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  제  목 : 1/2 Don't fall, those who lose the chance of repentance go to hell! 타락하지 마라, 회개의 기회를 잃어버리면 지옥이다! 조회수 : 986
  작성자 : Barnabas 작성일 : 2020-03-23

타락하지 마라, 회개의 기회를 잃어버리면 지옥이다!

(설교자: 김양환목사 )

Don't fall, those who lose the chance of repentance go to hell!

(Preacher: Pastor Yang-Hwan Kim)


여호와여 우리의 죄악이 우리에게 대하여 증거할찌라도 주는 주의 이름을 위하여 일하소서 우리의 타락함이 많으니이다 우리가 주께 범죄하였나이다

Jeremiah 14: 7. Although our sins testify against us, do something, Lord, for the sake of your name. For we have often rebelled; we have sinned against you.

예수믿으려면 목숨을 걸어야만 되는 것입니다. 목숨을 아깝게 생각하니까 주를 위해 죽을 수가 없는 겁니다. 사랑교인들은 목숨을 내놓아야만 같이 갈 수 있습니다. 예수가 구세주로 믿어지는 자, 천국이 믿어지는 자만이 끝까지 믿음을 지킬수가 있습니다.

Those who believe in Jesus and want to go to heaven must lay their lives down for the Lord. Those who value their lives more than the kingdom of the Lord can never die for Jesus. I hope the saints in our church will lay down your life for the Lord. Only those who believe in Jesus as the Savior, those who believe in the reality of Heaven, and those who keep their faith to the end can go to Heaven.

주기철 최권능목사님이 왜 신사참배 안하고 죽었을까요? 예수가 확실히 구세주라고 믿어졌기에 목숨을 던진 것입니다.

어영부영 하다가 지옥가지 마십시오. 타락하는 순간 멸망을 자처하는 겁니다. 타락하지 마세요. 회개할 기회를 잃어버리면 지옥입니다.

In our country, why did Pastor Joo Gi-Chul and Choi Kwon-Neung martyrdom and refuse to worship Japanese idols? Because the two pastors clearly believed that Jesus was the Savior, they threw their lives for the Lord. believing in Jesus formal without faith means going to hell.If anyone falls into world, they are willing to perish.Don't fall.If anyone loses the chance to repent, he has no choice but to go to hell.

12:16-17 음행하는 자와 혹 한 그릇 식물을 위하여 장자의 명분을 판 에서와 같이 망령된 자가 있을까 두려워하라

너희의 아는 바와 같이 저가 그 후에 축복을 기업으로 받으려고 눈물을 흘리며 구하되 버린 바가 되어 회개할 기회를 얻지 못하였느니라.

Hebrews 12: 16. See that no one is sexually immoral, or is godless like Esau, who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son. 17. Afterward, as you know, when he wanted to inherit this blessing, he was rejected. Even though he sought the blessing with tears, he could not change what he had done.

음행한자가 누굽니까? 에서입니다. 그는 장자의 명분을 팔아 먹었어요. 이게 왜 음란이 될까요? 말씀을 거부하고 세상을 잡아버린 겁니다. 세상 잡지 말아요. 오직 예수 잡아요.

예수 안에서 순종하면 세상을 지배할 권세와 능력을 다 주신다고 신28장에 기록되어 있습니다. 왜 다른걸 잡으려고 합니까?

Who has been obscene? Esau practiced spiritual obscenity.Esau is the one who threw his birthright for food.Why is this an act of obscenity?Because he rejected the word of God and loved the world more.Do not attach to the things of the world.Only depend on Jesus and hold onto.Those who obey in Jesus receive authority and power over the world.This is recorded in Deuteronomy 28. Why do many people try to catch worldly things?

지금 미국의 풀러신학교는 동성연애를 인정해 버렸습니다. 이제 점차적으로 한국으로 넘어올 것입니다. 신학교가 이렇게 부패하고 타락했는데 천국갈자가 얼마나 있습니까? 거기서 배출된 종들이 나와서 동성애를 주장할텐데.

교회마다 추도장례예배 드리면서 저주받고 있는데, 다 병들어 암으로 죽어가고 있는데도, 나는 구원받았어! 그러고 지옥가는데!

Now, Fuller Theological Seminary in America has recognized homosexuality as a normal life. This trend will gradually come to Korea. The seminaries were so deteriorated and corrupted. How many people would go to heaven in this world? Those who graduate from seminary teach the people that homosexuality is right. Each church offers memorial services and funeral services. As a result, many are cursed, cancerous, and dying. Still, they are still mistaken.

"I am already saved!" Their reality was deceived by Satan, going to hell.

아니오, 구원은 이루어져 나가는 것입니다. 하나님편에서는 구원을 십자가에서 이루신 것입니다. 다 이루었다! 그리고 회개한자 주님을 영접한 자에게 성령으로 보증으로 우리에게 인쳐 주는걸 깨닫기를 축원합니다. 이 삯군들 때문에 교회가 타락하고 지옥가는걸 왜 모르냐 이거에요.

We must be alert.Our salvation is done gradually.Because God died on the cross, He completed our way of salvation.Humans believe in the Atonement of the Cross, and when we repent, our sins are forgiven.When I repent and receive Jesus as my Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to me.The Holy Spirit stamps us as children of God.I bless everyone to realize this.Because of these false pastors, the churches are fallen, and the church members go to hell.Why don't many people know the way to salvation?

사랑교인들도 왜 이렇게 변하지 않는줄 아십니까? 그렇게 천국지옥을 보여주시는데도. 천국지옥 그냥 봅니까? 사단과 싸움이 붙어 죽기 아니면 살기로 천국보는데. 여러분 왜 타락합니까? 다른 사람을 위해 살지 말고 자신이 변해야 되는 겁니다.

Some of our church members have not changed.Some do not have clear faith even though God has shown us several times the realities of heaven and hell.It is never easy to see the reality of heaven and hell. Fighting Satan, we are prepared to die and see the realities of heaven and hell.Why do so many church members fall in the world? We are not believing in Jesus for others,The most important thing is to repent and save ourselves.

그렇게 입술 조심하라고 조심하라고. 입을 닫고 있어야 축복도 소리없이 소복소복 소리없이 온다고 해도 다 까발려요. 일은 많이 하고 열심히 뛰지만 뭐가 되요? 주님이 얼마나 책망하는줄 아세요?

That's how I emphasized this.Be careful what you say.Don't rumor about someone else's fault.Do not slander others.This is to prevent your blessing.Don't brag about you.The Lord's blessing is quietly approaching you.But most of them are revealing their service. So, after a lot of hard work, they get no fruit.The Lord is very rebuking this attitude.

이래갖고 천국 가겠습니까? 천국은 회개한자만 가는 것입니다. 물질가지고 교회를 지배할려고 합니까? 여러분이 왕입니까? 착각하지 말아요. 예수의 이름으로 나가는걸 깨닫길 바랍니다. 주의 군기, 예수이름이에요. 예수이름 빠지면 무슨 장난합니까? 다 교회다니고 예수 믿는다 하는데 회개가 빠져서 지옥가는데 무슨 소리 합니까?

Will this kind of faith go to heaven? Only the repentant are going to heaven.Does a person with a lot of money want to rule the church with the power of money? Are you king in the church? Don't be mistaken.I hope everyone realizes that only Jesus' name is great. The flag of the Lord is the name of Jesus. The church that ignores Jesus' name is just a gathering of humans. Everyone who goes to church says they believe in Jesus well.But those who do not repent of sin go to hell.Stop false claims.

지금 치열한 영적전투가 벌어졌는데 아무도 몰라요. ? 먹고 사느라고. 정신차려요. 먹고 사는 것 주님이 주신다는데, 일도 저축도 하면서 하나님 영광위해 살려고 해야 될텐데.

다 예수 믿는다고 입으로는 하지만 뒤에 가면 바리새인 서기관 같은 자들, 겉과 속이 다른 자들, 속이 다른 자들, 이들이 뭘 받겠어요?

Now, a fierce spiritual battle is taking place.Few, however, realize this reality. Why is that?Because everyone is very busy to make money.Everyone must be alert.When we work, obeying the word of the Lord, the Lord gives us food and everything.We must obey the Lord first, and we must work hard and save money.But the most important thing for the Lord's people is to live for the glory of God in life.Everyone's mouth says they believe in Jesus.However, most church members live like the Pharisees and scribes.Many church members are different in appearance and inward.This life cannot be blessed.

