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  제  목 : Pastor Sun-Hwan Park en el cielo 천국에서 박선환목사님 조회수 : 850
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2020-09-28

천국에서 박선환목사님

 Pastor Sun-Hwan Park en el cielo

Pastor Sun-Hwan Park in Heaven


아버지여~~ 주여~~ 아버지여~

어느새 제가 예수님의 보좌앞에 무릎을 꿇고 앉아 있어요예수님은 보좌에서 너무나 하얗고 하얀 세마포옷을 발에 끌리는 옷을 입고 계세요. 바람이 불지 않는데도 발등상의 세마포옷이 펄럭 펄럭입니다. 그 옷조차도 너무나 위엄 있고 권위 있고 도저히 더 이상 가까이 갈 수 없는, 기묘같은 분

이신 예수님이 보좌에 앉아 계십니다

 (La oración del evangelista)

Padre ~~ Señor ~~ Padre ~

Mientras estaba orando, en un instante, me arrodillo frente al trono de Jesús. Jesús se sienta en el trono y está vestido con un lino muy blanco y brillante. Su ropa era larga, por lo que llegaba al suelo.

A pesar de que el viento no sopla, su ropa de lino parece soplar con el viento. Incluso la ropa de Jesús es digna, nadie puede acercarse a su gran autoridad. El asombroso Jesús está sentado en el trono.

(The evangelist's prayer)

Father~~ Lord~~ Father~

While I was praying, in an instant, I am kneeling in front of Jesus' throne. Jesus sits on the throne, and is dressed in very white and shiny linen. His clothes were long, so they reached the floor. Even though the wind is not blowing, his linen clothes seem to be blowing in the wind. Even the clothes of Jesus are dignified, no one can come close to the great authority of Jesus. The amazing Jesus is sitting on the throne.

그 예수님을 만나게 하십니다. 그런 영광이 어디 있겠습니까

보좌 약간 뒤 주위에는 24장로들이 면류관을 쓰고 있는데 그들도 세마포옷을 입었지만 예수님만큼 빛나는 세마포 옷은 천국 누구에게도 찾아 볼 수 없다는 것입니다. 얼마나 예수님의 세마포옷이 빛이 나고 아름다운지 마치 세마포가 무지개가 펼쳐져 있는 것처럼 빛나고, 보석처럼 반짝 반짝 형용할수도 표현할 수도 없고, 이 세상의 어떤 아름다운 단어로도 표현할 수 없다는게 너무나 안쓰럽습니다너무 안타까워요. 최대한 어떻게 예수님의 말씀이나 천국을 잘 설명하려고 해도 의사전달이 되지 않는다는게 너무나 안타깝습니다

Jesús me permitió conocer a Jesús. No hay mayor gloria para mí que esta. En una posición un poco más atrás del trono de Jesús, veinticuatro ancianos están sentados con sus coronas. Ellos también vestían ropas de lino, pero la luz de sus ropas es más débil que la luz de las ropas de Jesús. Las ropas de lino de Jesús eran tan brillantes que nadie en el cielo usaba estas ropas de lino. La ropa de lino de Jesús es tan brillante y hermosa. La hermosura de su lino es como un arco iris extendido.Su ropa brilla como joyas, su belleza no la puedo describir, es muy poco para expresarlo en mi idioma. Ningún idioma en este mundo puede expresar la hermosa imagen de Jesús. Por las limitaciones de mis palabras. Con mi mejor esfuerzo, trato de explicar la apariencia y el cielo de Jesús. Sin embargo, su belleza no se transmite completamente al mundo.

Jesus allowed me to meet Jesus. There is no greater glory to me than this. In a position a little further behind Jesus' throne, twenty-four elders are sitting, wearing their crowns. They too wore linen clothes, but the light of their clothes is weaker than the light of Jesus' clothes. The linen clothes of Jesus were so shining that no one in Heaven wore these linen clothes. Jesus' linen clothes are so shiny and beautiful. The beauty of his linen is like a rainbow spread out.His clothes shimmer like jewels, its beauty I can't describe, it's so insufficient to express it in my language. No language in this world can express the beautiful image of Jesus. Because of the limitations of my words. With my best efforts, I try to explain Jesus' appearance and heaven. However, its beauty is not fully conveyed to the world.

보좌 뒷편에는 무지개가 떠 있고요, 그 뒤에는 네 생물(천사 네명)이 지키고 서 있어요. 촛대뒤에 무슨 책이 하나 펼쳐져 있는데 너무나 커요. 생명록책도 큰데 이 책은 더 너무나 커요. 천국 금글씨로 적혀있어요. 생명록책이 예수님보좌 앞에 펼쳐져 있고촛대 뒤에 또 이 책이 펼쳐져 있는데 여기에는 천국 온 사람들, 구원받은 백성들의 이름들이 다 기록되어있어요

 Un hermoso arco iris flota detrás del trono de Jesús. Y cuatro seres vivientes (cuatro ángeles) custodian el trono de Jesús. Detrás del candelero, hay un libro abierto y muy grande. Es el libro de la vida.

El libro de la vida es tan grande que está escrito con las letras doradas del Cielo. Un libro de la vida se despliega ante el trono de Jesús, y detrás del candelero, otro libro de la vida se despliega. Los nombres registrados en el libro de la vida detrás del candelero son una lista de las personas que ya han entrado en el cielo, los nombres de los que ya han sido salvos.

A beautiful rainbow floats behind the throne of Jesus. And four living creatures (four angels) are guarding the throne of Jesus. Behind the candlestick, there is a book open and very large. It is the book of life. The book of life is so large, it is written in the gold letters of Heaven. One book of life unfolds before the throne of Jesus, and behind the candlestick, another book of life unfolds. The names recorded in the book of life behind the candlestick are a list of people who have already entered heaven, those who have already been saved.

이 책도 생명록책인데 구원받은 백성들만 적어 놨어요. 빛이 따사롭고 너무 아름답고 반짝 반짝 빛이 나요. 너무 희안하고 신기해요. 우리가 진정으로 이 책에 이름이 기록되어야 천국에 들어갈 수 있어요.

 En este libro de la vida están escritos los nombres de las personas que han sido completamente salvas. La luz del libro de la vida es cálida, hermosa y brillante. Esta escena me resulta muy peculiar y misteriosa. Solo los nombres escritos en este libro pueden entrar al Cielo.

In this book of life, the names of the people who have been completely saved are written. The light from the book of life is warm, so beautiful, and sparkles. This scene is very peculiar and mysterious to me. Only the names written in this book can enter Heaven.

예수님의 보좌앞에 있는 생명록책에는 이 땅에 있는 사람들의 모든 행한 일들이 개개인마다 적혀져 있어요. 여기에는 불신자든 아니든 누구를 막론하고 전세계 사람들의 이름과 행위가 적혀져 있어요. 이것으로 심판을 받아요

 그 촛대 뒤에 있는 생명책에는 천국에 입성한 사람 명단만 적혀져 있어요너무 너무 빛이 임해요. 금글씨의 빛이 입체적으로 올라오는데 너무나 아름다워요.

En el libro de la vida ante el trono de Jesús, otro libro de la vida, se registra a fondo toda la conducta de todas las personas que viven en esta tierra. En los individuos, se registran todas las acciones. Este libro contiene los nombres y acciones de creyentes e incrédulos de todo el mundo. Todo el mundo es juzgado por lo que está escrito en este libro. Sin embargo, el libro de la vida detrás del candelero es una lista de aquellos que ya entraron al cielo. Una luz muy brillante proviene del libro de la vida. La luz de las letras doradas surge en tres dimensiones y la luz es muy hermosa.

In the book of life before the throne of Jesus, another book of life, all the conduct of all the people living on this earth is thoroughly recorded. In individuals, all actions are recorded. This book contains the names and actions of believers and unbelievers from around the world. Everyone is judged by what is written in this book. However, the book of life behind the lampstand is a list of those who have already entered heaven. A very bright light comes from the book of life. The light from the golden letters emerges in three dimensions and the light is very beautiful.

보좌앞의 생명책은 넘겨서 볼 수 있게 허락이 되요. 예수님이 보여주시는 것만큼만 보는거에요. 촛대 뒤쪽에 있는 생명책은 선반같은데 45도 각도로 세워져 있어요. 넘기지 않았는데 그냥 보여요. 아담도 앞쪽에 있고, 아벨, 므두셀라, 노아, 아브라함, 다니엘도 보여요. 조금씩 저절로 넘겨져요. 보좌앞에서 그 책을 멀리서도 볼 수 있어요. 예수님이 보게 하세요. 사도바울, 베드로, 요한, 사도요한, 야고보도 적혀져 있어요

 Jesús me dio permiso para estar delante del trono de Jesús y ver el contenido del libro de la vida. Puedo ver tanto como Jesús me muestra. El libro de la vida en la parte posterior del candelabro parece estar colocado en un estante y está a 45 grados. No doy la vuelta a la página, pero la página pasa por sí misma y veo el contenido. El nombre de Adán está escrito en la primera página del libro de la vida, y están escritos los nombres de Abel, Matusalén, Noé, Abraham, Daniel, etc.Las páginas pasan por sí mismas lentamente. Estoy ante el trono de Jesús y el libro de la vida está un poco más lejos de mí. Pero puedo verlos claramente. Puedo verlo porque Jesús me lo muestra. Y los nombres del apóstol Pablo, Pedro, Juan, el apóstol Juan y Santiago están registrados en secuencia.

