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  제  목 : El pastor Hong Young-dae en el cielo está gritando así천국에서홍영대 목사님  조회수 : 419
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2021-09-30

천국에서홍영대 목사님     (교단교리버리고 회개하세요!)   

El pastor Hong Young-dae en el cielo está gritando así. (¡Abandona la doctrina de la denominación y arrepiéntete de tus pecados!) 

Pastor Hong Young-dae in heaven is shouting like this. (Abandon the doctrine of the denomination, and repent of your sins!) 

(홍영대목사님이 누워있는데 너무 고통스러워해요. 이 앞가슴이 아픈데 너무 고통스러워해요. 너무 고통스러워서 주먹을 쥐어요. 

그렇고 아프고 고통스러운데, 전화를 할 수 있는 상황이에요. 전화를 못할 수 있는 상황은 아니었는데 전화를 하지 않아요. 그 자존심과 고집과 교만 때문에. 담임목사님한테 전화하고 싶은 마음이 간절하고 목사님이 전화받지 않으면 저한테 기도받고픈 마음은 가득한데 그 자존심과 교만 때문에 전화를 하지 않고 참아요. 그런데 참는데 갑자기 위와 장과 심장이 경직되어 버려요. 그대로 모든 기능이 멈춰버리고 숨이 끊어져 버리는데. 

Jesús me muestra la escena en la que murió el pastor Hong.  (El pastor Young-Dae Hong está acostado en su habitación y siente mucho dolor. dolor severo en el pecho. Debido a que siente tanto dolor, aprieta los puños. Si bien tenía tanto dolor por la noche, se encontraba en una situación en la que podía pedirle ayuda al pastor o al pastor asociado por teléfono. Su situación no era tan crítica como para que no pudiera hacer una llamada telefónica, pero no pidió ayuda. La razón fue su orgullo, terquedad y orgullo. Su corazón quería llamarme al pastor oa mí y pedirle oración. Pero su orgullo no lo permite. Debido a su corazón obstinado, orgullo y arrogancia, no puede hacer llamadas. Se ve obligado a soportar su dolor.  Pero después de un tiempo, el movimiento del estómago y los órganos se volvió muy aburrido y los latidos del corazón se ralentizaron.  Y después de un tiempo todas sus funciones corporales cesan y su respiración cesa por completo. 

Jesus is showing me the scene when Pastor Hong died.  (Pastor Young-Dae Hong is lying in his room, and he is in so much pain. severe pain in his chest. Because he is in so much pain, he is clenching his fists. While he was in so much pain at night, he was in a situation where he could ask the pastor or associate pastor for help over his phone. His situation was not so critical that he could not make a phone call, but he did not ask for any help. The reason was his pride, stubbornness, and pride. His heart wanted Pastor Kim or me to call and receive prayer. But his pride doesn't allow it. Because of his pride, he couldn't make calls. So he is forced to endure his own pain.  But after a while the movement of his stomach and organs becomes very dull, and his heart beats very slowly.  And after a while all his bodily functions cease, and his breath ceases completely. 

그 와중에도 방안에는 사망이 가득찼어요. 사망으로 시커먼데 천국에서 홍영대목사님 심령에 빛이 쏟아져요. 홍영대목사님이 숨은 끊어졌는데도 얼굴은 너무나 평온해요) 

보좌에 앉으신 예수님이 말씀을 해요. 

“사랑하는 아들아 나의 사랑하는 아들아, 내가 너를 기다리고 또 기다렸노라! 사랑하는 나의 아들아, 지난날의 너의 모든 구습과 너의 모든 교단교리를 회개하고 돌아오기만을 내가 기다렸노라! 사랑하는 아들아, 내가 너의 생명을 취할 단계였지만 내가 너를 기다리고 기다렸노라 너의 회개를.” 

Su habitación está llena de las fuerzas de la muerte. Las fuerzas de la muerte se muestran en negro. Entonces, la luz del cielo brilla en el corazón del pastor Young-Dae Hong. La respiración del pastor Hong se ha detenido por completo, pero su rostro está muy tranquilo) Jesús sentado en el trono le habla al pastor Hong. “Mi hijo amado, mi hijo amado, He esperado y esperado que te arrepientas de tus pecados. Mi querido hijo, he estado esperando que te arrepientas de tus viejas costumbres y las doctrinas de la denominación y regreses a mí. Mi querido hijo, pude haber terminado con tu vida, Pero te he estado esperando  Hasta que te arrepientas de todos tus pecados ". 

His room is filled with the forces of death. The forces of death are shown in black. Then the light from heaven shines on the heart of Pastor Young-Dae Hong. Pastor Hong's breathing has completely stopped, but his face is very calm) Jesus sitting on the throne speaks to Pastor Hong. “My beloved son, my beloved son, I have waited and waited for you to repent of your sins. My dear son, I have been waiting for you to repent of your old customs and the doctrines of the denomination and return to me. My dear son, I could have ended your life, But I've been waiting for you  Until you repent of all your sins.” 

(홍영대목사님이 예배를 드리고 신학교 청강을 하는데, 이 심령에는 처음에는 머리에 흑암이 가득했지만, 이 복음이 전에 많이 부딪혔지만 이 심령안에는 빛이 쏟아져요. 천국에서 심령에 빛이 쏟아지는데 어둠의 흑암이 떠나가고, 이 목사님이 회개가 무엇인지 교리와 교단 이것에 대해서 깨닫기 시작하면서 마음속에 있는 율법과 흑암이 깨지고 떠나가고 빛이 임해서 이 심령에 빛이 가득 임해요. 

(El pastor Hong vino a nuestra iglesia hace un tiempo y comenzó a adorar en nuestra iglesia y a escuchar conferencias en el Seminario Somang.  Cuando llegó por primera vez, el corazón y la cabeza del pastor Hong estaban llenos de las fuerzas de la oscuridad, así que cuando escuchó los sermones y los evangelios de nuestra iglesia, su corazón a veces se sintió en conflicto.  Pero la luz del cielo comenzó a entrar en su corazón.  Cuando la luz del cielo entró en el alma, las fuerzas de las tinieblas se fueron alejando gradualmente de él.  El pastor Hong comenzó a darse cuenta cada vez más de la importancia de arrepentirse de los pecados y los errores de doctrina y denominación.  La oscuridad del legalismo en el corazón del Pastor Hong lo abandonó, y la luz de Dios vino sobre él.  La luz de Dios comenzó a llenar su corazón cada vez más. 

(Pastor Hong came to our church a while ago, and he began to worship at our church and listen to lectures at Somang Seminary.  When he first came, Pastor Hong's heart and mind were filled with the forces of darkness, so when he heard the sermons and gospels of our church, his heart sometimes felt conflicted.  But the light of heaven began to come into his heart.  As the light of heaven entered his soul, the forces of darkness gradually departed from him.  Pastor Hong began to realize more and more about the importance of repenting of sins and the errors of doctrine and denomination.  The darkness of legalism in Pastor Hong's heart left him, and the light of God came upon him.  The light of God began to fill his heart more and more. 

이 목사님이 자존심만 조금만 굽히고 병원만 갔어도 전화만 했어도 살 수 있었는데. 그 죽음앞에서는 고통속에서도 그 자존심 때문에, 자존심이 깨지지 않아요. 

그런데도 그 목사님이 날마다 기도하면서 설교를 들으면서 회개를 해요. 지난날에 이 목사님이 예수님앞에 타락한 부분이 있었던 것 같아요. 그런 부분들을, 예수님 마음 아프게 했던 모든 것들을 날마다 기도하면서 회개해요. 

Si el pastor Hong bajara un poco más su autoestima y hubiera ido al hospital o simplemente me hubiera llamado, podría haberse recuperado. Pero incluso en la agonía de la muerte, debido a su orgullo, no pudo hacerlo.  Su autoestima no se podía bajar. Pero desde que llegó a nuestra iglesia, el pastor Hong oró todos los días.  Cada vez que escuchaba un sermón, continuaba arrepintiéndose de sus pecados. El pastor Hong vivió una vida de corrupción en el pasado. Pero comenzó a arrepentirse de todos sus pecados a diario.  En un momento, tuvo una vida que rompió mucho el corazón de Jesús. Sin embargo, se dio cuenta de sus pecados y oró diariamente y se arrepintió sinceramente de todos sus pecados. 

If Pastor Hong lowered his self-esteem a little more and he had gone to the hospital or just called me, he could have recovered. But even in the agony of death, because of his pride, he was unable to do so.  His self-esteem could not be lowered. But since coming to our church, Pastor Hong prayed every day.  Every time he listened to a sermon, he continued to repent of his sins. Pastor Hong had a life of corruption in the past. But he began to repent of all his sins daily.  At one time, he had a life that broke the heart of Jesus very much. However, he realized his sins and prayed daily and sincerely repented of all his sins. 

우리가 콩 껍질을 벗기듯이 목사님이 회개를 하실때마다 죄의 껍질들이 부셔져 나가기 시작해요. 머리부터 발끝까지 콩껍질을 벗기기전에, 콩이 껍질에 둘러쌓여 있잖아요? 은행도 볶으면 은행의 껍질이 둘러 쌓여 있잖아요? 그런 것처럼 홍영대목사님의 율법과 죄악과 교단교리, 지식으로 머리부터 발끝까지 덮혀있었던 거에요. 그런것들이 뱀이 허물을 벗듯이 벗어지기 시작해요. 

Al igual que un frijol se desprende, cada vez que el pastor Hong se arrepintió de sus pecados, las cáscaras de esos pecados comenzaron a romperse. Desde la cabeza hasta los dedos de los pies, todo su cuerpo estaba cubierto por un velo de pecado. Es como un grano de frijol en una cáscara de frijol. El fruto del árbol de ginkgo también está rodeado por una corteza.  similar a ésto El pastor Youngdae Hong estaba envuelto en legalismo, los pecados del mundo, las doctrinas de las denominaciones y el conocimiento humano.  Todo su cuerpo, de la cabeza a los pies, estaba completamente cubierto de estos pecados.  Sin embargo, justo cuando una serpiente se quita la piel, el pastor Hong comenzó a quitarse todos sus pecados. 

Just like a bean peels off, whenever Pastor Hong repented of his sins, the husks of those sins began to break. From his head to his toes, his whole body was covered with a shroud of sin. It's like a bean grain in a bean husk. The fruit of the ginkgo tree is also surrounded by a bark.  similar to this Pastor Young-Dae Hong was enveloped in legalism, the sins of the world, the doctrines of denominations, and human knowledge.  His whole body from head to toe was completely covered with these sins.  However, just as a snake strips its skin, Pastor Hong began to strip away all his sins. 

하나님이 누구인지, 예수님이 하나님인지 하나님이 예수님인지 한분이신 하나님을 몰랐던거에요. 이제 그부분이 깨지면서 회개하기 시작하는데 믿음으로 회개하기 시작하고 천국에 소망을 두기 시작한거에요. 

비록 이땅에서는 입술로 원망하고 불평하고 시험에 자주 들었었어요. 혈기도 많고 자존심도 세고 교만하고 강했지만 그래도 하나님은 회개할때마다 그 목사님의 회개를 기뻐 받으셨던거에요. 

그 목사님이 이땅에 있을 때 회개하는데 회개를 할때마다 그 심령에서 빛이 나가는데 예수님보좌에까지 빛이 가는거에요. 

El pastor Hong comenzó a comprender a Dios correctamente. Se dio cuenta de que Dios el Creador era Jesús y que Jesús era Dios mismo. Él no sabía que Dios era uno, tenía un conocimiento falso de Dios, antes de eso. Pero al darse cuenta de sus pensamientos equivocados, realmente comenzó a arrepentirse de sus propios pecados. Comenzó a arrepentirse de sus pecados con verdadera fe. En su corazón, la esperanza del cielo realmente comenzó a surgir. En esta tierra, sus labios murmuraron, su corazón murmuró y a menudo fue tentado por Satanás. A menudo estaba enojado y su orgullo era alto y arrogante. Sin embargo, siempre que se arrepintió de sus pecados, a Dios le agradó su arrepentimiento. Siempre que el pastor Hong se arrepiente de sus pecados, la luz sale de su corazón. La luz sube al trono de Jesús. 

Pastor Hong began to understand God correctly. He realized that God the Creator was Jesus, and that Jesus was God Himself. He did not know that God was one , he had a false knowledge of God, before that. But realizing to himself his wrong thoughts, he truly began to repent of his own sins. He began to repent of his sins with true faith. In his heart, the hope of heaven actually began to arise. On this earth, his lips grumbled, his heart murmured, and he was often tempted by Satan. He was often angry, and his pride was high and arrogant. Yet, whenever he repented of his sins, God was pleased with his repentance. Whenever Pastor Hong repents of his sins, light comes from his heart. The light goes up to the throne of Jesus. 

홍영대목사님이 천국에 입성하셨는데 세상에, 그 목사님이 천국의 정금길에서 팔짝팔짝 뒤어요. 애기처럼 팔짝팔짝 뛰며서 눈물을 줄줄줄 흘려요. 눈물이 시냇물이 쏟아지듯이 줄줄줄 흘러요. 너무 좋아서 팔짝팔짝 뛰어요. 이 목사님이 너무 너무 부러워요. 너무 좋아서 어린아이처럼 팔짝팔짝 뛰어요. 

예수님이 계시는 예루살렘성전에 들어가지 않았는데도 천국의 정금길을 걸어가면서 팔짝 팔짝 뛰어요. 어떻게 팔짝팔짝 뛰는가하면 우리가 제자리에서 뛰는 것 있잖아요? 그렇게 뛰면서 가고 있어요. 

Finalmente, el pastor Young-Dae Hong ascendió al cielo. Es una vista asombrosa.  El pastor Hong está en el camino dorado del cielo y salta porque está muy feliz. Las lágrimas brotan de sus ojos mientras corre como un bebé. Esas lágrimas fluyen como un arroyo. Está tan feliz que no sabe qué hacer. Siento mucha envidia de la apariencia actual del pastor Hong. Muy divertido, corre como un niño pequeño. El pastor Hong aún no ha entrado en el Templo de Jerusalén en el cielo donde está Jesús.  Todavía anda por la senda del oro puro en el cielo.  Bailando, hacia el templo, sigue caminando. ¿Cómo se supone que voy a explicar cómo salta y salta porque está tan feliz? Su apariencia es como la de un niño. 

Finally, Pastor Young-Dae Hong ascended to heaven. It's amazing, Pastor Hong is on the golden road in heaven, he jumps because he's so happy. Tears flow from his eyes as he runs like a baby. Those tears flow down like a brook. He's so happy he doesn't know what to do. I am very envious of Pastor Hong's current appearance. So much fun, he's running like a child. Pastor Hong has not yet arrived in the Jerusalem Temple in heaven where Jesus is.  He is walking on the path of pure gold in heaven.  As he dances, he walks towards the temple. How am I supposed to describe his jumping and jumping? He keeps walking like a little child. 


