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  제  목 :  Los siervos del Señor que cayeron sin creer en la realidad del cielo y el infierno.천국지옥을 믿지 않고 타락한 종들 조회수 : 547
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2021-01-04

천국지옥을 믿지 않고 타락한 종들

 Los siervos del Señor que cayeron sin creer en la realidad del cielo y el infierno.

The servants of the Lord who fell without believing in the reality of heaven and hell


사단이 교회를 발로 꽉 눌러버렸어요. 발로 눌러가지고 사단이 자기의 깃발을 다 꽂아놨어요! 자기들이 장악한 교회마다 그렇게 깃발을 꽂아놨어요.

 그리고 교회 안에서 찬양하고, 성가대가 하나님 앞에서 찬양한다고 그러는데 그게 아냐! 목사 비위맞추려고, 목사한테 잘 보이려고 그렇게 해요. 그러니까 목사가 영광을 받는 것처럼 그렇게 앉아있고, 목사를 잡고 있는 사탄이 영광을 다 받아요.


Satanás pisó muchas iglesias con sus pies y puso el estandarte de Satanás sobre ellas. El estandarte de Satanás se erige en cada iglesia controlada por Satanás. El coro de una iglesia así canta. Pero esas alabanzas nunca llegan a Dios. No cantan para la gloria de Dios, cantan para su pastor y se enfocan en agradar el corazón del pastor. Aquellos que cantan alabanzas solo tratan de ser buenos con su pastor. Debido a que glorifican al pastor, al final su alabanza vuelve a la gloria de Satanás, quien gobierna al pastor.


Satan stepped on many churches with his feet, and set Satan's banner on them. Satan's banner is erected in every church controlled by Satan. The choir in such a church sings praises. But those praises never go up to God. They don't sing for the glory of God, they sing for their pastor, and they focus on pleasing the pastor's heart. Those who sing praise only try to be good to their pastor. Because they glorify the pastor, in the end their praise returns to the glory of Satan, who rules the pastor.

사단이 너무 너무 좋아해요. 교회 구석구석마다 사단이 다 장악을 해가지고 교회 사람들이 아무데도 못나가게 막아버려요! 거기 있으면 어차피 지옥에 가니까 그렇게 막아가지고 통째로 지옥으로 끌고가 버려요.

 Satanás ama mucho a esas iglesias. Dado que Satanás se ha apoderado completamente de todas las partes de las iglesias, los que pertenecen a esa iglesia no pueden trasladarse a otra iglesia en absoluto. Aquellos en una iglesia así son porque Satanás lleva a todos al infierno. Satanás quiere de alguna manera encarcelar a muchos miembros en tal iglesia. El objetivo de Satanás es llevar a todos los miembros de la iglesia y pastores al infierno.

Satan loves such churches very much. Since Satan has completely taken over all parts of the churches, those who belong to that church cannot move to another church at all. Those in such a church are because Satan takes everyone to hell. Satan wants to somehow imprison many members in such a church. Satan's goal is to bring all the church members and pastors to hell.

사단들이 교회마다 너무 너무 많이 장악했어요. 교회마다 깃발들이 너무 너무 많이 꽂아져 있고, 귀신들이 교회 안에서 좋아가지고 막 난리가 났어요! 다 자기네가 장악했데요. “자기네가 시키는대로 다 하는 목사새끼들!”이라고 그러면서 귀신들이 너무 너무 기분이 좋대요.

 Satanás domina demasiadas iglesias. Cada iglesia tiene las banderas de Satanás. Los fantasmas se regocijan mucho en este tipo de iglesias. Satanás dice que todas las iglesias son de su propiedad. Esto se debe a que los pastores se mueven de acuerdo con lo que Satanás les dice que hagan. Satanás desprecia y se burla de estos pastores. Los espíritus malignos son glorificados y regocijados a través de estas iglesias.

Satan dominates too many churches. Each church has Satan's flags on it. Ghosts rejoice very much in these kinds of churches. Satan says that all churches are their property. This is because the pastors move according to what Satan tells them to do. Satan very despises and mockes these pastors. Evil spirits are glorified and rejoiced through these churches.

교회 사람들이 예수님을 바라보는 것이 아니라 목사님을 다 바라보고 신앙생활하는거에요. 나는 이정도인줄 몰랐어!! 완전히 목사님 그늘에서, 목사님이 예수님이 되어버렸고, 목사님 말하는대로 다 따라가는거에요. 그래서 지옥가요.

 Los miembros de la iglesia no dependen de Jesús, Dependen del pastor humano más que de Dios. No sabía que estaban en tan malas condiciones. Pusieron a su pastor en la posición de Jesús. No siguen la Biblia, solo siguen las palabras del pastor. Es por eso que tantos miembros de la iglesia van al infierno.