주님이 축복하려고 하늘문을 열어도 닫아버리는데. 행위가 온전치못하고 입술을 닫지 못하는데. 다 까발려요. 까발리면 도둑밖에 더 오겠어요? 저 집 부자야, 황금이 있어! 그러면 전세계 도둑들이 몰려오지 누가 오겠어요? 그렇게 축복받는 비결을 가르쳐 줘도 깨닫지 못하는 어리석은 자들.

The Lord is about to bless, but people are closing the door of blessings themselves.It means that many people are unable to self-control their actions and words.They boast themselves.Thieves will come to those who boast of their wealth.The bandits say, "That house is rich, it has gold."When he is rumored, thieves from all over the world will come to him. I have told you many times how to get the Lord's blessing.But there are still some who do not recognize it.

하나님께 순복하라. 마귀를 대적하라. 먼저 순종입니다. 말씀에 순종할 때 마귀는 박살나는 것이며 이땅의 복도 주시는 것이지. 순조치 않고 하나님 주시는 복 받습니까? 사단이 주는 것이지. 사단의 축복 받아보세요. 교회를 해쳐버려요. 나는 장로 안수집산데, 나는 누군데 누군데! 아니에요. 예수외에는 구원자가 없는걸 축원합니다.

The Bible tells us. Submit to God. Oppose the devil.The most important thing is to obey the word of the Lord first.When we obey the word of the Lord, the Devil is smashed, and all blessings are poured out upon us. God never blesses those who do not obey.When the Lord permits, Satan can bless the unrepentant on behalf of God.

Those who have been blessed by Satan harm the church.they say like this;"I am an elder, ordained deacon. Do not ignore me."They become proud and break reconciliation.but there is no other savior besides Jesus. I wish everyone will always remember this

타락한 이스라엘백성들을 보십시오. 우상숭배하다가 저주받아 다 죽었습니다. 그러면서 신앙생활 한다고 그러죠? 200일 작정기도를 깨먹었으면 됐지 300일째도 겨우 턱걸이하고. 그걸 조금 받아가지고 그걸 쏟아 버립니까?

Look at the fallen Israelites.They worshiped idols, cursed, and died. What is the situation of our church now? Is there no one like them?

We had a prayer meeting of 200 days, and another 300 days of prayer.So we realized a little about God's basic will.But are you trying to forget the path of blessing again?

왜 주님이 천국고하 지옥을 적나라하게 전파하겠어요? 예수외에는 구원자가 없다고 아무리해도 듣지 않아요. 자기 스스로 구원받을 것 같습니까? 아니오. 예수피가 있어야 용서함받고 천국가는 것입니다.

The Lord reveals heaven and hell to our church, and preaches it to the world.Why do you think the Lord is doing this?The reason is this, "to preach to the world that there is no other savior but Jesus through us."This news is being preached, but not many have accepted it.Do you think humans can be saved by their own power? Absolutely not. only By the blood of Jesus, our sins are forgiven and we go to heaven.

이 타락한 자들아, 간음한 자들아, 우상숭배 자들아! 회개하고 돌아오라 돌아오라! 회개가 뭔지도 몰라요. 하나님을 떠나 사는 것이 죄가 되기 때문에 회개해야 되는 겁니다. 회개는 주님께 돌아오는 거에요. 열매가 있어야 되요. 죄를 잘라야 되는 것입니다. 근데 똑같이 개처럼 합니까? 사랑교인들은 근신해야 되요. 그신이라는 것은 말과 행동을 삼가야 되요. 근신하지 않고 뭐가 될 것 같나요? 하나님이 열지 않는데. 열었다가 하나님이 닫아버려요. 입술 때문에.

Jesus is crying like this."Repent, you fallen ones, adulterers, idolaters! Come back to me!"But now, many people don't know what Jesus' repentance means.Because life that lives apart from God is sin, everyone must abandon this life and return to the Lord again.We must return to the Lord from evil life, this is repentance.We must have fruit worthy of repentance.We must cut off our sins.However, their lives don't change, like dogs.The people of our church must live with self-control.Living without self-control is failer before God.Those who do not live without patientions cannot be blessed.God does not open the door of blessing to him.For those who are not careful of words, even if there are blessings already given, God removes them again.

의인의 축원을 인해 성읍이 진흥되는 겁니다. 악인의 입술로 성읍이 무너지는 겁니다. 악한자가 누구에요? 자기 자랑하는 자들이에요. 교만한자, 섰다고 자랑하는자, 오직 자기자랑 자기자랑! 자기자랑 했으니 사망이 자기를 둘러 싸 버리는 것이지. 말이 많으면 실수도 많다. 입술이 온전하면 온몸을 굴레 씌우리라! 축복의 말을 뿌리면 축복이 나를 감을 것이고 저주의 말을 뿌리면 저주가 나를 감을 것입니다.

Due to the blessing of the righteous, a city is promoted.Because of one wicked one, a city may collapse. Who is the wicked?Those who boast of themselves are evil, arrogant, and those who consider themselves perfect.Those who exalt themselves and boast are surrounded by the forces of death.He who speaks a lot of his thoughts will make many mistakes.Your own body is suppressed by your own words.When I sow the words of blessings to others, the blessings surround myself.And when I sprinkle the curse, that curse wraps me.

예수가 어디 있어요? 지금 예수 있어요? 교회자랑 목사자랑이지. 어찌하여 하나님을 버려버리고 WCC에 다 가냐 이거에요. 다원주의, 다른 종교 구원있다고. 천주교는 적그리스도에요. 예수를 슬쩍 앞에 내놓고 뒤에서는 우상숭배하는 사단의 종들입니다.

Now, in the churches, is Jesus there?Now, do the hearts of the saints have Jesus?Many churches boast their pastors.Why the churches abandoned God and belonged to the WCC.Do you think there is a way of salvation in pluralism and other religions?Catholic churches are antichrist.Many churches mention Jesus a little, but they worship human theology like an idol.God's people should worship only Jesus.Adding human doctrines and ideas to the gospel is to worship Satan.All of these are Satan's servants

이렇게 깨어있는 자들이 없으니 어떻게 되겠습니까? 그래서 하나님께서 이 조그마한 교회를 세워서 전세계에 회개복음을 외칠 때 이 적은 수를 가지고 뭐하겠어요? 그러나 믿음만 가지면 기드온 300ᅟᅭᆼ사가 미디안 군사 135000명을 때려죽인것처럼 순교의 정신만 갖는다면 여러분이 전세계에 나아가 예수외에 구원자가 없다고 외치다가 순교할 수가 있는 것입니다. 하나님은 수가 많고 사람이 적고 많음에 있지 않아요. 전능자 여호와 하나님 신약의 예수님을 얼마나 믿고 순종하느냐에 달렸습니다.

Now, there are too few people who are spiritually awake.It is a very sad reality.But God wants to set up this little church to spread the Gospel of repentance all over the world.It is a very difficult situation for human thought. But if we have strong faith, we can do everything.Think of Gideon's 300 warriors.God defeated 135 000 soldiers of Midian through a small number of Gideon warriors.If we have the spirit of martyrdom, we can preach the repentance gospel all over the world.We can preach that there is no other savior but Jesus.When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we can be martyred for the Lord.God's power does not require a large number of people. There are few people, many are unrelated to the Lord.When we believe that the Almighty Jehovah God is the New Testament Jesus and obey him, the Lord will use our church greatly.

타락하지 마세요. 지옥이 준비되어 있습니다. 우리 육신이 수명이 있는 동안 회개치 못하면 지옥가는 겁니다. 뭐가 잘났다고 그럽니까? 그렇게 하나님이 경고하고 징계받고 두들겨 맞으면서도. 그래서 루시퍼가 너희는 결단코 축복받지 못하게 하겠다는 말이 뭡니까? 여기는 퍼주고 영혼을 살리기 위해서 축복을 구하기 때문에 루시퍼가 결단코 막는다는데 여러분들이 루시퍼한테 쓰임받으니.

Don't fall. Hell is prepared for the fallen. In the world, if you don't repent while the life of your body is alive, anyone goes to hell. Why do many of them boast of themselves? Why arrogant? There is still God's warning, being disciplined, beaten and beaten, but why so many do not realize the cause? Lucifer says: I will never let you receive the Lord's blessing. When we are blessed, we will awaken and save many souls through that blessing. That is why Lucifer desperately prevents us from being blessed. We all know Lucifer's actions. Nevertheless, some of you continue to be used by Lucifer.

예수를 뭐하러 믿어요? 예수 믿는 목적은 천국가기 위해 믿는 것입니다. 그 이상도 그 이하도 아니에요.

성경 어디에 이 땅에 구원받았다고 했습니까? 구원은 이루어져 나가는 것입니다. 예수님은 구원을 이루셨고 우리는 수고하고 무거운 짐진 자들아 다 내게오라! 주님앞에 나가서 죄를 고백할 때 죄사함받고 천국가는 것입니다.

