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  제  목 : 2/2 Those who are filled with the Spirit are to work enthusiastically for the Lord 성령충만을 받아야 주님을 위해 일 할 수 있다. 조회수 : 1018
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2020-02-24

(part 2)

Those who are filled with the Spirit are to work enthusiastically for the Lord 

성령충만을 받아야 주님을 위해 일 할 수 있다.

다른 신학생들은 따라 붙었다가 안가는 겁니다. 그러나 엘리사는 끝까지 가라그래도 싹 피해가지고 또 좇아갑니다. 가라니까! 그러니까 나중에는 여호와의 사심과 당신의 사심을 두고 맹세하노니 내가 당신의 영감의 갑절을 받지 않고는 절대 돌아가지 않겠습니다! 하도 가라고 그러니까 이젠 화가 날대로 난것입니다. 절대 죽어도 안갈테니까 다시는 그런 소리하지 말라는 겁니다.

At that time, there were other seminarians besides Elisha, They too followed Elijah, but they did not follow him until the end, who gave up. Elisha theologians, on the other hand, were going to Elijah to the end. Elijah stopped him, but he did not listen. Elisha said to Elijah: I swear by the life of Jehovah and your life. I can never go back unless I receive twice your inspiration. He did not change his purpose, despite Elijah's continuing strong demands. Elisha's thought was this: Even if I die, I just can't go back. So sir, don't tell me that again.

눈을 부릅뜨고 막 그러니까 아 무섭네! 그리고 요단강을 같이 건너갔어요. 그리고 거기서 나를 하나님이 나를 취하는걸 보면 너에게 갑절의 영감이 임할 것이다! 이때 엘리사는 아멘했던 겁니다. 그때 갑자기 어디선가 회오리 바람이 불면서 불병거가 나타나면서 엘리야가 위로 슉 올라가요. 이때 엘리사의 믿음보세요. 이게 성령의 사람이에요. 올라가는데 뭔가 받아야지. 그러면서 엘리야의 옷을 받았어요. 겉옷은 그 사람의 은사능력을 상징합니다. 그것도 기도해야 주는거지 꿈에 받았으니까 오겠지 아니에요.

Elijah saw Elisha's so strong will,He was forced to cross the Jordan with him.And there he said to Elisha:As you watch God take me up in the sky, you will receive my double inspiration.At this time Elisha answered him with amen. Then suddenly a whirlwind and fire chariot came from somewhere and Elijah was lifted up by it.Think about Elisha's faith at this time.Those who do this are people of the Holy Spirit.Elisha received the outer garments of his teacher, Elijah.His outer garments symbolize his gifts and abilities.This can be received by diligent prayer.It is not something you can get through dreams while you sleep.

엘리사는 엘리야의 겉옷을 잡고 하늘을 향해서 엘리야의 하나님 나의 하나님 그러면서 요단강을 딱 쳤어요. 이것이 실천목회에요. 백날 부흥회 다녀도 실천하지 않으면 주님역사 안 일어나요. 엘리야의 하나님 나의 하나님 어디 계시나이까? 그리고 믿음으로 쳤더니 요단강이 쫙 갈라진걸 깨닫길 주의 이름으로 축원합니다.

Elisha grabbed Elijah's outer garment and cried out to heaven.God of Elijah, my God, give me your power and great inspiration,And he struck the Jordan River with Elijah's coat.This practice is the ministry of practice.There are those who eagerly attend revival meetings and do not live the word of the Lord. The power of the Lord is not revealed to such ones. God of Elijah My God, where are you?When he cried out, in faith, and struck the Jordan, the Jordan divided into two.I bless you in the name of the Lord to realize this principle.

부흥회 와서 그냥 갑니까? 귀신쫓아라면 쫓고 기도하라면 기도하고 받은줄 믿으라하면 믿고, 기도하고 개척하면 하나님이 하나 둘 붙혀가지고 큰 교회이루는 것이고. 근데 말은 실천목회 실천목회 하면서 실천하지 않아요. 무슨 소용있어요. 배고픈 사람앞에 밥상차려놨는데 부엌에 가서 먹어라! 나중에 굶어 죽었어요. 안먹었어요. 먹으면 사는데. 똑같은 겁니다.

Do those who attend the revival just go home without effect?As you learn and pray, you must be able to cast out demons, be able to pray, and have greater faith.When you plant a church by the grace of the Lord, God will send the Saints one by one to your church.Later your church will grow larger.According to those who attend the meetings of the practice pastors, they are called meetings of the ministers who practice.But through their meetings, pastors do not really learn about the practice of ministry.If so, what good is their meeting? For example, a meal is set before a hungry man, but if he does not eat it, he starves to death.Just as the body dies without eating, souls that do not eat spiritual food must die.Both body and soul are in the same principle.

그래서 이 성령의 능력을 덪입힘받는 자들은 인내하는 자들이에요.

능력 그냥 받는줄 아세요? 멸시천대 다 받아요. 멸시천대받고, 이단삼단이요, 삯군이요, 거짓선지자니, 입에 담지 못할 말을 다 들어요. 그래도 묵묵히 가는겁니다. 성령은 성별의 영, 하나님의 영이기 때문에 그 영을 받아버리면 나는 살수가 있다!

So those who receive the power of the Holy Spirit are those who are patient.Do you think it is easy to receive the power of the Holy Spirit? Those who want to receive the Holy Spirit, You will be despised and ignored.We were treated as heresy, treated as false prophets, and insulted heavily. But we must go forward boldly. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of holiness, the spirit of God.Those who have received the Holy Spirit can live more holy lives than they used to be!

그리고 그 영받으면 왕노릇할 수 있다! 그 영을 받으면 왕노릇해요. 어떻게 귀신을 결박하고 바람을 그쳐요? 여러분 성령의 사람은 바람을 멈추고 태풍도 그치게 합니다. 비도 멈추게 합니다. 지금도 똑같아요. 그런데 그런걸 자랑하면 안되요. 예수님이 하시는 겁니다 여러분은 예수님만 높이세요. 살아도 예수, 죽어도 예수, 먹어도 예수, 예수 예수 예수!! 이 자가 예수의 종이며 예수님의 백성입니다.

And those who receive the Holy Spirit can live as kings over the demons! Those who have received the Holy Spirit can bind the evil spirits and end the winds.The power of the Holy Spirit stops the wind, stops the typhoon, stops the rain.Even now, the power of the Holy Spirit is the same.When the Lord's power is revealed through us, we should not boast of ourselves.All power belongs to Jesus, all miracles are performed by Jesus.Only exalt Jesus.When we live, we must exalt Jesus; when we die, we must exalt Jesus only.We should thank Jesus when we eat. Jesus Jesus Jesus! Such are the servants of Jesus, the people of Jesus.

아버지의 이름을 부르는 그 자에게 구원이 있어요. 아버지는 창조주에요. 우리 육신의 아버지는 아무것도 못해요. 우리 영의 아버지는 뭐든지 하실 수 있습니다. 하나님은 뭐든지 할 수 있는 분이다!

Those who call on Heavenly Father's name are saved.Heavenly Father is the only Creator.What can a physical father do for his children?The fleshly father cannot save the souls of his children.The Creator, our Father, can do anything.

여러분들이 이 집회를 통해서 행동으로 옮겨야만이 이 집회가 성공하는 집회가 되는 겁니다. 여느 집회처럼 은혜만 받고 끝나면 안됩니다. 은혜요 3일만 가보세요. 다 쏟아요. 딸 아들 남편 아내 이웃 교인들이 속 썩이고 은혜받고 와서 다 쏟아요. 약을 올려가지고. 어쩌구 저쩌구! 그러면 복이 막 진짜 져나가요 그리고 귀신이 차고 들어와요.

Through this worship today, the words of the Lord you have learned should be practiced in your life.Only then will this worship be a truly successful service.When you hear God's Word of God and do not apply it through your life, the Word of Grace will soon disappear from your heart, and after three days it will disappear.Your daughters and sons, husbands and wives, your neighbors and your congregation will upset you.At this time, all the words of grace you have received can be poured out.At this point you must endure everything.This is the practice of the word of the Lord.If you are unbearable and indulge in them and fight, your blessings will disappear.And the evil spirits that have gone out will come back into you.

원망 불평할 때 광야에서 불뱀을 보낸 것처럼. 불뱀이 영적으로 귀신입니다. 그래서 은혜받고 내려가게 되면 입을 닫아야 되요. 입이 얼마나 무서워요. 그래서 잠 8:21절에 죽고 사는 것이 혀의 권세에 있나니 입을 쓰기를 좋아하는 자는 그 열매를 먹으리라.

When the Israelites contended with resentment, in the wilderness, the Lord sent them fire snakes.The fire snakes that came to them spiritually symbolize evil spirits.Thus, those who have received the word of the Lord's grace must be very careful in their words in the world.Do you know how much the words in your mouth are affected and important? So Proverbs 8:21 says.To die and live depends on the power of your words.Those who frequently use the words of the tongue are to eat the fruit from it.

은혜받았으면 누가 나를 공격해도 사랑해! 성령받고 나서 달라졌어! 그래 맞아봐라! 그래도 사랑해! 주님이 살아계셔! 미쳤나봐 진짜! , 너 따라 교회갈테니까 정신 좀 들어봐라! 참는거에요. 은혜받은 자가 참지 못해서 축복을 다 놓쳐버리는 겁니다. 실컷 은혜받고 성령충만받아서 내려가다가 쏟아버리면 무슨 소용있어요? 그래서 일평생 부흥집회 좇아다니다가 아무것도 할 수 없는 겁니다.