Church members do not rely on Jesus, They rely on the human pastor more than God. I didn't know they were in such a bad condition. They put their pastor in the position of Jesus. They don't follow the Bible, they just follow the pastor's words. That is why so many church members go to hell.

목사님들이 성도들을 예수님에게 연결시켜줘야 하는데 그러지 않고 자기가 예수님 자리에 앉아 버렸어요. 자신이 교주가 되어 버렸어요. 목사님 의자마다 엄청나게 커요. 목사님이 루시퍼처럼 그렇게 앉아 있는거에요. 그래가지고 자신의 말을 들으라고 그러고, 자신이 예수님이 되어버렸어요. 그런 목사님들은 사단이 완전한 장악했어요.

La misión de los pastores es conectar a los santos con Jesús. Sin embargo, los pastores se pusieron en el lugar de Jesús. El pastor mismo se ha convertido en el dueño de la iglesia. La silla del pastor es demasiado grande. Los pastores actúan como Lucifer, enseñando a la congregación a escuchar y seguir las palabras del pastor. El pastor mismo trata de ser como Jesús. Tales pastores están completamente controlados por Satanás.

The mission of pastors is to connect the saints to Jesus. However, the pastors put themselves in the place of Jesus. The pastor himself has become the owner of the church. The pastor's chair is too big. Pastors act like lucifer, teaching congregation to listen and follow the words of the pastor. The pastor himself tries to be like Jesus. Such pastors are completely controlled by Satan.

그런데 교회식구들은 몰라요. 목사님만 너무너무 높여줘요. 목사님이 완전히 우상이 됐어요. 교회성도들은 몰라요. 아무것도 몰라요. 목사님이 단에서 말씀을 전하는데 입에서 뱀이 줄줄줄 나와요. 그 뱀이 사람들 속으로 들어가 버려요. 그래가지고 목사님이 완전히 신이 되게 만들어 버려요.

 Pero los miembros de la iglesia no lo saben. El pastor estaba tan exaltado y se volvió como un ídolo. Pero los miembros de la iglesia no reconocen esto. No tienen idea de que el pastor se ha convertido en un ídolo. Cuando el pastor idolatrado predica en el púlpito, numerosas serpientes salen de la boca del pastor. Las serpientes entran en el cuerpo de los miembros de la iglesia. Entonces, los espíritus malignos hacen que la posición del pastor sea como la de un dios.

But the church members don't know about it. The pastor was so exalted and became like an idol. But the church members do not recognize this. They have no idea that the pastor has become an idol. When the idolized pastor preaches at the pulpit, numerous snakes come out of the pastor's mouth. The snakes enter the body of the church members. So, evil spirits make the pastor's position like a god.

목사님이 단에서 기도한다고 하는데 거저 형식적인 기도야! 아무것도 아니에요! 하나님께 부르짖는 기도가 아니라 조용히 하는 기도에요. 그렇게 기도하는데 사단이 한쪽 발로 밟고 서 있어요! 그러니까 목사님들이 기도하다가 꾸뻑꾸뻑 졸아요. 그러면서 기도했다고 힘들다고 기지개 펴면서 일어나요.

Estos pastores oran en el púlpito, pero oran para mostrar a la gente sus oraciones. Sus oraciones no son nada. No claman a Dios, sino que oran en silencio. Mientras ora así, Satanás está parado sobre el pastor con un pie. Entonces, mientras los pastores oran, están somnolientos. Dicen que rezaron después de hacerlo, Se ponen de pie y se estiran como si hubieran rezado mucho.

 Such pastors pray at the pulpit, but pray to show people his prayers. Their prayers are nothing. They do not cry out to God, but pray quietly. While praying so, Satan is standing on the pastor with his one foot. So, while the pastors are praying, they are drowsy. They say they prayed after doing so, They stand up stretching as if they had prayed a lot.

근데 목사님들이 다 그래요. 큰 교회목사님은 목사님대로 그러고, 개척교회 목사님대로 돈이 없어서 힘들어 가지고 성도들 나갈까봐 눈치 봐요.

 그리고 큰 교회는 숫자에 너무 너무 관심만 있어요. 영혼에는 관심이 없고 우리 교회 몇 명이다 몇 명, 교회 키워야 겠다. 우리 교회 얼마다그러면서 목사님들 만나면 그 숫자만 자랑하는거에요.

 La mayoría de los pastores se encuentran en esta situación. Los pastores de iglesias grandes hacen lo mismo y los pastores de iglesias pequeñas lo hacen de esa manera. Los pastores de iglesias pequeñas tienen mucho miedo de que los miembros de su iglesia abandonen la iglesia porque las finanzas de la iglesia siempre son escasas. Y los pastores de iglesias grandes están muy interesados ​​en el número de miembros. Sus intereses no se preocupan por la salvación de las almas, solo se preocupan por aumentar el tamaño de sus iglesias. “Se debe aumentar el número de miembros de nuestra iglesia. Necesitamos aumentar el tamaño de la iglesia. " Cuando los pastores se encuentran, quieren mostrar que hay muchos miembros de su iglesia.