What is the purpose of believing in Jesus?The purpose of believing in Jesus is to go to heaven. It is neither above nor below its purpose. The Bible does not say that salvation is completed while living on this earth.Our salvation is done gradually.Jesus accomplished the way of salvation and proclaimed:Come to me, all who labor and carry heavy burdens! So whoever confesses his sins before the Lord, is forgiven of his sins and is to go to heaven.

한번 구원은 영원한 구원이라고 착각하지 마세요. 지금까지 지은 죄는 회개하면 없어지지만 앞으로 짓는 죄는 어떻게 할건데요? 그것도 없어 졌습니까? 어떻게 성경을 이렇게 풀어서 편하게 갑니까? 성경은 좁은문으로 들어가라는데. 날마다 나를 살피라는데. 왜 이렇게 썩어진 세상에서 믿음을 지키지 못한단 말입니까? 정신차려야 되요.

Do not say that one salvation is eternal salvation, it is worst illusion. All the sins you have committed so far disappear when you repent. However, the sin you will commit in the future is not solved. We are repenting of our past sins, No one can repent of future sins in advance. How do they interpret the Bible according to their thoughts? The Bible says, "enter into the narrow door." What does this word of Jesus mean? The people of God must always look at their lives, try to obey His words, and always repent of their sins. In this rotten world, they are unable to keep their faith. You have to be alert.

사랑교인들은 이 설교만 듣지 말고 말씀을 읽어야 되요 말씀을. 말씀을 보고 자식을 가르쳐야 되는 것입니다. 동성애 여러분 자식들 중에 안나올 것 같습니까? 부모가 가르쳐야지 누가 가르칠거에요?

전세계가지금 동성애로 난리가 났어요. 그들은 무지개를 들고 나와요. 무지개는 주님의 언약이에요. 하나님을 빙자해 버리는 거짓선지자들. 신학학장이 이걸 허용해 주고. 풀러신학은 유명한 신학인데 거기서 나온 자들이 거기서 배워서 한국 와서 목사하면 그들은 또 어떻게 되죠? 어리석은 자들이에요.

The saints of our church should not only listen to sermons, but always read the Bible.You must guide your children with the words of the Bible's lessons.Otherwise, a homosexual may come out of your children.Parents must teach their children right through the truth of the Bible.Now around the world, homosexuals are growing rapidly.They use rainbows to spread homosexuality.Rainbow is the Lord's covenant.However, they are misusing the symbolism of the rainbow.They are false prophets who distort the word of God.Deans of seminaries are allowing fakes.Fuller Theological Seminary is a very famous seminary. However, those who have graduated from this seminary are becoming pastors in Korea.They are teaching the people false doctrine. They are stupid.

성경은 나외에 다른신을 네게 있게 말찌니라! 다른 신은 없어요. 예수가 창조주고 나머지는 피조물이에요. 사랑교인들은 명심해서 이제부터라도 죽기 아니면 살기로 회개하는 삶을 살 것이며 죄와 대항해서 싸워야 될 것입니다. 피흘리기까지 싸우라고 히브리서에 기록된걸 깨닫기를 축원합니다. 죄가 얼마나 무서우면 피흘리기까지 싸우라는 겁니까? 지옥이 얼마나 무서우면 네 눈이 실족하면 눈을 뽑아버리고 영생에 들어오라고 했고, 손이 범죄하거든 잘라버리고 지옥불에 던지우지 않고 영생에 들어오는 것이 낫다고 했겠어요? 주님이 얼마나 극단적인 용어를 썼어요?

The Bible says:Do not let other gods be with you, except God.Jesus is the Creator and the rest is creation.The members of our church must keep this in mind.From now on, you must live a life of repentance whether you live or die.You will have to fight against sin. Fight until you bleed, this is written in Hebrews.I wish everyone realized.Because the punishment for sin was so frightening, the Lord told us to fight it until we shed blood.Hell is so scary,If your eyes cause you to fall, would the Lord tell you to pull out your eyeballs and enter eternal life?And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off, and do not go into hell fire.It is better to enter heaven as a cripple than to go to hell with a whole body. The Lord has said that in order to prevent us from going to hell, we must suffer any suffering.

그러나 너희가 어떤 죄를 지었더라도 회개만 하면 사함받고 천국으로 인도할 것이다! 이 회개가 일회성이 아니에요. 죄 지을때마다 회개하고 죽음앞에 죽는 순간 회개하면 이 자는 영원한 세계 천국에 들어가서 이 자는 영원한 구원이 이루어지는 것입니다.

"Whatever sin you have committed, repent,Then all sins are forgiven, and I will lead you to heaven! "This is the Lord's covenant to all human beings.These repentances can never be one-time.Every time we sin, we must repent of it before the Lord.We must repent until the moment of our death.Anyone who completes repentance until the moment of death enters the eternal world, heaven.At that moment, your eternal salvation is fulfilled, when you enter heaven.

인간의 방법이 아니에요. 우리는 여기서 기도로 주님을 움직이면 주님이 전세계를 움직이시는 것입니다. 그래서 기도외에 다른 것으로는 이런유가 나갈 수 없다는 겁니다. 내 집은 만민의 기도하는 집이라! 근데 기도가 식어버리고 믿지 않습니다. 기도를 백날 하면 뭐할 겁니까? 믿지 않는데. 믿음의 기도를 해야만 하늘문이 열리는 겁니다. 우리가 기도하고 믿을 때 성령이 충만한걸 믿으시기 바랍니다.

Our salvation is not accomplished through man-made doctrine.Only those who follow the Lord's way are saved.When we move the heart of the Lord through our prayers,The Lord moves the world and everything for us.So he said. "By means other than prayer, this kind of evil spirit and disease cannot go out of man."And "My house is the house where my people pray!"But now people's prayers have cooled, and those who truly believe in Jesus are rare.Praying a lot of formal prayers that do not go up to the Lord has no effect.Many believers' hearts are praying in a formal way, not believing that Jesus is the only Savior.When the prayer of faith is given to the Lord, the heavenly door opens wide to us.When we pray and believe the word of the Lord, our hearts are filled with the Holy Spirit.I hope you believe this.

구원만큼은 다른 이름이 없어요. 예수밖에 없어요. 근데 왜 다른 복음을 좇아가요? 왜 제사상앞에 무릎을 꿇고 제사음식을 먹죠? 그게 다른 신이지. 오늘 우리 부모님 오신다! 오긴 뭘 옵니까? 지옥에 있는데. 천국에 있는 분이 오십니까?

There can never be another name for salvation.Jesus alone is the savior.But why do many people follow other false gospels? Why do church members offer sacrifices before their dead ancestors?Many kneel in front of the dead and eat the food offered to idols.These acts serve false gods, not the Lord.On the day of the sacrifice, they think the souls of their dead ancestors are present.But it cannot be. The dead are either in heaven or in hell.From hell and heaven no one can come back to this earth.

죽었으면 흙은 흙으로 돌아가고 영혼만 생명부활체를 입고 천국으로 가고, 예수 안믿는자는 사망의 부활체를 입고 지옥으로 떨어지는걸 깨닫기를 축원합니다. 성경에 명확히 기록됐는데 뭘 좇아가죠? 신학교가서 망해버린 것이지.

On this earth, when a true Christian dies, his body returns to dust, only his soul wears a resurrection of life and goes to heaven.And when a person who does not believe in Jesus dies, he wears the resurrection of death and falls to hell. I wish you a clear understanding of this.This is clearly written in the Bible. However, many believers believe in false doctrine.The seminaries that teach fake doctrine are ruined.

하나님아들 예수가 여호와하나님이에요. 전능자에요. 하나님은 한분이에요. 주님이 빌립이 물어볼 때 뭐라고 했나요? 아버지를 보여달라고 사정할 때 빌립아! 내가 이렇게 오래 너와 함께 있었는데 나를 알지 못하느냐? 나를 본자는 아버지를 보았거늘 어찌하여 아버지를 보여 달라 하느냐? 이때 그가 깨닫고 하나님이라고 인정한걸 깨닫기를 축원합니다. 의심 많은 도마도 예수님을 직접 만나보고 손과 옆구리에 손을 넣어 보라니까 나의 하나님이라고 고백했어요.

The Son of God, Jesus is Jehovah God Himself.Jesus is the Almighty.