사람들이 저보고 그래요. 그 아름다운 천국을 보면서 왜 우냐고? 너무 목사님이 부러워서 우는거에요. 

죽음앞에서는 너무 고통스럽고 무서움과 공포와 두려움속에 있었지만 이 목사님은 성공자에요. 귀로만 듣고 말로만 듣던 그 천국에 와 보니까 너무 기뻐서 미칠려고 그래요. 이 목사님이 기도할때처럼 두 손을 포개고 

“이렇게 좋을 수가! 이렇게 좋은 천국이 진짜 있었구나! 내가 말씀으로 보았을땐 믿어지지 않았지만 덕정사랑교회에서 떨어지는 말씀과 천국지옥간증을 들었을 때 진짜 믿어졌던 그 천국이 진짜 있어요! 

여러분~~~! 진짜 천국이 있어요! 여러분~~~! 진짜 천국이 있어요! 진짜 천국이 있어요, 진짜 천국이 있어요! 너무나 아름다운 너무나 아름다운! 

Hablo mientras lloro en el cielo.  Al verme llorar, algunas personas me hacen preguntas.  El cielo es un lugar tan hermoso y bueno, ¿por qué lloras en el cielo? El cielo es tan hermoso, y cuando veo al pastor Hong que ha venido al cielo, me siento envidioso y conmovido, así que naturalmente lloro. El pastor Hong tenía tanto dolor, miedo y miedo justo antes de su muerte, pero después de su muerte entró en el hermoso cielo. El pastor Hong se convirtió en un éxito. Vino al cielo, que sólo había escuchado con sus oídos y conocía a través de las palabras de la Biblia. Está tan feliz que se está volviendo loco. Las dos manos del pastor Hong están dobladas y esta es una foto de él cuando ora. Exclama con tanta emoción. "¡Ah!  ¡El cielo es tan hermoso! ¡Un cielo tan bonito realmente está aquí! Cuando vivía en el mundo, no podía creer fácilmente en la existencia del cielo. Sin embargo, cuando llegué a la iglesia Deokjeong Sarang, escuché los sermones y escuché los testimonios del cielo y el infierno, comencé a creer en la existencia del cielo.  ¡Ese cielo está realmente aquí! ¡Ah!  ¡El cielo realmente existe!  ¡Realmente hay el cielo aquí!  ¡Realmente existe el cielo!  ¡El cielo está aquí!  ¡Qué hermoso paraíso!  ¡un lugar tan hermoso! 

I speak while crying in heaven.  Watching me cry, some people ask me questions.  Heaven is such a beautiful and good place, why are you crying in heaven? Heaven is so beautiful, and when I see Pastor Hong who has come to heaven, I feel envious and moved, so I naturally cry. Pastor Hong was in so much pain, fear, and terror just before his death, but after his death he entered the beautiful heaven. Pastor Hong became a success. He came to heaven, which he had heard only with his ears and knew through the words of the Bible. He's so happy he's going crazy. Pastor Hong's two hands are folded over, and this is a picture of him when he prays. He exclaims with so much emotion. "Ah!  Heaven is so beautiful! Such a nice heaven really is here! When I was living in the world, I couldn't easily believe in the existence of heaven. However, when I came to Deokjeong Sarang Church, listened to the sermons, and listened to the testimonies of heaven and hell, I began to believe in the existence of heaven.  That heaven is really here! Ah!  Heaven really does exist!  There really is heaven here!  There really is heaven!  Heaven is here!  Such a beautiful paradise!  such a beautiful place! 

(이 목사님이 이렇게 우는거에요! 제가 흉내만 내는게 아니라 이 목사님과 울고 저도 보면서 같이 울어요!) 

정말 보면서도 믿어지지 않는 천국이 있어요! 너무 좋아요! 너무 좋아라! 너무 좋아라~~! 너무 좋아라! 너무 좋아라 너무 좋아라! 

여러분, 천국이 진짜 있어요~~~! 너무 좋아라! 너무 좋아라! 

(En el cielo, el pastor Hong está llorando porque está muy conmovido. Estoy tan conmovido que estoy llorando con el pastor Hong. Ahora no estoy imitando el llanto del pastor Hong). 

 Es difícil de creer incluso cuando ves el cielo directamente, es como verlo en un sueño. ¡Qué lindo paraíso!  ¡Qué lindo paraíso!  ¡Qué maravilloso paraíso!  ¡tan bueno! ¡Tan bueno!  ¡tan bueno! ¡Personas en el mundo! ¡El cielo está realmente aquí!  ¡tan bueno!  ¡tan bueno! 

(In heaven, Pastor Hong is crying because he is so moved. I am so moved that I am crying with Pastor Hong. Now I am not imitating Pastor Hong’s crying.) 

 It is hard to believe even when you see heaven directly, it is like seeing it in a dream. such a nice paradise!  such a nice paradise!  Heaven so humbled!  so good! So good!  so good! People in the world! Heaven is really here!  so good!  so good! 

(홍영대목사님이 계속해서 얘기하는데 목사님이 고개를 들고 천국의 하늘을 쳐다봐요! 천국의 하늘에서 빛이 반짝반짝 쏟아져요! 꽃잎이 하늘에서 막 내려와요! 너무 아름다워요. 천국의 꽃향기를 음미해요! 목사님의 얼굴과 모습이 청년의 모습이에요. 주름 하나 없고 깨끗해요! 백옥같은 하얀 피부. 천국의 꽃잎이 홍영대목사님의 얼굴에 떨어지는데 그 꽃향기를 음미하고 그것을 막 감상을 해요! 너무 아름다워요 그 목사님과 그 풍경이! 세상 어디에서도 찾아볼 수 없는 너무나 아름다운 풍경과 모습이에요) 

El pastor Hong continúa hablando.  El pastor levanta la cabeza y mira al cielo celestial. Una hermosa luz desciende del cielo celestial. Innumerables pétalos caen como nieve del cielo. Esta vista es tan misteriosamente hermosa. El pastor Hong disfruta de la fragancia de las flores celestiales. El rostro y la apariencia general del pastor Hong ahora son la de un hombre joven. La cara del pastor Hong no tiene arrugas, ¡está tan limpia!  ¡Piel blanca! Los pétalos del cielo caen sobre el rostro del pastor Hong, El pastor Hong disfruta del aroma de las flores y las aprecia. ¡Ah!  Qué hermoso.  ¡El pastor Hong y el paisaje del cielo son tan armoniosos, tan hermosos! No puedes encontrar una vista como esta en el mundo. ¡Es un paisaje tan hermoso y una escena cxxonmovedora!) 

Pastor Hong continues to speak.  The pastor raises his head and looks at the heavenly sky. A beautiful light pours down from the heavenly sky. Countless petals fall like snow from the sky. This sight is so mysteriously beautiful. Pastor Hong enjoys the fragrance of heavenly flowers. Pastor Hong's face and overall appearance now are that of a young man. Pastor Hong's face has no wrinkles, it's so clean!  White skin! The petals of heaven fall on Pastor Hong's face, Pastor Hong enjoys the scent of flowers and appreciates them, Ah!  How beautiful.  Pastor Hong and the scenery of heaven are so harmonious, so beautiful! You can't find a sight like this in the world. It is such a beautiful scenery and a touching scene!) 

여러분~~~! 천국이 진짜 있어요! 말로만 듣던 그 천국이 진짜 있어요~~~~! 천국과 지옥이 진짜 있어요! 천국과 지옥이 진짜 있어요~~~~! 진짜 있어요~~~! 

(이 목사님이 외치듯이 부르짖듯이 얘기를 해요! 본인이 진짜을 보니 외치지 부르짖지 않을 수가 없어요. 

목사님이 하얀 세마포옷을 입고 손을 올리고 빙그르르 도는데 춤을 추는데 손에서 옷에서 빛이 쏟아지니까 금가루가 쏟아지는 것 같아요! 

빙그르르 돌면서 예루살렘성전에 순식간에 예수님 보좌앞에 엎드려서 경배를 해요! 목사님이 계속해서 무릎을 꿇고 주님앞에 경배를 하고 경배해요!) 

¡personas en el mundo!  ¡El cielo realmente existe! El cielo registrado en la Biblia está realmente aquí. ¡El cielo y el infierno son cosas reales! ¡El cielo y el infierno existen!  ¡El cielo está realmente aquí! (El pastor Hong está gritando esto. El mismo pastor Hong, mirando al cielo, no puede dejar de gritar así. Viste una túnica de lino blanco, levanta la mano y realiza una danza de hilado. De sus manos y su ropa, brota una luz dorada. ¡Es como polvo de oro cayendo! En un instante, el pastor Hong entró en el templo de Jerusalén en el cielo y se arrodilló ante el trono de Jesús. Se cae y adora a Jesús. El pastor continúa arrodillándose y adorando ante el Señor). 

people in the world!  Heaven really does exist! The heaven recorded in the Bible is actually here. Heaven and Hell are real things! Heaven and Hell do exist!  Heaven is really here! (Pastor Hong is shouting this. Pastor Hong himself, looking at heaven, cannot but cry out like this. He wears a white linen cloth, raises his hand, and performs a spinning dance. From his hands and from his clothes a golden light pours out. It's like gold dust pouring down! In an instant, Pastor Hong entered the Jerusalem temple in heaven and knelt before the throne of Jesus. He falls down and worships Jesus. The pastor continues to bow down on his knees and worships before the Lord.) 

예수님 감사합니다~~ 예수님 감사합니다! 많은 목사님들이 교단과 교리와 지식에 빠져서 한분이신 하나님, 그 예수님을 믿지 못해요~~! 모두들 지옥에 떨어지고 있나이다! 

나도 이것을 깨닫지 못했을때는 진정한 회개가 무엇인지 말씀일 뚫리지 않았으며 천국지옥이 믿어지지 않았습니다! 너무나 감사하고 감사하고 감사하나이다! 주여~~~~~ 너무가 감사하고 감사하고 감사하고 감사무량하옵나이다! 내가 주를 사랑하나이다 내가 주를 사랑하나이다! 

gracias Jesús Jesús, gracias por mi salvación. Innumerables pastores en el mundo de hoy están inmersos en las doctrinas de la denominación y el conocimiento de los hombres.  Los pastores no conocen a un solo Dios. No creen que Dios mismo vino como Jesús. Por eso la mayoría de los pastores se van al infierno. Yo tampoco me di cuenta de esta verdad durante mucho tiempo. En ese momento, no me di cuenta de lo que es el verdadero arrepentimiento del pecado. Realmente no pude entender las palabras de Dios. ¡Y yo no creía en la realidad del cielo y el infierno! Sin embargo, el Señor me hizo entender la Biblia correctamente y me llevó al cielo. Estoy muy agradecido por esta gracia del Señor. Gracias a Dios, gracias, gracias.  Señor ~~~ Estoy muy agradecido por tu amor.  Doy infinitas gracias al Señor.  Amo al Señor.  ¡Realmente amo al Señor! 

thank you jesus Jesus, thank you for my salvation. Countless pastors in the world today are immersed in the doctrines of the denomination and the knowledge of men.  Pastors do not know one God. They do not believe that God Himself came as Jesus. That's why most pastors are going to hell. I too did not realize this truth for a long time. At that time, I did not realize what true repentance of sin is. I couldn't really understand the words of God. And I did not believe in the reality of heaven and hell! However, the Lord made me understand the Bible correctly and led me to heaven. I am so grateful for this grace of the Lord. Thank God, thank you, thank you.  Lord~~~ I am so grateful for your love.  I give infinite thanks to the Lord.  I love the Lord.  I truly love the Lord! 

(예수님이 보좌에 앉아계시는데 너무나 아름다우신 우리 예수님이 오케스트라가 웅장하게 연주하는 것 같은 그런 웅장하면서도, 우레와 같은 우르르 쾅쾅쾅 너무나 강력한 소리와 같은 음성으로 홍영대목사님을 바라보시며 흐뭇하게 미소를 지으며) 

(Jesús está sentado en el trono. Él es nuestro Jesús de una manera tan hermosa. Su figura es tan magnífica, da la sensación de que una orquesta está tocando magníficamente. La voz de Jesús es una gran voz como un trueno. Este gran Jesús mira al pastor Hong y sonríe feliz). 

(Jesus is sitting on the throne. It is our Jesus who is so beautiful. His appearance is very magnificent, it gives the feeling that the orchestra is playing magnificently. The voice of Jesus is a great voice like thunder. This great Jesus is looking at Pastor Hong and smiling happily.) 

(예수님) “그래 사랑하는 나의 아들아~~! 너는 승리하였노라~~~! 너는 승리자다 너는 성공자다! 이 천국에 입성하였으니 너는 성공자다! 너는 승리하였노라! 

내가 얼마나 너희 회개를 받기를 원하고 원하였던가! 나의 사랑하는 홍영대, 나의 사랑하는 아들아! 내가 너를 사랑하고, 너의 영혼이 회개하기만을 내가 기다리고 기다리고 기다리고 있었노라! 

이미 너의 수명은 찼고 차었노라! 내가 너의 생명을 받기를 원하였으나 지금까지 진정한 회개를 받기 위하여 천국갈 회개를 받기 위하여 너의 생명을 취하지 않고 기다리고 있었노라! 

(Jesús) “¡Sí, mi querido hijo ~~! usted ha ganado  ¡Eres un ganador, eres una persona exitosa! Desde que entró en este cielo, ¡se ha convertido en un éxito! ¡Has ganado el mundo! He esperado mucho tiempo para que se arrepienta de sus pecados. Quería y quería recibir el arrepentimiento de tus pecados.  ¡Mi amado Young-Dae Hong, mi amado hijo! yo te amaba, He esperado y esperado y esperado que tu alma se arrepienta de sus pecados. Tu vida terminó hace mucho tiempo.  Pero he extendido y prolongado tu vida para que puedas arrepentirte de tus pecados. Porque quería salvar tu vida. Esperé ese momento, hasta que realmente te arrepientas de tus pecados. No tomé tu vida temprano para que pudieras venir al cielo.  Te he estado esperando por mucho tiempo 

(Jesus) “Yes, my dear son~~! you have won  You are a winner, you are a successful person! Since you have entered this heaven, you have become a success! You have won the world! I have waited a long time for you to repent of your sins. I wanted and wanted to receive the repentance of your sins.  My Beloved Young-Dae Hong, My Beloved Son! i loved you, I have waited and waited and waited for your soul to repent of its sins. Your life ended long ago.  But I have extended and prolonged your life so that you may repent of your sins. Because I wanted to save your life. I waited until you truly repent of your sins. I did not take your life early so that you can come to heaven.  I've been waiting for you for a long time 


그래~~ 너의 믿음의 회개가 승리하였노라! 죽음앞에 너의 믿음의 회개, 구원의 확신, 천국의 확신이 승리하였노라! 사망권세를 깨뜨렸노라! 사랑하는 내 아들아 네가 승리하였노라! 