Jesus gave me permission to stand before Jesus' throne and see the contents of the book of life. I can see as much as Jesus shows me.

The book of life at the back of the candlestick looks like it's placed on a shelf, and lies at 45 degrees. I do not turn the page, but the page turns by itself and I see the contents. The name of Adam is written on the front page of the book of life, and the names of Abel, Methuselah, Noah, Abraham, Daniel, etc. are written.Pages are turning over by themselves slowly. I am before the throne of Jesus, and the book of life is a little farther from me. But I can see them clearly. I can see it because Jesus shows it to me. And the names of the apostle Paul, Peter, John, the apostle John, and James are written in sequence.

천국과 지옥에서는 언어가 통합, 하나가 되요. 다 알아들을 수 가 있어요. 영어,불어,일어,중국어도 아니고 모든 언어가 통합이 되어 버려요.

 박선환목사님 이름도 적혀 있어요. ‘박선환목사 천국에 입성하다’ 

 Los idiomas del cielo y del infierno son de un mismo tipo, porque todos los idiomas están unificados, comprendo completamente sus palabras. El idioma del cielo no es el inglés, el francés, el japonés, el chino o el idioma del mundo. Todos hablan el idioma unificado del cielo. El nombre del pastor Sun-Hwan Park también está escrito de esta manera en el libro de la vida. "El pastor Sun-Hwan Park ha llegado al cielo"

The languages ​​of heaven and hell are of one kind, because all languages ​​are unified, I fully understand their words. The language of heaven is not English, French, Japanese, Chinese, or the language of the world. Everyone speaks the unified language of heaven. Pastor Sun-Hwan Park's name is also written in this way in the book of life. "Pastor Sun-Hwan Park has arrived in Heaven"

예수님께서 보좌에서 말씀하세요

사랑하는 딸아. 너는 박선환목사를 보라. 얼마나 천국에 오는게 힘이 드는지, 사단과 일대전을 벌이고 나의 종, 아들, 목사가 어떻게 천국까지 왔으면 어떻게 사는지 너는 보라. 너는 박선환목사를 보라

 Jesús se sienta en el trono y habla. “Querida hija, hoy, mira al Pastor Sun-Hwan Park. Debes saber lo difícil que es llegar al cielo. Peleó una gran guerra con Satanás, y después de la victoria pudo venir al cielo. Mira cómo vive el pastor, hijo mío. Mire hoy al Pastor Sun-Hwan Park.

Jesus sits on the throne and speaks. “Dear daughter, today, look at Pastor Sun-Hwan Park. You must know how difficult it is to come to Heaven. He fought a great war with Satan, and after victory he was able to come to Heaven. See how the pastor, my son, lives. Look at Pastor Sun-Hwan Park today.

예수님 보좌 뒷쪽에 집으로 연결되는 통로,문이 있어요. 거기에 빛이 쏵 임해요. 얼마나 엄청나게 빛이 쏟아져 들어오는 것 같아요. 눈을 뜰 수가 없어요. 성밖으로 문으로 나가면 정금길로 나가면 빛이 진정이 되고 앞을 볼 수가 있어요. 그런데 예수님의 보좌, 예루살렘성전에서 그 문으로 통과하기 전까지는 빛이 쏟아져 들어오는데 눈이 부셔서 눈을뜰 수가 없을 정도에요

En la parte trasera del trono de Jesús hay una puerta que da al exterior. Allí sale una luz increíblemente brillante. Es tan deslumbrante que no puedo abrir los ojos. Al pasar por la puerta, un camino de oro puro se extiende frente a mí. Entonces, la luz fuerte se calma y puedo ver las cosas normalmente. Desde el templo de Jerusalén, donde se encuentra el trono de Jesús, hasta que paso por la puerta, se derrama una luz tan brillante, porque es tan deslumbrante, que no puedo ver bien.

At the back of Jesus' throne there is a door to the outside. Incredibly bright light is pouring out there. It's so dazzling that I can't open my eyes. As I pass through the door, a road of pure gold spreads out in front of me. Then, the strong light calms down, and I can see things normally. From the temple in Jerusalem, where the throne of Jesus is located, until I pass through the gate, so bright light is pouring out, because it is so dazzling, that I cannot see well.

우리가 눈이 부시면 이렇게 눈을 찡그리고 인상을 짓게 되는데 그 빛은 미소를 짓게 만들어요. 웃게 만들어요. 마음이 아름다워지고 생각과 사상이 아름다운 것으로 바뀌어져 버려요

 En el mundo, una luz demasiado fuerte entra en tus ojos y, cuando es deslumbrante, las impresiones de las personas se fruncen automáticamente. Pero la fuerte luz del cielo no lo hace, pero me hace sonreír más. La luz me hace sonreír más brillante. Mi corazón se vuelve más hermoso y mis pensamientos se vuelven más agradables y hermosos.

In the world, too strong light enters your eyes, and when it is dazzling, people's impressions are automatically frowned. But the strong light of heaven doesn't, but it makes me smile brighter. The light makes me smile brighter. My heart becomes more beautiful, and my thoughts become more enjoyable and beautiful.

천국은 저주가 끊어지고 귀신이 없기 때문에 매일 매일 기쁨과 희락과 행복으로 살아간다는거에요. 이 세상에는 슬픔,좌절,실망,어둠,낙망,낙심,염려와 근심이 다 있습니다. 그러나 천국에는 그런 단어가 전혀 없어요. 그런 단어를 찾아볼 수도 생각과 마음을 전혀 가질 수가 없어요.

 La maldición se corta en el cielo y no hay espíritus malignos. Por eso todas las personas viven con alegría, alegría y felicidad todos los días. Por otro lado, en la vida del mundo, siempre hay tristeza, frustración, desilusión, pensamientos oscuros, desánimo y ansiedad para todos. Sin embargo, la gente del cielo no tiene tal palabra en absoluto. No puedo encontrar una palabra así Las mentes y los corazones de la gente del cielo ni siquiera pueden sentirlo en absoluto.

The curse is cut off in Heaven, and there are no evil spirits. That is why all the people live with joy, joy and happiness every day. On the other hand, in life in the world, there are always sadness, frustration, disappointment, dark thoughts, discouragement, and anxiety for everyone. However, the people of Heaven do not have such a word at all. I can't find such a word, The minds and hearts of the people of heaven cannot even feel it at all.

너무나 너무나 마음이 기뻐서 어쩔줄을 몰아요. 진정으로 만약 좋은 집을 갖고 로또에 당첨이 되면 어쩔줄 모르고 좋아하잖아요. 그런 것과는 비교할 수 없는 곳이 천국이라는 것입니다.

 La gente del cielo está siempre tan feliz de que la felicidad y la paz se desborden en sus vidas. Cuando las personas en el mundo obtienen de repente una buena casa o ganan una lotería, no saben qué hacer en ese momento. La alegría del mundo es por un tiempo. Sin embargo, en la vida de la gente del Cielo, la felicidad extrema continúa. La felicidad celestial y la felicidad mundana ni siquiera se pueden comparar. La felicidad celestial no se puede explicar completamente en el idioma del mundo.

The people of heaven are always so happy that happiness and peace are overflowing in their lives. When people in the world suddenly get a good house or win a lottery, they don't know what to do at that moment. The joy of the world is for a while. However, in the lives of the people of heaven, extreme happiness continues. Heavenly happiness and worldly happiness cannot even be compared. Heavenly happiness cannot be fully explained in the language of the world.

그래서 우리는 이 땅에 있는 것을 놓는 연습을 해야 되요. 좋은차,,,신발,가방,돈에 대한 모든 것을 놓는 연습을 매일 매일 해야 됩니다. 왜 우리는 천국을 바라봐야 되고 천국을 가야 되기 때문입니다. 하나님과 재물을 겸하여 섬길 수 없는 것처럼 우리는 하나님만 바라봐야 되기 때문입니다. 재물이 결단코 하나님이 되어서는 안된다는 것입니다.

 Por lo tanto, en la vida de esta tierra, nuestra vida debe ser disciplinada y practicada todos los días. Debemos entrenarnos para deshacernos de nuestro apego a buenos autos, buenas casas, buena ropa, buenos zapatos, buenos bolsos, dinero, etc. Esto se debe a que debemos tener la esperanza del cielo hasta el final y, como resultado, debemos entrar al cielo. La Biblia dice: "Los hijos de Dios no pueden servir tanto a Dios como a las riquezas". Por eso siempre debemos mirar a Dios. En nuestro corazón, la riqueza y la gloria del mundo no deben colocarse en el lugar de Dios.