God is only one.His disciple Philip asked the Lord about this.He begged Jesus to show Heavenly Father.What is the Lord's answer? Philip! I have been with you for so long.Nevertheless, don't you know who I am? He who has seen me has already seen God the Father. Why do you ask me to show Heavenly Father again?At this time, he realized that Jesus was God Himself.I beg all to realize that Jesus is God Himself.His doubtful disciple Thomas saw the resurrected body of Jesus, touching the hand and side of Jesus.And Thomas confessed that Jesus was my God.

목사들이 뭐하냐 이거에요. 지식으로 예수가 보입니까? 영으로 보는겁니다. 성경은 영서에요. 성령충만받고 성경을 읽어야만이 성경이 열리게 되어 있습니다.

이 성경은 오직 예수 믿으라! 죄인들아 회개하라! 이것 밖에 없는 겁니다. 어떤 죄를 지었더라도 천국가는 길이 있습니다. 여러분 악하게 삽니까? 죽음앞에 회개라도 하고 가십시오.

What are the pastors teaching the Saints now? No one can see Jesus through knowledge.Only through the Holy Spirit can we see Jesus.The Bible is a book of the Holy Spirit.When you are filled with the Holy Spirit and read the Bible, the words of the Bible are to be opened. The Bible's teaching is, "Believe only in Jesus!""Repent, all sinners!" The Bible has no other meaning.There is a way to heaven no matter what sin you commit.Are you living evil? Repent even before your death.

덕정사랑교회 떠났습니까? 회개하는 교회 들어가십시오. 교회 떠났다고 지옥가지 않습니다. 거짓말 이단들이에요. 우리교회 떠나면 지옥간다고? 그런 새빨간 거짓말이 어딨어요? 예수 떠나면 지옥인걸 믿으시길 바랍니다. 예수 떠나면 타락한거에요. 어디가서든 신앙생활 잘하고 회개하면 되는 겁니다. 여러분 예수를 붙잡고 티락했으면 회개하시길 축원합니다.

Are you in a situation where you should leave Deokjeong Sarang Church?Wherever you move, go into a church that teaches repentance.Just because you leave a particular church doesn't mean you go to hell.He who does not repent goes to hell.Those who lie are heretics.Those who leave our church will go to hell. Don't say this.This is a serious lie. Everyone who leaves Jesus goes to hell. Leaving Jesus is the fall.If you obey and repent wherever you go, you are going to heaven.Even if you have fallen, hold on to Jesus again and repent. By the power of the Holy Spirit, you can recover again.

타락이 뭔데요? 불순종이에요. 에덴동산의 타락이 뭐에요? 불순종이에요. 근데 여전히 흔들려요. 뭔가 색다른걸 찾아가요. 어슬럴 어슬렁. 에덴동산 중앙에 갔다가 선악과를 보는순간에 미혹당했어요. 세상에 저렇게! 한번 먹어보고 싶다! 만져보고 가까이 하고싶다! 서서히 끌려가다가 덜렁 따먹었어요. 루시퍼한테 속아 루시퍼종 되어버린겁니다. 그때 주님이 아담하와 대신 짐승을 잡아 피를 흘려 죄를 사해 주고 살렸던 것입니다. 아담은 그걸 통해 회개하고 그 아들들에게 제사법을 가르쳐서 아벨을 건졌습니다.

What does it mean to fall?It is to disobey the Lord's command.What was the Fall of the Garden of Eden?Adam and Eve disobeyed the Lord's command.Many Lord's people now seek special knowledge and theory.These are those who are not rooted in the word of the Lord.They are wandering to find the wrong goal.They are like Eve wandering in the Garden of Eden, seeing the fruit of the tree knowing good and evil in the middle of the garden, and being deceived by the snake."Oh, so beautiful fruit!"I want to try it once! I want to touch it, I want to get closer! Eve was gradually drawn to it, and eventually ate it.So she was deceived by Lucifer, and his descendants became Lucifer's servants. At that time, God forgave the sins of Adam and Eve, through the blood of the beast.Adam, through the blood of the beast, repented,And he taught his sons the method of sacrifice, so he delivered Abel.

여러분 자식들이 다 천국갈줄 압니까? 착각하지 마세요. 가인과 아벨도 아버지를 통해서 제사법을 알았던 것입니다. 아벨은 신령과 진정으로 제사드렸고 가인은 병들고 저는 것 이런 것들을 드렸어요. ? 하나님이 안믿어지니까. 그리고 저주받은 것입니다.

Do you think all your children are going to heaven? Don't be mistaken.Cain and Abel also learned the method of sacrifice through their father, Adam. Abel offered sacrifices to the Lord with the Holy Spirit and true heart, and Cain offered unfaithful sacrifices to the Lord. So God did not receive Cain's sacrifice, but rather cursed him.

지금 예배드린다고? 어떤 생각갖고 예배드립니까? 신령과 진정으로. 이건 회개할 때 나타나는 것입니다.

교회 데리고 와서 자식들 회***세요. 핸드폰이나 만지작거리면 부셔버리세요. 그런것 때문에 지옥갈 일 있습니까? 정신 차리세요. 오늘 하나님말씀이 목사님을 통해 어떻게 나오는가? 그리고 죄성이 찔리면 그걸 회개하고 돌이켜야 할텐데 다 장난치게 나둬 버려요.

Many people now worship on Sunday.With what thoughts and attitudes do you worship the Lord?We must worship the Lord with the Holy Spirit and sincere heart.The worship of the repentant goes up to God.Parents should bring his children to church and have them repent.If your child plays with a cell phone during worship, you must break it.If you don't fix it, your child will go to hell.All parents, be alert.On Sunday, your children should expect like this, "What God is saying to me today, through the preaching of the pastor."When their children's sins are revealed, they too must repent and turn away from their sins.However, many Parents are not willing to correct their children's wrongdoing.

자녀들을 바른길로 인도하지 않는 부모는 헛수고 한다.

가도록 가르치지 않는 부모는 뭐하러 돈줘 가면서 그런짓 합니까? 천국지옥이 안믿어지니까, 천국지옥 얘기하면 애들이 믿습니까? 안믿습니다. 그렇게 키워서 루시퍼한테 쳐 죽이려고 합니까? 여러분께 맡겨준 어린양들은 하나님 것입니다. 애들을 말씀으로 양육시켜 천국으로 보내는 것이 부모의 의무입니다.

We must be parents who lead our children to the will of the Lord. If you don't believe in the reality of heaven and hell, you can't lead your children right.Your children do not believe in Heaven and Hell.

If your children grow up like that, they will eventually become Lucifer's servants.The children God has entrusted to you are the lambs of God.Raise your children with the word of God, so send them to heaven.That is the parent's duty.

사단이 들어가서 그렇게 만드는겁니다. 이런 사람은 죽기아니면 살기로 기도할 때 귀신이 떠나는 것입니다. 귀신은 우리를 파괴시키고 천국 못가게 하는 것입니다.

뭐 때문에 예수 믿습니까? 천국가기 위해서. 환란과 핍박속에서 죽임을 당하면서도 예수잡고 천국가는 것이지.

Because Satan has entered them, they are going the wrong way. If Satan has come into you, you must lay down your life and pray. When you pray persistently, Satan leaves you by the power of the Holy Spirit.The ghost's job is to destroy us and keep us out of heaven.What do we believe in Jesus to get? It is for us to go to heaven.In tribulation and persecution, or even if killed,When we hold on to Jesus and rely on Him, we go to Heaven.

타락한자는 회개해야 할 것입니다. 타락은 불순종이에요. 에덴동산에서 타락해서 쫓겨난 겁니다.

이 세상은 모두 죄악,죄인들, 범죄한 천사들이 인간들이 이 우주에 갇혀버린 것입니다. 여기서 이 미혹을 이긴자만이 천국으로 올라가는 겁니다.

Those who are fallen are saved only by repentance. Those who fall are disobedient to the word of the Lord.Because they fell in the Garden of Eden, they were kicked out of there.This world is full of sin. Sinners and sinful angels are locked up in space.Only those who overcome Satan's delusion escape the universe and go to heaven.

11:32 그가 또 언약을 배반하고 악행하는 자를 궤휼로 타락시킬 것이나 오직 자기의 하나님을 아는 백성은 강하여 용맹을 떨치리라.

Daniel 11: 32. With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him.

언약을 배반합니까? 지금 우리에게 언약이 뭡니까? 예수믿고 회개만 하면 무조건 구원시킨다는 것이 주님의 약속이에요. 주님의 언약은 변질되지 않아요. 무지개를 준 것도 다시 물로 심판치 않겠다는 약속이에요. 근데 언약을 지키는 자가 누가 있어요?