Those who have received the word of the Lord's grace must forgive and endure those who attack you, for your own sake."But I will love you." Your heart should say like this.At this point they can attack you more severely. "Hey, do you think you have received the Holy Spirit and have changed? Then I will make you more troubled. You are really crazy."And they will tempt you like this."When you come back to worldly habits, I will attend your church with you,Please wake up."You must go through these temptations.Many have lost their blessings after receiving grace, failing to withstand Satan's temptations.If you pour it after being filled with the Holy Spirit, it is eventually nothing.That is why there are many who go to revival meetings throughout their lives but who do not receive the Lord's blessings.

은혜받았으면 순종하세요. 입을 다무세요. 마음을 잘 지키세요. 4:23절에 무릇 지킬만한 것보다 더욱 네 마음을 지키라 생명의 근원이 이에서 남이니라! 마음을 지키면 살고 지키지 못하면 죽는다는 겁니다. 그래서 항상 주님은 사람을 통해서 역사하세요. 어린아이를 통해서도 역사하세요. 듣는 자는 산다 이거에요. 그래서 좋은 것은 받아들이고 나쁜 것은 버려버리십시오. 그래서 삼가 누구에게든지 악으로 악을 갚지 말게하고 선으로 악을 이기고 항상 선을 좇아라!

Those who receive the Lord's grace must obey His word.Do not blame slander others.Keep your heart well Proverbs 4:23 means this. It is important to keep your heart more than anything else to keep, for the source of life comes from your heart.This means that if you keep your heart, you live; if you don't, you die.So the Lord always works through the heart of man,He works through little children.This means that those who hear the word of the Lord and obey always live.So we all have to accept the good, but the bad must always be defeated. So do not repay evildoers with evil deeds. We must overcome evil with good deeds and always follow good!

항상 기뻐하라 쉬지말고 기도하라 범사에 감사하라 이는 그리스도 예수안에서 너희를 향하신 하나님의 뜻이니라! 이 세가지가 하나님의 뜻입니다. 그런데 기뻐합니까? 집에가서 또 싸워야지. 은혜받았으니까 열심히 퍼내야지. 귀신을 퍼내세요.

Rejoice always; pray continually. Give thanks to the Lord for everything. This is God's will for you in Christ Jesus! These three truths are God's will.But are we all happy at all times? Does anyone go home and fight? When you receive the Lord's grace, do your best to do good, cast out demons.

축복이 임하면 귀신이 떠나게 되어 있어요. 축복이 오면 기쁨이 오기 때문이에요. 축복이 없고 저주속에 사는 사람들은 귀신의 소굴입니다. 그래서 여러분들이 기뻐해야 된다는 겁니다. 기쁨은 빛이에요. 항해하는 사람들이 배가 파손되면 빛을 보기 원합니다. 빛은 기쁨이에요. 기뻐하는 자는 사단이 역사하지 못한다. 그래서 주님이 항상 기뻐하라. 그래야 귀신이 안들어간다. 그런데 이 소리 듣고도 집에가서 대판 싸워요. 은혜받았다고 하면서 또 쏟아버리고. 일평생 은혜받았다가 집에 가서 쏟고 이래서는 안되는 겁니다.

When the blessings come upon you, evil spirits will depart from you. For joy comes when blessings come.Those who are in a curse without blessing automatically become demonic dens. That's why you all have to be happy all the time.Joy is light,When the sailing ship is broken, most of all, they want to see the light.Light is joy.Satan cannot work on those who rejoice. So the Lord says,Rejoice always, my people. Doing so will prevent evil spirits from entering you.Even if you hear this, will you fight, at home?After everyone has received the Lord's grace, it must not be poured out, for this purpose, I bless you all.Throughout life, There are many who repeat the life of pouring out after receiving the Lord's grace.From now on no one should be such.

하나님의 말씀은 일점일획도 변하지 않아요. 땅에 떨어지지 않습니다. 그래서 순종하면 다 이루어지는 것이 이 약속의 말씀임을 깨닫기를 주의 이름으로 축원합니다. 36500가지의 약속은 다 이루어지고 있어요. 그 약속이 최종적으로 회개하라에요. 그러면 내가 천국으로 인도하겠다! 그 자가 알곡입니다. 지금은 누가 알곡이라고 아무도 얘기하지 마세요.

The word of God cannot change a point or a stroke, it does not fall to the ground.That is why when we obey his words, all his promises are fulfilled in our lives.I hope everyone realizes this. So I bless everyone in the name of Jesus.The 36,500 promises in the Bible are all being fulfilled.The final goal of his promise is for his people to repent."When you repent, I will lead you to heaven!"This is the heart of his promise.Those who repent are grain before the Lord.While living on earth, no one can be confirmed as grain. Until the end of life on earth, only those who obey and repent are recognized as the final grain.

왜 지옥에 이렇게 기도 봉사 전도잘하고 주의 종 잘 섬겼던 자들이 있지요? 자기 의를 드러낸거에요. 하나님은 은밀한 중에 보시는 하나님께서 갚으시리라! 마음으로 진실로 우러나서 해요.

There are so many in Hell who have only prayed, served in the church, evangelized in the streets, served many of the Lord's servants, and went to church for a long time.What is the reason?They all went to church to reveal their own righteousness.God sees what is done in secret and repays in heaven.We must be careful when we do everything.The Lord's people are to work for the Lord with willingness and sincerity.

그런데 마음에서 안일어나면 하기 싫어요. 성도들끼리 있다가는 어슬렁 어슬렁 하다가도 누구만 나타나면? 담임목사만 나타나 보세요. 갑자기 빨라져요. 정신없어요. 목사님들도 하나님이 그렇게 보인다면 열심히 하지 않겠어요?

When people do not want to do in their hearts, it is very difficult to work for the Lord.These will never work hard while they are with ordinary members.Then, when the pastor appears before them, their actions suddenly accelerate and become diligent.These do not have right faith.When pastors acknowledge that God is always reading their minds, they will work diligently for the Lord with sincerity of heart.

그런데 지금 목사들이 술마시고 담배피우고 음란하고 얼마나 많아요? 엄청 많아요. 주님이 뭐라는지 아세요? 내 종들이 타락해서 내 백성이 타락한다! 음풍이 불고 있다. 음풍이 뭐에요? 음란한 바람이에요. 얼마나 무서워요. 주의 종들이 음란하고 타락해 버리고.

Now many pastors are drinking, smoking, and doing obscene things. The Lord is pointing out this matter.Because my servants, pastors, are fallen,The members of the church are worse off.Obscene spirits are blowing in the church. Obscene acts are taking place among God's people. How terrible will this filthy fashion bring?Now, the servants of the Lord are more lewd and degenerate.

아니라고 하면서도 누군가 마음속에 들어와 버리면 안빠져요. 기도할때도 안빠져요. 제발 좀 나가라고 해도 안빠져요. 여러분 명령해야 돼요. 그거 귀신이 들어온 거에요. 생각을 타고 들어온거에요. 악하고 더러운 귀신은 떠나라고! 그때 금식하면서 주님 용서해 주시옵소서! 영적음란이나 육적음란이나 지옥가게 되어 있어요.

Contaminated pastors and members deny that they have a perverted heart.But once a dirty thought enters their minds, it does not disappear well.Obscene thoughts remain in them as they pray.Even if you say "please go out," obscene thoughts remain in them.For obscene evil spirits came in and settled in them.Those who are in this situation must command the evil spirits of perversion very strongly.It is the result of a powerful devil coming into you, when you long for something dirty. Command the filthy demons to leave you.If not, fast and pray. Pray for the Lord to forgive that sin.Both the sin of spiritual lewdness and the sin of physical lewdness bring you to hell.

그리고 나중엔 병들어요. 음란한자는 몸밖에 드러난다고 했어요. 자궁암으로 무슨 병으로 희귀병으로 드러나요. 소문이 납니다. 그렇게 바람피더니 결국 저렇게 됐구나! 다 드러나요. 믿는 자가 이런 소식이 들리면 하나님영광 가리는 겁니다.

And those who cannot stop this sin are eventually to obtain diseases and accidents.For the Bible warns us that the consequences of obscene sin will eventually be revealed out of his body.The result is uterine cancer or STDs or other diseases. At such times rumors spread about them."He did a lot of lewd things, and the end result was that."When those who believe in Jesus are thus destroyed, his rumor eventually covers the glory of God.

여러분은 예수만 위해 살기를 주의 이름으로 축원합니다. 예수밖에 없어요. 그래서 예수 떠나면 아무도 살 수 없는게 뭐냐면 예수는 사막의 오아시스입니다. 사막에서 오아시스를 만나지 못하면 다 죽어요. 약대도 사람도 죽습니다. 오아시스는 생명과 같은거에요. 우리에게 오아시스가 있다면 날마다 농사짓고 부유하게 살 수 있어요.

All of you, to live only for Jesus, I bless you in the name of the Lord. Jesus is the only savior. That is why no one who leaves Jesus can live.Jesus is like an oasis in the desert.When crossing a wide desert, those who do not meet the oasis eventually die. Both camels and people die if they miss an oasis.Oasis is like life. Those who live in a large oasis can farm and always live a rich life.

예수님이 우리 심령속에 있다고 믿어진다면 여러분들은 풍요롭게 살 수 있어요. 아무것도 없지만 주님이 모든걸 가졌기 때문에 타서 쓰면 되는거에요. 그런데 뭐하러 주의 종들이 끌어다 쓸려고 그래요? 많이 모아놓고 쓸려고 그래요. 주의 종들은 주인한테 타서 쓰세요. 이것이 종의 역할입니다.