Therefore, in the life of this earth, our life must be disciplined and practiced every day. We must train ourselves to throw away our attachment to good cars, good houses, good clothes, good shoes, good bags, money, etc. This is because we must have a hope for Heaven to the end, and as a result we must enter Heaven. The Bible says, "The children of God cannot serve both God and wealth." So we should always look to God. In our hearts, the wealth and glory of the world must not be placed in the place of God.

정금길로 쭉쭉쭉쭉 빠르게 통과하는데 일반평신도의 집들이 있어요. 양옆으로는 코스모스 들국화 아카시아 봉숭아 멘드라미같은 꽃들이 있어요. 세상에서 보지 못한 꽃도 있어요. 그런데 이 세상에 있는 꽃들과는 완전히 차원이 달라요. 극과 극이에요. 지금 35도까지 올라가는 여름에 바깥에 있다가 에어컨이 시원하게 틀어져 있는 실내에 들어가보세요. 얼마나 시원합니까? 마찬가지로 천국과 지상은 극과 극이에요. 세상의 꽃과 천국의 꽃과는 비교할 수 없어요. 이 정도 설명할뿐이지 어떻게 설명할 수가 없어요

 Sigo caminando por la senda del oro puro. Esta zona tiene casas donde viven laicos. Cosmos, crisantemos silvestres, acacias, bálsamos, mendrami y varios tipos de flores se encuentran a ambos lados del camino. También hay muchos tipos de flores que no existen en el mundo. Las flores del cielo son una dimensión completamente diferente de las flores del mundo. Las dimensiones del cielo y el mundo no se pueden comparar. Es la diferencia entre polo y polo. La temperatura en el mundo actual ha subido a 35 grados. En un clima caluroso de verano, cuando entramos en una habitación con aire acondicionado, nos sentimos muy frescos.Cuando entras al Cielo desde la Tierra, tienes este sentimiento. La vida en el cielo y en la tierra nos hace sentir la diferencia entre polo y polo.

Las flores del mundo y las flores del cielo no son comparables. Mi mejor expresión es este nivel. Ya no soy capaz de expresar la alegría y la felicidad del cielo.

I keep walking along the path of pure gold. This area has houses where lay people live. Cosmos, wild chrysanthemums, acacias, balsams, mendrami, and various kinds of flowers are on both sides of the road. There are also many types of flowers that are not in the world. The flowers in heaven are a completely different dimension from the flowers in the world. The dimensions of heaven and the world cannot be compared. It is the difference between pole and pole. The temperature in the world today has risen to 35 degrees. In hot summer weather, when we go into an air-conditioned room, we feel very cool.When you enter Heaven from Earth, you have this feeling. Life in heaven and on this earth makes us feel the difference between pole and pole. The flowers of the world and the flowers of heaven are not comparable. My best expression is this level. I am no longer capable of expressing the joy and happiness of heaven.

정금길을 계속 걸어가는데 사람들이 침대에 누워있는 사람도 있고, 찬송, 성경을 보는 사람도 있고, 연주를 하는 사람도 있어요저는 천국에서 일하는 사람을 한번도 보지를 못했어요. 천국에서는 일이라곤 하나님께 찬양드리는거에요. 이세상은 고달프고 너무나 힘든 삶을 살아가지만 천국만 입성한다면, 회개만 이루어진다면, 주님 말씀에 순종하며 살아간다면 천국에서는 모든 것을 보상받을 수가 있습니다

Sigo caminando por el sendero del oro puro y observo la vida de la gente del cielo. Algunos leen la Biblia, otros cantan himnos, otros tocan instrumentos musicales y otros están acostados en la cama. Nunca he visto a nadie que trabaje en el cielo. Lo que hace la gente en el cielo es alabar a Dios. Por otro lado, la vida en este mundo es muy dura y difícil. Pero los que entran en el reino de los cielos, los que se arrepienten de sus pecados, disfrutan de la felicidad del cielo para siempre.Los que obedecen la palabra del Señor en esta tierra entran al cielo y disfrutan de todas las cosas buenas, y los que han tratado de obedecer la palabra del Señor en esta tierra, serán recompensados ​​por ello para siempre en el cielo.

I keep walking the pure gold path and watch the lives of the people of heaven. Some are reading the Bible, some are singing hymns, some are playing musical instruments, and some are lying in bed. I have never seen anyone who works in heaven. What the people do in Heaven is to praise God. On the other hand, life in this world is very hard and difficult. But those who enter the kingdom of heaven, those who repent of their sins, enjoy the happiness of heaven forever.Those who obey the word of the Lord on this earth enter into heaven and enjoy all good things. Those who have tried to obey the word of the Lord on this earth will be rewarded for it forever in heaven.

또 정금길을 걸어가는데 세상의 누런 정금이 아니고 유리처럼 반짝 반짝 빛나요. 스케이트를 타도 미끄러질 것 같아요. 내 얼굴과 모습이 비춰요. 유리처럼 투명한 정금이에요. 세상의 정금은 똥이에요. 똥색갈이에요. 천국에 오면 황금색이 진짜 무엇인지 볼 수 있어요. 천국에 있는 금이 진짜라는 것을 알았습니다.

 El camino de oro puro en el cielo es diferente del oro en el mundo, no es un simple color dorado, sino un color dorado que brilla como el vidrio. Es como si pudiera patinar en la carretera, como en el hielo. Mi rostro y mi figura se reflejan en la superficie del Camino Dorado. Este es oro puro, transparente como el vidrio. Comparado con esto, el oro en el mundo es el color de la caca. En el cielo, aprendí cómo es el verdadero oro. El oro puro en el cielo es oro real.

The pure gold road in Heaven is different from the gold in the world, it is not a simple gold color, but a golden color that sparkles like glass. It seems like I can skate on the road, like on the ice. My face and figure are reflected on the surface of the Golden Road. This is pure gold, transparent like glass. Compared to this, gold in the world is the color of poop. In Heaven, I learned what true gold is like. Pure gold in heaven is real gold.

집 뒤에는 나무가 우거져 있어요. 집이 아테네건축물처럼 생겼어요. 기둥들이 있고 계단으로 밑에서 올라갈 수 있게 해 놨어요. 멀리서 보기에는 하얀색인데 가까이서 보면 정금이에요. 집마다 보석이 박혀져 있어요.

 Hay frondosos árboles detrás de las casas. Las casas muestran el estilo de la arquitectura de Atenas. Las casas se construyeron con columnas, escaleras y personas que se elevaban de abajo hacia arriba. Se ve blanco al mirar las casas de lejos. Sin embargo, si los miras de cerca, es una casa de oro puro. Cada casa está decorada con joyas.

There are lush trees behind the houses. Houses show the style of Athens' architecture. Houses were built with columns, stairs, and people rising from bottom to top. It looks white when looking at the houses from a distance. However, if you look at them up close, it is a house of pure gold. Each house is decorated with jewels.

박선환목사님도 이땅에 있을때 하나님의 일을 많이 했어요. 그걸로 인해 집들이 지어졌어요. 집뒷쪽에는 나무들이 막 우거져 있는데 유자형으로 집을 감싸고 있어요. 나무들도 들쑥날쑥하지 않고 균등하고 아름답고 조화롭게 연합이 되어있어요.

 El pastor Sun-Hwan Park también hizo mucho del trabajo de Dios cuando vivió en esta tierra. Gracias a ellos, su casa fue construida en el cielo. Hay árboles en la parte trasera de su casa, y el bosque rodea su casa en forma de "U". Incluso muchos árboles son muy hermosos y armoniosos. De ninguna manera son antinaturales y no tienen desequilibrio.

Pastor Sun-Hwan Park also did a lot of God's work when he lived in this land. Because of them, his house was built in Heaven. There are trees in the back of his house, and the forest surrounds his house in the form of "U". Even many trees are very beautiful and harmonious. They are by no means unnatural and have no imbalance.

천국에 바람이 불어오는데 마음과 몸을 설레이게 하는 바람이에요. 나무에붙어있던 꽃잎과 잎사귀들이 제 쪽으로 쏟아져 내려요. 눈이 내리듯이. 너무나 너무나 아름다워요. 예수님이 저에게 주시는 선물이에요. 마음이 기쁨이 임해요 너무나 행복해요. 제가 뱅글뱅글 돌아요

Sopla una brisa en el cielo, mi mente y mi cuerpo están muy emocionados. Los pétalos y las hojas adheridos a las ramas del árbol son arrojados por el viento hacia mí. Esta escena está nevando. Este espectáculo es tan hermoso, es un regalo de Jesús para mí. Mi corazón está más encantado. Estoy tan feliz. Así que bailo solo.

A breeze is blowing in heaven, my mind and body are very excited.

The petals and leaves attached to the branches of the tree are poured down by the wind. This scene is like snowing. This spectacle is so beautiful, it is a gift from Jesus to me. My heart is more delighted. I am so happy. So I dance by myself.