Have you broken the Lord's orders? But what is the covenant the Lord has given us?When anyone believes in Jesus and repents,It is the Lord's promise that Jesus will save him unconditionally.The Lord's covenant never changes.Why did a rainbow appear in the sky?It is a promise that the Lord will not judge the world again with water.The Lord has given us a covenant.His covenant is that when we repent, by His blood, He saves us.But there are very few who repent.

사랑교회에 얼마나 많은 축복의 약속이 있었습니까? 근데 왜 놓칩니까? 다 사단이 들어가서 입을 써버리는 겁니다. 또 거기에 얼마나 놀아납니까? 같이 입방아 찧고. 여러분 남얘기 하지 말아요. 그 집은 저주받습니다. 집에 가면 하나님 얘기하고 전도할 생각 해야지 다니면서 뭔 얘기 합니까? 그 집 저주 받아요. 귀신이 버글버글 끓어요. 영적인걸 몰라요.

The Lord has made many promises of blessings to our church.But we had missed that promise.The reason is that Satan used your mouth.So you have to stop slandering negative and evil words.Satan mocked you.Every house that slanders others is cursed.When you are with your neighbor, you need to talk about God's love and have the thought to preach.However, you often talk about your neighbor's faults. such lifes cannot receive God's blessing.Instead of blessing, pain and curse come to you.Sinful and unrepentant lives are under the control of demons.Many of you still don't know much about the spiritual world

봤다 들었다 무슨 필요 있습니까? 그러다가다 걸렸는데. 은사 능력 얼마나 된다고 지금 얘기합니까? 나와서 얘기해 보세요. 전도사때 은사 사역 했었는데 하나님이 저보고 하지 말라고 했어요. 니가 하나님 된다! 은사 있으면 그리 좇아갑니까? 어리석은 자들이.

The illusions in your eyes or the voices in your ears,You should not follow these things.If you follow this, you will fall into Satan's delusion.How great do you think your gifts and powers are?If you want to brag about it, come forward now, talk about it openly to me. When I worked as an evangelist, I used to work through gifts.Then God spoke to me.Stop doing the gifts.Otherwise, you will stand in the position of God. Then the Lord warned of the dangers of gifts.However, many church members still turn away from the word of God, following the one who does the gift. These are very foolish people.

은사 버려 버리고 예수 좇기를 축원합니다. 꿈 환상 계시에 무슨 예수가 있습니까? 그것 얘기하는 사람들 열매를 보십시오. 열매가 예수의 열맨지 악한지. 열매를 보고 나무를 안다고 했어요.

Don't follow the gift, just follow Jesus' words.Is Jesus in the hearts of those who follow dreams, visions, revelations, and things like this?

Look at the fruit of these people's lives.Do they bear the fruit of Jesus' love? Or produce evil fruit?Looking at the fruit, you can see what kind of tree it is.

은사 능력 자랑했으면 이 교회가 이렇게 됐습니까? 아니오. 주님은 다 폐기하라! 사랑하는 종아, 나 예수만 자랑해 다오! 다 필요없다! 천국갈때는 사랑만 있는 것이다! 방언도 그치고 오직 사랑만이 천국가는걸 깨닫기를 축원합니다.

If I had been a pastor of gifts and power so far, the number of believers in our church would have increased tremendously, and the building of our church would have grown enormously.But the Lord warned me. Discard all gifted ministry! Dear my servant,You are to be proud of me, Jesus.You don't need anything other than me! The way to heaven is to love one another! Various gifts and speaking in tongues are not given priority.The conclusion is that only those who have a loving heart go to heaven.I beg everyone to realize this.

아무 것도 자랑하지 말아요. 오직 예수만 자랑하세요. 은사 능력 재물이든 오직 예수외에는 구원자가 없다고 외치는 자 이 자가 진짜인걸 깨닫기를 축원합니다.

Don't brag about anything.Boast only Jesus.Don't boast of all kinds of gifts, powers, and riches.There is no other savior except Jesus.Everyone must cry out to this truth.These people have real faith.I beg everyone to realize this.

뭘 믿냐 이거에요. 목사 교회자랑 뭐하러 하냐 이거에요. 지옥갈일 있습니까? 담임목사가 예수를 전파할 때 그 말씀을 받는 것입니다.

목사가 변질되어 돈이나 짜내고 있으면 교회를 떠나야 되는 것입니다. 삯군입니다. 구원받는데 돈이 무슨 필요 있습니까?

What do church members believe now?Why are they proud of their pastor and the large building of the church?Do they want to go to hell?They must obey the words when the pastor preaches Jesus. If a pastor falls and he wants to squeeze out the money of the saints, you must leave the church quickly. Such a pastor is a fake pastor. Why does the pastor need money to save souls?

돈을 사랑함이 일만악의 뿌리라 그랬는데, 그 자는 믿음에서 떠난다고 그랬어요. 뭘 잡습니까? 하나님이 축복주시면 물질도 주위해 쓰는 것입니다. 잡지 말아요. 잡는 자는 물질의 종 귀신의 종됩니다. 그러나 주님이 주신 것을 가난한 자 복음위해 쓰는 자는 하늘의 상급이 있는 것입니다.

Love of money is the root of ten thousand evils.It is the words of the Bible.These are the ones who have departed from faith.Why do God's people depend on things other than Jesus? When God blesses us, we must be very careful when using it.You should not depend on the money itself. Anyone who grabs money becomes a servant of money, a servant of demon.When you help the poor with the Lord's money and use it to preach the gospel, that good deed becomes your heavenly reward

용맹한 자를 찾아요. 용맹한자는 힘쎄고 날샌자에요. 하나님명령 떨어지면 아멘! 했으면 즉시로 움직이는 것입니다. 안믿어지니까 용맹성이 떨어지는 겁니다. 과연 될까? 홍해가 요단강이 갈라질까? 여리고성이 무너질까? 못하는 겁니다. 그러나 용맹한 여호수아 밑에 있던 자들은 외쳐라! 했더니 다 외쳤던 겁니다. 지도자가 강할 때 밑에 있는 백성도 덩달아 강해지는 겁니다.

Jesus is looking for the brave.Those who are brave are strong in faith and sharp.People of this faith respond to the Lord with "Amen!" When God's command is given to him, and they immediately act on his command. Those who do not believe in Jesus as the Almighty Savior have no bravery, so they do not immediately fulfill the Lord's command.Those who are worried,Oh, can this be accomplished?Can the Red Sea and the Jordan River split apart?Oh, will the walls of Jericho collapse?Because of many anxieties and fears, these cannot fulfill the Lord's commands. But those under the brave Joshua immediately carried out his orders.When the leader ordered them, everyone shouted like this.Wow! Their shouts echoed in heaven and earth.by their voice, the strong wall was fallen . When a leader is strong, all the people belonging to him also become strong

집사는 교회를 돌아봐야 되고, 아내로서 가정을 돌아봐야 되고. 교회와서는 멋있게 신앙생활 잘하는데 집에 가면 다 뒤집어버리는데 이게 뭐냐 이겁니다. 집사직 내다 버리세요. 예수를 뭘로 아는겁니까?

직분이요? 생명을 걸어야 되요. 직분받은 자들은 그만큼 천국에 상급이 큰것입니다. 얼마나 많은 사람이 직분받고 달란트를 땅에 묻어 둡니까? 자기 재능, 할수 있는 것 다 버려버리고 편하게 편하게. 지옥가서 다 속았네! 속았다는 것입니다.

The deacon needs to take care of the church,As a wife or husband, you have to take good care of your home.If a deacon is a good believer in the church and cannot care for his family, he is unfaithful to the Lord.Such a deacon must give up his position.Such a person does not believe in Jesus as his Savior, and does not follow Jesus' words.In order to fulfill the position of the church, we must all be able to throw our lives.When you complete your position, your reward in heaven will be very great.Many have been given positions in the Church and have buried his talents in the ground.Many do not use their talents for the church.Most don't dedicate themselves to the church, they just try to live easily.These people go to hell and scream. "Oh, I was deceived by Satan."

예수님은 분명히 부활 승천하시고 회개한자에게 성령으로 오셔서 우리의 주인되신 것입니다. 용맹한자가 되어 죄와 대항해 싸우십시오.

After Jesus was surely resurrected, he ascended.And now, Jesus comes again as the Holy Spirit to those who repent.He is our master.

The brave fight and win against sin.

다니엘은 국가와 민족을 위해 기도한자에요. 왕의 불같은 명령이 떨어졌는데도 금신상에 절하지 않았어요. 그리고 예루살렘을 향한 창문을 열고 하루 세 번씩 기도했어요. 그리고 모함받아 죽음직전까지 갔지만 하나님이 천사를 통해서 사자입을 봉해 버렸어요. 그러고 살아났더니 주님 영광나타내고 그를 모함했던 자들을 잡아다가 사자굴에 던지자마자 발이 땅에 닿기전에 다 *어먹어 버렸어요.