Jesus is in our hearts. Those who believe in and depend on Jesus can live in abundance. Even though he possesses nothing, when he is supplied with everything from the Lord, he is living a life of no shortage. Because Jesus has everything, those who are in Him are rich in everything.Why, then, are servants of the Lord trying to over-own and try to pile up much in his storehouse?The Lord's servants are to receive everything from Jesus. This is the role of the servant of the Lord.

종이 주인 재산 쌓아놓고 쓰는 것 봤어요? 필요할때마다 주인님 주시옵소서!하면 주님이 주시게 되어 있어요. 그런데 종들이 왜 이렇게 많이 갖고 있죠? 권력이 물질이 하나의 힘입니다. 그래서 여러분들이 이걸 버려버리고 성령충만받아 예수위해 사시길 주의 이름으로 축원합니다.

Is it right for a servant to think of the master's property as his possession, to lay it full, and to use it at his disposal? The servant is right to ask and receive his master whenever he needs it. The Lord is to supply to his servants in due time all that his servants need. But aren't the servants of the Lord taking too much money? Power and many possessions are a kind of authority. You must abandon this greed. We must always be filled with the Holy Spirit, throw away worldly greed, Only live for Jesus.

20:22 이 말씀을 하시고 그들을 향하사 숨을 내쉬며 이르시되 성령을 받으라.

John 20:22 And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.

너희가 성령을 받아야 나를 위해 죽을 수가 있는 것이다! 백날 나를 좇는다하지만 지식가지고는 갈 수 없다. 성령받으면 내가 너희를 지켜줄 것이고 죽은데에서도 용기를 줄 것이고 내가 함께 하리라! 28장에서도 세상 끝날까지 내가 너희와 항상 함께 할 것이라! 성령이에요.

What is the meaning of this passage?You can die for me when you receive the Holy Spirit!Many say they follow Jesus, but they cannot follow the Lord to the end with simple knowledge.It is possible when we receive the Holy Spirit.The Holy Spirit will keep you to the end,When you die, it will give you courageThe Lord walks with us directly. In Matthew 28, I will always be with you until the end of time! He is the Holy Spirit.

성령은 변하지 않아요. 전능자 하나님의 영이에요. 그래서 성령받으면 입을 열어 명령만 해도 귀신이 떠나고 병과 가난 저주가 떠나게 되어 있어요. 안믿어지니까 이런 것들을 하지 않아요.

The Holy Spirit never changes.The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Almighty God.So when the one who has received the Holy Spirit opens his mouth and commands,The demons are gone, sickness, poverty and curse are to go away.Because this truth is not believed, many Lord's people cannot do this work.

근데 귀신이 어디 있냐구 그래요. 천국가세요 그러면 아, 가봐야 알죠 그럽니다. 이 믿음가지고 절대 천국 못갑니다. 천국은 확실히 믿어야 가는 곳에요. 천국은 믿음으로 가는 나라에요. 그래서 하나님의 말씀이 믿어지면 믿음의 말씀이 뭐에요? 죄를 지었으면 회개하라! 믿음이 있는 자가 회개하는 겁니다. 여러분들은 주님앞에 철저히 회개하시고 성령받아 주님의 음성을 듣기를 바랍니다.

Many church members think this way.The demons do not exist.As we preach the gospel, explain heaven.In this case, they say,Only when I enter into heaven can I acknowledge the existence of heaven.Those who have this level of faith can never enter heaven.Those who surely believe in the reality of heaven are to enter into heaven.The place where those who live with the word of God with clear faith enter is heaven.What does the word of God point to us?This is the heart of the Lord's word. Those who have sinned repent of their sins.Those who believe in this Word of God, all repent of sin.You must thoroughly repent before the Lord, so you must receive the Holy Spirit and go to heaven. May you all listen carefully to the voice of the Lord.

그래서 성령받아야지 다른거 필요없어요. 지식 다 필요없습니다. 세상지식 필요없어요. 4:6 내 백성이 지식이 없어 망하는도다! 이것은 하나님말씀을 다 버리는겁니다. 너희가 나를 버렸으므로 너희 자녀들이 제사장이 되지 못하게 하리라! 이것은 목사 자녀들도 버려버린다는 겁니다. 목사 자식이라고 천국가요? 아니오. 하나님말씀의 지식을 담고 순종해야지요.

That is why we must receive the Holy Spirit. Others are not needed. Simple Bible knowledge is not important. We need the filling of the Holy Spirit.No need of knowledge of the world.Hosea 4: 6, My people perish because they lack knowledge! But This means to abandon the word of God and disobey the Lord.The Lord says "Because ye have forsaken me, I will not let your children be priests."The meaning of this word is that God throws away the pastor's children.Can they go to heaven because they are pastors' children? no.With the word of God in their hearts and obeying it, they go to heaven.

술먹고 비틀거리는 이런 제사장의 말을 듣는다는 겁니다. 그래서 구약에서는 술취해서 성막에 들어오면 죽여버렸어요. 그래서 제사장에게 끈으로 묶고 말방울을 달았어요. 죄 때문에 죽으면 끈을 잡고 끌어냈어요.

At that time the people were listening to the drunken and staggered priest.So in the Old Testament, when a drunken priest entered the tabernacle, God killed them.So the bells were attached to the priest's garments, and the strings were attached to the priest's ankles and entered the Most Holy.When the high priest died in the Most Holy, it was to pull his strings outside and to draw the dead to the outside.

그런데 지금은 술먹고 담배피우고 단에서고 맘대로 해요. 음란하고 단에서고. 회개치도 않습니다. ? 구원을 받았다고 배웠으니까. 이건 지옥가는 복음인걸 깨닫기를 바랍니다. 그래서 성령을 받아야 성경을 해석할 수 있고 성경을 먹일 수가 있는 겁니다.

Many pastors now drink, smoke, and go up to the pulpit to preach. Some pastors live their own way.They live a lewd life and preach. And they do not repent of their sins. Why? Do they act like this?For they have learned that they are already saved, the confirmation of salvation.He who preaches these false sermons goes to hell. Thus, those who have received the Holy Spirit can interpret the Bible correctly, and the minister who has received the Holy Spirit can teach the people the Lord's will correctly.

그런데 다들 뭐해요? 계속 책만 봅니다. 책만 읽은 분들 예수가 얼마나 나옵니까? 솔직히 자문자답해 보세요. 유명한 책 읽은 것 그것 설교때 얼마나 얘기합니까? 그건 생명이 아니에요. 성경만이 생명의 말씀입니다. 이 책이 바로 생명의 떡인데 하늘에서 온 인자가 생명의 떡이라는 겁니다.

But what are the pastors doing for their ministry?Pastors are doing their best to read various books.Can they meet Jesus when they read many human-written books? It is impossible.How can pastors who do not know Jesus teach Jesus to their members?These ministers should confess honestly to themselves the facts of their faith.Many pastors read famous books and teach their congregations about them when they preach.But such sermons can never save souls and have no life in them.Only the Bible is the word of life.The words of the Bible are the bread of life.This means that Jesus, the Son of man, who came from heaven is the bread of life.

하나님이 주신 약속의 말씀, 이것이 생명이에요. 예수가 생명의 떡이라는건 예수의 말씀이 생명의 떡이라는 겁니다. 그 말씀을 지켜 행하는 자는 살 것이요 행치 않는 자는 죽을 것이다. 이렇게 구조가 되어 있어요. 한번 죽는 것은 사람에게 정하신 것이요 그 후에는 심판이 있으리라! 9:27

죽음직전까지 주님을 믿어야 되요. 그래서 숨넘어가는 사람 끝까지 좇아가서 예수믿어야 되요,

God's promise word, this is life.To say that Jesus is the bread of life is that His words are the bread of life.Those who live by the words of Jesus will live, But he who does not act according to the word will die. This principle is a Bible lesson.Hebrews 9:27,Everyone must die once, and after death all are to be judged.We must believe in the Lord until we die.So when there is a dying person, As far as possible we cannot give up even such ones.Until his last moment we are to preach Jesus to him.

주님이 창조주에요, 어디서 와서 어디로 가는지 좀 깨달아 보세요, 진짜 예수님 계신다고요! 그리고 그 사람 마음이 움직이면 믿음이 들어가면서 울어요. 죽음앞에 있는 자는 모든걸 잃었잖아요. 다 허무하다! 그런데 주님이 계신다고. 내가 왜 하나님을 찾지 못했지! 아버지 찾는 순간에 그들에게 회개의 영이 임하면서 그들이 구원받게 되어 있어요.

Tell him that Jesus is the Creator. Tell him where humans come from and where they are going. Let him realize that God rules over everything. Indeed, Jesus is a living God, When you tell him this truth, he may realize it. When the person is touched by the Holy Spirit and has faith, he sheds tears of repentance. He who is before death knows that he has already lost everything. He deeply feels the vanity of life. When he realized that the Lord was alive, He confesses to himself, Oh, I was so stupid. Why did I not know God's existence? At the moment he calls Heavenly Father, The spirit of repentance enters him, and his soul is to be saved.

이들이 바로 나중된자가 먼저 되는 것입니다. 교회에서도 신앙생활 오래 된 자들은 먼저 된자들인데 시간이 갈수록 태만해져요. 하기 싫어져요. 그래서 주님께서 첫사랑을 회복하라! 느슨한 행위도 완전히 구조조정을 하라는 겁니다.

Someone who comes later gets ahead.Those who attend church for a long time have come first.But among these, there are those who become more lazy as time passes, not zealous for the work of the Lord. So the Lord speaks to these people. Restore your first love! Those who have been loosened in the practice of the Lord's will must be alert.They must awaken their own lives.