계단으로 집으로 들어가요. 여섯 개의 계단을 딛고 올라가요. 굉장히 낮은 계단이에요. 어린아이도 올라갈 수도 있는 계단이에요. 집으로 들어갔어요. 집 왼쪽에는 액자가 쭉 있고요. 박선환목사님 어린아이때 사진보이네요, 초등학교사진도 있어요

 Por las escaleras entro a la casa. Pisando los seis escalones entro en la casa. La altura de las escaleras es muy baja. Son escaleras que incluso los niños pequeños pueden subir. Ahora estoy en la casa. Los marcos están colgados en la pared de la izquierda. Las fotos de la infancia del pastor Sun-Hwan Park se muestran primero. También hay fotografías de sus días en la escuela primaria.

Through the stairs I enter the house. Stepping on the six steps I am going into the house. The height of the stairs is very low. These are stairs that even small children can climb. I am now in the house. Frames are hanging on the wall on the left. Pastor Sun-Hwan Park's childhood pictures are shown first. There are also pictures of his elementary school days.

박선환목사님이 암 때문에 돌아가셨잖아요집에 누워있는 모습이 보이네요. 배가 부었어요. 그런데 배안데 뱀, 구더기, 뱀알, 실지렁이(엄지손가락의 넓이와 길이는 팔꿈치에서 가운데손가락정도의 길이)들이 꽈리를 틀고 여기저기 배에 퍼져있어요. 그것들이 배에서 토네이도돌듯이 돌아버리니까 이때 목사님이 괴로워해요. 통증을 유발해요. 한꺼번에 한무더기로 돌아버려요. 믹서기가 돌듯이. 어느새 그것들이 다 한덩이리가 됐어요

 El pastor Sun-Hwan Park había muerto de cáncer. Puedo ver la escena en la que estaba acostado en la casa en ese momento. Su estómago estaba muy hinchado. Serpientes, gusanos, huevos de serpiente y gusanos deambulan por su abdomen. (El tamaño de la lombriz de tierra es el grosor del pulgar y la longitud del codo). Se distribuyen dentro de su abdomen. Están girando como un tornado en su abdomen, momento en el que el pastor sufre. Causan dolor severo. Como grupo, están girando en el cuerpo.Su giro parece el de una licuadora. A medida que los grupos rotan, se conectan como uno solo.

Pastor Sun-Hwan Park had died from cancer. I can see the scene where he was lying in the house at that time. His stomach was swollen a lot. Snakes, maggots, snake eggs and worms roam in his abdomen. (The size of the earthworm is the thickness of the thumb and the length of the elbow.) They are distributed within his abdomen. They are spinning like a tornado wind in his abdomen, at which point the pastor suffers. They cause severe pain. They form a group and are spinning in the body.Their spinning looks like a blender spinning. As the groups rotate, they become connected as one.

가장 큰 뱀이 우두머리에요. 이 모든 것들을 보자기로 싸듯이 감쌌어요. 뱀몸에서 날카로운 가시가 나와서 돌아가는데 위에 부딪히니까 통증이 생겨요. 우두머리 뱀이에요. 그 우두머리 뱀이 구더기, 뱀알, 실지렁이들을 꽈리를 틀어가지고 감싸놨어요

이 귀신들도 사람에게서 나가지 않으려고 연합을 하잖아요? 우리 믿는 백성들은 더 힘을 합쳐 연합을 해야 되요. 결단코 뭉쳐야 되요 믿는 자들끼리

La serpiente más grande entre ellos es su jefe. El jefe envuelve otras cosas, como si un gran trozo de tela envolviera varias cosas. El cuerpo de la serpiente tiene espinas afiladas. Cuando la espina de la serpiente golpea el cuerpo del pastor, el pastor siente un dolor severo. Los gusanos, los huevos de serpientes y los gusanos se agrupan en varios lugares, y es la serpiente principal la que los rodea. Para no ser expulsados ​​de las personas, incluso los espíritus malignos están fuertemente unidos entre sí.Las personas que creen en Jesús deben unirse unas con otras más fuertes que estas. Los hijos de Dios deben estar más unidos y unidos en Jesús.

The largest snake among them is their boss. The boss wraps around other things, as if a large cloth wraps around various things. The snake's body has sharp thorns. When the serpent's thorn hits the pastor's body, the pastor feels severe pain. Maggots, snake eggs, and worms are clustered in various places, and the boss snakes surround them. In order not to be expelled from people, even evil spirits are strongly united with each other.People who believe in Jesus must unite with one another stronger than these. God's children must be more strongly united and united in Jesus.

박선환목사님이 침상에서 회개를 하기 시작해요 눈물을 흘리면서

내가 주님을 위해 살지 못했습니다. 내가 주님을 위해 산다고 했는데 어느새 주님은 뒤로 가고 나의 생각, 마음가는대로 사단이 주는 생각과 행동대로 가버렸습니다. 주님 뜻대로 살아가다가 사단이 열어주는 세상적, 정욕적, 이생적인 옆길로 새어 버린거에요.

El pastor Sun-Hwan Park está acostado en la cama y comienza a arrepentirse de sus pecados, llorando mucho. “Señor, yo no viví para ti. Dije que vivo para el Señor, pero desde hace algún tiempo dejé la palabra del Señor, y viví según mis pensamientos. Viví a mi manera y seguí los pensamientos y acciones que Satanás me dio. Al principio viví de acuerdo con la voluntad del Señor, pero luego viví para la codicia y las pasiones mundanas y la jactancia de la carne que Satanás abrió, y seguí el camino del mundo.

Pastor Sun-Hwan Park is lying in bed and begins to repent of his sins, weeping a lot. “Lord, I did not live for you. I said that I live for the Lord, but from some time I left the word of the Lord and I lived according to my thoughts. I lived my own way, and I followed the thoughts and actions Satan gave me. At first I lived according to the will of the Lord, but later I lived for the worldly greed and passions and boast of the flesh that Satan opened up, and I went on the way of the world.

길을 보여주시는데 하나님이 원하시는 일직선 길을 보여주셨는데, 목사님선택하신 길에는 중간정도 길을 걸어가는데 구덩이, 함정에 있는데 거기에 푹 빠져서 나오지 못하고 허우적거려요. 그 구더기 바로 밑에는 구멍이 있어요. 거기서 루시퍼의 손이 나왔는데, 루시퍼의 손이 너무나 큰데 너무 너무 징그러워요. 손톱이 빨갛고 긴 손톱이 있는데 그것으로 목사님의 발목을 잡고 있어요. 목사님이 가슴 반정도까지 구덩이에 나와 있어요. 손이 땅을 짚었는데 바둥바둥대는데 왼발을 루시퍼가 잡아 당겨요. 막 씨름을 해요.

 Dios me muestra la situación actual del pastor. Lo que Dios quiere que haga es que siga un camino recto. Pero el pastor sigue sus pensamientos. Hay un hoyo en medio de su camino, es la trampa de Satanás. El pastor cae en la trampa y lucha y no puede salir de la trampa. Hay un agujero en el fondo de ese pozo que conduce al infierno. La mano de Lucifer salió de ese agujero y la mano de Lucifer era demasiado grande. Sus manos se ven tan repugnantes.Sus uñas son rojas y largas. La mano de Lucifer sostiene firmemente el tobillo del pastor. Aproximadamente la mitad del cuerpo del pastor está fuera del pozo. La mano del pastor toca el suelo y el pastor lucha por salir de él.

Lucifer sujeta firmemente el tobillo izquierdo del pastor y no lo suelta. God shows me the pastor's current situation. What God wants him to do is for him to go on a straight path. But the pastor follows his thoughts. There is a pit in the middle of his way, it is Satan's trap. The pastor falls into the trap, and he struggles and cannot get out of the trap. There is a hole at the bottom of that pit leading to hell. Lucifer's hand came out of that hole, and Lucifer's hand was too big. His hands look so disgusting.His nails are red and long. Lucifer's hand is holding the pastor's ankle firmly. About half of the pastor's body is out of the pit. The pastor's hand touches the ground, and the pastor struggles to get out of it. Lucifer holds the pastor's left ankle strongly and does not let go.

목사님이 회개를 해요

 “내가 잘못했습니다. 내가 잘못 살았습니다. 나도 모르게 세상을 따라가고 바라보았나이다. 주님이 기뻐하는 신실한 종이 아니라 사단이 좋아하는 것만 미혹당해서 살아왔나이다. 불충한 종을 용서하여 주시옵소서. 하나님의 종으로 살아가겠습니다.”

 Sin embargo, el pastor continúa arrepintiéndose de sus pecados.

“Señor, estoy equivocado. Viví mal. Sin saberlo, seguí las cosas del mundo y esperé. Yo no era un siervo fiel a quien el Señor le agradaba, le agradaba a Satanás. Fue porque fui engañado por Satanás. Señor, perdóname, tu sierva infiel. De ahora en adelante quiero vivir como un fiel servidor de Dios, Señor ”

Nevertheless, the pastor continues to repent of his sins.