The prophet Daniel prayed strongly for the nation and the people.

Then the king's orders fell upon him like fire.However, he rejected the king's orders and refused to bow to the gold idol. Despite the king's command already coming to him, he opened his window and prayed three times a day toward the direction of Jerusalem. So he was condemned by the secretaries.He was driven to death.Then God sent his angels to him, sealing the lion's mouth.So he got out of the lion's den and was able to live again.His prayers revealed the glory of the Lord to the whole world.Those who framed him were captured and thrown into the same lion's den. Before they even touched the ground, the lions chewed their bodies.

원수갚는 것은 하나님께 있는 것입니다. 우린 오직 용서만 하면 되는 것입니다. 사랑은 무한대에요 끝이 없는 것입니다. 이땅에 있는 동안에는 회개하면 무조건 용서해 준다는 것입니다. 죽음앞에 회개하는 자는 100% 천국간다는 것입니다.

God has the time and power to repay the enemy.We only need to forgive each other.We must love each other infinitely, there is no limit. While on this earth, if we repent of our sins to the Lord, all sins are forgiven. 100% of those who repent of all sin before death go to heaven.

근데 어떻게 이땅에서 구원받았고 과거현재미래 죄사함받았다고. 이 독사의 새끼들 삯꾼들 사단의 종들이여! 그러니 성도들이 타락하는 겁니다. 나는 이미 구원받았는데 뭔 상관있어? 교회만 다니면 되는줄 알아요. 어리석은짓 하지 말아요.

However, many pastors are teaching false ways of salvation.They say that once they believe in Jesus on earth, his salvation will be completed forever,They claim that their past, present and future sins have already disappeared.These false pastors are viper cubs and are servants of Satan.Because of these false pastors, many believers are fallen and go to hell.Those who fall into false doctrine think: "My salvation has already been confirmed forever, so I will go to heaven no matter what my sin."But the Bible never says so.They think that going to church is saved. Stop foolish theories and preaching.

하나님말씀에 순종하고 영혼을 사랑하는 자, 하나님을 사랑하게 되어 있습니다. 사랑이 없는데 어떻게 말씀에 순종할 수 있죠? 거짓말쟁이들.

우리 교회만 있으면 된다고. 다 교회마다 우리 교회 떠나면 저주받는다고. 이 독사의 새끼들, 돈을 훔쳐먹는 도둑놈들. 사랑교회 교역자들은 결단코 돈을 착취하지 말아요. 기도하면 하나님이 일하시는 겁니다.

Those who obey God's Word and love the soul will love God. How can a person who does not have a loving heart obey God's Word? Liars pastors say:"With our church, everyone is saved."And "If you leave our church, you are cursed."These pastors are like vipers, thieves stealing the money of the saints.Those who serve in our church should never exploit the Saints' money. When you pray, God gives you everything you need.

누군가 감동을 줘서 일하시는 겁니다. 가난한자들이 무슨 돈이 있어 돈내고 천국간단 말입니까? 그들은 와서 복음을 듣고 회개하고 천국가라고 십자가에 달린 것이지 거기에 무슨 돈이 필요있어요? 돈갖고 천국간다면 예수님의 보혈과 예수이름이 무슨 소용이 있어요? 예수이름 하나면 되는 겁니다.

The poor have no money to give to the church.If the poor can go to heaven only by giving a donation, they cannot go to heaven.In order for the poor to hear the gospel, repent, and go to heaven,Jesus died on the cross. No money is required as a condition of salvation.If you have to give money to God to go to Heaven,What is the use of Jesus 'blood and Jesus' name? We need only Jesus' name in order to be saved.

왜 이렇게 교회가 타락했어요? 술먹고 담배피우고 우상숭배하고. 주님은 우상의 제물을 먹지 말라! 106:28-29 저희가 또 바알브올과 연합하여 죽은 자에게 제사한 음식을 먹어서 그 행위로 주를 격노케 함을 인하여 재앙이 그 중에 유행하였도다. 계시록에서도 이세벨이 이스라엘앞에 올무를 놓아서 우상제물 먹게하고 다 범죄하게 했어요. 그런데도 먹으면 괜찮데요? 이게 왜 그럴까요? 구원받았으니까. 이런 새빨간 거짓말. 어떻게 미래의 죄까지 용서받죠?

Why are so many churches falling so badly? Many church members fall, drink, smoke, and worship idols. The Lord said, Do not eat the sacrifices of idols! Psalm 106: 28. They yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor and ate sacrifices offered to lifeless gods; 29. they aroused the Lord's anger by their wicked deeds, and a plague broke out among them.It was written in Revelation.Jezebel laid a snare before Israel,Israel ate the foods offered to idols. As a result, Israel was cursed by God.Nevertheless, now, many pastors are teaching false things. "It is okay for God's people to eat food given to idols." Why do pastors preach this wrong? Because they believe that salvation has already been completed.This is a very bad lie, How can they already be forgiven for the sins of the future?

예수믿고 회개하고 죽어야만 모든죄를 용서함받는 겁니다.

이땅에 있는동안 귀신이 미혹하는 겁니다. 주님이 미혹을 조심하라고 했어요. 요한도 미혹을 조심하라 영분별 하라고 했어요. 아무거나 하나님 말씀입니까? 거의 사단의 영들입니다. 사단의 영은 편하게 신앙생활 하게 할 것이고, 하나님의 영은 고난속에서도 아름다운 꽃을 필 것이다, 욥처럼 능력과 권능과 축복이 올 것이다 믿음이 생길 것이다. 바울처럼 목숨을 거는 자가 나올 것이다!

When I believe in Jesus, repent, and die, all my sins are forgiven. While living on this earth, demons are always deceiving us.So the Lord said, "Be careful of the delusion of sin."The apostle John said the same thing. "Watch out for the deception of sin,Discern spirits. "Do not treat human thoughts as God's Word.Many sermons are the deceptions of Satan.Satan's spirit makes us live in easy ways, without obedience and repentance.To those who live in the Lord, power, authority, and blessings will come, strong faith will arise, like Job.Among us, there will be those who lay down their lives for the Lord like Paul.

고난없는 자가 무슨 믿음생활 합니까? 핍박이 없는자가 무슨 믿음이 있다고 합니까? 믿음있는자는 예수외에 구원자가 없다고 전파하는 겁니다.

Can a person who does not experience suffering make a life of faith right?Does anyone who is not persecuted have true faith? Those who have true faith only preach this gospel,"There is no other savior besides Jesus."

믿지 않는데 성경 달달 외우고 몇장 몇절 그게 무슨 필요가 있어요? 성경에도 예수외에는 구원자가 없다! 그 말씀 좇아가면 이 자가 성경박사가 되는 겁니다. 다른거 다 버려버리고 예수만 좇아가시길 주의 이름으로 축원합니다.

Those who do not believe in Jesus memorize many Bible verses.Their mouths proclaim the words of chapters and verses in the Bible.What does it mean? It is in vain.The Bible's lesson is, "There is no other savior besides Jesus!"The one who acknowledges and follows these words is a practical Bible doctor.Many pastors have a lot of Bible knowledge, but Jesus is not in their hearts. Discard other things. Only follow Jesus.For your true faith, I bless you all in the name of the Lord.

용맹한자 담대한자 결단력이 강한자입니다. 용맹한자는 결단하면 그대로 나가게 되어 있어요. 죽어도 좋다 싸우자! 이때 하나님의 역사가 있는 것입니다.

The Lord is looking for ones who are brave, courageous, determined, strong whth faith.What is brave faith in the Lord?It is to make up our mind strongly and practice the word of the Lord in our life."I may die, but I will fight against sin!" At this time, the power of God can help us.

딤후 3:2 사람들은 자기를 사랑하며 돈을 사랑하며 자긍하며 교만하며 훼방하며 부모를 거역하며 감사치 아니하며 거룩하지 아니하며.

2 Timothy 3: 2. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,

신앙생활하면서 감사가 없기 때문에 사단의 공격을 받는 것입니다. 회개했으면 감사해야 되고 감사의 도장을 찍어야 합니다 하나님께 진실로 감사하다고. 그런데 회개하고 감사의 생활이 없기에 멸망당하는 겁니다. 이 감사는 돈내라는게 아니에요. 입으로 진실로 시인하라는 겁니다. 주님 나를 용서하심을 감사합니다! 그러고 고쳐 나가보세요. 전우주 하늘과 땅이 주님 것입니다. 학개 2:8절에 금도 은도 내것이요 바다와 풍부한 재물도 여호와 것이라! 순종하는 자에게 주겠다는 겁니다.