Most pastors are in this situation. Pastors of large churches do the same, and pastors of small churches do it that way. The pastors of small churches are very afraid of the members of his church leaving the church because the church's finances are always scarce. And the pastors of large churches are very interested in the number of members. Their interests are not concerned with the salvation of souls, they are concerned only with increasing the size of their churches. “The number of members in our church must be increased. We need to increase the size of the church. ” When pastors meet each other, they want to show off that there are many members of their church.

사단이 그렇게 만들어 버려요. 그래가지고 교회를 자꾸 크게 크게 짓게 만들어요. 근데 그 빚더미에 앉아가지고 양떼들이 다 힘들어 해요. 이만한 돌덩이를 양떼들에게 다 올려놔요. 양떼들은 그 짐에 눌려가지고 아무것도 못해요. 주저 앉아 버려요. 일어나질 못해요.

 Satanás hace pastores así. Es por eso que Satanás está estimulando a los pastores a hacer esas iglesias más grandes. Es por eso que las iglesias tienen muchas deudas bancarias y los santos tienen dificultades para pagar la deuda. Se coloca una piedra grande sobre los hombros de la oveja. Las ovejas no pueden moverse bien debido a la carga. Con el tiempo, muchos de los santos no pudieron soportar el peso y cayeron y no pudieron levantarse.

Satan makes pastors like that. That is why Satan stimulates pastors to make those churches bigger. That's why churches have a lot of bank debt, and the saints have a hard time paying off the debt. A large stone is placed on the shoulders of the sheep. The sheep cannot move well because of the burden. Eventually, many of the saints were unable to bear the weight and fell and were unable to get up.

교회마다 사단들이 성도들이 들어가는데 같이 들어가요. 뱀들이 같이 기어들어가요. 귀신이 어깨동무하고 데리고 들어가요. 그러면서 큰교회 다니는 사람들이 되게 자부심을 느끼게 해요. ‘우리 교회 크다고, 우리 교회 어떻다고, 목사님 방송탄다고, 유명하다고 그것만 자랑하게 만들어요. 사단이 그 입술을 써요. 사단이 그 입술을 쓸 때마다 뱀이 더 많이 들어가서 더 힘있게 만들어 버려요.

 En cada iglesia, Satanás entra en el cuerpo de los santos y las serpientes entran juntas. Los fantasmas malvados van hombro con hombro y entran juntos en los santos. Satanás hace que las personas que asisten a iglesias grandes se sientan orgullosas. Se jactan de esta manera: "Nuestra iglesia es muy grande, nuestro pastor está al aire y es mundialmente famoso". Satanás usa la boca de los santos de esta manera. Cada vez que sus labios dicen esto, entran más serpientes. Los fantasmas malvados hacen que esas palabras sean más influyentes.

In every church, Satan enters the body of the saints, and snakes enter together. Evil ghosts go shoulder to shoulder and enter the saints together. Satan makes people who attend large churches feel proud. They boast in this way, "Our church is very big, our pastor is on air and is world famous" Satan uses the mouths of the saints in this way. Every time their lips say this, more snakes go in. Evil ghosts make those words more influential.

그렇게 해 가지고 목사를 높혀주는데, 목사가 높힘 받을 때마다 사단이 그 목사를 가마에 태워가지고 올리는 것처럼 목사님을 쭉 올려버려요. 목사님은 너무 너무 좋아해요. 무슨 왕이 된 그런 기분이에요. 그러니까 예수님이 없어져 버려요. 자기가 예수님이 되버려요.

 Al hacerlo, el nombre de tal pastor se vuelve más alto y más famoso. Siempre que el nombre de un pastor se vuelve popular, Satanás lo hace más famoso. Satanás ama a ese pastor. Tal pastor se siente como un rey. Por tanto, Jesús desaparece del corazón del pastor. Estos mismos pastores se sientan en el lugar de Jesús.

In doing so, the name of such a pastor becomes higher and more famous. Whenever a pastor's name becomes popular, Satan makes the pastor more famous. Satan loves such a pastor. Such a pastor feels like he is a king. Therefore, Jesus disappears from the pastor's heart. Such pastors themselves sit in the place of Jesus.

목사님들이 돈을 너무 좋아해요. 집들이 너무 너무 좋아! 살림살이가 너무 좋아요. 큰 교회 목사님 집 살림살이가 너무 좋아요. 중형교회만 되도 너무 좋아!