“Lord, I am wrong. I lived wrong. Without knowing, I followed the things of the world and hoped. I was not a faithful servant to whom the Lord was pleased, Satan liked me. It was because I was deceived by Satan. Lord, forgive me, your unfaithful servant. From now on I want to live as a faithful servant of God, Lord”

그렇게 목사님이 회개를 하는데 입으로만 아니라 눈물이 두 눈에서 하염없이 떨어져요. 베개를 눈물로 적셔요. 수돗물이 쏟아지듯이 흘러요. 계속 울어요. 그러면서 회개를 해요.

 El pastor se arrepiente profundamente de sus pecados. Las lágrimas corren por sus ojos. La almohada del pastor está empapada de lágrimas. Sus lágrimas fluyen violentamente y parece que le está saliendo agua del grifo. Su lamento no cesa y el verdadero arrepentimiento pecaminoso no cesa.

The pastor is deeply repenting of his sins. Tears flow from his eyes.

The pastor's pillow is soaked with his tears. His tears are flowing violently, and it looks like tap water is pouring. His wailing does not cease, and true sinful repentance does not cease.

그러니까 마음의 흑암이 나가버려요. 지옥으로 뚝 떨어져요. 침대밑 깔대기로 떨어져요. 발목을 잡고 있던 손이 풀어져 버려요. 그냥 회개하니까 발갛고 긴 손톱을 풀어져 버려요. 하나님이 원하시고 흠향하시는 회개를 하신거에요. 예수님께서 보좌에 앉아계시는데 막 기뻐하세요.

 Constantemente se arrepintió de sus pecados. Las fuerzas de la oscuridad que habían resistido en su corazón no pudieron resistir y lo abandonaron. Los espíritus malignos que se habían apoderado de él cayeron al infierno. A través de un embudo conectado al infierno debajo de su cama, los demonios lo abandonaron y cayeron al infierno. La mano de Lucifer, que sostenía el tobillo del pastor, lo soltó y fue liberado. Las uñas rojas de Lucifer se aflojaron como resultado del continuo arrepentimiento del pastor de sus pecados. Su arrepentimiento que Dios quería se hizo realidad.El Señor recibió Su oración de arrepentimiento como una hermosa fragancia. Jesús se sentó en el trono y observó la escena de su arrepentimiento. El Señor estaba muy complacido con su arrepentimiento.

He constantly repented of his sins. The forces of darkness that had endured in his heart could not endure and left him. The evil spirits who had taken control of him fell into hell. Through a funnel connected to hell under his bed, demons left him and fell into hell.

Lucifer's hand, which was holding the pastor's ankle, released him and was released. Lucifer's red nails were loosened as a result of the pastor's continued repentance of his sins. His repentance that God wanted came true.The Lord received His prayer of repentance as a beautiful fragrance. Jesus sat on the throne and watched the scene of his repentance. The Lord was very pleased with his repentance.

사랑하는 종아. 이거였느니라. 내가 원하였던 회개였느니라. 침상, 베개가 눈물로 적시는 그런 회개를 원하였노라. 내가 너를 취하겠노라. 구덩이에서 목사님이 빠져 나와요.

 “Mi querido sirviente, finalmente ha ganado. Esto es lo que estaba esperando de ti. Lo que quiero de ti es que te arrepientas verdaderamente de tus pecados. Vi tus lágrimas de arrepentimiento por el pecado que tu cama y almohada estaban empapadas con tus lágrimas. Esto es lo que quería. Ahora he visto tu verdadero arrepentimiento y estoy complacido contigo. Así que te llevo al cielo.

El pastor finalmente escapó del pozo de la muerte."

“My dear servant, you have finally won. This is what I have been waiting for from you. What I want of you is that you truly repent of your sins. I saw your tears of repentance for your bed and your pillows being soaked with your tears. This is what I wanted. Now I have seen your true repentance, and I am pleased with you. So I take you to heaven. The pastor finally escaped from the pit of death.


루시퍼가 화가 났어요

다 된 밥에 재를 뿌렸다. 내가 영혼을 놓치다니 내가 영혼을 놓치다니. 이렇게 분할 수가. 이렇게 분할 수가. 영혼을 놓치다니. 다 된밥에 영혼을 놓쳤어. 분하다. 다 된밥에 회개를 하다니. **의 새끼, **끼 분하다. 분해. 분해.” 

 Lucifer estaba muy enojado. Él dice. “Lanzó una llave inglesa en las obras. He perdido un alma, he perdido esa alma. Estoy tan enojado, extraño esa alma. Finalmente perdí al que estaba completamente cautivo por mí. Estoy tan molesto con eso. ¿Cómo pudo arrepentirse de sus pecados justo antes de morir? Oh, ese hijo de puta Estoy tan enojado con él. "

Lucifer was very angry. He says: “Threw a monkey wrench in the works. I have lost a soul, I have lost that soul. I'm so angry, I miss that soul. I finally lost the one who was completely captive by me. I am so upset with it. How was he able to repent of his sins just before he died? Oh, that son of a bitch, I am so angry with him. ”

그러면서 가운데 손가락이 채찍이 나오는데 뱀줄인데 끝에는 뱀 머리가 붙어 있는데 앞에 있는 졸개들을 때리는데 귀신들의 몸이 꼬막이 까지듯이 벌어져 버려요. 도망가지도 못하고 맞아요. 도망가면 더한 형벌이 기다리고 있으니까요. 보좌앞에 서 있는 귀신들은 급수가 있는 계급이 있는 귀신이에요. 고위 간부급들이에요. 루시퍼가 그들에게 명령합니다.

 En este momento, un látigo sale de la punta del dedo de Lucifer. Es una hilera de serpientes. La cabeza de una serpiente está unida al final de la línea. Lucifer azota al secuaz que tiene delante con el látigo. Los cuerpos de sus secuaces están rotos y agrietados, como si la boca de un marisco estuviera abierta. Sus secuaces no pueden huir. Si se escapan, serán castigados aún más severamente. Esos espíritus malignos son ejecutivos de alto rango. Y Lucifer los ordena.

At this time, a whip comes out from the tip of Lucifer's finger. It is a string of snakes. A snake's head is attached to the end of the line.

Lucifer whips the henchman in front of him with the whip. The bodies of his henchmen are broken and cracked, as if the mouth of a shellfish was opened. His henchmen cannot run away. If they run away, they will be punished even more severely. Those evil spirits are those of high rank, executives. And Lucifer orders them.

한 놈을 놓쳤으니 10명을 데려오라. 한명을 놓쳤기에 열명의 목사들을 잡아오라. 그들을 미혹시켜라. 세상것을 취하고 탐하게 만들라. ,명예,음란에 취하고 탐하게 만들라. 희열을 느끼게 하라잡아오라. 나 루시퍼에게 잡아오라. 데려오지 못할때는 형벌이 기다리고 있을 것이니라.”

“Como te perdiste uno, tienes que traer a 10 personas al infierno a cambio. Se ha perdido un pastor, así que traiga diez pastores. Engaña a los pastores con trucos más sutiles. Hazlos codiciar el mundo Disfrute del dinero, el honor, la lascivia y haga que los pastores sean codiciosos. Déjalos caer en los placeres del mundo, así que tráelos al infierno. Tráeme más pastores, a Lucifer. Cuando no puedes llevar a muchos pastores al infierno, Recibirás un castigo y una tortura aún más severos de mi parte ".

“Because you missed one, you have to bring 10 people to hell in return. One pastor has been lost, so bring ten pastors. Deceive pastors with a more cunning technique. Make them covet the world,

Indulge in money, honor, lewdness, and make pastors greedy. Let them fall into the pleasures of the world, so bring them to hell. Bring more pastors to me, to Lucifer. When you can’t bring many pastors to hell, You will receive even more severe punishment and torture from me.”

이렇게 목사님들이 노출되어 있어요. 진정으로 목사님들이 기도하지 않고 성령충만받지 않으면 귀신의 올무에서 벗어날 수가 없어요. 이렇게 귀신들이특급명령을 받고 세상으로 올라갑니다

 Los pastores se han convertido así en un objetivo focalizado para ser atacados por espíritus malignos. A menos que los pastores oren verdaderamente y no estén llenos del Espíritu Santo, no pueden librarse de las astutas y persistentes trampas de los demonios. Después de recibir una orden especial de Lucifer, los espíritus malignos ascienden del infierno al mundo.

Pastors have thus become a focused target to be attacked by evil spirits. Unless the pastors truly pray and are not filled with the Holy Spirit, they cannot be free from the cunning and persistent snares of demons. After receiving a special command from Lucifer, evil spirits ascend from Hell to the world.

각교회마다 귀신들이 침투하는데 잠자리채 그물망이 사람 온몸을 다 덮어버려요. 목사님을 간단하게 들어와 버리고 지옥으로 던져버려요. 이 목사님은 사역을 포기하고 택시운전하고 돈벌러 다녀요. 순식간에 낚아채 버려요

Los demonios malvados se envían a cada iglesia para infiltrarse. Los fantasmas malvados cubren a las personas con redes similares a las libélulas. Tantos pastores entran fácilmente en la red de Satanás y son arrojados al infierno. Algunos pastores abandonan su ministerio y conducen un taxi para ganar dinero. Satanás captura instantáneamente las almas y pensamientos de los pastores.