Many believers do not give thanks to the Lord as they live their faith. So they are attacked by Satan.Those who repent of their sins and have realized the grace of the Lord must give thanks to the Lord, stamping their gratitude. However, many people do not give thanks to the Lord after repentance. That is why many church members are destroyed.Giving thanks to the Lord does not mean giving money to the Lord.Our heart is truly thanking the Lord.Lord, thank you for forgiving my sins!Correct your thoughts like this.The Lord bless you infinitely.Jesus is the Lord of the universe, heaven and earth.Haggai 2: 8. 'The silver is mine and the gold is mine,' declares the Lord Almighty. The meaning of this word is to give everything to those who obey.

8:17-8,21 나를 사랑하는 자들이 나의 사랑을 입으며 나를 간절히 찾는 자가 나를 만날 것이니라. 부귀가 내게 있고 장구한 재물과 의도 그러하니라. 이는 나를 사랑하는 자로 재물을 얻어서 그 곳간에 채우게 하려함이니라.

Proverbs 8: 17. I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. 18. With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. 19. My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yield surpasses choice silver. 20. I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice, 21. bestowing a rich inheritance on those who love me and making their treasuries full.

하나님이 돈이없어서 돈달라고 합니까? 아니오 믿음 받으세요 믿음. 순종하면 다 준다는데 왜 예수를 놓쳐 버립니까?

Because God has no money, does he ask his people for money? It's not like that.The Lord wants to receive our faith.If you believe in the Lord and obey him, the Lord promises to give you everything.Many, however, miss Jesus and his promises.

부모를 거역하는 자, 사랑교회 청소년들은 부모 거역하지 말아요. 부모가 얼마나 귀한데 부모를 거역하고 말대꾸합니까? 그것 회개치 않으면 지옥가는 것입니다. 그런죄를 지었다할지라도 울면서 내가 또 부모를 거역하고 대적했습니다 나를 용서해 달라!고 깊이 울어야 귀신이 떠나가는 것입니다. 대적의 영이 붙으면 계속 부모를 공격해요. 그래서 부모 신앙까지 무너뜨리고 마음도 아프게 되고. 부모를 왜 공격하고 대적하죠 거역하죠?

There are many who disobey their parents,The youth of our church, Do not disobey your parents.How important are your parents to you?

Why do you speak against your precious parents?If children do not repent of these sins, they go to hell.Have you committed this sin?Repent, crying to the Lord."Lord, I have rebelled against my parents and made him sick. Please forgive me! Lord."When children repent thoroughly, demons of the adversary are leaving you.The children of the adversary spirit are constantly attacking his parents.So even the faith of his parents is broken, the hearts of the parents are very painful for the children.Do not sin of destruction. Do not oppose your parents.

거역이 뭔데요? 부모말을 순종치 않고 대드는 것입니다. 부모가 이렇게 하라! 안듣습니다. 제멋대로 결혼도 불신자하고 해놓고 부모가 막는대도. 나중에 고난속에 들어가면 어쩌구 저쩌구 부모한테 책임 돌립니까? 이런 거짓된 신앙을 버려야 할 것입니다.

What does it mean for children to rebel against their parents? The child is disobedient and disagrees with the parents.When parents tell their children the right way, most of them don't want to do it.When children choose a spouse, they do at their will. Children who believe in God even choose unbelievers as husbands or wives. And later, if marriage becomes difficult, the children try to pass the responsibility on to their parents. Children must abandon this false belief.

청소년들은 명심해요. 불신결혼하지 말고 예수믿는 자를 찾기를 축원합니다. 돈 명예가 아니에요. 예수믿음을 지킨자, 그 자가 남편 아내가 될 때 천국이 보장되는 것입니다.

Youths, keep this in mind.Do not marry unbelievers. You must choose your husband or wife from among those who believe in Jesus.Things like money and honor are not important to you.When you choose one of believes in Jesus as your husband or wife, You can go to heaven.

왜 하나님말씀을 거역한단 말입니까? 지금 불신자 만나면 그 영이 사단에게 넘어간 것입니다. 얼마나 고통스러워요. 결혼 딱 하니까 제사문제가 걸립니다. 그거 안하면 죽입니다. 그게 신인데.

Why do believers in Jesus disobey the Word of God? When God's people marry an unbeliever, his spirit is passed over to Satan.This is a big problem for you.After marriage, you are compelled to offer sacrifices to the new family's dead ancestors.When you refuse to serve idols, you meet the pain of death.The unbeliever family serves dead ancestors as God.

지옥에서 형벌받고 있는 우리 조상으로 귀신이 가장하고 나와서 니가 네 애비다! 그러면 거기 좇아가서 우상숭배하고 절하고 제사음식먹고 나중에 죽을병 걸리면 회개도 안해요. 나는 이미 구원받았으니까.

Their ancestors who died without believing in Jesus are being punished in hell.The demons pretend that they are their dead ancestors and tell them."I am your father." Many are deceived by the demon's lies.So many of them serve their dead ancestors like idols.Many church members offer sacrifices to their dead ancestors, Eat the food given to the idol.As a result, many church members have the worst disease.They face death, but do not repent.The reason is that they think they have already been saved.

우상숭배하고, 우상의 제물 먹은자 분명히 죽을병이 와요. 암이 오고 교회가 난리가 납니다. 다 병들어요. 사업이 갑자기 망해버리고, 자식이 돌아버리고 미쳐버리고 자살해 버리고. 이게 왜 그런지 깨닫지 못해요. 영원한 구원받았으니까. 그렇다고 천국갑니까? 착각하지 마세요.

Those who worshiped idols and ate the food that was given to the idols must be given the disease of death.Many Saints have cancer. Churches serving idols fall into many problems,Many Saints are sick, their business is suddenly ruined, and their children go crazy or commit suicide.However, they do not know the cause of many pains and problems.The reason is that they think that they have already been saved forever.They doubtlessly believe the man-made way of salvation, but none of them can be saved.Don't be mistaken.

회개한 자만 가는 겁니다. 회개하고 기도생활하는 자들은 결단코 즉사가 없어요. 하나님이 회개할 기회를 주세요. 그 자들은 징계가 떨어져도 병원에 실려가서도 회개할 기회를 주시는 겁니다. 침상에 던져지면 죽든지 살든지 주님뜻에 달렸습니다! 주여 나를 용서해 달라!고 회개하시는 여러분이 되시길 바랍니다. 회개만이 천국가요.

Only those who repent go to heaven.God does not make those who repent and live in prayer suddenly die.Because God gives him a chance to repent.Even if they are disciplined and hospitalized by the Lord, God must give those who have a prayer life a chance to repent.The lives of those lying in a bed of hospital are only dependent on the will of the Lord.They should pray earnestly to the Lord. "Lord, forgive me!"I hope all of you will repent when you die.Because repenting of sin is the only way to get to heaven.

회개가 빠져버린 이 나라 전세계 교회들. 그러니 루시퍼가 자기가 다 잡았다고 큰소리치는 겁니다. 너희가 아무리 오쳐봐라 내가 칼빈교리로 다 잡았다! 회개가 빠졌는데. 이거 못외치게 루시퍼가 공격하는거지 왜 공격하나요? 우리도 회개빼고 전해보세요. 누가 공격합니까? 누가 이단이라고 합니까? 그런데 예수믿고 회개하라고 하면 예수님 죽여버렸던 율법주의자처럼 지금도 죽이는 겁니다.

Now, many pastors in this country and around the world preach without emphasis on repentance.So Lucifer says, "I dominate and rule the whole world. No matter how much you preach the gospel of truth, I have captured all through Calvin's doctrine.In Galbin's doctrine, the importance of repentance is missing.Lucifer's goal is to keep God's people from repenting of their sins.The reason Lucifer attacks us is to prevent our repentance.If we preach the gospel without repentance, Lucifer will never attack us. No one will slander us.Still, we have no choice but to preach the gospel of truth. "Everyone, believe in Jesus, repent."So, like the legalists who killed Jesus, many are trying to kill us now.

예수위해 목숨을 내놔야 할 것입니다. 목숨을 내놓을 때 강하고 담대함이 나오는 것입니다. 여러분 눈치보고 목회할 것 같습니까?

나에게 천국과 지옥을 적나라하게 보여주셨고, 나는 사업하다 망해가지고 목탁치고 염불까지 하던 사람이에요. 다시 우상숭배하지 말라! 저주받아 다 죽어갈 때 주님 만났어요.