 Los pastores aman mucho el dinero. Las casas del pastor en una iglesia grande son tan grandes que sus vidas se han vuelto lujosas. Las tareas domésticas de los pastores de iglesias grandes se vuelven tan abundantes. Incluso como pastor de una iglesia de tamaño mediano, su vida familiar se vuelve tan rica y lujosa.

Pastors love money very much. The houses of the pastors of the big churches are so big, their lives have become luxurious. The housekeeping of pastors of large churches becomes so abundant. Even as a pastor of a medium-sized church, his family life becomes so rich and luxurious.


교회가 좀 성장하니까 목사님들이 틀려져요. 완전히 이젠 먹자, 입자, 놀자로 바뀌어버려요. 누구 목사, 누구 목사 만나면서 돈도 잘써요. 근데 그걸 목사님 사비로 하는게 아니라 교회재정에서 다 써버려요. 근데 가난한 사람, 배고픈 사람이 너무 많아요. 겉으로는 교회인데 텅 비어 있는 교회, 썩어있는 교회에요. 말로는 목사님인데 목사님도 썩어버렸어요. 그 안이 막 썩어가지고 시커멓게 시궁창처럼 목사님 속이 다 그래요.

Cuando la iglesia crece un poco, los pensamientos y metas de los pastores cambian y se inclinan hacia el mundo. Quieren disfrutar del mundo. "De ahora en adelante, disfrutaré, comeré buena comida y viviré en un buen ambiente". Gastan bien el dinero cuando se encuentran con sus amigos u otros pastores. En este momento, no se gasta el dinero personal del pastor, sino el dinero de la iglesia. Hay muchos creyentes pobres y hambrientos en las iglesias de los pastores. Pero el pastor no piensa en ayudarlos. Estas iglesias tienen la apariencia de una iglesia, pero en términos espirituales son iglesias vacías y podridas. Sus títulos son pastores, pero pastores podridos. Las mentes de esos pastores se pudrieron, ennegrecieron y se volvieron como una zanja corrupta y apestosa.

When the church grows a little, the pastors' thoughts and goals change and they are inclined to the world. They want to enjoy the world. 'From now on, I will enjoy, eat good food, live in a good environment.' They spend money well when they meet their friends or other pastors. At this time, the pastor's personal money is not spent, but the church's money. There are many hungry and poor believers in the pastors' churches. But the pastor does not think to help them. These churches have the appearance of a church, but in spiritual terms they are empty and rotten churches. Their titles are Pastors, but they are Rotten Pastors. The minds of those pastors became rotten, blackened, and turned like a rotten, stinking ditch.

교회도 사단이 시커멓게 장악했어요. 생명의 빛이 없어요. 어둠으로 장악했어요. 목사님들이 좋은 차타고 몇 명이서 놀러가요. 골프 치러 가요. 막 먹으로 가요. 양떼들에게는 관심이 없어. 그것이 목회 잘하는 것인줄 알아요. 그게 성공한 목회인줄 알고 너무 좋아해요. 잘 먹고 잘사는게 성공한 목회인줄 알아! 근데 그게 사단의 방법이에요. 사단이 자꾸 세상으로 빼 돌려요. 그렇게 부추겨 가지고 빼돌려요.

 Estas iglesias fueron dominadas por Satanás. No tienen luz de vida, están llenos de fuerzas oscuras, bajo el control de demonios. Los pastores se reúnen y viajan en un lujoso automóvil para jugar. Los pastores van a jugar golf, a comer bien y a disfrutar. Estos pastores no piensan en la salvación de las almas de los santos ni en sus vidas difíciles. Ellos ven vivir de esa manera como la vida de un pastor exitoso. El pastor considera que su ministerio es muy bueno y está complacido. Piensan que los pastores comen bien y viven bien como un pastor exitoso. Están equivocados, engañados por el camino de Satanás. Satanás de alguna manera trata de hacer que los pastores caigan en los placeres del mundo. Satanás constantemente engaña los corazones de los pastores.

Such churches were dominated by Satan. They have no light of life, are full of dark forces, under the control of demons. The pastors gather and ride in a luxurious car to play. Pastors go to play golf, eat good food, and enjoy. Such pastors do not think about the salvation of the saints' souls or their difficult lives. They see living that way as the life of a successful pastor. The pastor considers their ministry to be very good and is pleased. They think that pastors eat well and live well as a successful pastor. They are mistaken, deceived by Satan's way. Satan somehow tries to get pastors to fall into the pleasures of the world. Satan constantly deceives pastors' hearts.

천국 갈 사람들이 없어요! 예수님 믿는다고 그러는데 천국 갈 사람이 너무 없어요! 지옥으로 쏟아져요! 이렇게 많은 사람들이 있는데, 땅이 저절로 푹 꺼지는 것처럼 꺼지는데, 수많은 사람들이 교회 다닌다고 했는데 다 지옥으로 쏟아져요!