Evil demons are dispatched to each church to infiltrate. Evil ghosts cover people with nets similar to dragonflies. So many pastors easily come into Satan's net, and are thrown into hell. Some pastors give up their ministry and drive a taxi to make money. Satan instantly captures the souls and thoughts of the pastors.

기도하는 목사님들은 단밑에서 틈만 노리고 있어요. 기도줄, 성령충만놓치기를 뒤를 밟아요. 50미터 정도에서 따라다녀요. 천사둘이 호위를 해요. 귀신이오지를 못해요. 그 말씀이 맞아요. 우는 사자와 같이 두루 두루 삼킬자를 찾아요. 마귀에게 틈을 보이지 말아요. 목사님들은 기도를 놓는 순간 마귀의 올무에 걸리고 밥이 되어서 결국 지옥에 갈 수밖에 없어요. ,음란,명예로 기도를 놓는순간 공격을해요. 믿는 모든 백성들이 기도줄을 놓쳐서는 안되요. 사단이 공격태세를 취하고 있어요. 기도줄만 놓치기를

 Incluso los pastores que oran ansiosamente esperan bajo el púlpito para que Satanás los mantenga cautivos. Satanás siempre está buscando una oportunidad para capturar a los pastores. Los espíritus malignos están esperando ansiosamente que los pastores que oran suelten la cuerda de la oración y que la plenitud del Espíritu Santo desaparezca. Fantasmas malvados siguen al pastor a unos 50 metros detrás de los pastores que oran. Y dos ángeles están escoltando a cada pastor en oración. Entonces, los espíritus malignos ya no se acercan a los pastores.La Biblia dice: "Así como un león llorando camina en busca de comida, los espíritus malignos buscan devoradores". Los pastores no deben cometer errores para evitar que el diablo se ataque a sí mismo. Desde el momento en que ponen la soga de la oración, los pastores quedan atrapados en la trampa del diablo y se convierten en la comida del diablo. Como resultado, se van al infierno. A través del dinero, la lascivia y el honor, el diablo seduce a los pastores. Por eso, muchos pastores dejan de orar. Todas las personas, no se pierda la cuerda de la oración.Satanás siempre está listo para atacarte. Desde el momento en que dejas de orar, el ataque del diablo se vuelve muy fuerte.

Even the eagerly praying pastors wait under the pulpit in order for Satan to hold them captive. Satan is always looking for an opportunity to capture the pastors. The evil spirits are eagerly waiting for the praying pastors to let go of the rope of prayer and for the fullness of the Holy Spirit to disappear. Evil ghosts follow the pastor about 50 meters behind the praying pastors. And two angels are escorting each praying pastor. So, evil spirits can no longer come close to the pastors.The Bible says: "Just as a crying lion walks for food, evil spirits search for devourers. Pastors should not make mistakes to prevent the devil from attacking himself. From the moment the pastors lay down the rope of prayer, they become trapped in the devil's snare and become the devil's food. As a result they go to hell. Through money, lewdness, and honor, the devil seduces pastors. Because of this, many pastors stop praying. All people, do not miss the rope of prayer.Satan is always ready to attack you. From the moment you stop praying, the devil's attack becomes very strong.

그 귀신이 특급명령받고 올라왔는데 이빨을 드라큐라처럼 되어 있구요, 뿔은 사슴뿔같이 모양과 색깔이에요. 징그러워요. 엄청나게 큰데(컴터게임에서 나오는 너무 너무 커고 무서워요)

Bajo la orden especial de Lucifer, los dientes de los fantasmas de nivel ejecutivo que llegaron al suelo tienen algo así como los dientes de Drácula. Tienen astas en la cabeza, y tienen forma y color de astas de ciervo, muy repugnantes. Sus cuernos son muy grandes (Parece provenir de un juego de computadora y parece muy aterrador).

Under the special order of Lucifer, the teeth of the executive-level ghosts who came to the ground have something like Dracula's teeth.

They have antlers on their heads, and they have the shape and color of deer antlers, very disgusting. Their horns are very large

(It seems to come from a computer game, and it looks very scary.)

박선환목사님 집을 계속 보여주세요. 2층 계단에서 내려오세요. 하얀세마포옷을 입었구요. 살아있을때 그 얼굴이 아니에요. 약간 마른체형인데 청년의 모습이에요. 얼굴에서 빛이 나요. 제가 이렇게 180%로 인사를 해요.

 Ahora he llegado a la casa del pastor Sun-Hwan Park y estoy mirando alrededor de su casa. Pastor Park baja del segundo piso por las escaleras. Está vestido de lino blanco. Ahora su rostro no es el que hacía cuando estaba en el mundo. Parece un joven delgado y su rostro brilla maravillosamente. Doblo mucho la espalda y le saludo.

I have now arrived at Pastor Sun-Hwan Park's house and are looking around his house. Pastor Park is coming down from the second floor through the stairs. He is wearing white linen. His face now is not what he did when he was in the world. He looks like a slender young man, and his face shines beautifully. I bend my back a lot and say hello to him.

감사합니다. 이렇게 만나게 해 주신 예수님께 영광과 찬양을 올리고 목사님 너무나 반갑습니다” 

목사님이 해맑게 웃어요. 김양환목사님과 대화하고 싶어하세요.

 “Le digo hola. Es la gracia de Jesús que conocí al pastor. Doy todas las gracias y gloria a Jesús. Pastor, encantado de conocerte ". El pastor me saluda muy amablemente y sonríe muy alegremente. Y ahora quiere hablar con el pastor Yang-Hwan Kim, que está en la Tierra.

“I say hello to him. It is the grace of Jesus that I met the pastor. I give all thanks and glory to Jesus. Pastor, nice to meet you.” The pastor greets me very nicely and smiles very brightly. And now he wants to talk with Pastor Yang-Hwan Kim, who is on Earth.

목사님 주님의 이름으로 감사합니다. 내가 회개할 수 있었던 것은 목사님의 그 복음의 소리를 듣고 회개가 무엇인지 어떻게 해야 하는지 깨달았습니다. 목사님의 그 생명의 복음의 말씀이 나 박선환목사를 살렸던 것입니다. 주님의 이름으로 정말 감사합니다

 El pastor Sun-Hwan Park ahora está hablando con el pastor Yang-Hwan Kim. " Pastor, gracias en el nombre de Jesús. Pude arrepentirme de mis pecados porque escuché el evangelio del arrepentimiento a través de ti. Fue entonces cuando me di cuenta de lo que era el arrepentimiento del pecado y cómo arrepentirme de mis pecados. El evangelio de la vida que me entregaste me salvó de la muerte. En el nombre del Señor te doy gracias.

Pastor Sun-Hwan Park is now speaking to Pastor Yang-Hwan Kim. “

Pastor, thank you in the name of Jesus. I was able to repent of my sins because I heard the gospel of repentance through you. That's when I realized what repentance of sins is and how to repent of my sins. The gospel of life you delivered to me saved me from death. In the name of the Lord I thank you.

이 모습이 대로 끝까지 가시길 바랍니다.그러면 천국은 보장되는 것입니다. 하지만 목사님 또한 돈,명예,음란에 넘어지신다면 천국은 보장받을 수 없습니다. 지금 이대로 이 순수한 모습대로 예수님을 기쁘게 하는 하나님의 종이 되신다면 천국이 보장되는 것입니다.

 Pastor, espero que su fe y su vida se mantengan siempre. Cuando haces eso, tienes la garantía de venir al cielo. Si caes en dinero, honor, obsceno, El pastor no puede venir a este cielo. Mantenga la fe pura y la vida que tiene ahora hasta el final. Cuando mantiene la misión de agradar a Jesús, el deber del siervo de Dios, el cielo siempre está garantizado para el pastor.

Pastor, I hope that your faith and your life will always be maintained. When you do that, you are guaranteed to come to heaven. If you fall for money, honor, obscene, The shepherd cannot come to this heaven. Keep the faith pure and the life you have now until the end. When he maintains the mission of pleasing Jesus, the duty of God's servant, heaven is always guaranteed for the pastor.

목사님의 그 회개의 복음의 말씀이 나를 살렸고 죄속에서 끌어올리고 죄를 이길 수 있는 원동력이 되었습니다. 그 목사님을 예수님이 쓰셨습니다. 나를 사랑하여 천국오게 하기 위해서. 내가 루시퍼의 손아귀에서 벗어날 수 있고 나를 구덩이에서 벗어날 수 있었던 것은 목사님의 회개의 말씀이 있었기 때문입니다.

 El evangelio del arrepentimiento que me diste fue la palabra que me salvó de la muerte. El evangelio del arrepentimiento se convirtió en una fuerza impulsora para vencer mis pecados. En ese momento, Jesús te usó a ti, el pastor, para salvarme. Entonces pude venir al cielo. La razón por la que pude escapar del alcance de Lucifer fue que a través del arrepentimiento mis pecados fueron perdonados. Fue gracias al evangelio de arrepentimiento del pastor que pude escapar del pozo de la destrucción.