여러분도 양떼를 가르칠 때 단호하게 가르쳐야 됩니다. 사랑속에는 채찍과 당근이 있어요. 무조건 좋아, 잘했어 이거 아니에요. 지옥보내는 겁니다.

Ministers should firmly teach the flock the Lord's will.There are two elements in God's love, the whip and the carrot.Pastors should never praise church members unconditionally.When church members do wrong, they are to be strongly rebuked by the word of the Lord. For they have to forsake their sins and repent.If church members have sinned and only listen to unconditional praise, they all have to go to hell because they do not feel the need for repentance.

잘못된건 잘라주고 열매맺게 해 줘야 되는겁니다. 그런데 교회마다 책망이 사라졌어요. 주님이 그걸 외치라는데. 책망하는 종이 없다는 겁니다. 양떼를 돈으로 보는겁니다. 나가면 안되요. 저 사람 돈이 얼만데. 다 속아요. 주님은 거기 역사하지 않아요.

The role of ministers in the church should correct the wrong lives of the saints and lead them to bear fruit of love. But now churches do not reprove the sins of the saints.The Lord commands pastors to point out the sins of the saints.But few of the Lord's servants reprove the sins of the saints.This is because pastors convert the number of members into money.They think that when the Saints leave his church, the profit of the church is lost.They are not concerned about the souls of the saints repenting and going to heaven, and the pastors want a lot of money into the church.Many pastors are deceived by Satan.The Lord does not work in this fallen church.

사람은 많이 보내줬는데 다 쭉정이들인데 뭐할건데요? 맨날 목사가 선대해주고 비위맞춰주고 괜찮아 괜찮아 그러다가 나중에 지옥자식이 되는데. 주님은 내 자식을 바로 가르쳐라 아니면 내 보내라!는 것입니다. 그런데 교회에서 잘못한다고 과연 보내는자가 얼마나 있어요?

The Lord sent many to the churches, but the ministers made most of them false beliefs.The Lord does not need fake believers.The ministers did not rebuke the sins of the saints, but rather encouraged the physical temper of the saints."Oh, you are good, good."Since this condition persisted,Most of the church members became hell people.The Lord commands pastors."Teach my children correctly. If you can't do that,You must let the members of your church go to another church." But are there churches doing this?

그냥 놔두면 그 사람 하나로 인해서 얼마나 악한 영이 역사하는지 아세요? 부모를 대적하고 술먹고 교회를 막 때려부셔버리고, 와서 욕해버리고 그래도 내버려 둬요. ? 그 가족들 때문에. 아니요 그 사람은 퇴출시켜 버려야 되요.

When there is a very wicked person in the church, through him, demons make the whole church very confusing.The wicked ones oppose their parents, get drunk, break down the church,Badly insulting others.Yet many churches do not remove these wicked people. Why do the churches do it?For the church thinks of his family. But doing so is wrong. Such a person should be removed from the church.

부모를 대적하고 자식을 말씀으로 키우지 못하는 것 다 저주받을 짓이에요. 아들이 엄마를 때리면 조용히 불러 너 나가! 그래야 됩니다. 저는 내보냅니다. 내보내면 다시 깨닫고 돌아오는 사람이 있고 어떤 사람은 안돌아오는 사람이 있고. 다시 돌아오는 자는 깨닫고 말을 잘 들어요.

It is a sin that a child opposes his parents, and that a parent fails to raise his children by the word of God.If the child hits his mother, the pastor must push him out of church.When there is such a person in our church, I make him leave the church.When I do this to them,Some of them repent and come back. But some do not repent or return to church. Those who return are humbled and obey the word of the Lord.

성령의 능력을 덪입히지 않으면 담대함이 없어요. ? 나도 빨리 모아서 큰교회 해 보고 싶네! 뭐가 큰교회에요? 알곡이 있는 교회가 큰 교회입니다. 수천만을 끌어가도 쭉정이가 많으면 큰교회가 아니에요. 알곡이 있는 교회가 큰 교회가 되는 겁니다. 생각을 바꿔야만 주님께 인정받는겁니다. 여러분은 뭘 가르치길 원해요? 알곡을 키워요 알곡을. 쭉정이도 예수를 채워주면 알곡이 되는거에요.

He who does not receive the power of the Holy Spirit cannot have bold faith.What is the cause of it?These pastors themselves want to gather people quickly and have a big church.What is the value of a large church without grain?It is not worth anything.The church with the believers of grain is the spiritually great church.No matter how large the church, if all the members have false faith, the church has no value before the Lord.The church that raises wheat is recognized as a large church.Only by changing your mind are you recognized by the Lord as a grain.

What do you want to teach?Grow grains, grains.When the pastor fills Jesus with those who have false faith, they also turn into grains.

다른거 아니에요. 성경공부 백날 필요없어요. 기도시키고 성령받게 하고 말씀대로 살라고 가르치면 그게 알곡되게 되어 있어요.

Don't care about anything else. Studying the Bible alone has no meaning.The minister should make the people pray, repent, and receive the Holy Spirit. Those who practice the word of the Lord are grains, not shells.

말씀 줄줄줄 수천절을 알면 뭐할것입니까? 이전에 성경을 세계 5개국어를 말하는 통역관이 있었다고 그러잖아요? 그런데 나중에 예수를 안믿어요. 그 사람은 먹고 살기위해 예수파는 자에요. 이런자들 많아요. 가수들도 캐롤송을 하나님 믿지 않으니까 부릅니다. 자기 소득이기 때문입니다. 교회서도 성령받고서도 욕심이 들어가면 예수를 팔아먹는다고요.

If anyone memorizes every passage of Scripture, what is it worth? There was a sermon interpreter who translated the Bible into five languages. However, he later does not believe in Jesus. He went to church to make money and became an interpreter. He used Jesus to earn money.

There are many of these in the church. No. Some singers sing a lot of carol songs. But the singer does not believe in God. What value does the song have? The singer praises God to make money, even without loving the Lord. In the church, even those who have received the Holy Spirit are greedy, and he throws Jesus to gain the world.

열두제자 중에 가룟유다는 도둑놈이었어요. 연보 빼 먹고. 나중에 깨닫고 돌이켰지만 자살해 버렸어요. 자살하면 결단코 천국 못가요. 성령께서는 끝까지 그를 건지시려고 했어요. 예수님이 이땅에 육신으로 오셔가지고 끝까지 살리시려고 회***려고 얼마나 애를 썼어요? 그 분이 영으로 오셨는데 마찬가지에요.

Of the twelve, Judas Iscariot was a thief.He was in charge of the offering, he stole God's money.He later regretted his sin, but committed suicide.Those who commit suicide can never enter heaven.At that time, the Holy Spirit tried to deliver him to the end. Jesus came to earth in the flesh, striving to repent and save Judah.He now came to us as a spirit. He is working the same as it was then to save us through repentance.

자살하려고 하는 자들에게 자꾸 마음을 줘요. 자살하면 안된다. 자살하면 안된다! 그런데 교회에서 자살하면 지옥가지 않아 이렇게 배웠으면 힘든데 자살하지 않겠어요? 이런 목사는 지옥의 자식이에요. 그래서 성령을 받고 성경을 깨달아야 되요. 내 스스로 죽는건 자살이에요. 맞아죽으면 타살이에요. 예수믿다가 타살당하면 천국이지만 자살하면 지옥입니다. 생명이 얼마나 귀한데요.

To those trying to commit suicide, the Lord gives them a heart not to commit suicide. "You must not commit suicide. Do not commit suicide."

Nevertheless, in the church, pastors teach members that even those who commit suicide can go to heaven. Because the Saints learn this wrong, many congregations choose to commit suicide when faced with difficult circumstances. The ministers who teach this wrong are the ones who go to hell. That is why everyone must receive the Holy Spirit and understand the Bible correctly. Whoever kill himself commits suicide, But in order to preach the gospel, it is a martyr who is killed by others. If you are killed for Jesus, you will go to heaven. Those who commit suicide go to hell. The Lord values ​​human life very much.

여러분은 성령충만받고 진실로 주의 일을 감당하려고 나가시길 바랍니다. 성령충만받지 않고 나가봐야 헛거에요. 맨날 시험들어요. 그래서 성령충만받지 않고 나가가지고 교회 전화가 오는 사람이 있어요. 전단지 받아가지고. 무슨 욕을 하냐고. 한마디 했더니 대판 싸웠다고. 이런 사람은 전도하면 안되요. 전단지 가지고 얼마나 화를 낸데요.

After all of you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you must do the work of the Lord. Problems arise when those who are not filled with the Holy Spirit preach the gospel in the streets. These people spray the Church's leaflets on the road, fall into temptation, and call me. For some have slandered his evangelism. So he cursed and fought each other on the road with people passing by. Such people cannot yet evangelize. He went out to preach the Lord, but when his pride was slightly offended, He is annoyed and unbearable. So those who are not filled with the Holy Spirit cannot accomplish God's will.

좇아가서 전단지 주면 안받는다고 하면 당신 예수믿고 천국가야지 왜그래? 욕하면 니가 나한테 밥사줬냐? 그러면서 대들고 싸우고. 이러면 전도가 되겠어요? 그러면 다음 기회에 한번 읽어보세요. 안녕히 가세요! 이래야 될텐데 금방 죽일 것처럼.