 Pocas personas en el mundo vendrán al cielo. Mucha gente piensa que cree en Jesús. Sin embargo, muy pocas personas pueden llegar al cielo. La mayoría de los miembros de la iglesia están entrando en el infierno. Mucha gente en el mundo vive y sigue su camino. De vez en cuando, se abre un agujero en el suelo que conduce al infierno. En esos momentos, innumerables miembros de la iglesia están cayendo al infierno.

Few people in the world will come to Heaven. Many people think they believe in Jesus. However, very few people can actually come to heaven. Most of the church members are pouring into hell. Many people in the world live and go on their way. From time to time, a hole is opened in the ground that leads to hell. At such times, countless church members are falling into hell.

~~ 목사님들이 사단에게 완전히 잡혔어요. ‘예수 믿었다고, 구원 얻었다고 완전히 못을 박아 버렸어요! 그러니까 성도들이 믿음도 없이 구원받았나 보다, 천국가나보다이렇게 다 신앙생활 해버려요! 목사님들이 결신만 하면 천국간다, 예수 믿었기 때문에 지옥안가고 구원받았다, 구원받았다고 얘기를 해 버려요!

 Ah ~~ Muchos pastores están completamente atrapados por Satanás.

Sus sermones no son bíblicos, "El que crea en Jesús una vez, será salvo". Confirman esta falsa teoría como el evangelio. Entonces, aunque no tienen una fe verdadera, piensan: "Oh, ya soy salvo. Iré al cielo incondicionalmente". Todos los miembros de la iglesia van a la iglesia con esta idea. Porque los pastores predican sermones falsos "Porque una vez confesé a Jesús como Salvador, voy al cielo, No voy al infierno porque una vez creí en Jesús. Mi salvación nunca se puede cancelar. " Los sermones de los pastores siempre son así.

Ah~~ Many pastors are completely caught by Satan. Their sermons are not biblical, "Whoever believes in Jesus once will be saved" They confirm this false theory as the gospel. So, even though they don't have true faith, they think, "Oh, I'm already saved. I will go to heaven unconditionally." All members of the church go to church with this idea. Because the pastors preach false sermons "Because I once confessed Jesus as Savior, I go to Heaven, I don't go to hell because I once believed in Jesus. My salvation can never be canceled. " Pastors' sermons are always like this.

그러니까 성도들이 마음대로 마음대로 살아요. 목사들이 성도들의 죄를 지적하지 않아요! 분명히 성도가 잘못했는데 얘기를 안해요! 모른척하고 목사님이 지나가 버려요. 사단이 그렇게 써버려요. 목사님이 자꾸 구원받았다고 얘기해요. 결신하면 구원받았고 예수 믿으면 구원받았다고 얘기를 해요. 구원이 뭔지도 모르고 사람들이 따라가요.

 Debido a que la predicación de los pastores siempre es así, los santos viven de acuerdo con sus propios pensamientos y codicia. Los pastores no señalan los pecados de los santos y no los reprenden. Obviamente, aunque un santo haya hecho algo mal, el pastor no lo llama pecado. Los pastores fingen no conocer los pecados de los santos. Satanás hace pastores de esa manera y los usa como sus herramientas. Los pastores siempre enseñan así. "Nuestra congregación ya ha sido salva. Debido a que hemos recibido a Jesús una vez, hemos sido salvos para siempre". Los miembros de la iglesia no saben qué es la salvación, simplemente creen y siguen las palabras del pastor.

Because the preaching of pastors is always this way, the saints live according to their own thoughts and greed. Pastors do not point out the sins of the saints and do not rebuke them. Obviously, even though a saint has done something wrong, the pastor does not call it a sin. Pastors pretend not to know about the sins of the saints. Satan makes pastors that way and uses them as his tools. Pastors always teach like this. "Our congregation has already been saved. Because we have received Jesus once, we have been saved forever."

Church members don't know what salvation is, they just believe and follow the pastor's words.

목사님들이 사우나탕 안에서 몇 명이 둘러 앉아 있어요. 오늘 목욕하고 좋은데 가자고 하네요. “어디 가서 우리 오랜만에 소갈비먹자고 그래요. 귀신들이 그 옆에서 부추겨요. 귀신들이 너무 좋아해요.

 En el mundo, los pastores se divierten en un lujoso baño público. Varios de los pastores están sentados en un mismo lugar. Un pastor dice: "Después de bañarnos hoy, vayamos a un lugar agradable, divirtámonos juntos y comamos carne deliciosa". Los espíritus malignos le provocan que lo diga. Los fantasmas malvados aman a los pastores que aceptan muy bien los pensamientos de Satanás.

