어떤 가정은 제사상을 차려놨어요. 이건 우상숭배가 아니라 추도예배 드린다고 그래요. 그런데 이 집안자체가 까만 먹구름이 완전히 뒤덮혀 버려요.

 El pueblo de Dios se reúne en una casa y ofrece un servicio conmemorativo por los muertos. Algunas familias solo ponen fotos de los muertos en la mesa, otras excluyen fotos y comida, y adoran solo a los muertos. Algunas familias adoran al Señor con comida y fotografías en la mesa. Sin embargo, se dicen unos a otros: "No somos idolatría, adoramos a Dios". Pero todas estas casas están cubiertas de nubes oscuras.

God's people gather in a house and offer a memorial service for the dead. Some families only put pictures of the dead on the table, others exclude photos and food, and worship only for the dead. Some families worship the Lord with food and pictures on the table.

Yet they say to each other, "We are not idolatry, we worship God."

But all of these houses are covered in dark clouds.

하나님이 이 사람들을 볼 때마다 보좌에서 벌떡벌떡 일어나세요. 추도예배도 엄연한 우상숭배인데 속고 있다고 예수님이 말씀 하세요. 회개치 못하면 지옥인데 사단에게 미혹당해서 우상숭배하고 있다고 예수님이 말씀하세요. "추도예배가 우상숭배인줄모르고 내 백성들이 미혹당하고 있다"고 예수님이 보좌에 일어 나셔서 왔다갔다 하세요!

 Siempre que Dios ve a estas personas, se levanta de su trono. El servicio conmemorativo de los muertos es un acto definitivo de idolatría. Jesús dice que muchos de los hijos de Dios son engañados por Satanás. Aquellos que no se arrepienten de este pecado van al infierno. Debido a que fueron engañados por Satanás, adoran ídolos. Jesús se lamentó: "Mi pueblo no sabe que adorar a los muertos es idolatría, están siendo engañados por Satanás". Por eso Jesús está muy triste. Así que se levantó del trono y luego caminó de un lado a otro.

Whenever God sees these people, He rises from His throne. Memorial service for the dead is a definite act of idolatry. Jesus says that many of God's children are deceived by Satan. Those who fail to repent of this sin all go to hell. Because they were deceived by Satan, they worship idols. Jesus laments, "My people do not know that worshiping for the dead is idolatry, they are being deceived by Satan." For this, Jesus is very sad. So he stood up from the throne, then walked back and forth around.

예수 믿고 형편이 더 어려워진다고 그러잖아요? 아니오! 하나님과의 관계에서 되돌아 봐야 되요. 내가 어떤 부분에서 회개치 못하고, 걸렸고, 죄가 해결되지 않았는지 항상 자신을 점검해야 되요.

 Algunos dicen que cree en Jesús y que su situación se vuelve más difícil. Estas personas deberían comprobar sus vidas antes de decirlo. Estas personas deben darse cuenta de que su relación con Dios es incorrecta. Deben comprobar qué pecados han cometido y aún no se arrepienten de ellos. Debido a que aquellos que creen en Jesús pecan pero no se arrepienten de sus pecados, sus dificultades no se resuelven.

Some say that he believes in Jesus and that his situation becomes more difficult. These people should check their lives before saying it. These people must realize that their relationship with God is wrong. They must check what sins they have committed and are still not repenting of them. Because those who believe in Jesus sin but do not repent of their sins, their difficulties are not resolved.

예배도 잘 드리고, 말씀도 잘 듣는데, 기도생활을 빼버리기 때문에 하나님의 음성을 들을 수 없고, 기도가 천국으로 인도하는 문인데도 기도하지 않기 때문에 하나님의 생각을 읽을 수 없어요. 목사님들이 기도줄을 놓치고 사는데 백성들을 어떻게 인도할 수 있느냐고 주님이 그러세요. 소경이 소경을 인도한다고 그러세요.

 Mucha gente adora a Dios y escucha muchos sermones. Pero debido a que no viven en oración y no se arrepienten de sus pecados, no pueden escuchar la voz de Dios. Orar y arrepentirse de los pecados es el camino al cielo. Aquellos que no oran al Señor no pueden leer los pensamientos de Dios. La mayoría de los pastores ponen las cuerdas de la oración y viven, Entonces, ¿cómo pueden los miembros de su iglesia orar y arrepentirse? El Señor dice: En la situación actual, el ciego espiritual está guiando al ciego espiritual.

Many people worship God and hear a lot of sermons. But because they do not live in prayer and do not repent of their sins, they cannot hear the voice of God. Praying and repenting of sins is the way to heaven. Those who do not pray to the Lord cannot read God's thoughts. Most pastors lay down the ropes of prayer and live, So, how can the members of his church pray and repent? The Lord says: In the present situation, the spiritual blind is leading the spiritual blind.

하나님 감사합니다.많은 영적인 비밀을 알면 알수록 천국 가는 길이 너무나 힘들다는 것을 알게 됩니다. 오직 천국갈 수 있는 믿음을 주옵소서. 홀로 영광 받아 주시옵소서.

Gracias Dios por hacernos darnos cuenta de la verdad. Cuanto más conocemos y conocemos profundamente los muchos secretos espirituales, más nos damos cuenta de que no es fácil para nosotros ir al cielo. Señor, danos fe para ir al cielo. Que solo el Señor reciba toda la gloria.

Thank you God for making us realize the truth. The more we know and deeply know the many spiritual secrets, the more we realize that it is not easy for us to go to heaven. Lord, give us faith to go to heaven. Let the Lord alone receive all the glory.

거룩하신 예수님의 이름으로 기도 드리옵나이다. 아멘

En el nombre del santo Jesús oro. amén

In the name of the holy Jesus I pray. Amen


  이전글 : (Lucifer) ¿Aprendes a amar en extrema traición?(루시퍼) 극한 배신속에서 사랑을 배우느냐?
  다음글 : Sobre el sonido del cielo y el infierno (스페인어 / 천국과 지옥 소리에 대하여)