When distributing gospel leaflets on the road, there are those who do not like to receive them.Such ones should not be forced to receive it. Do not say this way."Oh, you have to read this and go to heaven. Why don't you try to receive this? This is only for you."Do not fight this way, with the people on the road.This method has no effect, but rather quarrels.Say this way."I'm sorry to you.When you have time, read this once. " And "Goodbye!"

목사님들이 잘못 가르쳐서 그래요. 왜냐하면 강권하여 내 집을 채우라! 그걸 어떤 목사님들은 이렇게 해석했어요. 때려서라도 끌고 오라! 강제로라도 끌고 오라. 권하라는 겁니다. 예수님이 하나님이시다! 석가모니 공자도 사람이다. 예수님만이 인간의 모습으로 우리죄를 위해 피흘리셨으니 예수믿어야 삽니다! 이렇게 간절히 권하고 사정해야 될텐데 말안들으면 때려서라도 데라고 오라고 합니다. 여러분들은 이런 자가 되지 말고 성령의 음성을 듣고 가야 됩니다.

The cause of this problem was that pastors had taught the church members wrongly.The Bible says that Encourage people to fill my house with people!Some pastors misunderstood this passage, in this way."When people refuse to come to church, you beat them and drag them! Forcedly drag them to church."This is a very wrong way. Say this to unbelievers. Jesus is God Himself! Buddha and Confucius are also people.Jesus is God in human form.He shed His blood for our sins. So we all are saved when we believe in Jesus! In this way we should earnestly exhort and persuade them.No one should intimidate unbelievers and forcibly bring them to church. You are not to be like this,Instead, we should work according to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

성령은 온유한 영이에요. 성령을 받아 들여야 어서 오시옵소서 성령님! 그래야 만이 오시는 분입니다. 마음이 강퍅한 자에게는 성령이 오시지 않아요. 마음이 부드러워야 되요. 어떤자? 회개하는 자. 말씀을 사모하는 자, 말씀에 동역하기를 원하는자, 이자에게 성령이 임하시게 되어 있습니다. 여러분 성령, 그 분만 받으면 끝이 나는 겁니다.

The Holy Spirit is a gentle spirit. When my heart welcomes and desires the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit comes into me. He does not come to those who hate the Holy Spirit.The Holy Spirit does not come to those who are hard-hearted and proud. So the hearts of all of us must be soft.What does it mean to be soft in mind? Gentle minds are repenters. Longing for the word, Who is in partnership with the word of the Lord.

The Holy Spirit is coming to these people.He who receives the fullness of the Holy Spirit is the most precious life.

만왕의 왕, 예수가 나에게 오셨는데 뭐가 겁나냐 이거에요. 죽으면 그 분이 건져서 천국으로 던져줄 것이고, 살아있는동안 필요한걸 다 주실텐데 뭐가 걱정이에요? 여러분은 예수만나세요. 그분이 성령이에요. 그 분이 하나님의 영이에요. 오셨는데도 안받아들여요. 마음이 강퍅한 사람들은 마음을 빨리 풀어야 되요. 그런 자는 절대 성령 안들어와요.

Jesus, king of kings, came to me. So we are not afraid of anything. If we die now, Jesus immediately takes us to heaven.While we live on earth, the Lord supplies us with everything we need.We do not have to worry about anything. All of you must meet Jesus. He is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God.Many have not received the Holy Spirit even though the Holy Spirit has come.Hardened people should soften their hearts quickly.The Holy Spirit never comes into the hardened heart.

강퍅한 마음은 바위에요. 바위위에 씨앗이 떨어지고 가랑비가 내렸는데 뿌리를 내렸는데 햇빛이 나 보세요. 물기 마르면 다 죽습니다. 마음이 돌짝밭인 사람은 말씀이 떨어지지만 얼마 안가서 말라 죽어버리는 겁니다.

Hard and evil hearts are like rocks.When a seed falls on a rock and rain falls on it from heaven, the root of the seed comes out.Then when strong sunlight shines on it, the plant dries out.Like this, stone hearts have learned the word of the Lord, but soon the word of the Lord is gone from their hearts.

옥토밭이 되어야 되요. 옥토밭은 회개하고 말씀을 있는 그대로 받아들이는 자에요. 그리고 아멘해 보세요. 30 60 100배가 나타나게 되어 있어요. 이것이 성경이에요.

Our heart should be like a soft field. The fertile field is the heart of repentance, the heart of accepting and practicing the word of the Lord.So we all must be obedient to the word of the Lord, responding with amen. Then we can reap 30, 60, and 100 times the fruit of what we plant and obey.This is the teaching of the Bible.

예수님의 이름으로만 하는겁니다. 간편한걸 가지고 자꾸 돕니다. 그래서 나중에 돌다보니까 예수가 없어지는 겁니다. 다 버려요.

We are to do everything in the name of Jesus.The Lord's people are to keep this principle at all times.Many leave this simple truth and follow the false path.When God's people miss the truth and wander in the world,Later, Jesus is lost in their hearts. Forsake all ways other than Jesus.

그래서 성경을 보고 성경을 파야 생수가 나오게 되고 생명을 얻게 되는겁니다. 여기 있는 목사님들은 진실로 생수를 파세요. 파고 파고 또 파면 더 깊은 곳에서 생수가 나와요. 장마철에 땅 파보세요. 다 물나와요. 그런데 장마철 끝나고 다 말라버려요. 깊이 파야 물이 나와요. 성경을 깊이 깨닫는자만이 예수를 알 수 있어요.

That is why those who read the Bible a lot and study it deeply will receive the Lord's water of life.Pastors, Truly dig deeply the fountain of living water. Dig and dig and dig deeper to obtain the water of life. In the rainy season, when you dig a pit, you can get water anywhere. But at the end of the rainy season, the fountain dries out.Deep springs, on the other hand, do not dry out, and water always springs up.Likewise, only those who study the Bible deeply can realize Jesus deeply.

예수가 누구에요? 하나님이에요 전능자에요. 우리위해 죽으신 분은 예수밖에 없는걸 깨닫기를 축원합니다. 그래서 우리는 오직 예수만 전해야 되요. 죽어도 예수만 전해야 되요. 누굴 만나도 예수만 전해야 되요. 만나가지고 뭐하려고? 중을 만나도 깡패를 만나도 복음을 전파해야 되고 칼을 맞으면서도 복음을 전파해야 되요.

Who is Jesus? Jesus is God Himself, Almighty.Only Jesus died for us, and I bless you to realize this.Thus we must preach only Jesus.Even when death comes, we preach only Jesus.No matter who you meet, you need to preach only Jesus.When we meet with monks and thugs, we must preach the gospel to them.Even though we are stabbed by weapons,We must preach the gospel to those who hurt me.

이 자가 바로 성령충만한 자에요. 죽음을 두려워하지 않아요. 그러나 성령충만 떨어지면 죽음이 두려워요. 이 목숨 때문에. 그러나 성령충만 받게 되면 아무것도 두렵지 않아요. 그래서 주님이 날 위해 죽으려면 십자가를 지려면 성령충만을 받으라! 우리는 모두 성령충만받고 주님오시는 그날까지 목숨바쳐 일하시길 바랍니다.

Those who live this way are full of the Holy Spirit.Those who are filled with the Spirit are not afraid of the coming of death.But when the fullness of the Holy Spirit disappears, he is afraid of death.The Lord died for me.So we too must take our cross for the Lord.Those who preach this gospel should always be filled with the Holy Spirit.All of us will always be filled with the Holy Spirit and lay down our lives and work for the Lord until the day of His coming.

3:5 예수께서 대답하시되 진실로 진실로 네게 이르노니 사람이 물과 성령으로 나지 아니하면 하나님 나라에 들어갈 수 없느니라.

John 3:5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.

물은 세례를 말하는 겁니다. 세례받고 나서 구습을 끊어야 되는겁니다. 근데 세례받고 나서도 술먹고 담배피우고 음란하고 오락하고 주일을 범하고 잘하는 짓입니다. 거듭나지 않으면 새사람이 되지 않으면 하나님나라에 들어갈 수 없는 겁니다. 내 옛사람은 수장되어 죽었고 물에서 나오는 순간 예수와 연합하는 것이 세례에요.

Here water symbolizes baptism.The purpose of baptism is to cut away worldly habits.But many, even after baptism,They are drunken, smoking, obscene, indulging in worldly entertainment, and not worshiping God on Sunday.These are the ones who are not born again by the Holy Spirit.Those who are not changed into new men can never enter the kingdom of God.My bad habits of my past are to be abandoned in the water.The moment my body comes out of the water,I was united with Jesus From now on, Jesus lives in me. This is the purpose of baptism.

주님과 연합했으면 주님의 뜻을 좇아가야되는 것입니다. 주님은 이건 하지 말라는데 이걸해요. 그러면서 연합했데요. 분리된겁니다. 새사람이 되지 않으면 지옥가는 겁니다. 구습 악습 버려야 되요. 그래서 예수믿었으면 새사람이 되어야 되고 많은 사람에게 칭찬들어야 되는겁니다. 그렇게 술먹고 싸움하더니 이젠 안하네! 동네에서 소문나고 예수 잘 믿는다고 칭찬듣게 되어 있어요.

Those who are united to the Lord must be those who follow His will.But many baptized do things the Lord forbids. Yet they claim to be united with the Lord.Those who do not follow the will of the Lord are separated from Jesus.Those who do not turn into new life are all going to hell.Give up evil habits you have done before.Those who believe in Jesus must have a new life and receive praise from others.When a drunken, quarreled man believes in Jesus and then gives up his wicked life, rumors of his change spread far.The beautiful change of life must be shown as baptized evidence.

고전4:1에서도 맡은 자에게 구할 것은 충성이라!