In the world, pastors are enjoying themselves in a luxury public bath. Several of the pastors are sitting around a place. One pastor says, "After taking a bath today, let's go to a nice place and have fun together and eat delicious meat." The evil spirits provoke him to say so. Evil ghosts love pastors who are good at accepting Satan's thoughts


목사님들이 범죄를 하니까 죄를 지적 못하고, 목사님 자체가 천국지옥이 안 믿어지져요. 자기는 막연하게 천국간다고, 자기는 지옥 안간다고 생각을 해요. 천국지옥이 믿어지지도 않아요. 아예 안 믿어요. 목사님 자체가 천국지옥을 안믿고 있어요. 그러면서 성도들한테는 구원받았다, 천국간다 이렇게 얘기를 하는거에요.

 Debido a que el pastor mismo siempre peca, no pueden señalar ni reprender los pecados de los santos. Debido a que el pastor mismo no puede creer la realidad del cielo y el infierno, los pastores no pueden enseñar claramente a los creyentes la realidad del cielo y el infierno. Entonces, los pastores predican vagamente que vamos al cielo, Y afirman que nunca van al infierno. Tanto el pastor como los santos no pueden creer la realidad del cielo y el infierno y no quieren creerla. El pastor mismo en realidad no admite la existencia del cielo y el infierno, Sin embargo, les predican a los santos así. "Ya somos salvos, vamos al cielo incondicionalmente".

Because the pastor himself always sins, they cannot point out or rebuke the sins of the saints. Since the pastor himself cannot believe the reality of heaven and hell, pastors cannot clearly teach the saints the reality of heaven and hell. So, pastors vaguely preach that we are going to heaven, And they claim that they never go to hell. Both the pastor and the saints cannot believe the reality of heaven and hell and do not want to believe it. The pastor himself does not actually admit the existence of heaven and hell, Yet they preach to the saints like this. "We are already saved, we go to heaven unconditionally."



나의 종들의 실태를 보라! 나의 종들이 얼마나 썩었고, 타락했는지 너는 보라! 내가 이 딸의 입을 통해 얘기하는 것을 잘 들으라! 나를 위해 죽을 종들이 얼마나 있는고! 다 자기를 위해서 사는구나! 자기를 위해서 사는 목사들이 어딜 가겠느냐? 어떻게 천국을 가겠느냐? 다 지옥으로 쏟아지는 저 많은 종들을 보라!


¡Mira los hechos de mis sirvientes! Las vidas de mis sirvientes han sido tan corruptas. Todos los pastores deberían escucharme hablar por su boca. ¿Dónde están los pastores que dan su vida por mí? Todos los pastores son egoístas, viven solo para ellos mismos. ¿A dónde irán los pastores egoístas que viven solo para sí mismos? Estos pastores nunca pueden ir al cielo. Todos esos se vierten al infierno. ¡Miren, innumerables pastores que van al infierno!


Look at the facts of my servants! The lives of my servants have been so badly corrupted. All pastors should listen to me speaking through her mouth. Where are the pastors who give their lives for me? All pastors are selfish, living only for themselves. Where will the selfish pastors who live only for themselves go? Such pastors can never go to heaven. All such ones pour into hell. Look, countless pastors pouring into hell!

목사들이 잘못 가르쳐서 지옥에 떨어지는 내 양떼들을 보라! 목사들이 어찌 이렇게 타락하고 썩었는고! 어찌하여 어떻게 하다가 양의 탈을 쓴 늑대가 되었는고! 양의 탈을 벗든지, 늑대소굴에서 나오든지 둘 중의 하나를 해야 되는데, 양의 탈을 쓴 늑대가 되어서 내 양떼를 낼름낼름 잡아 먹고 있구나!

 ¡Vean las muchas ovejas yendo al infierno, porque los pastores enseñan mal! ¡Cómo estaban tan corrompidos y podridos los pastores! ¿Por qué los pastores se convirtieron en lobos con máscaras de oveja? Los pastores deben elegir solo uno de los dos, Los pastores deben quitarse las máscaras de oveja o deben salir de la guarida del lobo. Pastores, escojan uno de los dos. Los lobos con máscaras de oveja se comen constantemente a mis ovejas.

See the many sheep going to hell, because the pastors teach wrong!

How were the pastors so badly corrupted and rotted! Why did the pastors become wolves wearing sheep's masks? Pastors should choose only one of the two, Pastors must either take off their sheep's masks, or come out of the wolf's den. Pastors, choose one of the two. The wolves in sheep's masks are constantly eating my sheep.

내 양들이 무슨 죄가 있단 말이야! 내 양들이 무슨죄가 있단 말이냐! 잘못 가르친 목사 때문에 왜 내 양들이 지옥에 떨어져야 한단 말이냐! 내가 언제 나의 목사들에게 그렇게 가르쳤느냐! 왜 내 양들을 내 양들을 지옥으로 떨어뜨리고 있단 말이냐!