We will have to lay down our lives for Jesus. When I lay down my life, strong and boldness comes to me.We do not follow people's thoughts and human doctrines.The Lord has shown me the reality of heaven and hell directly so far.Before I believed in God, I had a big business, I served idols. The Lord spoke directly to me."you, Do not worship idols! never."When I was cursed by God and almost died, I met Jesus.

근데 내가 누구 말을 듣겠어요? 부모, 자식, 사모, 종의 말을 듣겠습니까? 예수를 좇아가시길 바랍니다. 돈도 명예도 아니에요. 예수에요. 그 말씀에 순종하는자 거름더미에서 건져 올릴 것입니다.

I, the pastor must only follow the word of God, not the humans, My parents, my children, my wife, etc. . .I hope all of you will follow Jesus alone.Don't follow the world's money and worldly fame.The object we must follow is the Creator Jesus, the Savior.Even if a man who obeys the word of the Lord is in the middle of a manure, the Lord delivers him there.I must follow the word of Jesus, not words of anyone.I pray that all of you too follow only Jesus.don't follow mony and honor.He whom we have to follow is only Jesus, our saver.Even if we are in a heap of manure, when we obey the Lord, He delivers us from all suffering.

우리는 보잘 것 없는 작은 교회, 세계에서 점 하나 찍을 교회지만 이 교회를 통해 전세계로 복음이 전파되고 있습니다.

알지도 못하는 나라에서 전화가 와요. 이게 죄인줄 몰랐다고. 얼마나 많이 문자 메시지 이메일이 오는지 몰라요.

Our church is not a large church.Our church is as small as dust in the world.But the Lord is spreading the Gospel through our church to the whole world. Now Jesus is using our church.Around the world, many people call and text me,Through the telephone, many people give me faith counseling.Pastor, So far, I can not clearly realized about my sin.They realize and confess their sins themselves.

예수외에는 절대로 구원이 없어요. 예수 좇아가요. 절대로 예수 놓치지 마요. 세상것은 잡았다가 놓쳐도 되지만 예수는 절대로 놓치지 마세요. 예수를 좇아가고 붙잡으라 주의 음성을 들으라!

주의 음성은 전능자 구약에는 선지자를 통해 말씀으로 들려주셨지만 신약에는 성령께서 우리에게 오셔서 하나님말씀을 열어주시는 겁니다.

There is absolutely no other savior besides Jesus. Only follow Jesus.don't miss Jesus. It is okay for us to miss things in the world. But we must never miss Jesus. Listen carefully to the voice of the Lord.The voice of the Lord, the voice of the Almighty, was heard in the Old Testament, through the prophets, to God's people. But in the New Testament, the Holy Spirit came to us. The Holy Spirit opens the Word of God to us.

근데 왜 이렇게 말씀을 안봅니까? 그렇게 주의 종이 혀가 닿도록 말씀보라고. 기도만 하면 되냐구요? 교만해지지. 말씀을 보고 기도하고 순종했을 때 주님의 축복이 준비되는 것이지. 기도만 하면 은사 능력 나타나서 맨날 봤다 들었다 하다가 남들 선생노릇하다가 지옥가는 겁니다. 어리석은 짓 하지 마세요.

Why are church members lazy to read the Bible? I am always emphasizing to you about reading the Bible.Some people think that praying is all about faith. These people become increasingly proud.We must know exactly God's will.It is that we are filled with the Holy Spirit and obey His Word through diligent reading and prayer.The Lord's blessing is given to those who live like this.The Lord prepares blessings for those who obey.Those who eagerly pray only receive the gifts without knowing the will of God.So they immerse themselves in gifts, dreams, or fantasies.These are trying to teach others personal experiences,Eventually, they disobey God's Word, cannot repent, and go to hell.They don't know God's will because they don't read the Bible a lot.Don't be foolish.

꿈이나 예언 터집니까? 자기 자신을 위해 예언하고 기도하세요. 그게 덕을 세우는 것입니다. 예언은 교회에 덕을 세우는 것입니다. 그게 뭔데요? 예언을 통해서 자신의 죄악을 물어보고 끊고, 그러면 열매가 되는 것입니다. 방언은 자신의 유익을 위해서 하는 것이고. 이걸 모르니까 사단이 잡아 써버리는 겁니다. 내가 뭐 봤어 내가 뭐 쫓았어! 그거 몇번 맞으니까 자기가 하나님 돼 버리는 것입니다. 사람들이 그리로 우루루 좇아가요. 이게 저주에요 저주. 예수빠져버리고 사람 좇아가는거.

Did the gift of dreams or prophecies come upon you? If so, you have to be very careful.The purpose of prophecy is a means to correct and change one's own fault.He who has received the gift of prophecy must, through that gift, bring virtue to his whole church.The way to bring virtue to the church,Through the gift of prophecy, he realizes his own sin and cuts it off.Then, through the gift of prophecy, he bears beautiful fruit.The purpose of the gift of tongues is the same. It is prayer by the help of the Holy Spirit for his own change.Many are caught by Satan because they do not know the purpose of receiving the gift.Those who receive the gift regard it as their own and boast."Oh, I saw a mysterious fantasy, or I cast out evil spirits."When the prophecies are fulfilled several times, the gifted person soon sits in the place of God.Many people flock to him to receive prophecy. This is the beginning of the curse. The reason it is cursed is that from that time on, they forsake the words of Jesus and believe his words.

여러분들은 예수만 좇아가요. 목사 신격화시키다가 지옥가지 말고. 대형교회 목사 신격화 안된 자가 누가 있어요? 성경은 우측으로 가라는데 그 목사가 좌측을 가리키면 그리로 좇아간다니까요. 그게 신이지 뭐에요. 본인이 몰라요. 많은 사람들이 그 교회 목사 얘기하면 떠는데. 잘못됐습니까? 회개하세요. 회개하고 죄에서 놓임받고 합당한 열매를 맺기를 바랍니다.

You must follow Jesus alone. Do not make the pastors god, do not go to hell.Now, the pastors of large churches have been deified.When the Bible tells you to go to the right, if the pastor says to go to the left, the Saints go to the left, breaking the Bible's instructions. The pastor became the god of the church members.The pastor himself is not aware of it.Many people fear the words of the pastor of the church.This situation is very wrong, it is against God, it is like serving idols.Repent, and then Be free from that sin through repentance. From now on, bear fruit worthy of repentance.

주님은 전세계 민족들 축복해 주시려고 안달이 났지만 축복받을자가 누가 있단 말입니까? 다 불순종하는데. 그런 불순종하는 자를 하나님이 치시게 되면 하나님이 법을 어긴단 말입니까? 하나님은 공의의 하나님인데. 법대로 하시는 분인데. 하나님은 사랑의 하나님인데 범죄하고 죽음앞에 회개치 못하면 눈물 흘리며 지옥에 던져질 수밖에 없는 것입니다. 법대로 하기 때문에. 말씀대로 살고 살지 못할때는 회개하는자 하나님이 이런 자를 잡아쓰는 것입니다.

The Lord is eager to bless all nations around the world. But few receive the full blessings of the Lord. The reason is that everyone disobeyed the word of the Lord. God disciplines those who disobey, in order to bless. Do you think God's discipline is wrong? Since God is a God of justice, everything must be done according to the law. And God is a God of love. So, when sinners truly repent of tears before their death, forgive them and send them to heaven. But those who do not repent to the end throw everyone into hell. God always acts according to laws and principles. When sinners repent, God uses these as his workers.

아이들은 결단코 아이때부터 잡아요. 어려서는 잡힙니다. 나무도 보세요. 나무가 어릴때는 가지를 맘대로 휠수 있어요. 근데 다 자란 나무를 휠려고 해보세요. 나뭇가지기 딱 부러져서 다 버리는 것입니다. 주님이 어려서는 초달을 아끼지 말라는데. 지금 학교를 보세요. 말을 들어먹어야지. 선생위에 서서 조금만 뭐라고 하면 부모한테 얘기하고 교무실 찾아와서 불려다니고. 이런 시대에요. 암흑시대에요.

Parents must educate their children from the very beginning, according to the word of the Lord.Very young children do not disobey the words of their parents.Young children's education is similar to growing young trees.When a tree is young, it is easily bent by people.However, large trees cannot be bent. If we force it to bend, it is broken.When children become middle school students, they already try not to listen to their parents' discipline. Students even try to stand on top of the teacher.When the teacher scolds the students for their mistakes,Students against the teacher, they accuse their teacher to their parents.It is the evil age of the end times, the dark age.

(end of part 1)


  이전글 : 2/2 Nobody should go to hell! 절대 지옥가면 안된다!
  다음글 : Call of famous people in Hell!(지옥에서 유명인들의 외침)