근데 충성이 사라졌어요. ? 세례는 받았는데 창피하니까 그냥 믿음없이 받았어요.

1 Corinthians 4:1 This, then, is how you ought to regard us: as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the mysteries God has revealed.

But among the baptized people of God, few are loyal. Why? For they were baptized without faith.

믿고 세례를 받아야만 구원이 이루어지는거에요. 약속의 말씀을 믿고 세례받은 자는 죄를 끊게 되어 있어요. 주님이 싫어하는건 끊게 되어 있어요. 이 자가 거듭난 자에요. 성령받았으면 주님은 죄를 싫어하세요. 죄를 막 지을 때 성령께서 마음을 아프게 하세요. 그때 주님 용서해 주시옵소서!하고 끊어야만 거듭나는거에요. 근데 맨날 도둑질해, 맨날 모텔가. 이게 무슨 성령받았어요?

When you believe in Jesus and be baptized, your salvation is accomplished.Those who believe the word of promise and are baptized struggle to end his sins.Such a person is born again by the Holy Spirit.The Lord hates all kinds of sins.When we try to sin, the Holy Spirit hurts our conscience.Then we must wake up and pray like this.Lord, forgive my evil heart.Those who forsake sin are born of new life by the Holy Spirit.How can we say that those who steal all the time and are indulged in worldly pleasures have received the Holy Spirit?

성령받은 자를 하나 쓰러뜨리면 얼마나 귀신이 좋아하는줄 아세요? 성령받으면 주님의 인침을 받은자에요. 그런데 성령받고서도 술먹고 담배피우고 음란하고 제사지내고 잘한다 잘해!

When the demons corrupted one of those who received the Holy Spirit, They feel great pleasure,Those who have received the Holy Spirit have the seal of the Lord.Nevertheless, those who have received the Holy Spirit are drunk, Smoking, living obscenely.These should be turned away from these sins quickly.

음란한 자들이에요 우상숭배하는 자는. 말도 안듣잖아요. 그러면서 자기 생각으로 제사음식먹어도 괜찮아! 성경 어디에 제사음식 먹어라고 했어요? 사도바울이 언제 고린도전서에 우상제물을 먹어도 괜찮다고 했나요? 사도바울이 정확히 그걸 정의한 것이 행 15:29절에 나와 있어요. 우상의 제물과 피와 목매어 죽인 것과 음행을 멀리 할찌니라 이에 스스로 삼가면 잘 되리라 평안함을 원하노라 하였더라.

Obscene, idolaters, these are not willing to listen to the word of the Lord.These people live according to their ideas, eat the food sacrificed to idols, and do not regard it as sin.They say this way."Ah! Where is the Bible written not to eat sacrificed food?"They are opposed to the truth.

The apostle Paul Exactly, in Acts 15:29. Do not eat the sacrifices offered to idols, the blood, and the meat that was hung and killed.Do not be obscene.When you keep this, you will prosper.I want you to be at peace.

사도바울은 정확히 썼는데 섞어서 그거 먹어도 괜찮아! 우상제물먹으면 저주가 와요. 우상제물 먹을 때 귀신이 합법적으로 들어오는 겁니다. 주님이 진노하게 되어 있어요. 이게 영적음란 간음이에요. 간음한 이스라엘백성들이여! 이것이 뭔데요? 우상숭배한 자들입니다. 주님의 진노를 받게 되어 있어요.

The Apostle Paul wrote exactly about this.But many misinterpret the Bible and lie.Oh, it's okay to eat the food dedicated to idols.Never is it.Those who eat the offerings of idols are to be cursed of God.To those who eat food devoted to idols,The daemon is supposed to enter him legally. The Lord is very angry with those who eat the food given to idols.

For it is spiritual adultery.The Lord called the Israelites an adultery nation.This is because the Israelites worshiped idols.Thus they experienced much of the wrath of the Lord.

그런데 성령받고서도 그 짓을 지금도 해요. 목사가 앞장서서 해요. 성도들을 지옥에 보내는 악한 자들. 자기들만 지옥가면 되지 왜 불쌍한 성도들까지 지옥으로 끌고가냐 이거에요. 지옥에서 고통당하는 자들이 얼마나 많은줄 아세요?

But even after receiving the Holy Spirit, many continue to commit such sins. Rather than church members, the pastors are doing this.These ministers are wicked men who send the saints to hell.The wrong pastors will have to go to hell alone.However, these pastors take the church members to hell together. There are so many of these in hell.

그래서 지옥얘기하면 이단 삼단이라고하면서 지옥얘기 하지 말래요. 우리는 이미 천국간 사람들이야 천국얘기나 하지 지옥이 필요없데요 자기들한테는. 어리석은 자들. 지옥이 무섭다고 들어봐야 죄를 정리하고 다 천국으로 가지! 지옥이 안무서운데 피할길이 있어요?

Therefore, these pastors are very disliked to hear about the reality of hell.To those who preach the realities of heaven and hell, these pastors say that they are heretical.They are very reluctant to acknowledge the reality of hell.They say:"We are already confirmed as citizens of heaven.Therefore, we only hear words about heaven, not words about hell. "These are so foolish.Those who realize that hell is scary can repent of their sins.Only those who repent go to heaven.Those who do not know the reality of hell are not afraid of sin and hell.

지옥이 무서워야만이 성령에 감동받게 되면 성령의 뜻을 따라서 새사람이 되는겁니다. 이것이 성령과 물로 거듭남이에요. 거듭남이 뭔지? 새사람이 되는겁니다. 세례받고 성령받고 새사람되어야 되고. 새사람이 그냥 되나요? 주님의 말씀에 순종해야만 새사람이 되는 겁니다.

He who fears hell, when he is moved by the Holy Spirit,Live according to the will of the Holy Spirit and become a new life.This is to say that they are born again by the Holy Spirit and water.Do you know what it means to be born again?It means to be born into a new life. We must be baptized, receive the Holy Spirit, and become new people.Does anyone become a new person because they are in church?It cannot be so. Only those who obey the word of the Lord become new.

교회다닌다고 새사람되는게 아니라 성령의 영감받고 순종해야 되는겁니다. 무슨 소리하냐 이거에요. 그러니까 목사는 목사대로 타락하고 교인은 교인대로 타락해서 지금 이방인과 똑같잖아요?

Since you have been in church for a long time, it is not new life.Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, those who obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit are the newly transformed.You should not say any theory other than this.Many ministers and saints are fallen because they do not receive this truth.The life of God's people now and the lives of Gentiles are about the same. Both are fallen.

하나님믿는다고 하지만 예수믿는 자들이 이방인들과 똑같이 타락해 버리는겁니다.

그냥 믿으면 구원받는데? 과연 그게 가능할까요? 아닙니다. 그럼 왜 이땅에 저주가 있어요? 구원을 받았고 이루어졌으면 저주가 떠나가야 되는겁니다. 구원은 죽어서 천국가야 이루어지는거에요.

Many say they believe in God,But their lives are the same as the Gentiles,The children of the Lord are to give up their fallen lives.They know that if they only attend church, they all go to heaven unconditionally, Is it possible? no. This is a huge illusion.If that is right, why are curses coming to the members of the church?If you are already saved, your curse must go away.After you die, when you arrive in heaven, then your salvation is accomplished.

그래서 안디바가 우상숭배하는데서 거부하니까 죽은 것입니다. 우상숭배하면 살려줄게! 나의 구주는 예수한분이야 그러고 죽었어요. 믿음을 저버리지 않았어요. 끝까지 인내하는 믿음없이는 지옥가는 겁니다.

So Antipas was martyred. For he refused to worship idols in places where worshipers had many.Idolaters had suggested to him. "If you worship our idols, we will not kill you."But Antipasconfessed. My savior is only Jesus.So he was eventually martyred.He did not abandon his faith. All who have no faith of patience until the end are to go to hell.

그런데 목사들이 괜찮데요. 죄를 지어도 구원과는 상관없고 상급이 없데요. 이게 무슨 목삽니까? 삯군, 거짓선지자이지. 악한 자지. 이건 목사가 아니고 독사의 새끼지. 하나님의 말씀을 물어뜯어가지고 형제를 지옥보내는 어리석은 자들이지. 그들은 차라리 안믿는게 나아요. 예수님 팔아먹는 행위입니다.

Nevertheless, the pastors say this is okay.Even if you sin, it has nothing to do with salvation,Only sinners are not rewarded in heaven. This is the claim of fake pastors.How do you think these pastors were qualified? These pastors are fake Lord's servants, false prophets. Evil ones.These are not pastors, but vipers.These ministers are those who pervert the word of God and send God's people to hell, fools.Such people would better not believe in Jesus.These are those who sell Jesus to make money.

그리고 성령시대 끝났다고 합니다. 성령시대 끝났으면 다 귀신의 밥이에요. 성령을 받아야만이 귀신을 내쫓을 수 있고 장래일을 알 수가 있다고요. 주의 마음을 알 수 있어요. 성경 깊은뜻을 알 수가 있어요. 지식으로 안되는겁니다.

And they say that the age of the Holy Spirit is over.If the age of the Holy Spirit had ended, now we would all be demons food. Only those who have received the Holy Spirit can drive out evil spirits and know the heart of the Lord.When the Holy Spirit is filled, we can know the deep meaning of the Bible.It is impossible through human power and knowledge.

지식적인 목사와 성령충만한 목사를 여기 갖다 놨어요. 지식적이 목사는 아주 설명은 앞에서 잘할 것입니다. 성령충만한 목사는 설명을 못해요. 뭘 알아야지. 아는건 오직 예수밖에 없는데. 지식적인 목사는 세계모든 도서를 나열하면서 줄줄줄 명설교 할 것입니다.