 La situación de mi oveja es muy injusta. Mis ovejas son tan injustas. Mis innumerables ovejas caen al infierno porque los pastores les enseñan mal. Nunca les he enseñado así a mis siervos, pastores. ¿Por qué los pastores engañan a mis ovejas y las envían al infierno?

My sheep's situation is so unfair. My sheep are so unfair. My countless sheep fall to hell because the pastors teach them wrong. I have never taught my servants, pastors that way. Why are pastors misteaching my sheep and sending them to hell?

내 양들이 지옥에서 비명을 지르는 저 소리를 저 소리를 왜 내가 들어야한단 말이냐! 어찌하여 목사들이 잘먹고 포식하는데만 눈을 돌리더냐! 내 양들을, 내양들을 어떻게 할거란 말이냐!

 Mis ovejas están gritando tan fuerte en el infierno. Es tan doloroso para mí que escucho sus gritos. ¿Por qué a los pastores solo les interesa comer bien y vivir bien en este mundo? Debido a los pastores, mis ovejas están yendo al infierno, entonces, ¿por qué no se sienten responsables por ello?

My sheep are screaming so hard in hell. It is so painful to me that I hear their screams. Why are pastors interested only in eating well and living well in this world? Because of the pastors, my sheep are all pouring into hell, so why don't they feel responsible for it?

지옥이 무서운 목사들이 몇 명이나 된단 말이냐! 천국을 바라보면서 죽도록 일하고 충성하는 일군들이 몇 명이나 된단 말이냐! 내 양들의 비명소리를 어떻게 한단 말이냐! 내 양들의 소리를 들으며 고통당하는 저것을 어떻게 한단 말이냐!

 ¿Cuántos pastores conocen realmente el miedo al infierno? ¿Hay pastores que sean leales hasta la muerte porque quieren ir al cielo?

¿Qué debo hacer con los gritos de mis ovejas? ¿Cómo puedo solucionar los gritos y el dolor de mi oveja?

How many pastors really know the fear of hell? Are there any pastors who are loyal to death because they want to go to heaven?

What should I do with the screams of my sheep? How can I solve the screams and pain of my sheep?

내가 양들을 위해 죽었건만 어찌하여 목사들이 내 양들을 지옥으로 떨어뜨린단 말이냐! 내가 십자가에 달린 그 의미가 무엇이냐?

Morí para salvar a mis ovejas. Pero, ¿por qué los pastores hacen que mis ovejas caigan al infierno? Hay un propósito y un significado en el que morí en la cruz. ¿Por qué los pastores no se dan cuenta de esto?

I died to save my sheep. But why do the pastors make my sheep fall into hell? There is a purpose and meaning in which I died on the cross. Why don't the pastors realize this?

사랑하는 종아! 종들을 깨워라! 지금 미쳐가고 있는 목사들을 깨워라! 사단의 마약에 취해서 흥청망청 미쳐가고 있는 나의 종들을 깨워라! 미친 종에게 나의 양들 맡길 수 있단 말인가! 이 땅의 것을 바라보는 목사들에게 어찌하여 내 양떼를 맡길 수 있단 말인가! 그 미친 종들에게 내 양을 꺼내오라! 이리 떼들에게서 나의 양을 꺼내오라!

 ¡Mi querido sirviente! Innumerables pastores duermen espiritualmente. Despierta a todos. ¡Ahora, despierten a los pastores que se están volviendo locos! Los pastores están borrachos con las drogas de Satanás, son pastores locos. Tienes que despertar. Ya no puedo confiar mis ovejas al sirviente loco. Mis ovejas no deben ser confiadas a pastores que solo miran las cosas de la tierra y las aman. Rescata mis ovejas que pertenecen a los pastores locos. Libera Mis ovejas que están en manos de los lobos.

My dear servant! Countless pastors sleep spiritually. Wake everyone up. Now, wake up the pastors who are going crazy! The pastors are drunk on Satan's drugs, they are crazy pastors. You have to wake up. I can no longer entrust my sheep to the mad servant. My sheep should not be entrusted to pastors who only look at the things of this land and love them. Rescue my sheep that belong to the crazy pastors. Free My sheep that are held by wolves.

억울하게 억울하게 지옥으로 떨어지는 내 양들을 어떻게 한단 말이냐! 내 양떼들을 어떻게 한단말이냐! 너는 깨어 있어라, 깨어 있으라! 내 양들을 지켜라! 지금은 사단들이 이리떼처럼 몰려오고 있느니라! 양들아 잡아먹기 위해서 몰려오고 있느니라!

 사랑하는 종들아 너는 정신차려 양들을 지켜라! 다 나의 생명이니라. 양들이 나의 생명이니라! 나의 목숨과 바꾼 나의 생명이니라!