보아라~~ 천국의 에덴동산을! 보아라~~! 너를 기다리고 있는 천국과 에덴동산을! 보아라~~ 보아라~~” 

Sí ~~, la razón por la que ganaste es porque te has arrepentido de tus pecados con fe. Te has arrepentido de tus pecados antes de tu muerte.  Cuando oraste, me oraste con fe y seguridad de salvación. Así que has roto por completo el poder de la muerte. ¡Mi querido hijo, eres el vencedor! Mira ~ El jardín del Edén en el cielo.  ¡Mira ~!  ¡El cielo y el jardín del Edén te están esperando!  Mira ~~ Mira el cielo ~~ El cielo " 

Yes, the reason you won is because you have repented of your sins with faith. You have repented of your sins before your death.  When you prayed, you prayed to me with faith and assurance of salvation. So you have completely broken the power of death. My dear son, you are the victor! Look~ The Garden of Eden in Heaven.  Look~!  Heaven and the Garden of Eden are waiting for you!  See~~Look at heaven~~Heaven” 

(순식간에 우리 예수님이 예루살렘성전에서 목사님의 눈을 쫙 열어서 에덴동산을 보여주세요! 마치 극장에서 영화를 보듯이 눈을 열어 보여주세요!) 

(예수님) 보아라~~~!!! 이 에덴동산을 보아라! 저 땅에 있었던, 천국에 올라온 에덴동산을 보아라~~~! 보아라 보아라 보아라! 죄가 관영하고 찼던 이 에덴동산을 보아라~~! 

나의 사랑하는 종들아, 회개하라~~~! 율법과 교단교리와 지식에 빠진 나의 종들아 회개하라~~~! 회개만이 살길이다! 회개하라~~~~! 

(En un instante, nuestro Jesús abrió los ojos del Pastor Hong en el templo del cielo. Y le muestra al Pastor Hong el Huerto del Edén en el cielo. Ve el Jardín del Edén, como si estuviera viendo la escena de una película en un teatro) 

 (Jesús) Mira ~~ ¡Mira este Jardín del Edén! El Jardín del Edén en la Tierra fue trasladado al Cielo. ¡Mira el hermoso jardín del Edén ~~~!  ¡Mira, mira, mira! Hubo un tiempo en que el hombre pecó en este jardín del Edén. El Huerto del Edén fue trasladado al Cielo. Mis queridos siervos, ¡arrepiéntanse de sus pecados ~~~! Aquellos que están absortos en el legalismo, la doctrina denominacional y el conocimiento humano, muchos siervos míos, ¡arrepiéntanse de sus pecados! ¡Arrepentirse de tus pecados es volver al camino de la vida!  ¡Arrepiéntete de tus pecados! 

(In an instant, our Jesus opened the eyes of Pastor Hong in the temple of heaven. And he shows Pastor Hong the Garden of Eden in heaven. He sees the Garden of Eden, as if he were watching a movie scene in a theater) 

 (Jesus) Look~~ Look at this Garden of Eden! The Garden of Eden on Earth was moved to Heaven. Look at the beautiful Garden of Eden~~~!  See, see, see! At one time, man sinned in this Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden was moved to Heaven. My dear servants, repent of your sins~~~! Those who are engrossed in legalism, denominational doctrine, and human knowledge, many my servants, repent of your sins! To repent of your sins is to return to the way of life!  Repent of your sins! 

(홍영대목사님처럼 교단과 교리와 율법과 지식에 빠진 목사님들이, 그 목사님 때문에 너무나 많은 영혼들이 지옥에 쏟아지는걸 예수님이 마음 아파하시면서 이렇게 외치세요! 

홍영대목사님이 눈물을 비수같이 흘리세요. 아무런 말도 못하시고 눈물만 줄줄줄 흘려요!) 

(Así como el pastor Young-Dae Hong cayó en la doctrina de la iglesia, muchos pastores ahora están profundamente inmersos en el legalismo y el conocimiento humano. Debido a estos pastores falsos, innumerables almas van al infierno. Por eso, el corazón de Jesús duele mucho. Las lágrimas caen como lluvia de los ojos del pastor Young-Dae Hong. El pastor Hong no dice nada, solo lágrimas). 

(Just as Pastor Young-Dae Hong fell into the doctrine of the church, so many pastors are now deeply immersed in legalism and human knowledge. Because of these false pastors, countless souls are going to hell. Because of this, Jesus' heart aches so much. Tears are flowing down like rain from Pastor Young-Dae Hong's eyes. Pastor Hong doesn't say anything, and he's just crying.) 

(예수님) 보아라~~~~~! 보아라~~~~!! 보아라~~! 보아라~~! 이렇게 아름다운 에덴동산을 창조하여 인간에게 주고 세계를 지었건만! 보아라~~~! 나의 사랑을 거부하는 이 사람들을 보아라! 보아라~~~~! 

욕심,미혹,미움 때문에 아담이 범죄하였노라! 보아라~~! 

너희들은 미혹을 조심하라! 미혹의 영을ㄹ 조심하라! 보아라~~! 미혹의 영이 곧 혼미의 영이며 너희들의 마음에 욕심을 집어넣노라! 

너희들은 회개하라~~~! 내 사랑하는 주의 종들아 회개하라~~~~~! 

때가 가깝고 가까이 찼노라! 회개하라~~~~! 

(Jesús) ¡Mira ~~~~~!  ¡¡Mira ~~~ !!  ¡Mira ~!  ¡Mira ~! Yo había creado este hermoso Jardín del Edén y se lo había dado a los humanos.  Construí el mundo entero.  ¡Mira ~~~! Mira a los que rechazan mi amor.  ¡He aquí a los desobedientes! A causa de la codicia, el engaño y el odio, Adán pecó contra mí.  ¡Mira ~! Mi pueblo debe tener cuidado con los engaños de Satanás. ¡Cuidado con el espíritu del engaño! ¡Mira ~!  Los espíritus del engaño ponen codicia en sus corazones.Mi pueblo debe arrepentirse de sus pecados de haber sido engañado por Satanás. Mis queridos siervos, ¡arrepiéntanse de sus pecados! El tiempo está cerca y está cerca.  ¡Arrepiéntete de tus pecados! 

(Jesus) Look~~~~~!  Look~~~!!  Look~!  Look~! I created the Garden of Eden so beautiful and gave it to humans.  I built the whole world.  Look~~~! Look at those who reject my love.  Behold the disobedient! Because of greed, delusion, and hatred, Adam sinned against me.  Look~! My people must beware of Satan's delusions. Beware the spirit of delusion! Look~!  The spirits of delusion put greed in your hearts. My people must repent of their sin of being deceived by Satan. My beloved servants, repent of your sins! The time is near, and it is near.  Repent of your sins! 

(우주의 별있죠? 그런 별들이 땅으로 떨어져요! 이건 비유적인거에요. 때가 가까이 차면 찰수록 많은 목사님들이 지옥으로 떨어지는걸 보여주세요!) 

보아라~~~! 회개하라~~~~! 나의 종들아 때가 가까이 왔고 때가 가까이 왔고, 찼고, 때가 찼노라! 나의 종들아 너희들은 회개하라 회개만이 살길이라! 

내가 너희들에게 저 핏값을 물으러 다니노라! 회개하라~~~ 나의 사랑하는 종들아! 죽음의 사자들이 너희 집 문앞에 있지 않던가! 회개하라~~! 교단과 교리, 지식, 율법에 갇힌 나의 종들아, 회개하라~~! 회개하라~~~! 회개하라~~~! 회개하라~~~~! 

(Hay innumerables estrellas en el universo, y veo las estrellas caer al suelo. Esto es lo que el Señor me está mostrando. Esta es una parábola que significa que muchos pastores están cayendo al infierno en este momento). 

 Mis siervos, reconozcan su pecado.  ¡Mira ~~~!  ¡Arrepiéntete de tus pecados! Ese momento está cerca.  Ese momento ha llegado tan cerca.  Ese período se llenó.  Mis siervos, arrepiéntanse de sus pecados. El arrepentimiento de los pecados es el único camino al cielo. Muchos pastores están haciendo mi sangre en vano, y haré que los pastores rindan cuentas. Arrepiéntanse de sus pecados ~~~ ¡Mis queridos sirvientes! Las fuerzas de la muerte te esperan en tu puerta. ¡Arrepiéntete de tus pecados! Mis siervos que están atrapados en las doctrinas de la denominación, el conocimiento humano y el legalismo, ¡arrepiéntanse de sus pecados ~~!  ¡Arrepiéntete de tus pecados!  ¡Arrepiéntete de tus pecados!  ¡Arrepiéntete de tus pecados! 

(There are countless stars in the universe, and I see them falling to the ground. This is what the Lord is showing me. This is a parable that means that many pastors are falling to hell now.) 

 My servants, realize your sin.  Look~~~!  Repent of your sins! That time is near.  That time has come so close.  That period was filled.  My servants, repent of your sins. Repentance of sins is the only way to heaven. Many pastors are making my blood in vain, and I will hold the pastors accountable. Repent of your sins~~~ My dear servants! The forces of death await you at your doorstep. Repent of your sins! My servants who are caught up in the doctrines of the denomination, human knowledge, and legalism, repent of your sins~~!  Repent of your sins!  Repent of your sins!  Repent of your sins! 

(예수님이 천국의 보좌에서 그렇게 외치듯이 말씀을 하시는데 저는 예수님의 음성을 표현할 수가 없어요! 내 있는 힘껏 최선을 다해 하는데도 예수님의 음성을 표현할 수도 흉내낼 수도 없어요! 

그렇게 보좌에서 예수님이 말씀하시는데 홍영대목사님은 무릎을 꿇고 두 손을 포개고 계속 눈물을 하염없이 흘려요! 본인도 교단교리에 빠져 있었거든요! 거기에 대한 뉘우침의 회개를 천국가서도 하는거에요! 그리고 또 구원받았다는 감사의 눈물을 흘려요!) 

(Jesús grita estas palabras desde el trono del cielo. Mis palabras no pueden expresar completamente la voz fuerte de Jesús. Hago lo mejor que puedo, pero ni siquiera puedo imitar la voz de Jesús. Cuando Jesús, sentado en el trono, habla a todos los pastores, el pastor Young-Dae Hong se arrodilla ante el trono de Jesús, pone sus manos sobre sus manos y continúa llorando. El pastor Hong había estado inmerso en la doctrina de la iglesia durante mucho tiempo, y en sus últimos días se había arrepentido de tales pecados. Se arrepiente de sus pecados y se arrepiente de ellos, incluso en el cielo. Y está muy agradecido de haber sido perdonado por tal pecado, y derrama muchas lágrimas). 

(Jesus shouts these words from the throne of heaven. My words cannot fully express the loud voice of Jesus. I do my best, but I can't even imitate the voice of Jesus. When Jesus, seated on the throne, speaks to all the pastors, Pastor Young-Dae Hong kneels before the throne of Jesus, puts his hands on his hands, and continues to weep. Pastor Hong had been immersed in the doctrine of the church for a long time, and in his last days he had repented of such sins. He repents of his sins and repents of them, even in heaven. And he is so grateful that he has been forgiven for such a sin, and he sheds many tears.) 

보아라~~! 나의 사랑하는 종아, 내가 너희를 위하여 처소를 준비한다고 말하지 않았던가! 보아라~~! 나의 사랑하는 아들아! 

¡Mira ~!  mi querido sirviente, He escrito en la Biblia que preparo lugares para ti. Mi sirviente, mi hijo, mira tu casa ahora 

Look~!  my dear servant, I have written in the Bible, that I prepare places for you. My servant, my son, see your house now 

(고속도로가 뚫리듯이 예수님이 순식간에 홍영대목사님의 천국의 집을 보여주세요! 정금길을 지나서 순식간에 그냥 눈을 열어서 보여주는거에요! 

목사님의 집이 있는데 축구경기장 잔디밭 위에 집은 그리 크지 않은데, 이땅의 너무나 좋은 별장과 같은 모양의 정금으로 다 이루어졌는데, 한쪽 지붕위에는 유리로 보이게 해놨는데, 그 유리를 통해 천국의 빛이 반짝반짝 쏟아지는데, 무지개빛이 막 돌아요! 집이 너무 너무 아름다워요! 집은 넝쿨장미로 둘러 쌓여 있고요, 노란 빵강 핑크색 장미로. 

(Como si la carretera estuviera abierta, en un instante, Jesús abrió los ojos del pastor Young-Dae Hong y le mostró la casa en el cielo. 

 Pasando por el camino de oro puro, en un instante, Jesús le muestra la casa. La casa del pastor Hong tiene césped, es como el césped de un campo de fútbol. El tamaño de la casa no es tan grande, es una casa estilo villa. La casa está hecha de oro puro y un lado del techo es de vidrio. A través del cristal, la luz del cielo entra en la casa. la luz es iridiscente  ¡Esa casa es tan hermosa! La casa está rodeada de enredaderas, que son rosas amarillas, rojas y rosadas. 

(As if the highway was opened, in an instant, Jesus opened Pastor Young-Dae Hong's eyes and showed him the house in heaven. Passing through the pure gold road, in an instant, Jesus shows him the house. Pastor Hong's house has a lawn, it's like a lawn in a soccer field. The size of the house is not that big, it is a villa style house. The house is made of pure gold, and one side of the roof is glass. Through the glass, the light of heaven shines into the house. the light is iridescent  That house is so beautiful! The house is surrounded by vines, which are yellow, red and pink roses. 

집안에는 바닥이 다 정금으로 되어 있고요, 벽이고 바닥이 다 보석을 박아 놓은 것처럼 반짝반짝 빛이 나요! 그리고 천국에 가면 항상 어렸을때부터의 사진액자들이 다 걸려져 있고요! 

예수님과 같이 홍영대목사님이 순식간에 계단을 오르고 계세요! 침대가 놓여져 있고요, 쇼파도 있구요, 이 목사님은 창문이 많아요. 온통 창문으로 둘러쌓여 있는데 방의 반은 다 창문이에요! 이 창문을 통해 빛이 막 쏟아져 들어오는데, 이 세상에서는 빛이 들어오면 얼굴이 따갑고 뜨거운데, 천국의 빛은 그런 빛이 아니에요. 천국의 빛은 예수님의 영광의 빛이에요. 해가 있어서 그런 빛이 비취는게 아니라 예수님의 영광으로 빛이 비취는거에요 모든 것들이. 