The gospel of repentance you preached to me was the word that saved me from death. The gospel of repentance became a driving force for me to overcome my sins. At that time, Jesus used you, the pastor, to save me. So I was able to come to heaven. The reason I was able to escape Lucifer's grasp was that through repentance my sins were forgiven. It was because of the pastor's gospel of repentance that I was able to escape from the pit of destruction.

목사님. 아무리 힘들어도 절대 포기하지 마십시오. 포기란 없습니다. 천국백성들은 포기라는 단어는 없애버려야 합니다. 승리하십시오. 가는 곳마다 회개를 외치고, 회개의 바람, 성령의 바람이 불 것입니다. 목사님 포기하지 마십시오. 좌절하고 어떠한 실망과 염려와 근심에 쌓이지 마십시오. 목사님의 기도를 다 듣고 계시고 때가 되면 들어주시다는 것을 잊지 마세요.“

박선환목사님이 주님의 이름으로 계속 감사한다고 그래요

 Pastor, no importa cuán difíciles le lleguen las situaciones, nunca se rinda. La gente del cielo debe deshacerse de la palabra "rendirse". Pastor, siempre gana en todas las cosas, en el nombre de Jesús. Predica el arrepentimiento del pecado dondequiera que vayas, el viento del arrepentimiento debe soplar, A través de usted, pastor, el viento del Espíritu se elevará al mundo. Pastor, nunca te rindas. No te frustres No dejes que la decepción, la ansiedad y la ansiedad en nada.Jesús está escuchando tus oraciones. Cuando llegue ese momento, el Señor lo dará todo. No olvide esto. " El pastor Sun-Hwan Park in Heaven expresa gratitud al pastor Yang-Hwan Kim muchas veces en el nombre del Señor.

Pastor, no matter how difficult situations come to you, never give up. The people of heaven must get rid of the word "giving up". Pastor, always win in all things, in the name of Jesus. Preach the repentance of sin wherever you go, the wind of repentance must blow, Through you, the pastor, the wind of the Spirit will rise to the world. Pastor, never give up. Do not be frustrated, Don't let disappointment, anxiety, and anxiety in anything.Jesus is listening to your prayers. When that time comes, the Lord will give everything. Don't forget this. “ Pastor Sun-Hwan Park in Heaven expresses gratitude to Pastor Yang-Hwan Kim many times in the name of the Lord.

거실 쪽에 쇼파가 두 개정도 있는데 하얀색이고 테두리가 우주색, 진갈색이 둘러져 있고, 금으로 문양이 되어있어요. 탁자가 옥으로 되어있어요투명한 유리잔에 녹차 색갈의 꽃차를 따라주세요. 마시는순간 박하를 마시는 것같이 내 머리가 뚫리고 귀,코에 시원함이 임하고, 눈이 더 밝아져 버려요

 Hay dos sofás dispuestos en el salón de esta casa, son blancos y sus cenefas son cósmicas, de color marrón oscuro. Y el patrón está grabado en color dorado. Su mesa está hecha de jade y sobre ella hay vasos transparentes. Me está sirviendo el color verde del té de flores. Lo bebí y se siente como si bebiera menta. Mi cabeza parece estar despejada, mis oídos y mi nariz están frescos y mis ojos parecen estar más brillantes.

There are two sofas arranged in the living room of this house, they are white and their borders are cosmic, dark brown. And the pattern is engraved in the color of gold. His table is made of jade, and there are transparent glasses on it. He is pouring the green tea color of flower tea to me. I drank it, and it feels like I drank mint. My head seems to be clear, my ears and nose are cool, and my eyes seem to be brighter.

목사님 이게 무슨 차에요? 왜 이렇게 머리가 뚫리고 눈도 시원하고 코도 귀도 뚫리고 내마음도 시원한가요?”

Yo le digo. “Pastor, ¿qué tipo de bebida es esta? Cuando lo bebí, mi cabeza y mis ojos están muy frescos, y mi nariz y mis oídos son muy refrescantes. "

I tell him. “Pastor, what kind of drink is this? When I drank it, my head and eyes are very cool, and my nose and ears are so refreshing. ”

이게 천국의 꽃잎차에요. 많은 종류의 차가 있고 과일이 있어요. 다 이곳에 오세요. 다 이곳 천국오시길 바랍니다. 예수님이 계시고 생명과실이 있고 이 모든 것이 있는 천국으로 오시길 바랍니다

제가 천국에 온 이후로 제 뒤로 많은 목사님들이 천국에 오셔야 되는데, 제 뒤로 천국에 온 목사님들이 너~무나 너무나 너~무나 없습니다.

Él responde. “Esta bebida es Heaven's Petal Tea. Hay muchos tipos de bebidas y frutas en el cielo. Todos deben venir aquí. Quiero que todos vengan a este hermoso cielo. Jesús está en el cielo y está lleno de frutos de vida y de todas las cosas buenas. Toda la gente, venid al cielo. Sin embargo, son muy pocos los que vienen al cielo.

Hay muy pocos pastores que hayan entrado al cielo después de que yo llegué al cielo. Todos los pastores deben venir al cielo. Sin embargo, en realidad, son pocos los pastores que vienen al cielo.La mayoría de los pastores se van al infierno. Son muy pocos los pastores que vienen al cielo.

He answers. “This drink is Heaven's Petal Tea. There are many kinds of drinks and fruits in heaven. Everyone must come here. I want everyone to come to this beautiful heaven. There is Jesus in heaven, and it is full of life fruits and all good things. All people, come to Heaven. However, there are too few of those who come to Heaven. There are too few pastors who have entered Heaven after I came to Heaven. All pastors must come to Heaven. However, in reality, there are few pastors who come to heaven.Most of the pastors are going to hell. There are too few pastors who come to Heaven.

많은 목사님들 힘을 내시길 바랍니다. 아무리 염려와 근심과 생활과 물질에, 교회 세를 내지 못하고, 성도들한테 비판을 받고, 헐뜯고, 발에 채이더라도, 장로와 권사들에게 눌리더라도그럴때마다 강하고 담대하게 예수님앞에서 일어나시길 바랍니다. 기도할 때 강하고 담대함이옵니다

Todos los pastores deben ser más enérgicos para poder venir al cielo. No importa cuánta ansiedad y ansiedad surja, no se rinda. No se desanime si sus gastos de manutención son bajos o si no ha pagado el alquiler de un edificio de iglesia. Incluso si el pastor es criticado por los santos, incluso si los pies de la gente te pisan, incluso si los ancianos y los gobernantes te presionan, no dejes la palabra de Dios. Siempre que eso suceda, párese más fuerte y audaz frente a Jesús. Más fuerte y más audaz llega a aquellos que oran sinceramente al Señor.

All pastors need to be more energetic in order to come to Heaven.

No matter how much anxiety and anxiety comes, don't give up. Don't be discouraged if your living expenses are low, or if you haven't paid the rent for a church building. Even if the pastor is criticized by the saints, even if you are stepped on by people's feet, even if the elders and rulers are pressing you, do not leave the word of God. Whenever that happens, stand up stronger and bolder in front of Jesus. Stronger and bolder comes to those who sincerely pray to the Lord.

이 시대를 사는 많은 목사님들 힘을 내시길 바랍니다. 주님이 나와함께 하신다는 것을 잊지 마시길 바랍니다. 강하고 담대하게 일어나서 다시 한번 대한민국에 기도의 불, 성령의 바람, 회개의 바람을 부흥의 물결이 일어날 수 있도록 강하고 담대하게 일어나시길 바랍니다

 Espero que todos los pastores que vivimos en esta época sean más fuertes. No olvide que el Señor siempre está con los pastores que oran. Levántate más fuerte y audaz. Que las llamas de la oración se eleven nuevamente en Corea. Que se levante el viento del Espíritu, el viento del arrepentimiento, la ola de avivamiento. Sinceramente espero que los pastores se levanten más fuertes y audaces para que esta esperanza se haga realidad.

I hope that all pastors who live in this era will be stronger. Don't forget that the Lord is always with praying pastors. Rise stronger and bolder. Let the flames of prayer rise again in Korea. Let the wind of the Spirit, the wind of repentance, the wave of revival arise.

I sincerely hope that the pastors will rise up stronger and bolder for this hope to come true.

사단과 루시퍼는 우리의 밥입니다. 우리가 두려워하기 때문에 사단의 종이 되고 사단에게 질 수 밖에 없었지만 다 일어나시길 바랍니다. 연약한 무릎을 일으켜 세우시길 바랍니다. 예수님이 도우시고 천국천사,24장로가 기도하고 이 박선환목사가 이 천국에서 많은 목사님들이 천국에 입성할 수 있도록 기도하겠습니다.

Satanás, Lucifer son nuestro alimento y arroz. Debido a su miedo, muchos son esclavos de Satanás. Muchos perdieron ante Satanás porque no conocían el mundo espiritual. Ahora todos deben despertar de la oscuridad. Levanta tus rodillas débiles, párate fuerte de nuevo. Jesús siempre ayuda a su pueblo. Muchos ángeles y los 24 ancianos del cielo están orando por todos ustedes. El pastor Sun-Hwan Park también continuará orando en el cielo, para que todos los pastores vengan al cielo.