 Mi pueblo cae injustamente al infierno, mis muchas ovejas. ¿Cómo puedo hacer esto? ¿Cómo debo salvar a mis ovejas? Tienes que despertarlos. ¡Despierta, despierta, protege a mis ovejas! Ahora Satanás viene a mis ovejas como lobos. Vienen a comerse mis ovejas. Queridos sirvientes ¡Despierta y protege a mis ovejas! Son mi vida. Mis ovejas son mi vida. Para salvar a las ovejas, les di mi vida. Di mi vida y salvé la vida de las ovejas.

My people unfairly unfairly fall into hell, my many sheep. How can I do this? How should I save my sheep? You have to wake them up. Awake, wake up, protect my sheep! Now Satan comes to my sheep like wolves. They come to eat my sheep. Dear servants Wake up and protect my sheep! They are my life. My sheep are my life. To save the sheep, I gave my life to them. I gave my life and saved the lives of the sheep.

목사는 많은데 나를 위해 충성되이 일한 목사들이 없구나! 너는 외치라! 교회들이 썩었느니라! 교회들이 사단의 소굴이 되었느니라! 목사들이 잠자고 있어 양들을 지키고 있지 못하느니라!

지금도 지옥으로 떨어지는 나의 양떼들, 나를 믿었는데 지옥으로 떨어지는 양떼들을 어찌할꼬! 어찌할꼬! 나의 양떼들을 어찌할꼬!

 Hay mucha gente que ocupa el cargo de pastor. Pero no hay pastores que trabajen lealmente para mí. ¡Grita tú! Todas las iglesias están podridas. Las iglesias se convirtieron en la guarida de Satanás.

Debido a que los pastores están durmiendo espiritualmente, los pastores no están guardando mis ovejas de Satanás. Incluso ahora, innumerables ovejas están cayendo al infierno. Creían en Jesús, pero debido a una creencia errónea, muchos miembros de la iglesia están cayendo al infierno. ¿Qué debo hacer con mis ovejas? ¡Qué hacer! ¡Qué hacer con mi rebaño!

There are many people who hold the position of pastor. But there are no pastors who work loyally for me. You, shout out! All churches are rotten. Churches became Satan's den. Because the pastors are sleeping spiritually, the pastors are not keeping my sheep from Satan. Even now, countless sheep are falling into hell. They believed in Jesus, but because of a mistaken belief, many members of the church are falling into hell. What should I do with my sheep! What to do! What to do with my flock!

사랑하는 종아! 정신 차려야 되느니라! 아차하면 아차하면 너도 그렇게 될 수 있느니라! 너는 기도줄을 놓치지 마라! 항상 깨어 있으라! 첫사랑을 회복하라! 항상 무장해야 되느니라! 그래야 내 일을 감당할 수 있느니라. 내가 너에게 큰사건, 많은 사건을 맡길 것이니라. 너에게 무거운 짐을 지워줄 것이니라! 그러나 내가 너를 도울 것이니라! 너 혼자 하는 것이 아니라 내가 도와줄 것이니라! 많은 목사들은 사단이 그렇게 잡고 있지만 너는 내가 도와줄 것이니라! 기도를 쉬지 말고 기도로 무장하라!

 ¡Querido sirviente! ¡Debes estar alerta! Tenga mucho cuidado. Despierta Instantáneamente puedes convertirte en como esos pastores. ¡No te pierdas la cuerda de la oración! ¡Mantente siempre despierto! ¡Restaura siempre tu primer amor con el Señor! Esté siempre armado espiritualmente. De esa manera puede hacer su trabajo. Te daré una gran misión. Te encomendaré una gran responsabilidad. Pero siempre te ayudaré. No estás trabajando solo, siempre estaré contigo. Satanás retiene a muchos pastores. Pero te ayudaré. No dejes de rezar. ¡Arme espiritualmente a través de la oración!

Dear servant! You must be alert! Be extremely careful. Wake up Instantly you can become like those pastors. Do not miss the rope of prayer! Always stay awake! Always restore your first love with the Lord! Always be spiritually armed. That way you can do your job. I will give you a great mission. I will entrust you with heavy responsibility. But I will always help you. You are not working alone, I will always be with you. Many pastors are held by Satan. But I will help you. Do not stop praying. Be spiritually armed through prayer!

하나님 감사합니다. 영광 받아 주시옵소서!

Gracias Dios. ¡Recibe toda la gloria, Señor!

I thank God. Receive all the glory, Lord!


  이전글 : (Lucifer) ¿Aprendes a amar en extrema traición?(루시퍼) 극한 배신속에서 사랑을 배우느냐?
  다음글 : Sobre el sonido del cielo y el infierno (스페인어 / 천국과 지옥 소리에 대하여)