Los pisos de la casa también están cubiertos de oro puro, y las paredes y los pisos brillan como joyas. Cada casa en el cielo tiene imágenes. Las fotos contienen escenas de sus recuerdos de infancia. Jesús sube las escaleras de la casa con el pastor Young-Dae Hong. La habitación tiene una cama y un sofá. La casa del pastor Hong tiene muchas ventanas, la mitad de las paredes de las habitaciones están formadas por ventanas. La luz entra a raudales por estas ventanas. Cuando entra la luz del mundo, te pica la cara y te sientes muy caliente. Pero la luz del cielo es diferente a la luz del sol. La luz del cielo es la luz de la gloria de Jesús. La luz de la gloria de Jesús no se puede comparar con la luz del sol. 

The floors of the house are also covered with pure gold, and the walls and floors are all sparkling like jewels. Every house in heaven has pictures. The photos contain scenes from their childhood memories. Jesus walks up the stairs of the house with Pastor Young-Dae Hong. The room has a bed and a sofa. Pastor Hong's house has many windows, half of the walls of the rooms are made up of windows. Light pours in through these windows. When the light of the world comes in, my face stings and I feel very hot. But the light of heaven is different from the light of the sun. The light of heaven is the light of the glory of Jesus. The light of the glory of Jesus cannot be compared with the light of the sun. 


창문에 하얀 레이스커텐이 펄럭거리는데 저도 그곳에 있어요! 그 창문을 통해 바람이 불고 천국의 꽃내음이 들어오는데 세상 어떤 향수에서도 이런 향은 맡을 수가 없어요! 

제가 너무 좋아서 빙글빙글 도니까 저쪽에서 예수님과 홍영대목사님이 웃고계세요! 저 혼자 심취되어 있는거죠. 열려진 창문틈으로 바람이 들어오니까 제가 세마포옷을 입고 빙글빙글 도니까 홍영대목사님이 예수님도 저에게 손을 내미세요! 오라는거지요! 가 뛰어가서 예수님품에 안겨서 제가 또 하염없이 울어요! 제가 예수님께 말을 해요! 

Hay una cortina de encaje blanco en la ventana, que se balancea con la brisa.  ¡Yo también estoy a su lado!  Una brisa entra a la casa por esa ventana.  El olor de las flores celestiales entra en la casa.  Ninguna fragancia en el mundo puede compararse con la fragancia del cielo. Bailo porque estoy muy feliz.  Jesús y el pastor Young-Dae Hong me miran y se regocijan.  Estaba completamente intoxicado con la belleza y la fragancia del cielo.  Llevo ropa de lino y hago un baile giratorio.  Jesús me tiende la mano.  La señal significa que Jesús me está llamando más cerca.  Corro hacia Jesús y caigo en los brazos de Jesús, y lloro sin cesar.  Le confieso mi corazón a Jesús. 

There is a white lace curtain on the window, which is swaying in the breeze.  I'm next to it too!  A breeze enters the house through that window.  The smell of heavenly flowers enters the house.  No fragrance in the world can compare to the fragrance of heaven. I dance because I am so happy.  Jesus and Pastor Young-Dae Hong on the other side look at me and rejoice.  I was completely intoxicated with the beauty and fragrance of heaven.  I wear linen clothes and do a spinning dance.  Jesus reaches out his hand to me.  The sign means that Jesus is calling me closer.  I run to Jesus and I fall into Jesus' arms, and I weep endlessly.  I confess my heart to Jesus. 

“예수님 품은 너무 포근해요! 예수님품은 너무 좋아요! 예수님 품이 너무 포근해요! 예수님이 감사합니다, 우리 홍영대목사님을 천국가게 해 주심을 감사합니다! 감사합니다 너무 너무 감사합니다 예수님! 홍영대목사님을 이 천국에 오게 하여 주심을 감사합니다!” 

“El abrazo de Jesús se siente tan cálido. ¡Estoy tan feliz y feliz de estar en los brazos de Jesús! Jesús es cálido. Jesús, te agradezco, Jesús guió a nuestro pastor Young-Dae Hong a venir al cielo. Jesús, gracias, muchas gracias. ¡Jesús!  ¡Gracias por guiar al pastor Hong a venir a este cielo! " 

“The embrace of Jesus feels so warm. I am so happy and happy to be in the arms of Jesus! Jesus is warm. Jesus, I thank you, Jesus led our Pastor Young-Dae Hong to come to heaven. Jesus, thank you, thank you so much. Jesus!  Thank you for guiding Pastor Hong to come to this heaven!” 

(이렇게 제가 얘기하는데 예수님이 제 등을 토닥토닥 두드려 주세요! 홍영대목사님은 또 제가하는 말에 눈물을 줄줄줄 흘려요! 이땅에서 목사님은 너무나 많은 고생을 하신 분이세요! 근데 이 천국와서 보상을 받는거에요! 목사님은 이땅에서 하나님의 일을 많이 하신 분은 아니었어요! 육신의 고생과 일은 많이 하였지만 하나님을 위해서는 하는 일은 별로 없었어요! 

(Mientras hablo con Jesús, Jesús me acaricia. El pastor Young-Dae Hong derrama lágrimas cuando me escucha hablar con el Señor. Mientras estuvo en el mundo, el pastor Hong sufrió mucho. Sin embargo, no se han hecho muchas cosas para cumplir verdaderamente la voluntad de Dios.  Aún así, es recompensado en el cielo. Simplemente sufrió mucho sufrimiento físico e hizo muchas cosas de acuerdo con los pensamientos de los hombres.  Pocas cosas se han hecho según la voluntad de Dios. 

(As I speak to Jesus, Jesus strokes me. Pastor Young-Dae Hong sheds tears as he hears me speak to the Lord. While in the world, Pastor Hong suffered a lot. But he didn't really do much to accomplish God's will.  Still, he is rewarded in heaven. He only suffered much in the flesh, and he did many things according to the thoughts of men.  He did few things according to the will of God. 

그러나 회개할때마다 집에 보석과 정금이 깔리고, 회개한 심령으로 찬송했을 때 그것이 상급이 되어서 집이 점점 넓어지는거에요! 그리고 운동장같은 잔디밭도 점점 넓어지고. 케잌을 한번 생각해보세요. 처음에 케잌을 구우면 빵이 나오잖아요? 그리고 생크림을 바르고 데코를 하는것처럼 목사님이 회개할때마다 그것이 상급으로 올라가서 집이 커지고 꾸며지고, 회개한 심령으로 찬송을 할때마다 집이 커지고 꾸며지는거에요!  

Pero cada vez que nos arrepentimos de nuestros pecados, se agregan piedras preciosas y oro puro a la casa del cielo. Cuando el alma arrepentida alaba al Señor, se convierte en la recompensa del cielo. Entonces la casa se hace cada vez más grande. El césped de la casa también es más ancho. Piense en el proceso de hacer un pastel. Al principio, se hace un simple pastel de harina.  Se agrega crema fresca sobre pan tostado o se agregan varias decoraciones. Así, cada vez que el pastor Hong se arrepintió de sus pecados, la casa en el cielo se hizo más grande y más hermosa. Cada vez que cantaba con un espíritu de arrepentimiento de sus pecados, el tamaño de la casa se agrandaba y adornaba. 

But every time we repent of our sins, precious stones and pure gold are added to the house of heaven. When the repentant soul praises the Lord, it becomes the reward of heaven. So the house gets bigger and bigger. The lawn of the house is also wider. Think of the process of making a cake. At first, a simple flour cake is made.  Fresh cream is added on toasted bread, or various decorations are added. Like this, whenever Pastor Hong repented of his sins, the house in heaven grew bigger and more beautiful. Every time you sang with a spirit of repenting of your sins, the size of the house was enlarged and decorated. 

그리고 봉사할때도 시험들어서 하는 봉사는 아무런 상급이 없어요! 땅으로 쏟아져요! 그러나 기쁨으로 감사함으로 했던 그 봉사는 집이 커지고 집에 여러 가지로 꾸며지는거에요! 

홍영대목사님이 두 손을 꽉 쥐고 너무 감사해요! 천국에 온 것이 너무 감사해서 어찌할바를 몰라요! 예수님이 저와 홍영대목사님을 꽉 안아주세요! 

And even if you serve God, there is no value in doing it with a grudge and complaining heart. Such service cannot be accumulated as a reward in heaven. Serving while complaining is not recognized as a reward in heaven. When we serve the Lord with gratitude and joy, our heavenly house grows and our house is adorned with various jewels. Master Hong Young-Dae-mok puts his hands together and is thankful to the Lord. Pastor Hong is so thankful that he came to heaven, he doesn't know what to do. Jesus hugs me and Pastor Hong. 

And even if you serve God, there is no value in doing it with a grudge and complaining heart. Such service cannot be accumulated as a reward in heaven. Serving while complaining is not recognized as a reward in heaven. When we serve the Lord with gratitude and joy, our heavenly house grows and our house is adorned with various jewels. Pastor Hong folds his hands and gives infinite thanks to the Lord. Pastor Hong is so thankful that he came to heaven, he doesn't know what to do. Jesus hugs me and Pastor Hong. 

(예수님) 사랑하는 나의 종들아, 너희들은 성공자노라! 한 사람은 천국에 와서 성공자이고, 또 한 사람은 이땅에서 회개복음을 외치고 회개를 아는 주의 종이 얼마나 이땅의 성공자던가! 

이땅의 얼마나 많은 주의 종들이 이땅의 돈과 명예 권력으로 성공자의 척도로 삼고 생각하지만. 

사랑하는 주의 종들아 힘을 내라! 이땅에서 회개를 외치며, 오직 예수를 외치며, 회개하는 나의 종들은 이땅의 가장 큰 성공자노라! 

그러나 그 성공을 100% 실현하기 위해서는 이 천국에 와야 그 성공이 100% 실현되느니라! 

(Jesús) Mis amados siervos, ustedes dos están entre los exitosos.  Uno se convirtió en un éxito porque vino al cielo, El otro son los que tienen éxito porque predican con celo el evangelio del arrepentimiento en el mundo. Aquellos que se arrepienten de sus pecados y predican el evangelio del arrepentimiento están viviendo una vida exitosa. Muchos siervos del Señor en el mundo están equivocados, pensando que cuanto más dinero, fama y poder tienes, más éxito tienes. ¡Sed más fuertes, amados siervos míos! Mis siervos que claman fuertemente el evangelio del arrepentimiento en el mundo, solo Jesús como el Salvador, y que se arrepienten de sus pecados todos los días son las personas más exitosas del mundo. Sin embargo, el 100% de ese éxito se realiza cuando ingresa a este paraíso. El 100% de ese éxito se logra solo cuando ingresa al cielo. 

(Jesus) My beloved servants, the two of you are among the successful ones.  One became a success because he came to heaven, The other is those who succeed because they zealously preach the gospel of repentance in the world. Those who repent of their sins and preach the gospel of repentance are living a successful life. Many servants of the Lord in the world are wrong, thinking that the more money, fame and power you have, the more successful you are. Be stronger, my dear servants! My servants who strongly cry out the gospel of repentance in the world, only Jesus as the Savior, and who repent of their sins every day are the most successful people in the world. However, 100% of that success is realized when he enters this paradise. 100% of that success is achieved only when you enter heaven. 

너희들은 힘을 내고 힘을 내라! 이 종 홍영대목사를 보아라! 이미 그는 수명이 끝난 자였으나 회개를 받기 위해서 지금까지 내가 기다리고 기다렸고 그 생명을 취하였노라! 

Tienes que ser cada vez más fuerte.  Considere el caso de mi sirviente, el pastor Young-Dae Hong. La vida del pastor Hong terminó hace mucho tiempo.  Sin embargo, extendí su vida hasta que el pastor Hong se arrepintió de sus pecados.  Hasta ahora lo esperé y lo esperé, y finalmente se arrepintió de sus pecados y yo he llevado su vida al cielo. 

You have to be stronger and stronger.  Consider the case of my servant, Pastor Young-Dae Hong. Pastor Hong's life ended a long time ago.  However, I extended his life until Pastor Hong repented of his sins. Until now I waited and waited for him, and he finally repented of his sins, and I have taken his life to heaven. 

(예수님이 김양환목사님께 말씀을 하세요!) 

“사랑하는 종아, 너는 힘을 내며 더욱더 회개를 외치며 오직 예수를 외치라! 그리할 때 너의 순교길이 열리며, 형통한 축복이 그 땅에 이루어지며, 너희 덕정사랑교회 협력교회 지교회에 이루어질 것이니라!” 

(Ahora Jesús le está diciendo estas palabras al pastor Yang-Hwan Kim). 

 “Mi querido sirviente, sé fuerte.  Clama más fervientemente por el arrepentimiento de tus pecados. ¡Clama y clama solo a Jesús! Cuando lo hagas, el camino de tu martirio se te abrirá sin problemas. Te llegarán bendiciones prósperas.  ¡Las bendiciones de Dios estarán con ustedes, la iglesia del amor Deokjeong, la iglesia cooperativa y la iglesia local! " 

(Now Jesus is saying these words to Pastor Yang-Hwan Kim.) 

 “My dear servant, be strong.  Cry more earnestly for repentance of your sins. Cry out and cry out only to Jesus! When you do so, the path of your martyrdom will be opened to you smoothly. Prosperous blessings will come to you.  God’s blessings will come upon you, Deokjeong Love Church, the cooperative church, and the local church!” 

(순식간에 내 영이 그 집에서 붕 떠가지고 지붕을 통과하는데, 양옆에 천사들이 제 팔짱을 끼고 전속력으로 우주를 날아가는데, 지구를 향해 가고 있는데, 대기권에 들어갈 때 천사들이 손을 놓고 저 혼자 바다를 가로질러서 사랑교회 옥상에 와서 다시 나의 육으로 합쳐지는거에요! 예수님 감사합니다. 영광받아주시옵소서! 거룩하신 예수님의 이름으로 기도드렸나이다! 아멘!) 

(En un instante, mi espíritu se eleva de la casa al aire. Paso a través del techo de la casa. A cada lado de mí, los ángeles se cruzan de brazos conmigo. Y vuelo en el espacio, hacia la Tierra. Cuando entré a la atmósfera, los ángeles soltaron mi mano. Ahora pasé el mar solo, llegué a nuestra iglesia y pasé por el techo del edificio.  Mi espíritu entró en mi cuerpo. Mi espíritu y mi cuerpo se volvieron uno. Jesús, gracias.  Toda la gloria doy al Señor. En el santo nombre de Jesús, oré.  Amén) 

(In an instant, my spirit rises from the house into the air. I passed through the roof of the house. On either side of me, angels folded arms with me. And I fly in space, towards the Earth. As I entered the atmosphere, the angels released my hand. Now I passed the sea alone, came to our church, and I passed through the roof of the building.  My spirit entered my body. My spirit and body became one. Jesus, thank you.  All glory I give to the Lord. In the holy name of Jesus, I prayed.  Amen)  (¡Abandona la doctrina de la denominación y arrepiéntete de tus pecados!) 