Satan, Lucifer are our food and rice. Because of their fear, many are slaves to Satan. Many lost to Satan because they did not know the spiritual world. Now everyone must wake up from the dark. Stand up your weak knees, stand up strong again. Jesus always helps his people. Many angels and the 24 elders of heaven are praying for all of you. Pastor Sun-Hwan Park will also continue to pray in Heaven, so that all pastors will come to Heaven.

이 시대를 사는 많은 목사님들 힘을 내십시오. 주님만 바라보십시오. 예전에 주님을 만나고 만났던 그 첫사랑을 회복하십시오. 첫사랑을 회복하시길 바랍니다. 주님을 만났던 그 첫사랑의 기도를 회복하시고, 말씀에 파묻혀 살았던 그 첫사랑을 회복하시길 바랍니다주님을 만날 수 있은건 기도입니다이 시대를 사는 많은 목사님들 첫사랑을 회복하시길 바랍니다.“

 Todos los pastores que vivan en esta era deberían tener poder, mirando y confiando solo en el Señor. Al principio, todos se encontraron con el Señor con emoción y gratitud, y amaban solo al Señor, pero la mayoría se olvidó de los primeros amores. Ahora restaure el primer amor del Señor. El primer amor que conoció al Señor debe ser restaurado a todos. Espero que todos los pastores recuperen el primer amor que había vivido solo en la Palabra del Señor. La única forma de encontrarnos con el Señor nuevamente es mediante la oración y el arrepentimiento de sus pecados. Todos los pastores que viven en esta era, espero que restauren su primer amor. "

All pastors living in this age should be empowered, by looking and relying on only the Lord. At first everyone met the Lord with thrill and gratitude, and they loved only the Lord, but most of them forgot the first loves. Now restore the first love of the Lord. The first love that met the Lord must be restored to all. I hope that all pastors will recover the first love that had lived only in the Word of the Lord. The only way to meet the Lord again is through prayer and repentance of your sins. All pastors living in this era, I hope you restore your first love. “

그렇게 쇼파에서 박선환목사님이 외치시는데 제가 막 깔깔깔 웃어요.

너무나 멋있어요. 목사님 너무나 멋있어요. 너무나 멋있어요. 목사님들에게 너무나 용기있는 말을 해 주셔서 감사합니다. 제가 지상에 가서 다 전하겠습니다.”

 En el sofá, el pastor Sun-Hwan Park gritó estas palabras. Me río feliz y le digo así “Oh, Pastor es tan genial. El pastor es tan genial. Es tan bueno. Tu mensaje es una palabra que da mucho valor a muchos pastores. Gracias por eso. Al bajar a la tierra, al igual que tu clamor, predicaré con entusiasmo el evangelio del arrepentimiento. "

On the sofa, Pastor Sun-Hwan Park cried out these words. I laugh happily and I tell him like this “Oh, Pastor is so cool. The pastor is so cool. It's so cool. Your message is a word that gives a lot of courage to many pastors. Thanks for that. As I go down to earth, just as your cry, I will eagerly preach the gospel of repentance. ”

목사님이 그러세요

많은 목사님들이 사람들 때문에 너무나 치어있다고 하세요. 그 배후조종이 사단이에요. 사단에 눌려있어서 목사님들이 가정에서도 교회에서도 기를 피지 못해요. 아니요. 하나님의 종은 강하고 담대하게 일어나세요. 주님이 함께하시는데 누가 우리를 당하겠습니까? 주님이 우리와 함께 하십니다.”

Pastor dice. “Muchos pastores están tan frustrados por la gente. Es la influencia de Satanás la que crea tal atmósfera. Los pastores que están oprimidos por este poder satánico no tienen valor en sus hogares e iglesias. No hay necesidad de hacer eso. Los siervos de Dios deben levantarse de nuevo con fuerza y ​​valentía. Cuando el Señor está contigo, ¿quién puede vencer a los siervos de Dios? El Señor está siempre con nosotros. "

Pastor says. “A lot of pastors are too frustrated by people. It is Satan's influence that creates such an atmosphere. Pastors who are oppressed by this Satanic power do not have courage in their homes and churches. There is no need to do that. God's servants must rise again strong and boldly. When the Lord is with you, who can overcome God's servants? The Lord is always with us. ”

목사님 집에서 이동을 했어요, 보좌앞 타원형으로 생긴 곳에서 생명수가 흐르는데 그 생명수의 물이 정금길을 따라 길게 길게 흐르는데, 좌우에 생명나무가 있고 생명수에 제 몸을 담급니다. 생명나무가 있는 꽃동산에 제가 누웠어요

 Salgo de la casa del pastor y estoy en otro lugar. El agua de la vida se desborda del estanque ovalado frente al trono de Jesús. El río de agua viva fluye sin cesar por el camino del oro puro. A la izquierda y a la derecha del río está el árbol de la vida. Remojo mi cuerpo en agua viva. Y estoy tumbado en el jardín de flores donde se encuentra el árbol de la vida.

I come out of the pastor's house, and I'm somewhere else. The water of life overflows from the oval pond in front of Jesus' throne.

The river of living water flows endlessly along the path of pure gold.

On the left and right of the river is the tree of life. I soak my body in living water. And I am lying in the flower garden where the tree of life is located.

가브리엘천사가 생명과실을 저에게 따다 줘요. 사과같이 생겼어요. 어디 하나 히끗히끗 색깔이 변색된게 없고 전체가 발게요. 제 입으로 싹 들어가요. *지도 않았는데.. 기운이 샘솟아요. 내 마음이 더 밝아져요.

 El ángel Gabriel recogió el fruto del árbol de la vida y me lo dio

La fruta se asemeja a la forma de una manzana. Una parte de la fruta no se desvanece y todas las partes tienen un hermoso color.

Toda la fruta tiene un hermoso color rojo. Mi boca cortó la fruta una vez. Ni siquiera lo he masticado todavía. Mi cuerpo gana fuerza y ​​mi mente es más brillante.

The angel Gabriel picked up the fruit of the tree of life, and gave it to me. The fruit resembles the shape of an apple. One part of the fruit does not fade, and all parts have a beautiful color. The whole fruit is a beautiful red color. My mouth cut the fruit once. I haven't even chewed it yet. My body gains strength, and my mind brightens.

천사가 그래요

이제 지상으로 내려갈 시간에요. 다음에 또 만나요." 손을 흔들어 줘요

 El ángel me dice. “Ahora es el momento de que bajes al suelo.

Nos vemos la próxima vez. "Me está saludando con la mano.

The angel tells me. “Now, it is time for you to go down to the ground. See you again next time. "He is waving his hand at me.

제 몸이 천국의 하늘로 쭉 올라가요. 어느새 지구,별이 보이고 로케트가 발사되어 날아가듯이 초광속으로 지구로 날아가요. 바다를 건너가지고 나는데 , 내 영에 바람이 부딪혀요, 속력이 붙기 때문에. 이것은 경험해 보지 않은 사람은 몰라요. 바다를 초광속으로 날아간다고 생각해 보세요. 저는 비행기도 한번 안타봤어요. 어느새 우리덕정교회 건물 주위가 보여요. 우리옥상에서 제 영이 육으로 쑥 들어가요.

 En este momento, mi cuerpo se eleva espontáneamente sobre el cielo celestial. En un momento, veo la tierra y las estrellas. Como si se lanzara un cohete y volara en el cielo, estoy volando hacia la Tierra a una velocidad súper ligera. Aparentemente estoy pasando sobre el mar. Mi espíritu siente el viento soplar. Estoy volando demasiado rápido. Esto es desconocido para cualquiera que no lo haya experimentado. Imagínese volando sobre el mar a una velocidad superligera. Todavía no he subido a un avión. Puedo ver el edificio de la iglesia Deokjeong Sarang.Ahora paso por la azotea de un edificio de la iglesia y mi espíritu entra en mi cuerpo.

At this time, my body is spontaneously rising above the heavenly sky. In one moment, I see the earth and stars. As if a rocket is launched and flying in the sky, I am flying towards the Earth at super light speed. Apparently I am passing over the sea. My spirit feels the wind blow. I am flying too fast. This is unknown to anyone who has not experienced it. Imagine flying over the sea at super light speed. I haven't been on an airplane yet. I can see the building of Deokjeong Sarang Church.Now I pass through the rooftop of a church building, and my spirit enters my body.

하나님 감사합니다.

거룩하신 예수님의 이름으로 기도드렸나이다. 아멘!”

“Muchas gracias a Dios.

Recé en el santo nombre de Jesús. ¡Amén! "

“Thank God very much.

I prayed in the holy name of Jesus. Amen! ”


  이전글 : (Lucifer) ¿Aprendes a amar en extrema traición?(루시퍼) 극한 배신속에서 사랑을 배우느냐?
  다음글 : Sobre el sonido del cielo y el infierno (스페인어 / 천국과 지옥 소리에 대하여)