What are found when a knowledgeable pastor and a Spirit-filled pastor are in one place and compare one another?A knowledgeable pastor can explain everything well in front of people.On the other hand, a minister filled with the Holy Spirit cannot explain well.All he knows is Jesus.

A knowledgeable pastor will preach like flowing water, quoting books of all kinds around the world.

그런데 성령충만한 목사와 싸움이 붙었어요. 그런데 갑자기 어떤 사람이 귀신이 들려가지고 나왔어요. 목사님! 그렇게 말씀을 많이 아시니까 이 귀신 좀 쫓앚주세요! 아 그때는 초대교회 귀신이고! 싹 빠져요. 그런데 성령의 목사님은 이 더러운 귀신아! 예수이름으로 떠나라! 다 떠나게 되어 있어요.

But the two types of pastors have a great difference in spiritual power.

What happens when each minister meets a demon-possessed person?The knowledgeable pastor answers:This is not the time for demon to be kicked out. It was possible when the early church.But the minister of the filling of the Holy Spirit does not say so. He commands demon.This dirty demon! Go out, in the name of Jesus.That demon must go out of that person immediately.

여러분 실력은 상대가 있을 때 드러나는겁니다. 지식적인 목사 되지 말고 성령의 목사 되세요.

주님이 들어가면 귀신이 물러난것처럼 성령의 사람, 믿는자라면 그런 사건은 지금도 나타나게 되어 있어요. 초대교회 사건은 지금도 계속 이어지는거에요.

When you meet a task that cannot be solved by human power, it reveals what your faith is. Do not be a knowledgeable pastor. Be a full pastor of the Holy Spirit.Where the Lord enters demons are driven out of there.If you are a man of the Holy Spirit, Satan is driven out now, as in the early church, by the name of the Lord.The power of the Holy Spirit never ceases.

여러분 성령충만받기가 쉬운줄 아세요? 다른 사람 잘 때 여기 집회 나와가지고 기도하고 찬양하고 춤추고 울고 불고 기뻐하고 이렇게 하다가 받는거에요. 밤이 맞도록 기도하고 쓰러지면서 받는거에요.

Do you think it is easy to be filled with the Holy Spirit?It's not easy. When others are sleeping,Those who pray, praise, dance, repent, rejoice in the Lord, and do this will be filled with the Holy Spirit.You pray the whole night, sometimes tired and fall down.When you pass this training, you are finally filled with the Holy Spirit.

그런데 지식적인 목사는 가만히 앉아가지고 메모나 실컷 해가지고 그러니 얼마나 힘들어요. 그걸 내놓기 위해서 줄줄줄하는 겁니다. 그러니 지식적인 목사들은 우리목사님 대단하다! 진짜 하나님이 쓰시네. 얼마나 똑똑해! 그런데 성령의 목사 만나보세요. 진짜 무식하네! 무식하니까 보이지 않는 귀신 내쫓고 그러지요. 장래일을 얘기하지요.

But the knowledgeable pastors are sitting and taking notes. This style does not pray, praise the Lord, or repent.They try to take notes and remember human knowledge in order to show off to others.They want to be praised by his members."Oh, our pastor is really great, God's servant who is pleased with God. He is very smart!"But the minister of the Spirit is very different from that.But those who are filled with the Holy Spirit are to cast out evil demons in the name of Jesus and to know the future.

성령의 사람만이 사는겁니다. 하나님의 아들 예수께서 왜 다른신을 담지말고 성령을 받으라! 그리고 천국가셨다가 영으로 오셔서 우리와 함께 하시겠어요? 성령의 종들이 되시길 바랍니다. 이런 자만이 살아요.

Only those who receive the Holy Spirit live forever. Jesus, the Son of God, said,Do not put other thoughts in your heart, but receive the Holy Spirit! Jesus went to heaven after commanding his disciples.And the Holy Spirit is back on earth and is with us.The Holy Spirit is Jesus, God Himself.I want you all to be servants of the Holy Spirit.Only those who have received the Holy Spirit live forever.

그래서 돌아가시면 아이가 열병이 납니까? 감기든 어쨌든 뭐든 무조건 머리에 손얹고 기도부터 해 보세요. 그리고 귀신쫓아요. 이 더러운 귀신아 예수 이름으로 명하노니 열병을 가지고 떠나!! 해 보세요. 그러면 신기하게 떨어져 나가요. 귀신이 열병을 일으키면 기도하고 약을 먹든지 뭐하면 되잖아요? 먼저 약부터 먹지말고. 나도 한번 주님의 이름으로 해 보자! 다 돼요. 믿으면 돼요.

So when you go home, do this.Do your children have a fever? At this time, place your hands on your children's heads and pray and command.This dirty demon, go away. Whether cold or any disease, you command them.When you do that,They are amazingly gone.when demon causes fever,Pray first. After that, you can take the medicine.I will do it once in the name of the Lord! When you make this decision, it happens in your reality.

이러면서 주님이 살아계시다고 충고할 수가 있어요. 말 안듣는 자식한테도 너 봐, 너 주님한테 걸린 것 있어! 하나님이 치료하시잖아! 너 또 그러면 나중에 귀신들어온다. 그러면 아, 귀신이 있구나! 그러면 다시 그때부터 성경이 다시 보여지게 되어 있어요.

Through the Lord's power and healing, you can testify to others that the Lord is alive.After making disobedient children feel the presence of the Lord,When you teach God's will to your children, the effect of evangelism is great."God healed you like this, so you must repent before the Lord."If you continue to sin and do not repent, a demon will enter you. When your children realize the reality of the devil, their spiritual eyes open, to them the Bible begins to be understood.

영의 눈을 가려보세요. 사복음서 전부 귀신얘기에요. 그런데 어떤 사람은 성경 읽어도 귀신얘기를 못 하는거에요. 귀신이 눈을 가려버려요. 전부 귀신얘기에요.

Who have spiritual eyes open,You can see that all four Gospels are written about demon.Nevertheless, many people don't know about demons even if they read the Bible many times.The reason is that demon hides their spiritual eyes.The Bible writes a lot about evil spirits.

주님께서 이땅에 오신 것은 마귀의 일을 멸하러 오셨어요. ? 많은 백성들이 귀신에게 속아서 지옥으로 끌려가니까. 이 마귀를 멸하고 쫓고 우리를 건지기 위해 오신겁니다. 이게 영적비밀이에요. 목사님들은 무조건 귀신쫓으며 자녀들을 건져야 되요. 믿는 교인들 건져야 됩니다. 근데 뭐한다는거에요?

The purpose of the Lord's coming to earth was to destroy the works of the devil.But so many people are being deceived by demons and led to hell.The Lord came to destroy these demons, drive them out, and deliver us from death.This is a spiritual secret.Those who believe in Jesus must unconditionally cast out demons and deliver all their children from it. Pastors should deliver his members from demons. Most churches, however, are unable to drive out demons.

기도하면 된다니까요. 제자들이 뭐라고 했어요? 우리는 어찌하여 귀신을 쫓아내지 못합니까? 기도외에 다른 것으로는 이런 유가 나갈 수가 없느니라!

When we pray, everyone can do this.Jesus answered his disciples. The question of the disciples was this.Lord, why don't we drive out the demons?The Lord said,"Other than praying, these evil spirits do not go away."

여러분 기도하지 않으면 깨어있지 않는거에요. 기도하는 자가 회개터지고 회개하는 자가 깨어 있는거에요. 깨어있는게 뭐에요? 내가 지금 죄인인지 의인인지 분별하라는 겁니다. 내가 죄인임이 발견되어 지면 회개하고 주님한테 돌아오라는 겁니다. 너희는 의를 행하라 의를 행치 않으면 범죄하는 것이다!

Those who do not pray are sleeping spiritually. When we pray, we can repent of our sins, and those who repent are awake from spiritual sleep.What does it mean to be awake from spiritual sleep?I am now discerning whether I am a sinner or not.When I am conscious that I am a sinner, I can repent and return to the Lord.The Bible says."All who do not always do all righteousness are all sinners."That is why everyone should live a life of repentance.

하나님 일 잘하다 목마르면 갑자가 나가서 막걸리 한잔 퍼마시고 이게 다 불법이에요. 술먹으면 안되요. 그래서 엡 5:18절에도 술취하지 말라 이는 방탕한 것이니 오직 성령의 충만함을 받으라! 성령충만받으면 술제어가 되요.

Do those who did God's work drink alcohol because they are thirsty?

This is a life that breaks the law of the Lord.In Ephesians 5:18,"Don't get drunk, this is a debauchery.Only be filled with the Holy Spirit! "Those who are filled with the Spirit can overcome the temptation of alcohol.

내년에 제 나이가 60인데 애기처럼 이렇게 뛰겠어요? 성령충만받으면 뛰면서 찬양하는겁니다. 제가 내려가면 부축하고 가요. 어제도 부축하고 내리고 올라오고 했습니다. 그런데 단에 서면 주님이 잡아주세요. 성령의 힘이에요. 그러면 막 뛰어요. 어찌 몸이 가벼운지요. 그런데 내려가면 주님이 추를 잔뜩 달아줘가지고 얼마나 힘든지 몰라요. 교만할까봐 변질될까봐.