Pastor Hong Young-dae in heaven is shouting like this. (Abandon the doctrine of the denomination, and repent of your sins!) 

(홍영대목사님이 누워있는데 너무 고통스러워해요. 이 앞가슴이 아픈데 너무 고통스러워해요. 너무 고통스러워서 주먹을 쥐어요. 

그렇고 아프고 고통스러운데, 전화를 할 수 있는 상황이에요. 전화를 못할 수 있는 상황은 아니었는데 전화를 하지 않아요. 그 자존심과 고집과 교만 때문에. 담임목사님한테 전화하고 싶은 마음이 간절하고 목사님이 전화받지 않으면 저한테 기도받고픈 마음은 가득한데 그 자존심과 교만 때문에 전화를 하지 않고 참아요. 그런데 참는데 갑자기 위와 장과 심장이 경직되어 버려요. 그대로 모든 기능이 멈춰버리고 숨이 끊어져 버리는데. 

Jesús me muestra la escena en la que murió el pastor Hong.  (El pastor Young-Dae Hong está acostado en su habitación y siente mucho dolor. dolor severo en el pecho. Debido a que siente tanto dolor, aprieta los puños. Si bien tenía tanto dolor por la noche, se encontraba en una situación en la que podía pedirle ayuda al pastor o al pastor asociado por teléfono. Su situación no era tan crítica como para que no pudiera hacer una llamada telefónica, pero no pidió ayuda. La razón fue su orgullo, terquedad y orgullo. Su corazón quería llamarme al pastor oa mí y pedirle oración. Pero su orgullo no lo permite. Debido a su corazón obstinado, orgullo y arrogancia, no puede hacer llamadas. Se ve obligado a soportar su dolor.  Pero después de un tiempo, el movimiento del estómago y los órganos se volvió muy aburrido y los latidos del corazón se ralentizaron.  Y después de un tiempo todas sus funciones corporales cesan y su respiración cesa por completo. 

Jesus is showing me the scene when Pastor Hong died.  (Pastor Young-Dae Hong is lying in his room, and he is in so much pain. severe pain in his chest. Because he is in so much pain, he is clenching his fists. While he was in so much pain at night, he was in a situation where he could ask the pastor or associate pastor for help over his phone. His situation was not so critical that he could not make a phone call, but he did not ask for any help. The reason was his pride, stubbornness, and pride. His heart wanted Pastor Kim or me to call and receive prayer. But his pride doesn't allow it. Because of his pride, he couldn't make calls. So he is forced to endure his own pain.  But after a while the movement of his stomach and organs becomes very dull, and his heart beats very slowly.  And after a while all his bodily functions cease, and his breath ceases completely. 

그 와중에도 방안에는 사망이 가득찼어요. 사망으로 시커먼데 천국에서 홍영대목사님 심령에 빛이 쏟아져요. 홍영대목사님이 숨은 끊어졌는데도 얼굴은 너무나 평온해요) 

보좌에 앉으신 예수님이 말씀을 해요. 

“사랑하는 아들아 나의 사랑하는 아들아, 내가 너를 기다리고 또 기다렸노라! 사랑하는 나의 아들아, 지난날의 너의 모든 구습과 너의 모든 교단교리를 회개하고 돌아오기만을 내가 기다렸노라! 사랑하는 아들아, 내가 너의 생명을 취할 단계였지만 내가 너를 기다리고 기다렸노라 너의 회개를.” 

Su habitación está llena de las fuerzas de la muerte. Las fuerzas de la muerte se muestran en negro. Entonces, la luz del cielo brilla en el corazón del pastor Young-Dae Hong. La respiración del pastor Hong se ha detenido por completo, pero su rostro está muy tranquilo) Jesús sentado en el trono le habla al pastor Hong. “Mi hijo amado, mi hijo amado, He esperado y esperado que te arrepientas de tus pecados. Mi querido hijo, he estado esperando que te arrepientas de tus viejas costumbres y las doctrinas de la denominación y regreses a mí. Mi querido hijo, pude haber terminado con tu vida, Pero te he estado esperando  Hasta que te arrepientas de todos tus pecados ". 

His room is filled with the forces of death. The forces of death are shown in black. Then the light from heaven shines on the heart of Pastor Young-Dae Hong. Pastor Hong's breathing has completely stopped, but his face is very calm) Jesus sitting on the throne speaks to Pastor Hong. “My beloved son, my beloved son, I have waited and waited for you to repent of your sins. My dear son, I have been waiting for you to repent of your old customs and the doctrines of the denomination and return to me. My dear son, I could have ended your life, But I've been waiting for you  Until you repent of all your sins.” 

(홍영대목사님이 예배를 드리고 신학교 청강을 하는데, 이 심령에는 처음에는 머리에 흑암이 가득했지만, 이 복음이 전에 많이 부딪혔지만 이 심령안에는 빛이 쏟아져요. 천국에서 심령에 빛이 쏟아지는데 어둠의 흑암이 떠나가고, 이 목사님이 회개가 무엇인지 교리와 교단 이것에 대해서 깨닫기 시작하면서 마음속에 있는 율법과 흑암이 깨지고 떠나가고 빛이 임해서 이 심령에 빛이 가득 임해요. 

(El pastor Hong vino a nuestra iglesia hace un tiempo y comenzó a adorar en nuestra iglesia y a escuchar conferencias en el Seminario Somang.  Cuando llegó por primera vez, el corazón y la cabeza del pastor Hong estaban llenos de las fuerzas de la oscuridad, así que cuando escuchó los sermones y los evangelios de nuestra iglesia, su corazón a veces se sintió en conflicto.  Pero la luz del cielo comenzó a entrar en su corazón.  Cuando la luz del cielo entró en el alma, las fuerzas de las tinieblas se fueron alejando gradualmente de él.  El pastor Hong comenzó a darse cuenta cada vez más de la importancia de arrepentirse de los pecados y los errores de doctrina y denominación.  La oscuridad del legalismo en el corazón del Pastor Hong lo abandonó, y la luz de Dios vino sobre él.  La luz de Dios comenzó a llenar su corazón cada vez más. 

(Pastor Hong came to our church a while ago, and he began to worship at our church and listen to lectures at Somang Seminary.  When he first came, Pastor Hong's heart and mind were filled with the forces of darkness, so when he heard the sermons and gospels of our church, his heart sometimes felt conflicted.  But the light of heaven began to come into his heart.  As the light of heaven entered his soul, the forces of darkness gradually departed from him.  Pastor Hong began to realize more and more about the importance of repenting of sins and the errors of doctrine and denomination.  The darkness of legalism in Pastor Hong's heart left him, and the light of God came upon him.  The light of God began to fill his heart more and more. 

이 목사님이 자존심만 조금만 굽히고 병원만 갔어도 전화만 했어도 살 수 있었는데. 그 죽음앞에서는 고통속에서도 그 자존심 때문에, 자존심이 깨지지 않아요. 

그런데도 그 목사님이 날마다 기도하면서 설교를 들으면서 회개를 해요. 지난날에 이 목사님이 예수님앞에 타락한 부분이 있었던 것 같아요. 그런 부분들을, 예수님 마음 아프게 했던 모든 것들을 날마다 기도하면서 회개해요. 

Si el pastor Hong bajara un poco más su autoestima y hubiera ido al hospital o simplemente me hubiera llamado, podría haberse recuperado. Pero incluso en la agonía de la muerte, debido a su orgullo, no pudo hacerlo.  Su autoestima no se podía bajar. Pero desde que llegó a nuestra iglesia, el pastor Hong oró todos los días.  Cada vez que escuchaba un sermón, continuaba arrepintiéndose de sus pecados. El pastor Hong vivió una vida de corrupción en el pasado. Pero comenzó a arrepentirse de todos sus pecados a diario.  En un momento, tuvo una vida que rompió mucho el corazón de Jesús. Sin embargo, se dio cuenta de sus pecados y oró diariamente y se arrepintió sinceramente de todos sus pecados. 

If Pastor Hong lowered his self-esteem a little more and he had gone to the hospital or just called me, he could have recovered. But even in the agony of death, because of his pride, he was unable to do so.  His self-esteem could not be lowered. But since coming to our church, Pastor Hong prayed every day.  Every time he listened to a sermon, he continued to repent of his sins. Pastor Hong had a life of corruption in the past. But he began to repent of all his sins daily.  At one time, he had a life that broke the heart of Jesus very much. However, he realized his sins and prayed daily and sincerely repented of all his sins. 

우리가 콩 껍질을 벗기듯이 목사님이 회개를 하실때마다 죄의 껍질들이 부셔져 나가기 시작해요. 머리부터 발끝까지 콩껍질을 벗기기전에, 콩이 껍질에 둘러쌓여 있잖아요? 은행도 볶으면 은행의 껍질이 둘러 쌓여 있잖아요? 그런 것처럼 홍영대목사님의 율법과 죄악과 교단교리, 지식으로 머리부터 발끝까지 덮혀있었던 거에요. 그런것들이 뱀이 허물을 벗듯이 벗어지기 시작해요. 

Al igual que un frijol se desprende, cada vez que el pastor Hong se arrepintió de sus pecados, las cáscaras de esos pecados comenzaron a romperse. Desde la cabeza hasta los dedos de los pies, todo su cuerpo estaba cubierto por un velo de pecado. Es como un grano de frijol en una cáscara de frijol. El fruto del árbol de ginkgo también está rodeado por una corteza.  similar a ésto El pastor Youngdae Hong estaba envuelto en legalismo, los pecados del mundo, las doctrinas de las denominaciones y el conocimiento humano.  Todo su cuerpo, de la cabeza a los pies, estaba completamente cubierto de estos pecados.  Sin embargo, justo cuando una serpiente se quita la piel, el pastor Hong comenzó a quitarse todos sus pecados. 

Just like a bean peels off, whenever Pastor Hong repented of his sins, the husks of those sins began to break. From his head to his toes, his whole body was covered with a shroud of sin. It's like a bean grain in a bean husk. The fruit of the ginkgo tree is also surrounded by a bark.  similar to this Pastor Young-Dae Hong was enveloped in legalism, the sins of the world, the doctrines of denominations, and human knowledge.  His whole body from head to toe was completely covered with these sins.  However, just as a snake strips its skin, Pastor Hong began to strip away all his sins. 

하나님이 누구인지, 예수님이 하나님인지 하나님이 예수님인지 한분이신 하나님을 몰랐던거에요. 이제 그부분이 깨지면서 회개하기 시작하는데 믿음으로 회개하기 시작하고 천국에 소망을 두기 시작한거에요. 

비록 이땅에서는 입술로 원망하고 불평하고 시험에 자주 들었었어요. 혈기도 많고 자존심도 세고 교만하고 강했지만 그래도 하나님은 회개할때마다 그 목사님의 회개를 기뻐 받으셨던거에요. 

그 목사님이 이땅에 있을 때 회개하는데 회개를 할때마다 그 심령에서 빛이 나가는데 예수님보좌에까지 빛이 가는거에요. 

El pastor Hong comenzó a comprender a Dios correctamente. Se dio cuenta de que Dios el Creador era Jesús y que Jesús era Dios mismo. Él no sabía que Dios era uno, tenía un conocimiento falso de Dios, antes de eso. Pero al darse cuenta de sus pensamientos equivocados, realmente comenzó a arrepentirse de sus propios pecados. Comenzó a arrepentirse de sus pecados con verdadera fe. En su corazón, la esperanza del cielo realmente comenzó a surgir. En esta tierra, sus labios murmuraron, su corazón murmuró y a menudo fue tentado por Satanás. A menudo estaba enojado y su orgullo era alto y arrogante. Sin embargo, siempre que se arrepintió de sus pecados, a Dios le agradó su arrepentimiento. Siempre que el pastor Hong se arrepiente de sus pecados, la luz sale de su corazón. La luz sube al trono de Jesús. 

Pastor Hong began to understand God correctly. He realized that God the Creator was Jesus, and that Jesus was God Himself. He did not know that God was one , he had a false knowledge of God, before that. But realizing to himself his wrong thoughts, he truly began to repent of his own sins. He began to repent of his sins with true faith. In his heart, the hope of heaven actually began to arise. On this earth, his lips grumbled, his heart murmured, and he was often tempted by Satan. He was often angry, and his pride was high and arrogant. Yet, whenever he repented of his sins, God was pleased with his repentance. Whenever Pastor Hong repents of his sins, light comes from his heart. The light goes up to the throne of Jesus. 

홍영대목사님이 천국에 입성하셨는데 세상에, 그 목사님이 천국의 정금길에서 팔짝팔짝 뒤어요. 애기처럼 팔짝팔짝 뛰며서 눈물을 줄줄줄 흘려요. 눈물이 시냇물이 쏟아지듯이 줄줄줄 흘러요. 너무 좋아서 팔짝팔짝 뛰어요. 이 목사님이 너무 너무 부러워요. 너무 좋아서 어린아이처럼 팔짝팔짝 뛰어요. 

예수님이 계시는 예루살렘성전에 들어가지 않았는데도 천국의 정금길을 걸어가면서 팔짝 팔짝 뛰어요. 어떻게 팔짝팔짝 뛰는가하면 우리가 제자리에서 뛰는 것 있잖아요? 그렇게 뛰면서 가고 있어요. 

Finalmente, el pastor Young-Dae Hong ascendió al cielo. Es una vista asombrosa.  El pastor Hong está en el camino dorado del cielo y salta porque está muy feliz. Las lágrimas brotan de sus ojos mientras corre como un bebé. Esas lágrimas fluyen como un arroyo. Está tan feliz que no sabe qué hacer. Siento mucha envidia de la apariencia actual del pastor Hong. Muy divertido, corre como un niño pequeño. El pastor Hong aún no ha entrado en el Templo de Jerusalén en el cielo donde está Jesús.  Todavía anda por la senda del oro puro en el cielo.  Bailando, hacia el templo, sigue caminando. ¿Cómo se supone que voy a explicar cómo salta y salta porque está tan feliz? Su apariencia es como la de un niño. 

Finally, Pastor Young-Dae Hong ascended to heaven. It's amazing, Pastor Hong is on the golden road in heaven, he jumps because he's so happy. Tears flow from his eyes as he runs like a baby. Those tears flow down like a brook. He's so happy he doesn't know what to do. I am very envious of Pastor Hong's current appearance. So much fun, he's running like a child. Pastor Hong has not yet arrived in the Jerusalem Temple in heaven where Jesus is.  He is walking on the path of pure gold in heaven.  As he dances, he walks towards the temple. How am I supposed to describe his jumping and jumping? He keeps walking like a little child. 


사람들이 저보고 그래요. 그 아름다운 천국을 보면서 왜 우냐고? 너무 목사님이 부러워서 우는거에요. 

죽음앞에서는 너무 고통스럽고 무서움과 공포와 두려움속에 있었지만 이 목사님은 성공자에요. 귀로만 듣고 말로만 듣던 그 천국에 와 보니까 너무 기뻐서 미칠려고 그래요. 이 목사님이 기도할때처럼 두 손을 포개고 

“이렇게 좋을 수가! 이렇게 좋은 천국이 진짜 있었구나! 내가 말씀으로 보았을땐 믿어지지 않았지만 덕정사랑교회에서 떨어지는 말씀과 천국지옥간증을 들었을 때 진짜 믿어졌던 그 천국이 진짜 있어요! 

여러분~~~! 진짜 천국이 있어요! 여러분~~~! 진짜 천국이 있어요! 진짜 천국이 있어요, 진짜 천국이 있어요! 너무나 아름다운 너무나 아름다운! 

Hablo mientras lloro en el cielo.  Al verme llorar, algunas personas me hacen preguntas.  El cielo es un lugar tan hermoso y bueno, ¿por qué lloras en el cielo? El cielo es tan hermoso, y cuando veo al pastor Hong que ha venido al cielo, me siento envidioso y conmovido, así que naturalmente lloro. El pastor Hong tenía tanto dolor, miedo y miedo justo antes de su muerte, pero después de su muerte entró en el hermoso cielo. El pastor Hong se convirtió en un éxito. Vino al cielo, que sólo había escuchado con sus oídos y conocía a través de las palabras de la Biblia. Está tan feliz que se está volviendo loco. Las dos manos del pastor Hong están dobladas y esta es una foto de él cuando ora. Exclama con tanta emoción. "¡Ah!  ¡El cielo es tan hermoso! ¡Un cielo tan bonito realmente está aquí! Cuando vivía en el mundo, no podía creer fácilmente en la existencia del cielo. Sin embargo, cuando llegué a la iglesia Deokjeong Sarang, escuché los sermones y escuché los testimonios del cielo y el infierno, comencé a creer en la existencia del cielo.  ¡Ese cielo está realmente aquí! ¡Ah!  ¡El cielo realmente existe!  ¡Realmente hay el cielo aquí!  ¡Realmente existe el cielo!  ¡El cielo está aquí!  ¡Qué hermoso paraíso!  ¡un lugar tan hermoso! 

I speak while crying in heaven.  Watching me cry, some people ask me questions.  Heaven is such a beautiful and good place, why are you crying in heaven? Heaven is so beautiful, and when I see Pastor Hong who has come to heaven, I feel envious and moved, so I naturally cry. Pastor Hong was in so much pain, fear, and terror just before his death, but after his death he entered the beautiful heaven. Pastor Hong became a success. He came to heaven, which he had heard only with his ears and knew through the words of the Bible. He's so happy he's going crazy. Pastor Hong's two hands are folded over, and this is a picture of him when he prays. He exclaims with so much emotion. "Ah!  Heaven is so beautiful! Such a nice heaven really is here! When I was living in the world, I couldn't easily believe in the existence of heaven. However, when I came to Deokjeong Sarang Church, listened to the sermons, and listened to the testimonies of heaven and hell, I began to believe in the existence of heaven.  That heaven is really here! Ah!  Heaven really does exist!  There really is heaven here!  There really is heaven!  Heaven is here!  Such a beautiful paradise!  such a beautiful place! 

(이 목사님이 이렇게 우는거에요! 제가 흉내만 내는게 아니라 이 목사님과 울고 저도 보면서 같이 울어요!) 

정말 보면서도 믿어지지 않는 천국이 있어요! 너무 좋아요! 너무 좋아라! 너무 좋아라~~! 너무 좋아라! 너무 좋아라 너무 좋아라! 

여러분, 천국이 진짜 있어요~~~! 너무 좋아라! 너무 좋아라! 

(En el cielo, el pastor Hong está llorando porque está muy conmovido. Estoy tan conmovido que estoy llorando con el pastor Hong. Ahora no estoy imitando el llanto del pastor Hong). 

 Es difícil de creer incluso cuando ves el cielo directamente, es como verlo en un sueño. ¡Qué lindo paraíso!  ¡Qué lindo paraíso!  ¡Qué maravilloso paraíso!  ¡tan bueno! ¡Tan bueno!  ¡tan bueno! ¡Personas en el mundo! ¡El cielo está realmente aquí!  ¡tan bueno!  ¡tan bueno! 

(In heaven, Pastor Hong is crying because he is so moved. I am so moved that I am crying with Pastor Hong. Now I am not imitating Pastor Hong’s crying.) 

 It is hard to believe even when you see heaven directly, it is like seeing it in a dream. such a nice paradise!  such a nice paradise!  Heaven so humbled!  so good! So good!  so good! People in the world! Heaven is really here!  so good!  so good! 

(홍영대목사님이 계속해서 얘기하는데 목사님이 고개를 들고 천국의 하늘을 쳐다봐요! 천국의 하늘에서 빛이 반짝반짝 쏟아져요! 꽃잎이 하늘에서 막 내려와요! 너무 아름다워요. 천국의 꽃향기를 음미해요! 목사님의 얼굴과 모습이 청년의 모습이에요. 주름 하나 없고 깨끗해요! 백옥같은 하얀 피부. 천국의 꽃잎이 홍영대목사님의 얼굴에 떨어지는데 그 꽃향기를 음미하고 그것을 막 감상을 해요! 너무 아름다워요 그 목사님과 그 풍경이! 세상 어디에서도 찾아볼 수 없는 너무나 아름다운 풍경과 모습이에요) 

El pastor Hong continúa hablando.  El pastor levanta la cabeza y mira al cielo celestial. Una hermosa luz desciende del cielo celestial. Innumerables pétalos caen como nieve del cielo. Esta vista es tan misteriosamente hermosa. El pastor Hong disfruta de la fragancia de las flores celestiales. El rostro y la apariencia general del pastor Hong ahora son la de un hombre joven. La cara del pastor Hong no tiene arrugas, ¡está tan limpia!  ¡Piel blanca! Los pétalos del cielo caen sobre el rostro del pastor Hong, El pastor Hong disfruta del aroma de las flores y las aprecia. ¡Ah!  Qué hermoso.  ¡El pastor Hong y el paisaje del cielo son tan armoniosos, tan hermosos! No puedes encontrar una vista como esta en el mundo. ¡Es un paisaje tan hermoso y una escena cxxonmovedora!) 

Pastor Hong continues to speak.  The pastor raises his head and looks at the heavenly sky. A beautiful light pours down from the heavenly sky. Countless petals fall like snow from the sky. This sight is so mysteriously beautiful. Pastor Hong enjoys the fragrance of heavenly flowers. Pastor Hong's face and overall appearance now are that of a young man. Pastor Hong's face has no wrinkles, it's so clean!  White skin! The petals of heaven fall on Pastor Hong's face, Pastor Hong enjoys the scent of flowers and appreciates them, Ah!  How beautiful.  Pastor Hong and the scenery of heaven are so harmonious, so beautiful! You can't find a sight like this in the world. It is such a beautiful scenery and a touching scene!) 

여러분~~~! 천국이 진짜 있어요! 말로만 듣던 그 천국이 진짜 있어요~~~~! 천국과 지옥이 진짜 있어요! 천국과 지옥이 진짜 있어요~~~~! 진짜 있어요~~~! 

(이 목사님이 외치듯이 부르짖듯이 얘기를 해요! 본인이 진짜을 보니 외치지 부르짖지 않을 수가 없어요. 

목사님이 하얀 세마포옷을 입고 손을 올리고 빙그르르 도는데 춤을 추는데 손에서 옷에서 빛이 쏟아지니까 금가루가 쏟아지는 것 같아요! 

빙그르르 돌면서 예루살렘성전에 순식간에 예수님 보좌앞에 엎드려서 경배를 해요! 목사님이 계속해서 무릎을 꿇고 주님앞에 경배를 하고 경배해요!) 

¡personas en el mundo!  ¡El cielo realmente existe! El cielo registrado en la Biblia está realmente aquí. ¡El cielo y el infierno son cosas reales! ¡El cielo y el infierno existen!  ¡El cielo está realmente aquí! (El pastor Hong está gritando esto. El mismo pastor Hong, mirando al cielo, no puede dejar de gritar así. Viste una túnica de lino blanco, levanta la mano y realiza una danza de hilado. De sus manos y su ropa, brota una luz dorada. ¡Es como polvo de oro cayendo! En un instante, el pastor Hong entró en el templo de Jerusalén en el cielo y se arrodilló ante el trono de Jesús. Se cae y adora a Jesús. El pastor continúa arrodillándose y adorando ante el Señor). 

people in the world!  Heaven really does exist! The heaven recorded in the Bible is actually here. Heaven and Hell are real things! Heaven and Hell do exist!  Heaven is really here! (Pastor Hong is shouting this. Pastor Hong himself, looking at heaven, cannot but cry out like this. He wears a white linen cloth, raises his hand, and performs a spinning dance. From his hands and from his clothes a golden light pours out. It's like gold dust pouring down! In an instant, Pastor Hong entered the Jerusalem temple in heaven and knelt before the throne of Jesus. He falls down and worships Jesus. The pastor continues to bow down on his knees and worships before the Lord.) 

예수님 감사합니다~~ 예수님 감사합니다! 많은 목사님들이 교단과 교리와 지식에 빠져서 한분이신 하나님, 그 예수님을 믿지 못해요~~! 모두들 지옥에 떨어지고 있나이다! 

나도 이것을 깨닫지 못했을때는 진정한 회개가 무엇인지 말씀일 뚫리지 않았으며 천국지옥이 믿어지지 않았습니다! 너무나 감사하고 감사하고 감사하나이다! 주여~~~~~ 너무가 감사하고 감사하고 감사하고 감사무량하옵나이다! 내가 주를 사랑하나이다 내가 주를 사랑하나이다! 

gracias Jesús Jesús, gracias por mi salvación. Innumerables pastores en el mundo de hoy están inmersos en las doctrinas de la denominación y el conocimiento de los hombres.  Los pastores no conocen a un solo Dios. No creen que Dios mismo vino como Jesús. Por eso la mayoría de los pastores se van al infierno. Yo tampoco me di cuenta de esta verdad durante mucho tiempo. En ese momento, no me di cuenta de lo que es el verdadero arrepentimiento del pecado. Realmente no pude entender las palabras de Dios. ¡Y yo no creía en la realidad del cielo y el infierno! Sin embargo, el Señor me hizo entender la Biblia correctamente y me llevó al cielo. Estoy muy agradecido por esta gracia del Señor. Gracias a Dios, gracias, gracias.  Señor ~~~ Estoy muy agradecido por tu amor.  Doy infinitas gracias al Señor.  Amo al Señor.  ¡Realmente amo al Señor! 

thank you jesus Jesus, thank you for my salvation. Countless pastors in the world today are immersed in the doctrines of the denomination and the knowledge of men.  Pastors do not know one God. They do not believe that God Himself came as Jesus. That's why most pastors are going to hell. I too did not realize this truth for a long time. At that time, I did not realize what true repentance of sin is. I couldn't really understand the words of God. And I did not believe in the reality of heaven and hell! However, the Lord made me understand the Bible correctly and led me to heaven. I am so grateful for this grace of the Lord. Thank God, thank you, thank you.  Lord~~~ I am so grateful for your love.  I give infinite thanks to the Lord.  I love the Lord.  I truly love the Lord! 

(예수님이 보좌에 앉아계시는데 너무나 아름다우신 우리 예수님이 오케스트라가 웅장하게 연주하는 것 같은 그런 웅장하면서도, 우레와 같은 우르르 쾅쾅쾅 너무나 강력한 소리와 같은 음성으로 홍영대목사님을 바라보시며 흐뭇하게 미소를 지으며) 

(Jesús está sentado en el trono. Él es nuestro Jesús de una manera tan hermosa. Su figura es tan magnífica, da la sensación de que una orquesta está tocando magníficamente. La voz de Jesús es una gran voz como un trueno. Este gran Jesús mira al pastor Hong y sonríe feliz). 

(Jesus is sitting on the throne. It is our Jesus who is so beautiful. His appearance is very magnificent, it gives the feeling that the orchestra is playing magnificently. The voice of Jesus is a great voice like thunder. This great Jesus is looking at Pastor Hong and smiling happily.) 

(예수님) “그래 사랑하는 나의 아들아~~! 너는 승리하였노라~~~! 너는 승리자다 너는 성공자다! 이 천국에 입성하였으니 너는 성공자다! 너는 승리하였노라! 

내가 얼마나 너희 회개를 받기를 원하고 원하였던가! 나의 사랑하는 홍영대, 나의 사랑하는 아들아! 내가 너를 사랑하고, 너의 영혼이 회개하기만을 내가 기다리고 기다리고 기다리고 있었노라! 

이미 너의 수명은 찼고 차었노라! 내가 너의 생명을 받기를 원하였으나 지금까지 진정한 회개를 받기 위하여 천국갈 회개를 받기 위하여 너의 생명을 취하지 않고 기다리고 있었노라! 

(Jesús) “¡Sí, mi querido hijo ~~! usted ha ganado  ¡Eres un ganador, eres una persona exitosa! Desde que entró en este cielo, ¡se ha convertido en un éxito! ¡Has ganado el mundo! He esperado mucho tiempo para que se arrepienta de sus pecados. Quería y quería recibir el arrepentimiento de tus pecados.  ¡Mi amado Young-Dae Hong, mi amado hijo! yo te amaba, He esperado y esperado y esperado que tu alma se arrepienta de sus pecados. Tu vida terminó hace mucho tiempo.  Pero he extendido y prolongado tu vida para que puedas arrepentirte de tus pecados. Porque quería salvar tu vida. Esperé ese momento, hasta que realmente te arrepientas de tus pecados. No tomé tu vida temprano para que pudieras venir al cielo.  Te he estado esperando por mucho tiempo 

(Jesus) “Yes, my dear son~~! you have won  You are a winner, you are a successful person! Since you have entered this heaven, you have become a success! You have won the world! I have waited a long time for you to repent of your sins. I wanted and wanted to receive the repentance of your sins.  My Beloved Young-Dae Hong, My Beloved Son! i loved you, I have waited and waited and waited for your soul to repent of its sins. Your life ended long ago.  But I have extended and prolonged your life so that you may repent of your sins. Because I wanted to save your life. I waited until you truly repent of your sins. I did not take your life early so that you can come to heaven.  I've been waiting for you for a long time 


그래~~ 너의 믿음의 회개가 승리하였노라! 죽음앞에 너의 믿음의 회개, 구원의 확신, 천국의 확신이 승리하였노라! 사망권세를 깨뜨렸노라! 사랑하는 내 아들아 네가 승리하였노라! 