My age is high.But I can run strong, like a young man. Because of the filling of the Holy Spirit, I am praising and jumping like this.But when I finished my sermon and descended from the pulpit,I have no strength, and I need to be supported by others.Yesterday I came up with support, went down with support. But every time I stand in the pulpit, the Lord gives me powerful strength.This is the power of the Holy Spirit.I feel my body very light.So when I preach, I can run like a child.But at the end of the sermon, my body feels very heavy. It's like heavy weights hanging over my body.Why does the Lord do this to me?It is to keep me from being proud.

주님이 저한테 사랑하는 종아, 너는 변질되지 마라! 내 종들이 다 변질됐다 변질됐다! 변질되면 지옥이다! 너는 지옥의 소리를 들으면서 네가 변질되어 지옥갈까 걱정하라! 그래서 주님이 제가 변질될까봐 추를 주렁주렁 달아주고 단에 올라오면 또 풀어주시고 그런 것 같아요. 얼마나 신기한지 몰라요.

The Lord said to me:My dear servant,You never change! Many of my servants were corrupted. Everyone who is perverted must go to hell! You must always be careful not to go to hell, listening to the cries of those in hell. It seems the Lord hung a heavy weight on my body, to prevent my fall. So when I preach on the pulpit, the Lord removes the heavy weight from my body, When my sermon finishes, it hangs on my body again.This is very amazing to me.

내려가면 어떻게 할까? 그런데 단에 서면 주님이 잡아 주세요. 이것이 성령의 역사인걸 깨닫길 축원합니다.

그래서 예수 예수 예수하면 성령이 나한테 막 와요. 주의 이름을 부르는 자는 구원을 얻으리라! 시간은 다 갔고 할 것은 많고 어떻게 할 수가 없네요.

But at the moment of leaving the pulpit, my strong power is gone. Only as I preach in the pulpit, the Lord holds me strong. This is the work of the Holy Spirit, I wish you all to believe in the work of the Lord.When I call Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to me full.The Bible says.All who call on the name of the Lord are saved! The sermon is time to finish. But there is still much to preach.How should I do this?

그래서 여러분 성령받으면 됩니다. 성령 그냥 받는게 아니에요. 회개할 때 받는거에요. 설교할 때 말씀을 사모할 때 받는거에요. 그리고 회개하고 세례받을 때 받는거에요. 그리고 전혀 기도할 때 받는거에요. 그리고 성령충만한 종이 머리에 안수할 때 받는거에요. 다 이렇게 연결되어 있어요.

So you all need to be filled with the Holy Spirit.The filling of the Holy Spirit is not received without effort.It is given to anyone who repents.And the Lord gives us the Holy Spirit when we listen to sermons and read the Bible with a desire for His word.And the Holy Spirit comes to us even when we repent and are baptized.And the Holy Spirit comes when we are fully immersed in prayer.When the servant of the Lord, filled with the Holy Spirit, lays hands on the heads of the saints, the Holy Spirit comes to them.The work of the Holy Spirit is connected like this.

성령충만받았으면 이제 내려가서 진실로 주의 영광위해 일하세요. 실천신학 백날 하면 뭐할건데요? 들었으면 써먹어야지요. 세미나 백날 다니면 뭐할건데요? 들었으면 와서 이제 파야지. 농사군이 세미나 가서 파종하는 것 배웠어요. 그런데 돌아와서 옛날 그 방식대로 농사짓고 있어요. 소득이 안나옵니다.

Those who are filled with the Holy Spirit must then live for the glory of the Lord. It is no use studying many theories of practical theology and not practicing it.If you have studied, you should practice it in your life.It is not worth it to attend seminars every day.Does the farmer study at the seminar and sow seeds?They sow seeds in the fields.Those who attended the seminars hardly returned to their homes and are still following a corrupt lifestyle.So they cannot bear new fruit.

배운대로 땅을 깊이파고 고추를 심었으면 물을 쫙 빼줘야지요. 물깊은데는 고추가 다 녹아버려요. 지금까지 왜 고추가 썩는가 봤더니 물이 많아서 그렇구나! 그러면 고랑을 깊이 파자. 그러면 고추가 탄탄하게 열릴텐데 아이고, 세미나는 세미나지 뭐! 그러면 허탕치는 겁니다.

For example, a person who knows how to farm digs furrows when growing peppers.When the drainage is well in the pepper field, the roots of the pepper do not rot. If the farmer had failed in the meantime because he did not know this principle, then after realizing it, this principle must be practiced."Ah, from now on I'll have to drain the pepper field well."When the farmer does this,His pepper cultivation will be successful.From then on his furrows will be deeply dug and bear much fruit.If he ignores what he has learned at a seminar and still follows his old way, his learning is in vain.

여러분 들었으면 그것부터 실행하세요. 여기서 성령충만받았잖아요? 그러면 가서 아픈자가 있으면 예수이름으로 귀신아 떠나! 명령하세요. 그러면 여러분 다 사는 것이고 자녀, 교회가 사는겁니다. 그래서 귀신들이 교회를 장악하지 못하도록 만들어야 돼요.

When you hear the word of the Lord, you must practice it in your life.Through your life of practicing the word of the Lord, you are filled with the Holy Spirit.When you meet the sick, put your hands on the patient and pray, cast out the demons in the patient in the name of Jesus.

When you command in the name of Jesus, the Lord drives out the demon.Then you, your children, and your church are free from the forces of darkness. By practicing the word of the Lord, you must keep the church from demons taking over.

그래서 여러분들은 이 영적비밀을 알고,기도하면 더 강한 놈이 와요. 하나님이 붙여서 더 강하게 만듭니다. 그래서 이땅에 있는 동안 계속 피곤하게 만들어요. 기도하다가 기도쉬어 보세요. 귀신이 뜯어 먹으려고 난리칩니다. 아프고 문제가 터지고 난리나요. 주님이 계속 기도하라 기도하라는 그 뜻이에요. 죽일려고 붙이는게 아니라 훈련시키려고 붙이는 겁니다.

When you realize this spiritual mystery, pray and practice it, More powerful demons will come to you. God is sending those demons to you. Through them the Lord makes your faith stronger. If you stop praying, the demons try to kill you through the opportunity.Your body is more painful, and many difficult problems are issued to you.This is what the Lord causes you to continue to pray.The Lord is not trying to kill you, but to train you stronger.

그러니까 기도하다가 쉬지말고 계속 기도해요. 저녁에 새벽에 또 돌아다니면서 기도하고. 내가 몸이 아파 침상에 누워있으면 누워서라도 기도하세요. 그런데 그걸 꼭 율법적으로 일어나서 무릎을 꿇고 아파서 죽겠는데. 주님이 이런다고 기도받는게 아니에요.

So do not rest in prayer, live a life of continuous prayer.Pray in the evenings, at dawn, and when you roam. Pray even when you are sick and lying in bed.Do not think of your prayer life in a legal way.Those with weak knees must not kneel and pray.The sick can lie down and pray. The Lord does not see the appearance of praying, but the true heart of those who pray.

이 모습 이대로 받으세요. 병들어 징계받아 침상에 누웠으면 누워서 주님 용서해 주세요! 울면서 기도하는 겁니다. 그러면 주님이 받으시는거지요. 주님은 육체덩어리를 받으시는게 아니라 영의 소리를 받으세요. 우리 영이 우리의 생명이에요.

Pray like this.Lord, you already know my situation, Please accept me as I am.Many are in the sick, subject to the discipline of the Lord, They should pray to the Lord while lying down, crying, and ask the Lord for forgiveness.Seeing your true repentance, the Lord gladly forgives your sins.The Lord does not receive the appearance of the flesh, but the voice of our spirit. For our spirit is our life.

그러니까 아무것에도 걸리지 말고 꼭 이게 맞겠지 아니라니까요, 성경을 보고 하나님말씀대로 가면 편한거에요. 진리를 알찌니 진리가 너희를 자유케 하리라! 성경을 알아야 자유하는겁니다. 그래야 율법도 떠나는겁니다. 아니면 다 율법적이에요.

So do not be deceived by any human words or thoughts.Do not follow human theories.We must all read the Bible and follow God's Word."Know the truth, and the truth will set you free!"Only when we realize the Bible are we free.When we realize the truth, we can escape from legalism.Those who do not know Bible truth are all human beings under legalism.

아파죽겠는데 무릎꿇고 기도해야지. 하나님앞에 기도하는데 그게 뭐야? 그런 사람 만나면 난리가 납니다. 누워서 하나님 아버지 하면 아휴 무릎 꿇어야지! 하나님이 누구신데? 아니에요. 주님은 우리 아버지에요. 아니 딸이 병들어 죽게됐는데 일어나서 인사해! 그런 아버지가 있나요? 육신의 아버지보다 하나님이 더 사랑이 많으신 분이에요.

It is never evangelical for a person with a weak knee to kneel in prayer.This proves that they are under legalism.You all should not listen to these legalists.If you follow such a person, you eventually fail in constant prayer.Legalists do not tolerate prayer without kneeling.They do not know the heart of God.The Lord is our Father.For example, when your sick daughter is lying in bed, greeting you.Can't you forgive it?"You, stand up, and say hello to me."You do not say this to your children.God is more loving than a physical father.

여러분 사랑의 관계를 모르면 율법에 잡혀 있어요. 주님은 사랑이세요. 주님은 말안들으면 때리기도 하시고 아빠 잘못했어요! 그러면 싸매시기도 치료하기도 하세요. 주님은 그런 분이세요.

Everyone ,Those who do not know the true meaning of love are held under legalism. The Lord is love. When the children disobey, the Lord disciplines them.But when the children acknowledge their mistakes and repent, the Lord is willing to forgive and heal them. The Lord is full of love.

김양환 목사, 덕정사랑교회

Pastor Kim Yang-hwan, Deokjeong Love Church


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