보아라~~ 천국의 에덴동산을! 보아라~~! 너를 기다리고 있는 천국과 에덴동산을! 보아라~~ 보아라~~” 

Sí ~~, la razón por la que ganaste es porque te has arrepentido de tus pecados con fe. Te has arrepentido de tus pecados antes de tu muerte.  Cuando oraste, me oraste con fe y seguridad de salvación. Así que has roto por completo el poder de la muerte. ¡Mi querido hijo, eres el vencedor! Mira ~ El jardín del Edén en el cielo.  ¡Mira ~!  ¡El cielo y el jardín del Edén te están esperando!  Mira ~~ Mira el cielo ~~ El cielo " 

Yes, the reason you won is because you have repented of your sins with faith. You have repented of your sins before your death.  When you prayed, you prayed to me with faith and assurance of salvation. So you have completely broken the power of death. My dear son, you are the victor! Look~ The Garden of Eden in Heaven.  Look~!  Heaven and the Garden of Eden are waiting for you!  See~~Look at heaven~~Heaven” 

(순식간에 우리 예수님이 예루살렘성전에서 목사님의 눈을 쫙 열어서 에덴동산을 보여주세요! 마치 극장에서 영화를 보듯이 눈을 열어 보여주세요!) 

(예수님) 보아라~~~!!! 이 에덴동산을 보아라! 저 땅에 있었던, 천국에 올라온 에덴동산을 보아라~~~! 보아라 보아라 보아라! 죄가 관영하고 찼던 이 에덴동산을 보아라~~! 

나의 사랑하는 종들아, 회개하라~~~! 율법과 교단교리와 지식에 빠진 나의 종들아 회개하라~~~! 회개만이 살길이다! 회개하라~~~~! 

(En un instante, nuestro Jesús abrió los ojos del Pastor Hong en el templo del cielo. Y le muestra al Pastor Hong el Huerto del Edén en el cielo. Ve el Jardín del Edén, como si estuviera viendo la escena de una película en un teatro) 

 (Jesús) Mira ~~ ¡Mira este Jardín del Edén! El Jardín del Edén en la Tierra fue trasladado al Cielo. ¡Mira el hermoso jardín del Edén ~~~!  ¡Mira, mira, mira! Hubo un tiempo en que el hombre pecó en este jardín del Edén. El Huerto del Edén fue trasladado al Cielo. Mis queridos siervos, ¡arrepiéntanse de sus pecados ~~~! Aquellos que están absortos en el legalismo, la doctrina denominacional y el conocimiento humano, muchos siervos míos, ¡arrepiéntanse de sus pecados! ¡Arrepentirse de tus pecados es volver al camino de la vida!  ¡Arrepiéntete de tus pecados! 

(In an instant, our Jesus opened the eyes of Pastor Hong in the temple of heaven. And he shows Pastor Hong the Garden of Eden in heaven. He sees the Garden of Eden, as if he were watching a movie scene in a theater) 

 (Jesus) Look~~ Look at this Garden of Eden! The Garden of Eden on Earth was moved to Heaven. Look at the beautiful Garden of Eden~~~!  See, see, see! At one time, man sinned in this Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden was moved to Heaven. My dear servants, repent of your sins~~~! Those who are engrossed in legalism, denominational doctrine, and human knowledge, many my servants, repent of your sins! To repent of your sins is to return to the way of life!  Repent of your sins! 

(홍영대목사님처럼 교단과 교리와 율법과 지식에 빠진 목사님들이, 그 목사님 때문에 너무나 많은 영혼들이 지옥에 쏟아지는걸 예수님이 마음 아파하시면서 이렇게 외치세요! 

홍영대목사님이 눈물을 비수같이 흘리세요. 아무런 말도 못하시고 눈물만 줄줄줄 흘려요!) 

(Así como el pastor Young-Dae Hong cayó en la doctrina de la iglesia, muchos pastores ahora están profundamente inmersos en el legalismo y el conocimiento humano. Debido a estos pastores falsos, innumerables almas van al infierno. Por eso, el corazón de Jesús duele mucho. Las lágrimas caen como lluvia de los ojos del pastor Young-Dae Hong. El pastor Hong no dice nada, solo lágrimas). 

(Just as Pastor Young-Dae Hong fell into the doctrine of the church, so many pastors are now deeply immersed in legalism and human knowledge. Because of these false pastors, countless souls are going to hell. Because of this, Jesus' heart aches so much. Tears are flowing down like rain from Pastor Young-Dae Hong's eyes. Pastor Hong doesn't say anything, and he's just crying.) 

(예수님) 보아라~~~~~! 보아라~~~~!! 보아라~~! 보아라~~! 이렇게 아름다운 에덴동산을 창조하여 인간에게 주고 세계를 지었건만! 보아라~~~! 나의 사랑을 거부하는 이 사람들을 보아라! 보아라~~~~! 

욕심,미혹,미움 때문에 아담이 범죄하였노라! 보아라~~! 

너희들은 미혹을 조심하라! 미혹의 영을ㄹ 조심하라! 보아라~~! 미혹의 영이 곧 혼미의 영이며 너희들의 마음에 욕심을 집어넣노라! 

너희들은 회개하라~~~! 내 사랑하는 주의 종들아 회개하라~~~~~! 

때가 가깝고 가까이 찼노라! 회개하라~~~~! 

(Jesús) ¡Mira ~~~~~!  ¡¡Mira ~~~ !!  ¡Mira ~!  ¡Mira ~! Yo había creado este hermoso Jardín del Edén y se lo había dado a los humanos.  Construí el mundo entero.  ¡Mira ~~~! Mira a los que rechazan mi amor.  ¡He aquí a los desobedientes! A causa de la codicia, el engaño y el odio, Adán pecó contra mí.  ¡Mira ~! Mi pueblo debe tener cuidado con los engaños de Satanás. ¡Cuidado con el espíritu del engaño! ¡Mira ~!  Los espíritus del engaño ponen codicia en sus corazones.Mi pueblo debe arrepentirse de sus pecados de haber sido engañado por Satanás. Mis queridos siervos, ¡arrepiéntanse de sus pecados! El tiempo está cerca y está cerca.  ¡Arrepiéntete de tus pecados! 

(Jesus) Look~~~~~!  Look~~~!!  Look~!  Look~! I created the Garden of Eden so beautiful and gave it to humans.  I built the whole world.  Look~~~! Look at those who reject my love.  Behold the disobedient! Because of greed, delusion, and hatred, Adam sinned against me.  Look~! My people must beware of Satan's delusions. Beware the spirit of delusion! Look~!  The spirits of delusion put greed in your hearts. My people must repent of their sin of being deceived by Satan. My beloved servants, repent of your sins! The time is near, and it is near.  Repent of your sins! 

(우주의 별있죠? 그런 별들이 땅으로 떨어져요! 이건 비유적인거에요. 때가 가까이 차면 찰수록 많은 목사님들이 지옥으로 떨어지는걸 보여주세요!) 

보아라~~~! 회개하라~~~~! 나의 종들아 때가 가까이 왔고 때가 가까이 왔고, 찼고, 때가 찼노라! 나의 종들아 너희들은 회개하라 회개만이 살길이라! 

내가 너희들에게 저 핏값을 물으러 다니노라! 회개하라~~~ 나의 사랑하는 종들아! 죽음의 사자들이 너희 집 문앞에 있지 않던가! 회개하라~~! 교단과 교리, 지식, 율법에 갇힌 나의 종들아, 회개하라~~! 회개하라~~~! 회개하라~~~! 회개하라~~~~! 

(Hay innumerables estrellas en el universo, y veo las estrellas caer al suelo. Esto es lo que el Señor me está mostrando. Esta es una parábola que significa que muchos pastores están cayendo al infierno en este momento). 

 Mis siervos, reconozcan su pecado.  ¡Mira ~~~!  ¡Arrepiéntete de tus pecados! Ese momento está cerca.  Ese momento ha llegado tan cerca.  Ese período se llenó.  Mis siervos, arrepiéntanse de sus pecados. El arrepentimiento de los pecados es el único camino al cielo. Muchos pastores están haciendo mi sangre en vano, y haré que los pastores rindan cuentas. Arrepiéntanse de sus pecados ~~~ ¡Mis queridos sirvientes! Las fuerzas de la muerte te esperan en tu puerta. ¡Arrepiéntete de tus pecados! Mis siervos que están atrapados en las doctrinas de la denominación, el conocimiento humano y el legalismo, ¡arrepiéntanse de sus pecados ~~!  ¡Arrepiéntete de tus pecados!  ¡Arrepiéntete de tus pecados!  ¡Arrepiéntete de tus pecados! 

(There are countless stars in the universe, and I see them falling to the ground. This is what the Lord is showing me. This is a parable that means that many pastors are falling to hell now.) 

 My servants, realize your sin.  Look~~~!  Repent of your sins! That time is near.  That time has come so close.  That period was filled.  My servants, repent of your sins. Repentance of sins is the only way to heaven. Many pastors are making my blood in vain, and I will hold the pastors accountable. Repent of your sins~~~ My dear servants! The forces of death await you at your doorstep. Repent of your sins! My servants who are caught up in the doctrines of the denomination, human knowledge, and legalism, repent of your sins~~!  Repent of your sins!  Repent of your sins!  Repent of your sins! 

(예수님이 천국의 보좌에서 그렇게 외치듯이 말씀을 하시는데 저는 예수님의 음성을 표현할 수가 없어요! 내 있는 힘껏 최선을 다해 하는데도 예수님의 음성을 표현할 수도 흉내낼 수도 없어요! 

그렇게 보좌에서 예수님이 말씀하시는데 홍영대목사님은 무릎을 꿇고 두 손을 포개고 계속 눈물을 하염없이 흘려요! 본인도 교단교리에 빠져 있었거든요! 거기에 대한 뉘우침의 회개를 천국가서도 하는거에요! 그리고 또 구원받았다는 감사의 눈물을 흘려요!) 

(Jesús grita estas palabras desde el trono del cielo. Mis palabras no pueden expresar completamente la voz fuerte de Jesús. Hago lo mejor que puedo, pero ni siquiera puedo imitar la voz de Jesús. Cuando Jesús, sentado en el trono, habla a todos los pastores, el pastor Young-Dae Hong se arrodilla ante el trono de Jesús, pone sus manos sobre sus manos y continúa llorando. El pastor Hong había estado inmerso en la doctrina de la iglesia durante mucho tiempo, y en sus últimos días se había arrepentido de tales pecados. Se arrepiente de sus pecados y se arrepiente de ellos, incluso en el cielo. Y está muy agradecido de haber sido perdonado por tal pecado, y derrama muchas lágrimas). 

(Jesus shouts these words from the throne of heaven. My words cannot fully express the loud voice of Jesus. I do my best, but I can't even imitate the voice of Jesus. When Jesus, seated on the throne, speaks to all the pastors, Pastor Young-Dae Hong kneels before the throne of Jesus, puts his hands on his hands, and continues to weep. Pastor Hong had been immersed in the doctrine of the church for a long time, and in his last days he had repented of such sins. He repents of his sins and repents of them, even in heaven. And he is so grateful that he has been forgiven for such a sin, and he sheds many tears.) 

보아라~~! 나의 사랑하는 종아, 내가 너희를 위하여 처소를 준비한다고 말하지 않았던가! 보아라~~! 나의 사랑하는 아들아! 

¡Mira ~!  mi querido sirviente, He escrito en la Biblia que preparo lugares para ti. Mi sirviente, mi hijo, mira tu casa ahora 

Look~!  my dear servant, I have written in the Bible, that I prepare places for you. My servant, my son, see your house now 

(고속도로가 뚫리듯이 예수님이 순식간에 홍영대목사님의 천국의 집을 보여주세요! 정금길을 지나서 순식간에 그냥 눈을 열어서 보여주는거에요! 

목사님의 집이 있는데 축구경기장 잔디밭 위에 집은 그리 크지 않은데, 이땅의 너무나 좋은 별장과 같은 모양의 정금으로 다 이루어졌는데, 한쪽 지붕위에는 유리로 보이게 해놨는데, 그 유리를 통해 천국의 빛이 반짝반짝 쏟아지는데, 무지개빛이 막 돌아요! 집이 너무 너무 아름다워요! 집은 넝쿨장미로 둘러 쌓여 있고요, 노란 빵강 핑크색 장미로. 

(Como si la carretera estuviera abierta, en un instante, Jesús abrió los ojos del pastor Young-Dae Hong y le mostró la casa en el cielo. 

 Pasando por el camino de oro puro, en un instante, Jesús le muestra la casa. La casa del pastor Hong tiene césped, es como el césped de un campo de fútbol. El tamaño de la casa no es tan grande, es una casa estilo villa. La casa está hecha de oro puro y un lado del techo es de vidrio. A través del cristal, la luz del cielo entra en la casa. la luz es iridiscente  ¡Esa casa es tan hermosa! La casa está rodeada de enredaderas, que son rosas amarillas, rojas y rosadas. 

(As if the highway was opened, in an instant, Jesus opened Pastor Young-Dae Hong's eyes and showed him the house in heaven. Passing through the pure gold road, in an instant, Jesus shows him the house. Pastor Hong's house has a lawn, it's like a lawn in a soccer field. The size of the house is not that big, it is a villa style house. The house is made of pure gold, and one side of the roof is glass. Through the glass, the light of heaven shines into the house. the light is iridescent  That house is so beautiful! The house is surrounded by vines, which are yellow, red and pink roses. 

집안에는 바닥이 다 정금으로 되어 있고요, 벽이고 바닥이 다 보석을 박아 놓은 것처럼 반짝반짝 빛이 나요! 그리고 천국에 가면 항상 어렸을때부터의 사진액자들이 다 걸려져 있고요! 

예수님과 같이 홍영대목사님이 순식간에 계단을 오르고 계세요! 침대가 놓여져 있고요, 쇼파도 있구요, 이 목사님은 창문이 많아요. 온통 창문으로 둘러쌓여 있는데 방의 반은 다 창문이에요! 이 창문을 통해 빛이 막 쏟아져 들어오는데, 이 세상에서는 빛이 들어오면 얼굴이 따갑고 뜨거운데, 천국의 빛은 그런 빛이 아니에요. 천국의 빛은 예수님의 영광의 빛이에요. 해가 있어서 그런 빛이 비취는게 아니라 예수님의 영광으로 빛이 비취는거에요 모든 것들이. 

Los pisos de la casa también están cubiertos de oro puro, y las paredes y los pisos brillan como joyas. Cada casa en el cielo tiene imágenes. Las fotos contienen escenas de sus recuerdos de infancia. Jesús sube las escaleras de la casa con el pastor Young-Dae Hong. La habitación tiene una cama y un sofá. La casa del pastor Hong tiene muchas ventanas, la mitad de las paredes de las habitaciones están formadas por ventanas. La luz entra a raudales por estas ventanas. Cuando entra la luz del mundo, te pica la cara y te sientes muy caliente. Pero la luz del cielo es diferente a la luz del sol. La luz del cielo es la luz de la gloria de Jesús. La luz de la gloria de Jesús no se puede comparar con la luz del sol. 

The floors of the house are also covered with pure gold, and the walls and floors are all sparkling like jewels. Every house in heaven has pictures. The photos contain scenes from their childhood memories. Jesus walks up the stairs of the house with Pastor Young-Dae Hong. The room has a bed and a sofa. Pastor Hong's house has many windows, half of the walls of the rooms are made up of windows. Light pours in through these windows. When the light of the world comes in, my face stings and I feel very hot. But the light of heaven is different from the light of the sun. The light of heaven is the light of the glory of Jesus. The light of the glory of Jesus cannot be compared with the light of the sun. 


창문에 하얀 레이스커텐이 펄럭거리는데 저도 그곳에 있어요! 그 창문을 통해 바람이 불고 천국의 꽃내음이 들어오는데 세상 어떤 향수에서도 이런 향은 맡을 수가 없어요! 

제가 너무 좋아서 빙글빙글 도니까 저쪽에서 예수님과 홍영대목사님이 웃고계세요! 저 혼자 심취되어 있는거죠. 열려진 창문틈으로 바람이 들어오니까 제가 세마포옷을 입고 빙글빙글 도니까 홍영대목사님이 예수님도 저에게 손을 내미세요! 오라는거지요! 가 뛰어가서 예수님품에 안겨서 제가 또 하염없이 울어요! 제가 예수님께 말을 해요! 

Hay una cortina de encaje blanco en la ventana, que se balancea con la brisa.  ¡Yo también estoy a su lado!  Una brisa entra a la casa por esa ventana.  El olor de las flores celestiales entra en la casa.  Ninguna fragancia en el mundo puede compararse con la fragancia del cielo. Bailo porque estoy muy feliz.  Jesús y el pastor Young-Dae Hong me miran y se regocijan.  Estaba completamente intoxicado con la belleza y la fragancia del cielo.  Llevo ropa de lino y hago un baile giratorio.  Jesús me tiende la mano.  La señal significa que Jesús me está llamando más cerca.  Corro hacia Jesús y caigo en los brazos de Jesús, y lloro sin cesar.  Le confieso mi corazón a Jesús. 

There is a white lace curtain on the window, which is swaying in the breeze.  I'm next to it too!  A breeze enters the house through that window.  The smell of heavenly flowers enters the house.  No fragrance in the world can compare to the fragrance of heaven. I dance because I am so happy.  Jesus and Pastor Young-Dae Hong on the other side look at me and rejoice.  I was completely intoxicated with the beauty and fragrance of heaven.  I wear linen clothes and do a spinning dance.  Jesus reaches out his hand to me.  The sign means that Jesus is calling me closer.  I run to Jesus and I fall into Jesus' arms, and I weep endlessly.  I confess my heart to Jesus. 

“예수님 품은 너무 포근해요! 예수님품은 너무 좋아요! 예수님 품이 너무 포근해요! 예수님이 감사합니다, 우리 홍영대목사님을 천국가게 해 주심을 감사합니다! 감사합니다 너무 너무 감사합니다 예수님! 홍영대목사님을 이 천국에 오게 하여 주심을 감사합니다!” 

“El abrazo de Jesús se siente tan cálido. ¡Estoy tan feliz y feliz de estar en los brazos de Jesús! Jesús es cálido. Jesús, te agradezco, Jesús guió a nuestro pastor Young-Dae Hong a venir al cielo. Jesús, gracias, muchas gracias. ¡Jesús!  ¡Gracias por guiar al pastor Hong a venir a este cielo! " 

“The embrace of Jesus feels so warm. I am so happy and happy to be in the arms of Jesus! Jesus is warm. Jesus, I thank you, Jesus led our Pastor Young-Dae Hong to come to heaven. Jesus, thank you, thank you so much. Jesus!  Thank you for guiding Pastor Hong to come to this heaven!” 

(이렇게 제가 얘기하는데 예수님이 제 등을 토닥토닥 두드려 주세요! 홍영대목사님은 또 제가하는 말에 눈물을 줄줄줄 흘려요! 이땅에서 목사님은 너무나 많은 고생을 하신 분이세요! 근데 이 천국와서 보상을 받는거에요! 목사님은 이땅에서 하나님의 일을 많이 하신 분은 아니었어요! 육신의 고생과 일은 많이 하였지만 하나님을 위해서는 하는 일은 별로 없었어요! 

(Mientras hablo con Jesús, Jesús me acaricia. El pastor Young-Dae Hong derrama lágrimas cuando me escucha hablar con el Señor. Mientras estuvo en el mundo, el pastor Hong sufrió mucho. Sin embargo, no se han hecho muchas cosas para cumplir verdaderamente la voluntad de Dios.  Aún así, es recompensado en el cielo. Simplemente sufrió mucho sufrimiento físico e hizo muchas cosas de acuerdo con los pensamientos de los hombres.  Pocas cosas se han hecho según la voluntad de Dios. 

(As I speak to Jesus, Jesus strokes me. Pastor Young-Dae Hong sheds tears as he hears me speak to the Lord. While in the world, Pastor Hong suffered a lot. But he didn't really do much to accomplish God's will.  Still, he is rewarded in heaven. He only suffered much in the flesh, and he did many things according to the thoughts of men.  He did few things according to the will of God. 

그러나 회개할때마다 집에 보석과 정금이 깔리고, 회개한 심령으로 찬송했을 때 그것이 상급이 되어서 집이 점점 넓어지는거에요! 그리고 운동장같은 잔디밭도 점점 넓어지고. 케잌을 한번 생각해보세요. 처음에 케잌을 구우면 빵이 나오잖아요? 그리고 생크림을 바르고 데코를 하는것처럼 목사님이 회개할때마다 그것이 상급으로 올라가서 집이 커지고 꾸며지고, 회개한 심령으로 찬송을 할때마다 집이 커지고 꾸며지는거에요!  

Pero cada vez que nos arrepentimos de nuestros pecados, se agregan piedras preciosas y oro puro a la casa del cielo. Cuando el alma arrepentida alaba al Señor, se convierte en la recompensa del cielo. Entonces la casa se hace cada vez más grande. El césped de la casa también es más ancho. Piense en el proceso de hacer un pastel. Al principio, se hace un simple pastel de harina.  Se agrega crema fresca sobre pan tostado o se agregan varias decoraciones. Así, cada vez que el pastor Hong se arrepintió de sus pecados, la casa en el cielo se hizo más grande y más hermosa. Cada vez que cantaba con un espíritu de arrepentimiento de sus pecados, el tamaño de la casa se agrandaba y adornaba. 

But every time we repent of our sins, precious stones and pure gold are added to the house of heaven. When the repentant soul praises the Lord, it becomes the reward of heaven. So the house gets bigger and bigger. The lawn of the house is also wider. Think of the process of making a cake. At first, a simple flour cake is made.  Fresh cream is added on toasted bread, or various decorations are added. Like this, whenever Pastor Hong repented of his sins, the house in heaven grew bigger and more beautiful. Every time you sang with a spirit of repenting of your sins, the size of the house was enlarged and decorated. 

그리고 봉사할때도 시험들어서 하는 봉사는 아무런 상급이 없어요! 땅으로 쏟아져요! 그러나 기쁨으로 감사함으로 했던 그 봉사는 집이 커지고 집에 여러 가지로 꾸며지는거에요! 

홍영대목사님이 두 손을 꽉 쥐고 너무 감사해요! 천국에 온 것이 너무 감사해서 어찌할바를 몰라요! 예수님이 저와 홍영대목사님을 꽉 안아주세요! 

And even if you serve God, there is no value in doing it with a grudge and complaining heart. Such service cannot be accumulated as a reward in heaven. Serving while complaining is not recognized as a reward in heaven. When we serve the Lord with gratitude and joy, our heavenly house grows and our house is adorned with various jewels. Master Hong Young-Dae-mok puts his hands together and is thankful to the Lord. Pastor Hong is so thankful that he came to heaven, he doesn't know what to do. Jesus hugs me and Pastor Hong. 

And even if you serve God, there is no value in doing it with a grudge and complaining heart. Such service cannot be accumulated as a reward in heaven. Serving while complaining is not recognized as a reward in heaven. When we serve the Lord with gratitude and joy, our heavenly house grows and our house is adorned with various jewels. Pastor Hong folds his hands and gives infinite thanks to the Lord. Pastor Hong is so thankful that he came to heaven, he doesn't know what to do. Jesus hugs me and Pastor Hong. 

(예수님) 사랑하는 나의 종들아, 너희들은 성공자노라! 한 사람은 천국에 와서 성공자이고, 또 한 사람은 이땅에서 회개복음을 외치고 회개를 아는 주의 종이 얼마나 이땅의 성공자던가! 

이땅의 얼마나 많은 주의 종들이 이땅의 돈과 명예 권력으로 성공자의 척도로 삼고 생각하지만. 

사랑하는 주의 종들아 힘을 내라! 이땅에서 회개를 외치며, 오직 예수를 외치며, 회개하는 나의 종들은 이땅의 가장 큰 성공자노라! 

그러나 그 성공을 100% 실현하기 위해서는 이 천국에 와야 그 성공이 100% 실현되느니라! 

(Jesús) Mis amados siervos, ustedes dos están entre los exitosos.  Uno se convirtió en un éxito porque vino al cielo, El otro son los que tienen éxito porque predican con celo el evangelio del arrepentimiento en el mundo. Aquellos que se arrepienten de sus pecados y predican el evangelio del arrepentimiento están viviendo una vida exitosa. Muchos siervos del Señor en el mundo están equivocados, pensando que cuanto más dinero, fama y poder tienes, más éxito tienes. ¡Sed más fuertes, amados siervos míos! Mis siervos que claman fuertemente el evangelio del arrepentimiento en el mundo, solo Jesús como el Salvador, y que se arrepienten de sus pecados todos los días son las personas más exitosas del mundo. Sin embargo, el 100% de ese éxito se realiza cuando ingresa a este paraíso. El 100% de ese éxito se logra solo cuando ingresa al cielo. 

(Jesus) My beloved servants, the two of you are among the successful ones.  One became a success because he came to heaven, The other is those who succeed because they zealously preach the gospel of repentance in the world. Those who repent of their sins and preach the gospel of repentance are living a successful life. Many servants of the Lord in the world are wrong, thinking that the more money, fame and power you have, the more successful you are. Be stronger, my dear servants! My servants who strongly cry out the gospel of repentance in the world, only Jesus as the Savior, and who repent of their sins every day are the most successful people in the world. However, 100% of that success is realized when he enters this paradise. 100% of that success is achieved only when you enter heaven. 

너희들은 힘을 내고 힘을 내라! 이 종 홍영대목사를 보아라! 이미 그는 수명이 끝난 자였으나 회개를 받기 위해서 지금까지 내가 기다리고 기다렸고 그 생명을 취하였노라! 

Tienes que ser cada vez más fuerte.  Considere el caso de mi sirviente, el pastor Young-Dae Hong. La vida del pastor Hong terminó hace mucho tiempo.  Sin embargo, extendí su vida hasta que el pastor Hong se arrepintió de sus pecados.  Hasta ahora lo esperé y lo esperé, y finalmente se arrepintió de sus pecados y yo he llevado su vida al cielo. 

You have to be stronger and stronger.  Consider the case of my servant, Pastor Young-Dae Hong. Pastor Hong's life ended a long time ago.  However, I extended his life until Pastor Hong repented of his sins. Until now I waited and waited for him, and he finally repented of his sins, and I have taken his life to heaven. 

(예수님이 김양환목사님께 말씀을 하세요!) 

“사랑하는 종아, 너는 힘을 내며 더욱더 회개를 외치며 오직 예수를 외치라! 그리할 때 너의 순교길이 열리며, 형통한 축복이 그 땅에 이루어지며, 너희 덕정사랑교회 협력교회 지교회에 이루어질 것이니라!” 

(Ahora Jesús le está diciendo estas palabras al pastor Yang-Hwan Kim). 

 “Mi querido sirviente, sé fuerte.  Clama más fervientemente por el arrepentimiento de tus pecados. ¡Clama y clama solo a Jesús! Cuando lo hagas, el camino de tu martirio se te abrirá sin problemas. Te llegarán bendiciones prósperas.  ¡Las bendiciones de Dios estarán con ustedes, la iglesia del amor Deokjeong, la iglesia cooperativa y la iglesia local! " 

(Now Jesus is saying these words to Pastor Yang-Hwan Kim.) 

 “My dear servant, be strong.  Cry more earnestly for repentance of your sins. Cry out and cry out only to Jesus! When you do so, the path of your martyrdom will be opened to you smoothly. Prosperous blessings will come to you.  God’s blessings will come upon you, Deokjeong Love Church, the cooperative church, and the local church!” 

(순식간에 내 영이 그 집에서 붕 떠가지고 지붕을 통과하는데, 양옆에 천사들이 제 팔짱을 끼고 전속력으로 우주를 날아가는데, 지구를 향해 가고 있는데, 대기권에 들어갈 때 천사들이 손을 놓고 저 혼자 바다를 가로질러서 사랑교회 옥상에 와서 다시 나의 육으로 합쳐지는거에요! 예수님 감사합니다. 영광받아주시옵소서! 거룩하신 예수님의 이름으로 기도드렸나이다! 아멘!) 

(En un instante, mi espíritu se eleva de la casa al aire. Paso a través del techo de la casa. A cada lado de mí, los ángeles se cruzan de brazos conmigo. Y vuelo en el espacio, hacia la Tierra. Cuando entré a la atmósfera, los ángeles soltaron mi mano. Ahora pasé el mar solo, llegué a nuestra iglesia y pasé por el techo del edificio.  Mi espíritu entró en mi cuerpo. Mi espíritu y mi cuerpo se volvieron uno. Jesús, gracias.  Toda la gloria doy al Señor. En el santo nombre de Jesús, oré.  Amén) 

(In an instant, my spirit rises from the house into the air. I passed through the roof of the house. On either side of me, angels folded arms with me. And I fly in space, towards the Earth. As I entered the atmosphere, the angels released my hand. Now I passed the sea alone, came to our church, and I passed through the roof of the building.  My spirit entered my body. My spirit and body became one. Jesus, thank you.  All glory I give to the Lord. In the holy name of Jesus, I prayed.  Amen) 


  이전글 : (Lucifer) ¿Aprendes a amar en extrema traición?(루시퍼) 극한 배신속에서 사랑을 배우느냐?
  다음글 : Sobre el sonido del cielo y el infierno (스페인어 / 천국과 지옥 소리에 대하여)